Albin Theodore Anderson, 1911-1996 [RG3602.AM]


RG3602.AM: Albin Theodore Anderson, 1911-1996

Papers: 1948-1970
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.: Professor, historian, politician
Size: 0.25 cu.ft.; 1 box


Born in Seattle, Washington on March 1, 1911, Albin Theodore Anderson attended San Jose State College in San Jose, California where he received his bachelor’s degree in 1932. He went on to receive a master’s degree from the University of California at Berkley in 1933. From 1933-1937 Anderson worked on his Ph.D. at the University of California and served as a teaching assistant in history. From 1937-1939 he served as a Fellow of the American-Scandinavian Foundation in Upsala and Stockholm, Sweden, doing research for his dissertation (Sweden in the Baltic, 1612-1632: The Politics of Expansion).

Anderson continued to work on his dissertation after returning to the United States, but in 1941 he went to work at the Kaiser Shipyards in Richmond, California. He worked as a weld checker and later as an assistant foreman. From 1943-1945 he served as a communications officer with the 7th Fleet of the U.S. Navy in the Pacific Theater, receiving two bronze stars. After World War II Anderson completed his Ph.D. and immediately took a position at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln as an instructor in History. He stayed at the University of Nebraska for the remainder of his career, retiring in 1979.

Anderson married Pauline F. Smith on March 15, 1942. In 1948 he lost a race for the Nebraska Democratic Party nomination for U.S. Senate to Terry Carpenter of Scottsbluff. He remained politically active and was a supporter of Governor Frank Morrison. After retiring in 1979, Anderson and his wife moved to San Diego, California. He remained active in education after his retirement, serving as president of the Institute for Continued Learning at the University of California at San Diego from 1984-1985. He authored numerous scholarly articles and was recognized as an expert in modern European and Soviet history.

Albin Theodore Anderson died on March 22, 1996 in San Diego, California.


The bulk of this collection consists of correspondence and campaign material relating to Anderson’s support of Frank Morrison’s various political campaigns in Nebraska from 1953-1970. Also included is material relating to Anderson’s own campaign for U.S. Senator from Nebraska in 1948. The last folder in the collection consists of miscellaneous items including a reprint of one of Anderson’s scholarly articles and rough drafts of two speeches.

Note: Additional biographical information and reprints of scholarly articles are available at the UNL Archives and Special Collections.


Box 1

  1. Anderson’s campaign for U.S. Senate, 1948
  2. Frank Morrison campaign, 1953
  3. Frank Morrison campaign, 1954
  4. Frank Morrison campaign, 1958
  5. Frank Morrison campaign, 1960
  6. Frank Morrison campaign, 1961
  7. Frank Morrison campaign, 1962
  8. Frank Morrison campaigns, 1963-1970
  9. Miscellaneous

Subject headings:

Anderson, Albin Theodore, 1911-1996
Elections — Nebraska
Morrison, Frank Brenner, 1905-2004
Nebraska — Politics and government

Revised 01-10-2008 TMM

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