French Gratitude Train, Art


Paintings and Drawings

Watercolor 7144-161-(2)

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-161-(2))

Watercolor painting of the cathedral of Chartres that is signed by the artist, “David Faure, 1943.” There is a typed sheet of paper in the right corner that says: ‘Amis Américains, Ceci est l’expression de notre profonde reconnaissance et respectueuse Amitié envers le Peuple Américain. Que Notre Dame de Chartres Bénisse la Maison qui reçevra cette Aquarelle, exécutée par un Peintre de talent, et qui reproduit exactement la Cathédrale de Chartres dans sa majesté et son admirable élégance. [American friends this is an expression of our deep recognition & respectful friendship towards the American people. That our Lady of Chartres blesses this house which will receive this watercolor executed by a painter of talent & which reproduces exactly the Cathedral of Chartres in its magesty & its admirable elegance.]

Drawing 7144-53 [dup 14]

Drawing (NSHS 7144-53 [dup14])

Pencil and crayon drawing of the interior of a provincial home on construction paper. On the back it says: “Intérieur Béarnais” , “Claude Taye — Orphelin — Orphelinat St Louis, 67 rue de Sèvres, Paris 6e” 

Watercolor 7144-53 [dup 7]

Drawing (NSHS 7144-53 [dup 7])

Drawing of a finely detailed ship and aircraft between France and America. There is an official school stamp that says: “Paris. 9e, 16, Rue de Milan, Ecole de la Trinité.” On the back it says: “Jeanine Chevalier, classe de 3eme.”

Watercolor 7144-53 [dup 13]

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup13])

Watercolor painting of the Reconnaissance and Train de l’amitie. There is an official school stamp that says: “Paris. 9e, 16, Rue de Milan, Ecole de la Trinité.” On the back it says: “Monique Mulle.” 

Watercolor 7144-53

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53)

Watercolor painting of the official emblem of the city of Paris. Above the emblem it says: “Les élèves de l’école de la Trinité, 16 Rue de Milan, remercient les amis Américains pour leur générosité“. [The pupils of the school of La Trinité thank the American friends for their generosity]. Under the emblem is the motto of Paris, in Latin, that says: “Fluctuat Nec Mergitur” [It moves, but it does not sink]. On the back it is signed “G.” 

Watercolor 7144-54 [dup 1]

Watercolor 7144-54 [dup1]

Watercolor painting of the shield of Paris with writing above it that says: “LES _LEVES DE L’_COLE DE LA TRINIT_ REMERCIENT BEAUCOUP LEURS FRÈRES AMERICAINS” [The students of the School of the Trinity thank their American brothers very much]. On the boat is written the motto of Paris: “FLUCTUANTNEC MERGITUR” [It floats but doesn’t sink]. There is a school stamp that says: “Paris. 9e, 16, Rue de Milan, Ecole de la Trinité.” 

Watercolor 7144-53 [dup 15]

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup15])

Watercolor painting on yellow construction paper with a Catholic calendar for the year 1949 stapled to it. 

Watercolor 7144-53 [dup 2]

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup2])

Watercolor painting of a large ship between France and America with a rainbow connecting the two countries. There is a school stamp that says: “Paris. 9e, 16, Rue de Milan, Ecole de la Trinité.” On the back it says: “Colette Vallet, élève de 4ième, Ecole de la Trinité, Paris 9ième“. 

Watercolor 7144-53 [dup 6]

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup9])

Watercolor painting of the ship Reconnaissance with a French flag in the rear. There is a school stamp that says: “Paris. 9e, 16, Rue de Milan, Ecole de la Trinité.” On the back it says: “Bredoux Lucienne, Elève de 3e.” 

Watercolor 7144-53 [dup 9]

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup9])

Watercolor painting of the ship Reconnaissance with a French flag in the rear. There is a school stamp that says: “Paris. 9e, 16, Rue de Milan, Ecole de la Trinité.” On the back it says: “Bredoux Lucienne, Elève de 3e.” 

