Grand York Rite of Nebraska [RG0868.AM]


RG0868.AM:  Grand York Rite of Nebraska

Records:  c.1868-1954, mostly 1870-1920
Nebraska:  Fraternal organization
Size:  12.0 cu.ft.; 12 boxes


The organization of the American Rite (York Rite in America) features nine degrees, according to Mackey’s The Encyclopedia of Free Masonry.  The lodge, a meeting of the symbolic masons, gives three degrees:  Entered Apprentice; Fellow-Craft; and Master Mason.  The Chapter, a meeting of Royal Arch Masons, consists of four degrees for members:  Mark Master; Past Master; Most Excellent Master; Holy Royal Arch.  The High Priest serves as the presiding officer of a chapter of a Royal Arch Masons (RAM).  The Council, a meeting of Cryptic Masons, holds degrees as Royal Master and Select Master.  The Commandery, a meeting of the Knights Templar, also has degrees:  Knights of the Red Cross, Knight Templar, and Knight of Malta.  The Nebraska York Rite Collection contains items from the Chapter, Council, and Commandery levels.


The Nebraska York Rite Collection consists of records of the organization arranged in five series:

1)  High Priesthood and Chapters, Correspondence 1868-1929; 2) Grand Councils and Councils, Correspondence 1876-1954; 3) Grand Officers and Commanderies, Correspondence 1870-1954; 4) State and International Correspondence, 1869-1920; and 5) Miscellaneous.

Furnas, Livingston, Deuel–names familiar in early Nebraska history transform into chapter names. A large portion of the materials relates to some 65 Nebraska York Rite Chapters.  The chapter, council, and commandery materials include demits, dispensation papers, charter copies, petitions, by-laws and amendments, officers and installations, invitations, designated seals, and other materials related to the individual groups.  Christmas observances, banquets, inspection reports, and account records are also included in the collection.  Members in military service in World War I are recorded as well.

The State/ International correspondence consists of communication between the Nebraska organization and 27 states and territories and 4 foreign nations.  Appointment of representatives to grand (state) commanderies, member deaths (including President Garfield), printed proceedings, Grand Conclave reports, and reports of impersonation of knights (warnings to other states) comprise the State/ International correspondence.  The Miscellaneous series consists of the correspondence regarding the printed electrotype plates and the formation of the Rocky Mountain (Colorado Territory) lodge.


Series 1 – High Priesthood and Chapters, Correspondence
Box 1

  1. Central Grand Chapter, U.S.A., Correspondence, 1871-1885
  2. Central Grand Chapter, U.S.A., Correspondence, 1886-1893
  3. Grand Chapter, Correspondence, 1903
  4. Grand Chapter, Correspondence, 1903
  5. High Priesthood (Documents), Correspondence, 1889-1890, 1897
  6. High Priesthood (Sundry Documents by Date), Correspondence, 1890-1899
  7. High Priesthood (Sundry Documents by Date), Correspondence, 1890-1897
  8. High Priesthood (Records of sessions), Correspondence, 1886-1912
  9. High Priesthood (Records of sessions), Correspondence, 1895-1897
  10. High Priesthood, Correspondence, 1901-1904
  11. High Priesthood, Correspondence, 1899-1901
  12. High Priesthood, Correspondence, 1908-1913
  13. High Priesthood, Correspondence, 1909-1913
  14. New Chapters, Correspondence, 1893-1916
  15. New Chapters, Correspondence, 1882-1892
  16. Excelsior Chapter U D, Correspondence, 1873-1889
  17. Omaha Chapter (No. 1), Correspondence, 1899-1919
  18. Keystone Chapter (No. 2) (Nebraska City), Correspondence, 1902-1919
  19. Nebraska Chapter (No. 3) (Plattsmouth), Correspondence, 1865-1900
  20. Nebraska Chapter (No. 3), Correspondence, 1865-1920
  21. Brownville Chapter (No. 4), Correspondence, 1889-1919
  22. Brownville Chapter (No. 4), Correspondence, 1867-1888
  23. Eureka Chapter (No. 5) (Falls City), Correspondence, 1869-1920
  24. Eureka Chapter (No. 5), Correspondence, 1868-1898

