Hugo F. Srb [RG4217.AM]


RG4217.AM: Hugo F. Srb, 1900-1975

Papers: 1930-1973
Dodge, Dodge County and Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska: Legislator
Size: 10.0 cu.ft.; 10 boxes


Hugo F. Srb, son of Frank and Lizzie Srb, was born August 4, 1900, at Dodge, Nebraska. He graduated from Wayne State College and the University of Nebraska Law School. Srb was elected to the Nebraska Senate in 1931 and again in 1933. He served as Secretary of the Senate in 1935 and then as Clerk of the Legislature from 1937 to 1969. Hugo F. Srb died on December 13, 1975. He is buried next to his wife, Francis Grace, in Lincoln Memorial Park, Lincoln, Nebraska.


This collection consists of ten boxes of papers relating to Hugo F. Srb’s career in the Nebraska Legislature. The papers include subject files, legislative files, correspondence, publications, reports and newspaper clippings. The materials in the collection date from 1930 to 1973. The collection is mostly unprocessed, but an inventory is available.

Note: See the photo component [RG4217.PH] and the audio component [RG4217.AU] for related materials.


Box 1 – Subject files (mostly clippings), A-E

  1. Attendance
  2. Appropriations – 1930s
  3. Appropriations – 1940s
  4. Appropriations – 1950s
  5. Appropriations – 1960s
  6. Appropriations – 1970s
  7. Treasurer’s Report 1951-56
  8. Agriculture
  9. Bill Drafting
  10. Boys’ State
  11. Bicentennial News Clippings, etc.
  12. William Jennings Bryan
  13. Constitution – Misc. Articles on State & National
  14. Capitol Building
  15. Burbach, Senator Jules W. Constitutional Revision & Recreation Committee
  16. Constitutional Amendments
  17. Comparison
  18. Course of a Bill
  19. Clerk, Duties of
  20. Constitution of Nebr.
  21. Constitution of the US
  22. Constitution of US & Bill of Rights
  23. Constitution – Committee to Restore the Constitution
  24. The Council of State Governments Meeting – October 4, 5, & 6
  25. Council of State Govt’s Correspondence
  26. Changes Recommended
  27. Civil Defense
  28. Conclusions
  29. Richard Childs – Speech, etc.
  30. Courts – State & Federal (US Supreme Court & Others)
  31. Democracatics – Republican State & National – Elections
  32. Democracy
  33. Districts
  34. Educational Television
  35. Economics
  36. Employees & Employment
  37. Efficiency

Box 2 – Subject files (mostly clippings), E-N

  1. Elections (Campaign) 1930-1940-1950; Nonpartisan Election
  2. Endorsements
  3. Elections – 1960’s
  4. Elec. 18-yr-olds – Voting Elections
  5. Elections – Depth Report 1966
  6. Elections 1970s
  7. Remarks – H.F.S.R.B. 10-23-53 (Comparative Analysis of Expenditures of Two Legislative Systems)
  8. Exp Legislative Expenditures
  9. Expenses – Cost of Lawmaking
  10. 1972 – Elections
  11. Forms
  12. Highways
  13. History of Nebraska
  14. Hi-Y
  15. History of a Bill in the Legislature (Extra Copies)
  16. In-depth Report – School of Journalism
  17. Investigation
  18. Intergovernmental Cooperation Comm.
  19. Judiciary
  20. Legislators – Individuals – Misc. Info
  21. Legislative Council
  22. Labor Dept.
  23. Length of Sessions
  24. 1950 – Recommendations Committee on Legislative Processes
  25. Critique on Lobbyists – Extra Copies
  26. League of Women Voters – “Facts” etc.
  27. Letters to Editors
  28. Motor Vehicles – Safety Patrol
  29. Misc.
  30. Non-Partisan vs Partisan
  31. National Legislative Service Agencies
  32. New Orleans – Legislative Service Conference
  33. Norton, John N.