Drawing 7144-53 [dup 4]

Drawing (NSHS 7144-53 [dup4])

Crayon drawing of La Trinité church and a little girl in a school uniform holding French and American flags. Beneath the church it says: “merci de nous avoir envoyèr tant de chose Eliane“, “merci petit amériquin, 5 ans _ anne marie, Marie Thérèse 6 ans, Je vous remercie petites soeurs d’amerique, Jacqueline 8 ans, Michèle, claudette 6 ans, merci monique 6 ans, josette 8 ans” There is a school stamp on the lower left that says: “Paris. 9e, 16, Rue de Milan, Ecole de la Trinité.” On the back of the page it says: “merci peti frère colette 6ans édemi, geneviève 5 ans _, je vous remési vous petits garçon damérique Françoise 7 ans, je suis bien content de tout ce que vous nous avé doné Chantal 7 ans, mersi monique 7 ans, Josette 9 ans, Joëlle 6 ans, aline 8 tans, merci Hervé 6 ans, Danielle 7 ans, mersi Claude 6 ans, ginette 7 ans, merci catherine 7 ans, francine 7 ans, françoise 6 ans, catherine, vive les petits américains, merci

back of drawing 7144-53 [dup 4]

Back of drawing (above)

Watercolor 7144-53 [dup 5]

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup5])

Watercolor painting of a grey airplane between the United States and France. There is a school stamp that says: “Paris. 9e, 16, Rue de Milan, Ecole de la Trinité.” On the back it says: “Janine Chifrine, classe de 3ème.” 

Drawing 7144-54 [dup 2]

Drawing (NSHS 7144-54 [dup2])

Graphite and crayon drawing of two single-engine airplanes going in opposite directions. The name of the artist, Kadzielawa Nicolas, is in the upper right hand corner.

Watercolor 7144-53 [dup 5]

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup1])

Watercolor map: with the ship Normandie crossing the Atlantic between the United States and France. Two hands, with U.S. flag on one sleeve and French flag on other, clasped in handshake. There is a school stamp that says “New York, Londres, Paris” “Normandie” on ship. On reverse: “Monique Lavaud, Classe de 3eme.

Watercolor 7144-43

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-43)

Watercolor painting of a girl in a peasant costume addressing a goat. On the drawing it says: “biquette et son chou biquette n’veut passortir du chou!, ah! Tu sortiras,biquette, biquette, ah! Tu sortiras de ce chou-là!” [Little goat and her cabbage little goat doesn’t want to get out of the cabbage! Ah!, you will get out of that cabbage!] “Danielle Solare, Eveline Stubert, 6 ans“. “Cambrai, NORD, Ecole de filles, Allée de Soupirs

Watercolor 7144-45

Watercolors (NSHS 7144-45)

Two watercolor paintings mounted on a large piece of green construction paper. The drawing on the left is of two smokestacks and says: “Cambrai, Ce que je vois d’une salle de classe: Reconnaissance Amitié” [What I see from a class room]. Signed “Aimée” The picture on the right is a rooftop scene that says: “Ce que je vois de la cour de mon école, allée des Soupirs” [What I see from the courtyard of my school, the street of sighs] “Cambrai, A nos amis Americains, Colette Jacquemart.” There is a school car attached in the center that says: “From Cambrai, Nord, Ecole de filles, Allée des Soupirs” [Girls’ School, Street of Sighs]

Watercolor 7144-44

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-44)

Watercolor painting of the Cambrai fair with games of skill and a woman in red skirt. Beneath the picture it says: “UN COIN DE LA FOIRE DE CAMBRAI“[A CORNER OF THE CAMBRAI FAIR] “Jeannine Lemaire.” 

Watercolors 7144-48

Watercolors (NSHS 7144-48)

Three watercolor paintings of birds on construction paper that are connected with library tape. A separate title page, no longer attached, but presumed to have been originally attached on top accompanies the drawings. The title page says: “La montagne, Quelques Animaux” [The mountain, Some animals]. On the top drawing it says: “L’Aigle vers son Aire” [Eagle going to his nest]. Signed: “T. Ramette“. On the middle drawing it says: “Colette Jacquemart“. The bottom drawing says: “LE VAUTOUR” [The Buzzard]. 

Watercolors 7144-49

Watercolors (NSHS 7144-49)

Three watercolor paintings on construction paper that are connected with library tape. The top scene is a mountain scene that also has a peasant with a mule and says: “LE MULET.” It is signed by “J. Lemaire“. The middle drawing has a white, furry dog and says: “CHIEN DE MONTAGNE” [Mountain Dog]. It is signed by “Th. Ramette“. The bottom drawing is a snake amongst foliage and a tree trunk. It says: “LA COULEUVRE” [The Serpent], and is signed by “Colette Jacquemart“.