Box 2

  1. Lincoln Chapter (No. 6), Correspondence, 1890-1920
  2. Lincoln Chapter (No. 6), Correspondence, 1870-1902
  3. Lincoln Chapter (No. 6), Correspondence, 1886-1904
  4. Bellevue Chapter (No. 7), Correspondence, 1872-1919
  5. Signet Chapter (No. 8) (Fremont), Correspondence, 1870-1919
  6. Furnas Chapter (No. 9) (Tecumseh), Correspondence, 1869-1918
  7. Livingston Chapter (No. 10) (Beatrice), Correspondence, 1885-1919
  8. Livingston Chapter (No. 10), Correspondence, 1870-1884
  9. Deuel Chapter (No. 11) (Grand Island), Correspondence, 1871-1919
  10. Ashland Chapter (No. 12), Correspondence, 1874-1908
  11. Ashland Chapter (No. 12), Correspondence, 1873-1889
  12. Ashland Chapter (No. 12) Extinct, Correspondence, 1873-1879
  13. Adoniram Chapter (No. 13) (Blair), Correspondence, 1886-1919
  14. Adoniram Chapter (No. 13), Correspondence, 1867-1885
  15. Lebanon Chapter (No. 14) (Sutton), Correspondence, 1875-1919
  16. Euphrates Chapter (No. 15) (North Platte), Correspondence, 1885-1919
  17. Euphrates Chapter (No. 15), Correspondence, 1876-1884
  18. Gayle Chapter (No. 16) (Hebron), Correspondence, 1874-1919
  19. Mount Zion Chapter (No. 17) (Crete), Correspondence, 1889-1919
  20. Mount Zion Chapter (No. 17), Correspondence, 1877-1888

Box 3

  1. Orient Chapter (No. 18) (Columbus), Correspondence, 1878-1919
  2. Red Cloud Chapter (No. 19), Correspondence, 1878-1920
  3. Bethlehem Chapter (No. 20) (Pawnee City), Correspondence, 1878-1919
  4. Hastings Chapter (No. 21), Correspondence, 1878-1920
  5. Edgar Chapter (No. 22), Correspondence, 1881-1919
  6. Kearney Chapter (No. 23), Correspondence, 1881-1920
  7. Mackey Chapter (No. 24) (Tekamah), Correspondence, 1881-1919
  8. Damascus Chapter (No. 25) (Norfolk), Correspondence, 1883-1919
  9. Merrick Chapter (No. 26) (Central City), Correspondence, 1882-1919
  10. Jordan Chapter (No. 27) (St. Paul), Correspondence, 1884-1919

***No records for Chapter No. 28**

  1. Tyrian Chapter (No. 29) (Lexington), Correspondence, 1884-1919
  2. King David Chapter (No. 30) (David City), Correspondence, 1882-1919
  3. Palmer Chapter (No. 31) (Wilber), Correspondence, 1885-1919
  4. Shekinah Chapter (No. 32) (Aurora), Correspondence, 1881-1919
  5. Solomon Chapter (No. 33), Correspondence, 1884-1920
  6. Jewel Chapter (No. 34) (Ashland), Correspondence, 1890-1913

Box 4

  1. Jewel Chapter (No. 34), Correspondence, 1883-1889
  2. Jewel Chapter (No. 34), “Returns,” 1901
  3. King Cyrus Chapter (No. 35) (McCook), Correspondence, 1885-1919
  4. King Darius Chapter (No. 36) (Indianola), Correspondence, 1885-1919
  5. Tadmor Chapter (No. 37) (Superior), Correspondence, 1884-1919
  6. Ophir Chapter (No. 38) (Schuyler), Correspondence, 1873, 1886-1917
  7. Haggai Chapter (No. 39) (Wakefield), Correspondence, 1885-1920
  8. Temple Chapter (No. 40) (Neligh), Correspondence, 1885-1919
  9. Triune Chapter (No. 41) (Geneva), Correspondence, 1886-1919
  10. Cyrene Chapter (No. 42) (Friend), Correspondence, 1885-1890
  11. Cyrene Chapter (No. 42) (Holdrege), Correspondence, 1886-1919
  12. Wahoo Chapter (No. 43), Correspondence, 1886-1919
  13. Siloam Chapter (No. 44) (Fairbury), Correspondence, 1886-1919
  14. Garfield Chapter (No. 45) (O’Neill), Correspondence, 1887-1913
  15. Garfield Chapter (No. 45), Correspondence, 1885-1912
  16. Garfield Chapter (No. 45), Correspondence, 1887-1900 (“Petition Papers”)

