RG3739.AM: U.S. Army Mothers. Nebraska Department
Records, 1942-1973
Nebraska: Women’s patriotic and service organization
Size: 0.5 cu.ft., and 9 oversize scrapbooks
The United States Army Mothers was founded by Mrs. Margaret M. Jackson on September 25, 1940 in Kansas City, Missouri. The organization was comprised nation-wide of mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters of men and women who were serving, or who had served, in the armed forces of the United States. The U.S. Army Mothers organized with a three-fold purpose: 1) to promote the general welfare of men and women in the armed forces and to aid veterans; 2) to cooperate in national rehabilitation programs; and 3) to preserve American institutions and the American way of life. The group was organized on three levels: national, state and local. The Nebraska Department joined the national organization in 1941. In turn, local units comprised the state organization.
(Accession 615; and 1996.0386)
This collection consists of the records of the U.S. Army Mothers, Nebraska Department, arranged in three subgroups: Subgroup 1) Statements of Purpose; Subgroup 2) Minutes of U.S. Army Mothers Local Units, 1942-1972; and Subgroup 3) Scrapbooks, 1942-1973. The records relate primarily to the activities and plans of three local posts of the U.S. Army Mothers in Nebraska: Lincoln Posts No. 1 and 5, and Seward Post No. 3. Other local posts and state activities are represented in the scrapbooks, and some information about the national organization is also present.
Subgroup 1 consists of Statements of Purpose, as well as background material and rules pertaining to the national organization. Subgroup 2, Minutes of U.S. Army Mothers local units, is arranged in three series: 1) Lincoln Post No. 1, 1942-1945; 2) Seward Post No. 3, 1952-1972; and 3) Lincoln Post No. 5, 1944-1972. Minute entries provide information on war work, committee plans, financial status, fund-raising projects, and programs planned. Several of the minute books also list officers, committee heads, and membership at the end of the volume. The scrapbooks of Subgroup 3 relate to activities of the U.S. Army Mothers on the national, state, and local levels, and are arranged in two series: 1) State Scrapbooks, 1942-1973; and 2) Lincoln Post No. 5 Scrapbooks, 1959-1973. The volumes include newspaper clippings, programs, photographs, correspondence, brief historical sketches about various posts in Nebraska, and miscellaneous items.
Subgroup 1: Statements of Purpose
Box 1
- Statements of Purpose, Historical background, rules
Subgroup 2: Minutes of U.S. Army Mothers Local Posts
Series 1 – Post No. 1, Lincoln, 1942-1945
- 1942, Mar. 3 – 1945, Oct. 25
- 1942, Aug. 17 – 1942, Sept. 15; 1945, Apr. 12, Nov. 2 – Dec. 4
Series 2 – Post No. 3, Seward, 1952-1972
- 1952, Jan. 23 – 1953, Dec. 4
- 1954, Jan. – 1962, Dec. 21
- 1963, Jan. – 1972, Dec. 12
Series 3 – Post No. 5, Lincoln, 1944-1972
- 1944, Mar. 28; 1945, Jan. 8 – 1950, Dec. 12
- 1951, Jan. 4 – 1965, Nov.
- 1966, Feb. 21 – 1972, Jan. 21
Subgroup 3: Scrapbooks, 1942-1973
Series 1 – State scrapbooks, 1942-1973
- 1942-1949 (see oversize)
- 1950-1960 (see oversize)
- 1961-1973 (see oversize)
- 1966-1967 (see oversize)
- 1967-1968 (see oversize)
Series 2 – Lincoln Post No. 5 scrapbooks, 1959-1973
- 1959 (see oversize)
- 1965 (see oversize)
- 1967 (see oversize)
- 1973 (see oversize)
Subject headings:
Patriotic societies — Nebraska
Soldiers — Nebraska
U.S. Army Mothers. Nebraska Department
Veterans — Nebraska
World War, 1939-1945 — Nebraska — War work
World War II
Revised KFK 07-22-1996