Thomas R Buecker
What We Found
The Father of Lincoln, Nebraska: The Life and Times of Thomas P Kennard
Letters from Home: Prisoner of War Mail at the Fort Robinson Camp during World War II
“The Men Behaved Splendidly”: Guy V Henry’s Famous Cavalry Rides
Crazy Horse Surrender Ledger (The): A New Source for Red Cloud Agency History
One Soldier’s Service: Caleb Benson in the Ninth and Tenth Cavalry, 1875-1908
Nazi Influence at the Fort Robinson Prisoner of War Camp During World War II
In the Old Army: Harry K Hollenbach at Fort Robinson, 1911-1913
1887 Expansion of Fort Robinson (The)
Nebraska Flour Mill Buildings, Structure and Style, 1854-1936
Fort Niobrara, 1880-1906: Guardian of the Rosebud Sioux
Post of North Platte Station (The) 1867-1878
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