Watercolors 7144-51

Watercolors (NSHS 7144-51)

Four watercolor paintings that are connected with library tape to form a continuous set. The first picture is of pink and white flowers and says: “Ch. DeLaCroix“. The second drawing is a coffin with a wreath on its lid. The third picture is of a pair of wreaths on the beach or on water and it says: “On a jeté des fleurs là où des marins sont a jamais ensevelis dans leur coque d’acier” [Flowers were thrown there where sailors lie forever enclosed in their iron shells]. The last drawing contains four sets of double white crosses with wreaths and says: “Tombes de soldats” [Soldiers’ graves] “1914-1918, 1940-1945” 

Watercolors 7144-47

Watercolors (NSHS 7144-47)

Three watercolor paintings that are connected with library tape. The first picture is of a falcon that is perched on a peak and says: “LE FAUCON” “TH. RAMETTE“. The second drawing has a mountain goat standing on a small peak in front of large snowy peaks and says: “LE CHAMOIS” “THÉRÈSE RAMETTE“. The third drawing has an alpine goat standing in rocky terrain and says: “CHÈVRE DES ALPES.” There is a presentation card that says: “Train de la Reconnaissance Française. Au Peuple Americain” “From: Ecole de filles, Allée de Soupirs, Cambrai, NORD” 

Watercolor 7144-53 dup 11

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup10])

Watercolor painting of a brown French freighter coming from France to America. There is an official school stamp that says: “Ecole Paroissale de la Trinité, 18, Rue de Milan, PARIS, 9e” [Parish school of La Trinité]. On the back it is signed: “Claude Simonnet, 4ème Moderne” [Claude Simonnet, 4th, modern curr.] 

Watercolor 7144-53 dup 3

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup3])

Watercolor painting of the freighter Lafayette crossing from France to America. There is an official school stamp that says: “Ecole Paroissale de la Trinité, 18, Rue de Milan, PARIS, 9e” [Parish school of La Trinité]. 

On the back it says: “Christiane Putz, classe de 3e.” 

Watercolor 7144-53 dup 11

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup11])

Watercolor painting of the ship Reconnaissance crossing from France to the United States. On the back it says: “M.M. THOMEOF, dans de 3ème” 

Drawing 7144-53 dup 8

Drawing 7144-53 [dup8]

Drawing of the ship Normandie and an airplane between France and America. On the drawing it says: “Merci aux Etats Unis” “Amerique, Rio de Janeiro, France, Paris.” On the back it says: “D. Lesage, éleve de 3e.

Watercolor 7144-53 dup 12

Watercolor (NSHS 7144-53 [dup12])

Watercolor painting of the ship “Washington” between America and France. Paris is indicated with a Parisian shield. There is an official school stamp that says: “Ecole Paroissale de la Trinité, 18, Rue de Milan, PARIS, 9e” [Parish school of La Trinité]. On the back it says: “Pauline Buzot, 15 ans, classe de 4ème” 




Cartoon 7144-138

Cartoon (NSHS 7144-138)

Four separate cartoons that are covered by a sheet of clear rigid plastic and framed with red fabric tape. The artist’s name, Beatrice Mallet, appears on the front of each picture. The first picture is of a little girl in a regional costume carrying a basket of mussels walking on a dock with a lighthouse, beach, and sail in the background. Underneath the cartoon it says: “A la pêche aux moules Je ne veux plus aller, Maman” [Going fishing for mussels I no longer want to go, Mama]. Written in ink on the back it says: “Dress of the Country of Sables d’Olonne (Atlantic Coast) oysters’ fishers.” 

Cartoon 7144-138

Cartoon (NSHS 7144-138)

The second picture is of a pair of children engaged in marketplace negotiations about the sale of a fowl. Underneath the cartoon it says: “Pas possiblenon, ma chère. Il m’a couté plus que ça, Patatipatatta” [Not possibleno, my dear. It cost me more than that, Patatipatata..]. Written on the back it says: “Dress of Britain” [Brittany].

Cartoon 7144-138

Cartoon (NSHS 7144-138)

The third picture is of two children in Norman costume picking apples. Underneath the cartoon it says: “Vive le cidre de Normandie. Rien ne fait sauter comme ça!” [Hooray for the cider of Normandie. Nothing makes you dance like that!]. Written on the back it says: “Dress of Normandy.”

Cartoon 7144-138

Cartoon (NSHS 7144-138)

The fourth picture is of a child knitting in front of a mountain scene. Underneath the cartoon it says: “Que j’aime à respirer l’air pur de nos montagnes” [How I love to breathe the pure air of our mountains]. Written on the back it says: “Dress of Normandy”

Prints and Photographs 





Lithograph (NSHS 7144-161-(1))

