Richard E Jensen
What We Found
“One Thousand Miles from Home on the Wild Prairie”: Charles B Darwin’s 1849 Nebraska Diary
“A great place for gambling whiskey drinking & roguery”, A Fort Childs Diary, 1848
Soldiers’ Letters from Fort Childs, 1848-49
“Enrout for Pikes Peak”: The 1860 Travel Diary of Gurdon P Lester
Editor’s Showcase: Love Letter from Pine Ridge
The Wright-Beauchampe Investigation and the Pawnee Threat of 1829
Pawnee Mission, 1834-1846 (The)
Big Foot’s Followers at Wounded Knee
Agent to the Oto: The Recollections of Albert Lamborn Green
Nebraska’s World War I Potash Industry
Commissioner Theodore Roosevelt Visits Indian Reservations, 1892
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