James E Potter
What We Found
“Uncle Sam’s Sharpshooters”: Military Marksmanship at Fort Omaha and Bellevue, 1882-1894
The State Flag and the Great Seal: The Historical Ups and Downs of Two Nebraska Icons
Thomas B Hord: From the Open Range to “The Largest Live Stock Feeding Enterprise in the United States”
“A Peculiar Set of Men”: Nebraska Cowboys of the Open Rang
“Wearing the Hempen Neck-Tie”: Lynching in Nebraska
Horses: The Army’s Achilles’ Heel in the Civil War Plains Campaigns of 1864-1865
Soldiering in the Platte Valley, 1865: A Nebraska Cavalryman’s Diary
“Equality Before the Law”: Thoughts on the Origin of Nebraska’s State Motto
Post Script: “Bert” Martin’s Little Secret
The Governor’s House, the People’s House: Nebraska Governors’ Residences
Post Script: Mr Bryan’s Day in the Sun
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