Box 3 – Subject files (mostly clippings), N-T

  1. Senator George W. Norris
  2. Grand Forks, N. Dakota; Fritz Nelson
  3. North Dakota
  4. Other States Studying Unicameral
  5. Taiwan China Unicameral
  6. Other States & Countries – Studying Unicameral for Their State
  7. Other States – Rules, Etc.
  8. Organization
  9. Oddities & Misc. Clippings from Other States
  10. Opinions – Studies
  11. Excerpts from Kansas City Star (Re: Unicameral System)
  12. Public Power
  13. Public Power – Clarence Davis Article
  14. Petition, Right of
  15. Petitions & Memorials
  16. Political Platforms
  17. Presiding Officers (Rules)
  18. Printing
  19. Population
  20. Reapportionment
  21. Re-Districting
  22. Representation
  23. Rules
  24. Rules – Leg. Council. (Introduction of Bills)
  25. Roll Call
  26. Railroads
  27. Article on Unicameral – Hugo F. Srb – Published in Nebraska Law Review – 1961
  28. Speeches – Legislature
  29. Scrap Book
  30. Sundry Claims
  31. Schools & Universities – Also Mekoto an Education
  32. Seating Arrangement in Chamber
  33. Statistics – Dates, etc.
  34. State Seal
  35. State & Federal Relations – John Calhoun – Virginia
  36. State Initiative
  37. Stamps
  38. Taxes – 1940s
  39. Taxes – 1950s

Box 4 – Subject files (mostly clippings), T-Z; Chronological files, 1930-1946

  1. Taxes – 1960s
  2. Taxes – 1970s
  3. Treatise on “Legislature”
  4. Taxation – General
  5. Nebraska Unicameral Legislature vs. Bicameral
  6. Vocational Education
  7. Voting Equipment
  8. 1930
  9. 1931
  10. 1932
  11. 1933
  12. 1935
  13. Duties of the Clerk of the Legislature
  14. Unicameral System 1937
  15. 1938
  16. 1939
  17. Miscellaneous 1939
  18. 1940
  19. 1941
  20. 1942
  21. 1943
  22. 1944
  23. 1944 Spec. Session
  24. 1945
  25. 1946

Box 5 – Chronological files, 1947-1956

  1. 1947
  2. 1948
  3. 1949
  4. 1950 – No Session
  5. Forms 1951
  6. 1951
  7. 1952
  8. 1953
  9. 1954
  10. Hugh Butler
  11. 1955
  12. Attention 1955 Budget Comm.
  13. 1956

Box 6 – Chronological files, 1957-1968

  1. 1957
  2. 1958
  3. 1959
  4. 1960
  5. 1961
  6. 1962
  7. Governor’s Conference 16 Jan. 1962 – Civil Defense – Resources Management
  8. 1963
  9. 1963 – Special
  10. Budget Committee Records 1963
  11. 1964
  12. 1965
  13. New Jersey Talk on Unicameral – April 21-66
  14. 1966
  15. 1967
  16. 1968

Box 7 – Chronological files, 1969-1973; Miscellaneous clippings

  1. 1969
  2. 1969 – 80th Session – Clerk’s File
  3. LB 208 – Re: Estates 1969 Session
  4. 1970
  5. Recommendations – Upcoming Session 1970
  6. Daily Work Sheets & Bills 1971
  7. 1971
  8. Bills Legislative 1971
  9. 1971
  10. 1971 – Full Page Clippings
  11. 1971 – After Session – Review by Lincoln Journal
  12. Pre 1972 Session (Interim)
  13. Committee Hearings 1972
  14. Specific Amendments 1972
  15. 1972 Work Sheets
  16. 1972 Summary of Bills (End of Session)
  17. 1972 Session
  18. Documentary Film 1972 Session – Hearing
  19. Pre 1973 Session
  20. 1973 Session
  21. 1973 Session – List of Bills
  22. The Legislative Insurance Investigation Committee – Hugh B. Ashmore
  23. Reference Lists – Requests for, Etc. Michigan – et al (Unicameral)
  24. Nebr. State Gov’t Chart
  25. Distribution Material Comparison in Separate Pile
  26. Foreign Visitors Heard From
  27. From Mrs. Bill Johnson
  28. Legislative Fiscal Analysis

Box 8 – Miscellaneous clippings; Working draft of book on history of the legislature