Lithograph of both the exterior and interior of a building. The interior features numerous chandeliers and a series of balconies open onto a festive scene. Below the picture it says: “LE BAL MASQUÉ, Fêtes données au Roi et à la Reine, par la Ville de Paris, Le 23 Janvier 1782 à l.occasion de la Naissance de Monseigneur le Dauphin” [Masked Ball, given to the king and queen by the city of Paris, Jan. 23 1782, on the occasion of the birth of the dauphin]. In fine print it says: “Inventé par P. L. Moreau Chev. de L’Ordre du Roi, architecte de sa Majesté Mtre général des Bâtiments de la Ville en 1782. Dessiné et gravé d’après nature par J.M.Moreau le je dessinat et grad. du Cabinet du Roi, de son acad Ale de Peint et de Sculp et celle des Sciences et Arts de Rouen. Cer. Auli de sa Mté le Roi de Prusse, etc” [Created by P. L. Moreau, Chevalier of the Order of the King, architecte of his majesty, Master general of buildings of the city in 1782. Drawn and engraved from life by J.M. Moreau the younger, artist and graduate of the King’s Cabinet and his academy of Painting and Sculpture and that of Sciences and Arts of Rouen. Certified by his majesty the king of Prussia, etc.]. On the back is an official donation card of thanks marked: “Musee du Louvre, Paris.” In addition, the back features a small stamp that says: “Encadrements, Dorure, Gravures, anciennes et modernes, AU CADRE LOUIS XV, Rue de Clichy, Paris, Tél Gutenberg 62-52” [Frames, Gilding, Engravings, antique and modern, At The Framing Louis XV].

Print 7144-109 dup 1

Print (NSHS 7144-109 [dup1])

Print of the surrender signing scene with three German officers and eleven Allied officers on opposites sides of a large table. Below picture it says: “Reims 7 May 1945 Signature de la Capitulation Allemande, d’après le tableau de L. Jonas.” On the back there is a tag that says: “Tableau de la Capitulation Allemande du Peintre Francais Lucien JONAS. Don fait par la Ville de Reims à la nation Américain, le 6 Avril 1946, Cette reproduction est offerte par la Ville de Reims à chacun des 49 États d’Amérique à l’occasion du ­TRAIN DE LA RECONNAISSANCE FRANÇAISE- Le 25 Novembre 1948

Photoprint 7144-213

Photoprint (NSHS 7144-213)

Photoprint celebrating the relationship of Saint-Die (Godmother of America), with text in Latin from 1507 and an English translation showing attribution of the name “America” to Saint-Die, Vosges, France. In the bottom right corner it is signed by the mayor of Saint-Die: “In recognition of his acknowledgement and gratitude to the American People-The mayor of Saint-Die, s.]


More Art


Portrait 7144-226

Portrait (NSHS 7144-226)

Framed oval portrait of a young woman in a Breton peasant costume. There is a sheet of paper pasted on paper backing that says: “Don de Mademoiselle Marguerite Pauvert, Artiste Peintre, Lauréat des Beaux-Arts (Paris) de l’Institut, de l’Etat Français. Villa “La Palette”, Saint-Pierre Quiberon (Morbihan), “Serait honorée de voir sa petite oeuvre choisie pour un musée ou une collection” [Gift of Mademoiselle Marguerite Pauvert, artist-painter, graduate of Beaux-Arts college (Paris) of the art institute of France. Villa (home) “La Palette”, Saint-Pierre, Quiberon (dept. of Morbihan). I would be honored to see my little piece chosen for a museum or a collection.] On a separate tag it says: “Miniature sur Ivoire, ‘Au pays d’Armor’, Pensée sur l’Amérique”[Miniature painting on ivory, ‘In the Armor district’, Thoughts of America] 

Bell 7144-176

Bell (NSHS 7144-176)

Copper alloy bell made from a conical artillery shell nose cap. The front section is a 8mm Mauser cartridge, including a bullet, in the center position representing a non-moving clapper. On a small square of paper it says: “Clochette confectionnee sur le front par un poilu de la Grande Guerre 1914-18 avec fusee d’obus 77 Allemand, balle de Moser, et bouton pris sur un prisonnier allemand. Bivert Vaaille 43 rue Auguste Golissard Bondy (Loire).

Plaques 7144-187-1, 2

Plaques (NSHS 7144-187-1, 2)

Wooden plaques with figures of a boy and girl that are signed by the artist Loty. There is a card from the donor pasted onto the back of one plaque that says: “Happy Christmas, M. et Mme Georges LAVOCAT, Terrazzo, Alsace, Sélestat” 




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Bust 7144-182

Bust (NSHS 7144-182)

Plaster bust of composer Gabriel Fauré. Written in pencil on the bottom of the base is: “Gabriel FAURÉ muscien compositeur français (1845-1924). Offert par son petit cousin Fauré, Jean, Pamiers” [Gabriel FAURÉ musician, composer. Given by his little cousin Jean, Pamiers]. On the rear of the base it says: “F. Fauré, Fremier” 

Picture 7144-134

Picture (NSHS 7144-134)

Framed picture with painted paper flowers that are layered and also painted on glass. 

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