Fred M. Greguras [RG3705.AM]


RG3705.AM:  Fred M. Greguras, 1943-

Papers:  1969-2014
Omaha, Neb.:  Captain, United States Marine Corps
Size:  1.25 cu. ft.


Fred M. Greguras was born in Omaha on December 3, 1943, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred M. Greguras. Greguras has one sister, Susan and one brother William, who served in the United States Navy at the same time Fred was in the Marine Corps. He received his Bachelor of Arts in mathematics in 1966 from the University of Nebraska – Omaha, before completing his Masters of Science in mathematics and computer science from the University of Nebraska – Omaha in 1968. After his military service, he completed his J.D. from the University of Nebraska – Lincoln in 1975.

Fred Greguras enlisted in the United States Marine Corps (USMC) in February 1969 and graduated from Officer Candidate School in April 1969. Greguras achieved the rank of 1st Lieutenant in the USMC while serving on a tour of duty in Vietnam from May to November of 1970. In Vietnam, Greguras was a platoon commander of the 1st platoon, Hotel Company, 2nd battalion, 5th Marine Regiment and took part in Operation Lyon Valley. For his meritorious service with the 1st and 3rd Marine Divisions in Vietnam, he was awarded the Navy Commendation Medal with Combat “V.”

Upon completing his tour of duty, Greguras returned to the United States and continued his service in the USMC. In 1971 he graduated from the IBM 360 System Engineering Course and was made head of the COBOL programming section at the Marine Corps Computer Programming Science School in Quantico, Virginia. He was promoted to captain in the summer of 1972. After completing his service, Greguras earned his law degree from the University of Nebraska in 1975 and moved to California in 1982 where he is currently employed by the Fenwick & West LLP law firm.


This collection consists of archival materials arranged in 4 series: 1) Correspondence; 2) Logs and Journals; 3) Vietnam Related Materials; and 4) Miscellaneous. The focus of this collection is on Fred M. Greguras’ service in Vietnam along with materials collected during his time in the United States Marine Corps while stateside.

Series 1 – Correspondence, contains letters written between Greguras and his family in Omaha during his time in the USMC.

Series 2 – Logs and Journals, consists of information regarding outposts, his platoon, etc. along with information regarding operating procedures.

Series 3 – Vietnam Related Materials, includes items from Greguras’ time in Vietnam. Items include photographs, military maps, newspaper articles, ration cards, and money orders.

Series 4 – Miscellaneous, contains note cards and multiple drafts of the paper, “Military Post of Nebraska,” as well as other articles and papers written by Greguras. Also included are materials relating to his time before and after the war, including photographs, articles, newspapers, and commencement programs.

Additional materials relating to Greguras’ legal career are located at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Archives and Special Collections.  See also the collection held by California State University, Northridge.


Series 1 – Correspondence
Box 1

  1. Personal correspondence, 1969
  2. Personal correspondence, 1970 Feb. 2 – Aug. 1
  3. Personal correspondence, 1970 Aug. 2 – Oct. 1
  4. Personal correspondence, 1970 Oct. 6 – Non – Dated materials

Series 2 – Logs and Journals

  1. Logs and orders
  2. Logs
  3. USMC message books
  4. Memoranda books
  5. Miscellaneous logs

Series 3 – Vietnam Related Materials

  1. Maps of Vietnam (See Oversize)
  2. Aerial photographs
  3. Operation Lyon Valley materials
  4. Miscellaneous clippings and materials

Series 4 – Miscellaneous

  1. “Military Post of Nebraska,” note cards
  2. “Military Post of Nebraska,” pt. 1
  3. “Military Post of Nebraska,” pt. 2
  4. “Military Post of Nebraska,” pt. 3
  5. “Military Post of Nebraska,” pt. 4
  6. “Military Post of Nebraska,” pt. 5

Box 2

  1. “Camp Alvin Saunders Sites”
  2. “Spanish-American War Sites in Honolulu,” The Hawaiian Journal of History, vol. 39
  3. “Fort Crook Village, Nebraska”
    “The 1st New York Volunteers on the Big Island: New York Meets Hilo”
    “Tientsin Visit,” Oct. 29, 2006
    “A Visit to the 55 Days at Peking”
    “The U.S. Marines in Tsingtao, China: 2013”
    “The Fourth Marines in Shanghai, China”
    “The U.S. Marines in China: A Photo Tour,” China Marines Association, Sept. 21, 2013
  4. Miscellaneous clippings and materials

Subject headings:

Greguras, Fred M., 1943-
Military bases
United States. Marine Corps
Vietnam War, 1961-1975

09-22-2004   CFF/tmm
01-20-2006   TMM revised
03-13-2014   TMM revised

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