Floyd Miles, 1904-1989 [RG1080.AM]


RG1080.AM:  Floyd Miles, 1904-1989

Reminiscences:  1904-1921

Arcadia, Valley County, Nebraska:  

Size:  One item


Floyd Miles was born in Iowa in 1904, the youngest of six sons born to Oliver and Lillian Miles. In 1911, when Floyd was six years old, his mother died. He, some of his brothers, and a baby sister were placed in the Child Saving Institute of Omaha. As a foster child, Floyd was placed with many families until April of 1912, when he was permanently placed with the Wolford family of rural Buffalo County. Malon and Eva Wolford, his foster parents, were tenant farmers. Throughout Floyd’s childhood, the Wolfords attempted to improve their circumstances by farming in a variety of Nebraska and Iowa towns, with little success. With Mr. Wolford’s death in 1921, Floyd dropped out of school and accepted work as a steam press operator in a dry cleaning shop. He remained in this occupation for sixteen years.


This Reminiscence, written by Floyd Miles in 1980, is an autobiographical account of his youth. Miles describes the circumstances which forced his widowed father to place his children at the Child Saving Institute of Omaha and into foster homes. Miles also recounts the abusive treatment he received in one family and the financially poor, but loving, home provided by his permanent foster parents, Malon and Eva Wolford.


Reminiscence of Floyd Miles


Subject headings:

Arcadia (Nebraska)

Bloor, Ella Reeve, 1862-1951

Buffalo County (Nebraska)

Child Saving Institute (Omaha, Nebraska)

Child welfare — Nebraska


Domestic life

Douglas County (Nebraska)

Drury family


Farm life

Foster home care — Nebraska

Hail — Nebraska

Henderson (Iowa)

Holdrege (Nebraska)

Miles family

Miles, Floyd C., 1904-1989

Miles, Oliver Kay, 1869-1923

Omaha (Nebraska)

Phelps County (Nebraska)

Red Oak (Iowa)


Rural schools

Russell, Milo

Valley County (Nebraska)

Westerling, Emil

Wolford family

Wolford, Evaline (Stennett), 1864-1942

Wolford, Malon, 1852-1922


Revised TMM        10-07-2009

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