Box 5

  1. Siroc Chapter (No. 46) (West Point), Correspondence, 1886-1919
  2. Miriam Chapter (No. 47) (Oxford), Correspondence, 1888-1919
  3. Occidental Chapter (No. 48) (Chadron), Correspondence, 1887-1919
  4. Horeb Chapter (No. 49) (Broken Bow), Correspondence, 1888-1919
  5. Doric Chapter (No. 50) (Ord), Correspondence, 1886-1919
  6. Pine Chapter (No. 51) (Long Pine), Correspondence, 1888-1919
  7. Joppa Chapter (No. 52) (Loup City), Correspondence, 1889-1919
  8. Pentalpha Chapter (No. 53) (Genoa), Correspondence, 1893-1923
  9. Pentalpha Chapter (No. 53), Correspondence, 1889-1923
  10. Sheba Chapter (No. 54) (Alliance), Correspondence, 1896-1919
  11. Chaldean Chapter (No. 55) (Bloomfield), Correspondence, 1897-1918
  12. Cedar Chapter (No. 56) (Hartington), Correspondence, 1897-1913

***No records for Chapter No. 57***

  1. Rabboni Chapter (No. 58) (Randolph), Correspondence, 1905-1918
  2. Rabboni Chapter (No. 58), Petitions, 1905-1912
  3. Valley Chapter (No. 59) (Alma), Correspondence, 1905-1919

Box 6

  1. Delta Chapter (No. 60) (Omaha), Correspondence, 1920-1921
  2. Florence Chapter (No. 61) (Omaha), Correspondence, 1923-1924
  3. Leese Chapter (No. 62) (Seward), Correspondence, 1925
  4. Rosebud Chapter (No. 63) (Valentine), Correspondence, 1926-1927

***No records for Chapter No. 64***

  1. Oregon Trail Chapter (No. 65) (Gering), Correspondence, 1928-1929

Series 2 – Grand Councils and Councils
Box 6 (cont.)

  1. Grand Council, 1900-1901
  2. Grand Council, 1902-1903 (Sessions)
  3. Grand Council, Proceedings (1892-1900)

***No records for Council No.1 (referred to in later Correspondence, as Omaha Council No.1)

  1. Alpha Council (No. 2) (Nebraska City), Correspondence, 1876-1909
  2. Furnas Council (No. 3) (Auburn, org. Brownsville), Correspondence, 1878–1920

***No records for Council No. 4***

  1. Adoniram Council (No. 5) (Tecumseh), Correspondence, 1876-1920; 1925; 1949
  2. Zabud Council (No. 6) (Lexington), Correspondence, 1886-1920
  3. Hiram Council (No. 7) (Fremont), Correspondence, 1886-1920
  4. Hastings Council (No. 8), Correspondence, 1886-1920; 1925
  5. Raboni Council (No. 9) (Beatrice), Correspondence, 1886-1920; 1924; 1947
  6. Solomon Council (No. 10) (Sutton), Correspondence, 1889-1911
  7. Jacob A. Hood Council (No. 11) (Schuyler), Correspondence, 1886; 1891-1916
  8. Gebal Council (No. 12) (Columbus), Correspondence, 1891-1920; 1925
  9. Tyrian Council (No. 13) (York), Correspondence, 1891-1917

