About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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Latest Hall of Fame Inductee

The Nebraska Hall of Fame was established in 1961 to officially recognize prominent Nebraskans.

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Nebraska Collections

NSHS's mission is to collect, preserve, and open our shared history to all Nebraskans.

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Volunteers are the heroes of NSHS. So much history, so little time! Your work helps us share access to Nebraska’s stories at our museums and sites, the reference room, and online.

Heritage Hero Award 2021 Recipients

Heritage Hero Award Winners

The Heritage Hero Award was created by the Nebraska State Historical Society Board of Trustees to recognize and thank local volunteers of history organizations around the state for their time and effort in helping to share Nebraska’s history. Nominations were sent in by cultural organizations from across the state.

The board will give out 46 awards to individuals and organizations dedicated to preserving and sharing their region’s history. Each recipient will receive a commemorative pin and certificate presented to them by a member of the Nebraska State Historical Society Board of Trustees.

The 46 recipients of the 2021 Heritage Hero Award are listed below.

Antonette Willa Skupa Turner

The National Willa Cather Center | Red Cloud, NE

Betty Ewald

Creighton Historical Society

Brown-Harano Studio Photograph Collection

Volunteers: Bill McGahan, Mary Dymond, Arlene Cross, Kathy Wenz, Don Milroy, Don Lucas, Don Kilgore, and Mike Douty | Lincoln County Historical Museum

Carolyn McCormick

Douglas County Historical Society | Omaha, NE

Charles “Churck”Matzke

Nebraska National Guard Museum | Omaha, NE

Sean Chance, Linda Engel, Tim Engel, Jan O’Neil, Scott O’Neil, Jhude Sedlacek, Josh Shirley and Josh Whitney

Civil War Museum | Nebraska City, NE

Eileen E. Bergt

Preservation Association of Lincoln | Lincoln, NE

Elaine Batenhorst

BCHS Trails and Rails Museum | Kearney, NE

Jerry Kneifel

Platte County Historical Society | Columbus, NE

Keith Mahaney, Dr. Susan LaFlesche

Picotte Center | Walthill, NE

Levern Hauptmann

Antelope County Historical Society | Neligh, NE

Marlene Geiger

Robert Henri Museum | Cozad, NE

Nona Weise

Scribner's Musbauch Museum

Phyllis C. Krotz

The Armstrong House Museum | Crawford, NE

Rick Myers

Legacy of the Plains | Gering, NE

Robert E. Hoins

Clay Center Historical Society | Clay Center, NE

Ruth Lindly

Custer County Historical Society | Broken Bow, NE

Sheila Green

nternational Quilt Museum | Lincoln, NE

Shirley Sides

Dakota County Historical Society | Emerson, NE

Susan Warneke

Pierce Historical Society | Pierce, NE

Thomas Wallerstedt

Swedish Heritage | Center Oakland, NE

Shirley Sides

Dakota City

Mike and Shirley King

Karen Mosel

Perkins County Historical Society | Grant, NE

Robert Culver

National Museum of Roller Skating | Lincoln, NE

Sharon W. Disharoon

Butte Community Historical Center | Butte, NE

Joan Zoeller

Richardson County Historical Society | Fall City, NE

Raleigh Sheffield

Durham Museum | Omaha, NE

Milt Kotrc

The Archway | Kearney, NE

Pete Cawiezel

Morrill Museum | Morrill, NE

Sarah Chittenden Williamson

Johnson County Historical Society | Tecumseh, NE

Frank Tolstedt

Carnegie Arts Center | Alliance NE

Charlene Vail

Crawford Historical Society

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