Adult and Continuing Education Association of Nebraska (ACEAN) [RG5639.AM]


RG5639.AM: Adult and Continuing Education Association of Nebraska (ACEAN)

Records: ca. 1984-2008
Nebraska: Educators’ association
Size: 2.0 cu.ft.; 2 boxes


Due to the rising role of adult education in the 1930’s, there was increasing interest in creating a strong regional association, expanding beyond the boundaries of Nebraska. The first Missouri Valley Adult Education Conference was held in the fall of 1938 at the University of Omaha (now known as UNO). A second conference was held in 1941, and then the Missouri Valley conferences were discontinued until after World War II. As the Missouri Valley Adult Education Association continued to grow in the 1950’s, interest in the creation of a state association for adult educators in Nebraska grew as well.

In October of 1959, Emory Austin of Scottsbluff and John Dalton of Chadron established the first state conference on adult education in Scottsbluff. There were 41 people in attendance at this conference. It was at this conference that a statewide association was established with Chet Gausman of Lincoln as president and Emory Austin as secretary. Other board members included K.O. Broady (University of Nebraska), Don Emory (University of Omaha), John Dalton (Chadron State College) and O.J. Weymouth (Superintendent of Schools in Sidney). This new organization was called the Adult Education Association of Nebraska, and in April of 1960 the first constitution was drafted. Membership in the early 1960’s was estimated to be in the low 40’s, but it continued to grow throughout the decade.

In April of 1970, the constitution was revised at the conference, again held in Scottsbluff. This new constitution approved changing the name its current form, Adult and Continuing Education Association of Nebraska (ACEAN).

Note: The information contained in the Background Note above came from a document entitled, “Historical Summary of the Adult and Continuing Education Association of Nebraska”. It was prepared by Bill Lutes, Bernard Gyger and Jim Lightbody and presented to the membership at the 1983 annual conference. The information was condensed and edited by ACEAN President, Ron Kluck.


The collection consists of two boxes of administrative records for ACEAN. The records date from 1984-2008 and include minutes of meetings, officers’ reports, membership materials, financial information, newsletters, etc. The collection is unprocessed, but the following box inventory is available.


Box 1

Treasurer’s Reports, 1984-2002
Certificates of Deposit records
Officer and Board Member history
Annual Budgets
Annual Officer Reports

Finance Chair
Government Relations
Presidents/Past presidents/ president elect/letters from the president
Public relations

AAACE information
National Community Education Association Information
Press Releases
Membership Brochures
Job Descriptions
Constitution/By Laws
Scholarship and Development Fund

Development Fund Winners
Development Origination Summary
Development Fund Guidelines
ACEAN student scholarships

ACEAN award winners
ACEAN award-history of recipients
Historical Summary
IRS information
The Communicator (ACEAN newsletters)
Development Fund Bank Statements
12/2008 Dissolution of ACEAN documents
Bank Statements-operational fund
Check registers

Box 2

Board Minutes, 2005-2008
Membership rosters, 1980-2006
MVAEA-Missouri Valley Adult Education Association
Conference folders: 1983-2007
Minutes, 1985-2006
Certificate of Deposit Statements

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