Box 7

  1. Damascus Council (No. 14) (Superior), Correspondence, 1891-1920; 1925
  2. Tuscan Council (No. 15) (Pawnee City), Correspondence, 1894-1909
  3. Occonoxee Council (No. 16) (McCook), Correspondence, 1894-1920; 1924
  4. Ionic Council (No. 17) (Ord), Correspondence, 1894-1919
  5. Custer Council (No. 18) (Broken Bow), Correspondence, 1901-1919; 1925
  6. Bloomfield Council (No. 19) (Norfolk, org. Bloomfield), Correspondence, 1902-1920; 1925; 1946-1947
  7. Temple Council (No. 20) (Neligh), Correspondence, 1903-1920; 1924
  8. Robert R. Livingston Council (No. 21) (Plattsmouth), Correspondence, 1902-1915
  9. Cypress Council (No. 22) (Wymore), Correspondence, 1904-1920
  10. George W. Lininger Council (No. 23) (Long Pine), Correspondence, 1907-1920
  11. Lebanon Council (No. 24) (Central City, org. Central City U.D.), Correspondence, 1907-1920
  12. Loup Valley Council (No. 25) (St. Paul), Correspondence, 1907-1920
  13. Naomi Council (No. 26) (Geneva), Correspondence, 1911-1919; 1925
  14. Zerubbabel Council (No. 27) (Chadron), Correspondence, 1912; 1916-1920
  15. Arbor Lodge Council (No. 28) (Nebraska City), Correspondence, 1926; 1954
  16. Tekamah Council U.D. (Not assigned a Council number), Correspondence, 1902-1909
  17. Norfolk Council U.D. (Not assigned a Council number), Correspondence, 1903-1906

Series 3 – Grand Officers and Commanderies
Box 7 (cont.)

  1. Grand Treasurer, Correspondence, 1917-1925
  2. Other Grand Officers, Correspondence, 1918-1925
  3. New Commanderies, Correspondence, 1893-1912

***No records for Commandery No. 1 (identified as Mount Calvary, Omaha)***

  1. Mt. Olivet Commandery (No. 2) (Nebraska City), Correspondence, 1870-1903
  2. Mt. Olivet Commandery (No. 2), Correspondence, 1904-1920

Box 8

  1. Mt. Carmel Commandery (No. 3) (Auburn, org. Brownville), Correspondence, 1891-1920
  2. Mt. Carmel Commandery (No. 3), Correspondence, 1874-1890
  3. Mt. Moriah Commandery (No. 4) (Lincoln), Correspondence, 1871-1888
  4. Mt. Moriah Commandery (No. 4), Correspondence, 1888-1895
  5. Mt. Moriah Commandery (No. 4), Correspondence, 1895-1900
  6. Mt. Moriah Commandery (No. 4), Correspondence, 1900-1906
  7. Mt. Moriah Commandery (No. 4), Correspondence, 1907-1917
  8. Mt. Moriah Commandery (No. 4), Correspondence, 1917-1920
  9. Mt. Zion Commandery (No. 5) (Plattsmouth), Correspondence, 1871-1894
  10. Mt. Zion Commandery (No. 5), Correspondence, 1895-1920
  11. Mt. Lebanon Commandery (Mo. 6) (Grand Island), Correspondence, 1899-1920
  12. Mt. Lebanon Commandery (Mo. 6), Correspondence, 1891-1898
  13. Mt. Hermon Commandery (No. 7) (Beatrice), Correspondence, 1897-1920
  14. Mt. Sinai Commandery (No. 8) (Falls City), Correspondence, 1896-1919
  15. Mt. Tabor Commandery (No. 9) (Fremont), Correspondence, 1894-1917

Box 9

  1. Mt. Horeb Commandery (No. 10) (Tecumseh), Correspondence, 1880-1920
  2. Mt. Nebo Commandery (No. 11) (Hastings), Correspondence, 1899-1920
  3. Mt. Hebron Commandery (No. 12) (Kearney), Correspondence, 1893-1920
  4. Palestine Commandery (No. 13) (North Platte), Correspondence, 1893-1920
  5. Cyrene Commandery (No. 14) (Red Cloud), Correspondence, 1904-1920
  6. Jordan Commandery (No. 15) (Blair), Correspondence, 1897-1920
  7. St. John Commandery (No. 16) (McCook), Correspondence, 1886-1893
  8. St. John Commandery (No. 16), Correspondence, 1893-1920
  9. Joppa Commandery (No. 17) (York), Correspondence, 1886-1898
  10. Joppa Commandery (No. 17), Correspondence, 1898-1920
  11. Bethlehem Commandery (No. 18) (Hebron; moves to Gering in 1940), Correspondence, 1887–1903
  12. Bethlehem Commandery (No. 18), Correspondence, 1903-1919; 1938-1939
  13. Mt. Elias Commandery (No. 19) (Holdrege), Correspondence, 1888-1897
  14. Mt. Elias Commandery (No. 19), Correspondence, 1898-1920

