Nebraska State Historical Society


Our Members Make History Happen

The work we do to discover, preserve, and share Nebraska’s history wouldn’t be possible without the support of Nebraska State Historical Society members. A member of NSHS takes their passion for history and community farther than most by taking action and directly supporting the world’s largest home for Nebraska history. NSHS is dedicated to the preservation and sharing of all Nebraska history, we appreciate the support of our members.

Being a member of NSHS allows people from across the world to discover Nebraska’s history. Be a part of history education and support NSHS!

In appreciation of your support, members enjoy the benefits listed below.

Household and Household+ members also receive the special benefit of participating in the Time Travelers program. This program gives Household and Household+ members reduced or free admission to museums nationwide. Click here to see a list of participating museums. For more information about the Time Travelers program, click here to learn more.

NSHS Memberships

Household Plus

Household Plus

Household gifts plus:

  • Four issues of the award-winning journal Nebraska History.




Supporter gifts plus:

  • 10% discount at all NSHS gift shops.
  • Discounted educational programs.
  • Time Travelers' reciprocal program




  • Free entry to all NSHS historic sites and museums.
  • Early bird registration for NSHS programs.
  • Right to vote in NSHS Board of Trustees elections.
  • Monthly NSHS e-Newsletter to your email.


General Membership

General Membership

  • Right to vote in NSHS Board of Trustees elections.


Organization Subscription Only

Organization Subscription Only

A Subscription Only membership is available for organizations such as libraries or cultural organizations. Organizations with Subscription Only membership receive four issues of the award-winning journal Nebraska History.

$35/ year

If you have issue with our payment processing when purchase a membership or renew your current membership, please get in touch with our Membership Coordinator by email or call 402-471-3272.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does my membership last?

Twelve full months. You’ll receive a renewal notice prior to your membership expiring.

How long does it take to receive my membership card?

Typically two weeks after we receive your information.

What happens if I lose my membership card?

Contact our Membership Coordinator at 402-471-3272 or [email protected]. We will replace the card at no charge.

Can I give gift memberships?

Please contact our membership coordinator at [email protected] or call 402-471-3272.

Does my free entry to NSHS sites include anyone else?

The free site entry that NSHS members receive also includes the member’s family, spouse, and children.

What are the membership policies?

You can find our NSHS Membership Policies HERE.

Is there a free membership option?

Yes. The General Membership is free and includes a vote in our annual board of trustee election. You can sign up for a free membership by clicking here or contacting our membership coordinator at [email protected]. You can learn more in our NSHS Membership Policies HERE.

About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

Explore Nebraska

Discover the real places and people of our past at these NSHS sites.

Upcoming Events

View our new and upcoming events to see how you can get involved.

Become a Member

The work we do to discover, preserve, and share Nebraska's history wouldn't be possible without the support of NSHS members.

NSHS Education

Learn more about the educational programs provided at our museums, sites, and online.

Education Digital Learning Resources

Find games, lists, and more to enhance your history education curriculum.

Latest Hall of Fame Inductee

The Nebraska Hall of Fame was established in 1961 to officially recognize prominent Nebraskans.

Listen to our Podcast

Listen to the articles and authors published in the Nebraska History Magazine with our new Nebraska History Podcast!

Nebraska Collections

NSHS's mission is to collect, preserve, and open our shared history to all Nebraskans.

Our YouTube Video Collection

Get a closer look at Nebraska's history through your own eyes, with our extensive video collections.

Additional Research Resources

NSHS's Research and Reference Services help connect you to the material we collect and preserve.

NSHS Services

Digital Resources

Find all of our digital resources, files, videos, and more, all in one easy-to-search page!

Support The Historical Society

Make a cash donation to help us acquire, preserve, and interpret Nebraska’s history. Gifts to the Nebraska State Historical Society help leave a legacy and may help your taxes, too! Support the work of NSHS.

Volunteers are the heroes of NSHS. So much history, so little time! Your work helps us share access to Nebraska’s stories at our museums and sites, the reference room, and online.