  1. Talk (Speech) Written & Delivered by H.F.S.
  2. Dodge Criterion – Misc.
  3. FBI
  4. Misc. Interesting Articles
  5. Money – Nat’l Debt – Inflation, Etc. Taxes
  6. Money – Interest Rates & Financing – House Buying, etc.
  7. Nebraska Clippings – General – Political, etc. (Not Book)
  8. No Fault Insurance
  9. National & International (War & Peace) & (Misc.)
  10. Populist Surge
  11. Schools & Uni.
  12. Science
  13. Editorials, Etc. Misc.
  14. The Time Has Come – Series by K. Ross Toole
  15. Odell Hanson
  16. Rough Drafts
  17. 1931
  18. 1933
  19. 1934
  20. 1937 Session
  21. 1937
  22. 1939 Session Bills
  23. 1941 Bills Introduced
  24. 1961
  25. 1965 – Outline
  26. 1969
  27. 1970
  28. 1971 – Annual Sessions – 90 & 60 Day Limits
  29. Comments – 1971 Newspaper Articles
  30. Accountability
  31. Agriculture Committee Members 1937 thru 1969
  32. Appropriations
  33. Attendance
  34. Author – Information Concerning HFS (The Author)
  35. 3 Branches of State Gov’t
  36. Conclusion
  37. Comparison
  38. Conclusion – Appraisal After 30 Yrs
  39. Comparison
  40. Constitutional Amendments – No. Passed – No. Defeated
  41. Committees
  42. Charts – Sunday Claims Summary 1939 & 1941
  43. Charts – Bills Vetoed by Governors
  44. Chart Bills No. Introduced 1st 20 Days No. Passed
  45. Re: Capitol Bldg
  46. Districts
  47. Early History
  48. Economy
  49. Forward
  50. Governor’s
  51. Index to History Files
  52. Index to History Files/Reports: (Legislative Council)
  53. Introduction
  54. Legislative Resolution 107 – Legislative Council
  55. Lobbyists
  56. Non-Partisan vs Partisan File No. 2
  57. Senator Norris – Speech on One House Leg.
  58. Notice of Hearing
  59. Publishers
  60. Preface
  61. Representation
  62. Salaries
  63. John P. Senning (& Elizabeth)
  64. Special Sessions
  65. Salaries
  66. Salaries
  67. Table of Contents
  68. Title
  69. University Press
  70. Women in Legislature
  71. Unicameral Publications

Box 9 – Correspondence, 1934-1935

  1. Nebraskaland Magazine – June 1964
  2. Correspondence, 1934-35

Box 10 – Miscellaneous publications

  1. Nebraska Legislature Rosters and Directories
  2. “State Action” and the 14th Amendment – A Study of Judicial Misinterpretation
  3. The One-House Legislature – Senning
  4. Postcards
  5. Printed Envelopes
  6. “Behind these Doors is the Story of Nebraska’s Unicameral”
  7. A Look at Your Unicameral
  8. Transmission – Northern Natural Gas Company – No. 1 1969
  9. Newspapers
  10. Nebraska Department of Health 1972-73 Annual Report
  11. A Handbook of Government – Lincoln & Lancaster County, NE
  12. Seeing Lincoln
  13. Report of the Nebraska Constitutional Revision Commission – Sept 24, 1970
  14. John B. Stetson University Bulletin Debate Handbook – Oct 1937
  15. Opportunity – The American Right
  16. Lincoln City Guide
  17. One House for Two – by A.C. Breckenridge
  18. Nebraska Legislative Manual 1937
  19. Nebraska Legislative Manual 1879
  20. House Proceedings
  21. Constitution of the State of Nebraska
  22. The Capitol – Lincoln, NE
  23. November 1940 American Czech Magazine
  24. Harper’s Magazine – Nov. 1964
  25. A Visitor’s Guide to the Capital of Nebraska
  26. American State Legislatures in Mid-Twentieth Century
  27. Nebraska on the March – August 1965
  28. The American Legion – Cornhusker Boys’ State
  29. Nebraska Electric Farmer – February 1965, Harper’s Magazine – Nov. 1964
  30. A Visitor’s Guide to the Capital of Nebraska
  31. American State Legislatures in Mid-Twentieth Century
  32. Nebraska on the March – August 1965
  33. The American Legion – Cornhusker Boys’ State
  34. Nebraska Electric Farmer – February 1969


Subject headings:

Legislation — Nebraska
Legislators — Nebraska
Nebraska — Politics and government
Politicians — Nebraska
Srb, Hugo F., 1900-1975


Revised TMM 06-06-2019


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