Box 10

  1. Damascus Commandery (No. 20) (Norfolk), Correspondence, 1898-1921
  2. Gethsemane Commandery (No. 21), Correspondence, 1889-1892; 1916–1920
  3. Gethsemane Commandery (No. 21) (Columbus), Correspondence, 1896-1916
  4. Melita Commandery (No. 22) (Chadron), Correspondence, 1889–1898
  5. Melita Commandery (No. 22), Correspondence, 1899-1920
  6. Mt. Ararat Commandery (No. 23) (St. Paul), Correspondence, 1893-1894
  7. Mt. Ararat Commandery (No. 23), Correspondence, 1899-1920
  8. Jerusalem Commandery (No. 24) (Bloomfield), Correspondence, 1900-1920
  9. Shiloh Commandery (No. 25) (Broken Bow), Correspondence, 1902-1920
  10. Bunah Commandery (No. 26) (Alliance), Correspondence, 1902-1920
  11. Palmyra Commandery (No. 27) (Superior), Correspondence, 1905-1920
  12. Bethel Commandery (No. 28) (Long Pine), Correspondence, 1909-1920
  13. Sharon Commandery (No. 29) (Fairbury), Correspondence, 1910-1920
  14. Temple Commandery (No. 30) (Sidney), Correspondence, 1953-1954

Series 4 – State and International Correspondence
Box 11

  1. Arizona, Correspondence, 1893-1915
  2. Arkansas, Correspondence, 1875-1919
  3. California, Correspondence, 1916-1920
  4. California, Correspondence, 1900-1916
  5. California, Correspondence, 1872-1900
  6. Dakota, Correspondence, 1885-1890
  7. Illinois, Correspondence, 1878-1897
  8. Illinois, Correspondence, 1872-1892
  9. Iowa, Correspondence, 1881-1888
  10. Iowa, Correspondence, 1873-1878
  11. Iowa, Correspondence, 1873-1886
  12. Iowa, Correspondence, 1880-1893
  13. Iowa, Correspondence, 1874, 1890-1894
  14. Kansas, Correspondence, 1915-1919
  15. Kansas, Correspondence 1900-1918
  16. Kansas, Correspondence 1874-1899
  17. Louisiana, Correspondence 1872-1919
  18. Maryland, Correspondence 1882, 1894-1913
  19. Massachusetts/ Rhode Island, Correspondence 1890-1898
  20. Massachusetts/ Rhode Island, Correspondence 1872-1889
  21. Michigan, Correspondence, 1900-1919
  22. Michigan, Correspondence, 1872-1899
  23. Minnesota, Correspondence, 1869-1894
  24. Mississippi, Correspondence, 1905-1919
  25. Mississippi, Correspondence, 1872-1904

Box 12

  1. Nevada, Correspondence, 1895-1919
  2. Nevada, Correspondence, 1878-1894
  3. New Mexico, Correspondence, 1899-1916
  4. New Mexico, Correspondence, 1902-1918
  5. New York, Correspondence, 1901-1905
  6. New York, Correspondence, 1894-1900
  7. New York, Correspondence, 1872-1893
  8. New York, Correspondence, 1911-1919
  9. New York, Correspondence, 1905-1910
  10. State of North Dakota, Correspondence, 1890-1919
  11. Oklahoma, Correspondence, 1911-1919
  12. Oklahoma, Correspondence, 1896-1920
  13. Utah, Correspondence, 1911-1920
  14. Vermont, Correspondence, 1890-1917
  15. Vermont, Correspondence, 1872-1889
  16. Virginia, Correspondence, 1907-1918
  17. Virginia, Correspondence, 1877-1906
  18. Washington Territory, Correspondence, 1887-1920
  19. West Virginia, Correspondence, 1900-1919
  20. West Virginia, Correspondence, 1874-1899
  21. Wisconsin, Correspondence, 1875-1919
  22. Wyoming, Correspondence, 1909-1919


  1. Ireland, Correspondence, 1877-1888
  2. Victoria, Correspondence, 1897-1915
  3. Canada, Correspondence, 1874-1901
  4. England, Correspondence, 1875-1917

Series 5 – Miscellaneous
Box 12

  1. Electrotype Plates
  2. Rocky Mountain Lodge No. 8

Subject headings:

Fraternal organizations — Nebraska
Freemasons – Nebraska
Grand York Rite of Nebraska

Retyped, kfk/dco      04-18-2003


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