RG2331.AM: Hugh Alfred Butler, 1878-1954
Papers, etc.: 1941-1954
Cambridge, Furnas County, Neb.: U.S. Senator
Size: 140 cu.ft.; 164 boxes & 17 volumes
Born in Missouri Valley, Iowa, on February 28, 1878, Hugh Butler came across Nebraska in a covered wagon at the age of six, when his family settled on a farm in Furnas County near Cambridge. His mother died when he was 12 and his father, Harve, moved the family of three boys and a girl into Cambridge to send them to public school. His father worked for the Cambridge flourmill for 35 years, and after retiring, lived there until his death in 1927 at 81. Hugh Butler won a scholarship to Doane College in Crete, by selling subscriptions to a church paper and graduated from the liberal arts course in 1900, with a B.S. Degree. At the time of his death he had served for more than 25 years as chairman of the Doane Board of Trustees.
After taking a job with the Burlington railroad in Lincoln, his first opportunity came when he was picked as construction superintendent for laying 150 miles of track from Billings, Montana, to Worland, Wyoming. He completed this assignment in time for the scheduled government opening of the Big Horn Basin area to homesteaders. In 1908, Sen. Butler became co-proprietor of a mill and elevator in Curtis, with his father-in-law, Frank Johnson. From 1913 to 1918 he was manager of the Crete Mills, and in 1919 became a member of the Butler-Welsh Grain Company in Omaha. With his partner, Roy Welsh, he established a successful financial business enterprise. Senator Butler prospered in the grain business but suffered personal hardship when his wife died as a result of injuries in an automobile accident as they were en route to their Cambridge home for a celebration of his election to the Senate in 1941. For a number of years, he was a director of the Nebraska Consolidated Flour Mills in Omaha and operator of the Sheridan, Wyoming mills. He served as president of the Omaha Grain Exchange and was president for two years of the National Grain Dealers Association.
His first political office was at Curtis, where as a member of the town board, he was instrumental in the campaign for establishing the Nebraska School of Agriculture there. The second elective office of his career was to the Omaha Board of Education and the third was as national Republican committeeman for Nebraska, in 1936, which he resigned just before running for his first Senate term. First elected to the United States Senate in 1940, he succeeded Edward R. Burke, the last Democrat to represent Nebraska in the upper house. Mr. Butler was re-elected in 1946. He filed in 1951 for a third sic-year term and his election in 1952 was his most impressive victory. He polled the biggest percentage vote in the state. The seniority system of Congress made Senator Butler ranking member of the Republican Party. He was a member of the Senate Finance Committee, the Committee on Committees, which decides on which groups newly elected party on the Insular Affairs Committee and served as chairman when Republicans had a majority in the Senate in 1946-1947. Other committees included the Senate Interior Committee, of which he served as chairman in the 80th Congress and Senate Interim Committee, of which he served as chairman. He was also a member of the ìwatch dog of Congress,î the joint House and Senate Committee on reduction of non-essential spending. Senator Butler appeared on the Senate floor in a wheelchair in May, 1954 as a result of a sprained hip.
A former director of Rotary International and district governor, Senator Butler was active in work with the Salvation Army, Community Chest and YMCA. He was a past member of the executive and member of the agricultural committee of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce. He belonged to the Scottish Rite, Knights Templar, Modern Woodmen and Odd Fellows. Senator Butler was an active member of the Congregational Church, serving at one time as state moderator. Following his wifeís death, he never remarried but lived in bachelorís quarters in Washington and Omaha. His two sons died at an early age.
Hugh Alfred Butler died in Walter Reed Army Hospital on July 2, 1954, at the age of 75.
This collection consisting of 164 boxes of manuscript material arranged in six subgroups comprising fifty-nine series relates to the career of Hugh Butler in the United States Senate. Subgroup 1, Correspondence, is arranged in nine series including a detailed breakdown of political correspondence by state, by county and alphabetically. Subgroup 2, Departmental Files, is arranged in ten series one for each cabinet level post then in existence. Subgroup 3, Agencies and Special Subjects, is arranged in twenty-nine series and consists largely of material relating to Federal agencies below cabinet level. Subgroup 4, Committees, is arranged in seven series including one general series which contains material relating to committees on which Butler did not serve or took a small part, and six series relating to the Interior and Insular Affairs Committee of which Butler was Chairman. Subgroup 5, Legislative Files, is arranged in four series and includes actual and proposed legislation and Butlerís voting record. Subgroup 6, Miscellany, consists of speeches, research, election material, guest books, etc.
This collection includes materials regarding national and Nebraska politics, federal and state government programs, military affairs, agriculture, Alaskan and Hawaiian statehood, legislation, and foreign affairs. The bulk of the collection consists of legislative and committee files. Of particular note is the material in subgroup 4 relating to Interior and Insular affairs.
Note: Photographs and audio-visual materials relating to Sen. Hugh Butler are also available. Please ask a Reference Staff member for assistance.
Subgroup 1: Correspondence, 1945-1954
Series 1 – General correspondence, 1945-1954
Box 1 – Correspondence, 1945-1947
- A
- Arbor Day
- B
- Burke, Edward R.
- C
- Coffee, Harry
- Creigh, Thomas, Chicago, Illinois
- D
- E
- F
- Flint, Isaac B.
- Franks, Maurice
- G
- Gruenther, Homer
- H
- Hager, George, Chicago, Illinois
- I
- J
- Jesters, Royal Order of
- Jews
- K
Box 2
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- Nebraska State
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- Rotary Club
- S, pt. 1
- S, pt. 2
- T
- Thomas, George
- U
- V
- W
- Welsh, J.L.
Correspondence, 1948-1949
- A
- B
Box 3
- C
- Cherry Blossom Festival (Queen)
- D
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- DAR Convention, 1949
- E
- F
- G
- H
Box 4
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M, pt. 1
- M, pt. 2
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S, pt. 1
- S, pt. 2
- T
- U
- V
- W
Correspondence, 1950-1951
- Aa-Al
- Alfalfa Club
- Am-Aq
- Ammon (Cushman Motors)
- Ar-Az
- Armstrong, O.K.
- Baa-Ban
- Bar-Baz
- Bea-Bem
- Ben-Bez
- Bi
- Bl
- Bo
- Bra-Bre
Box 5
- Bro-Bry
- Brown, Hugh
- Bu-By
- Burke, Gordon Trist
- Caa-Caq
- Car-Cg
- Ch
- Ci-Cn
- Coa-Com
- Con-Cq
- Cr-Cz
- Crank letters
- Creigh, Thomas
- Da-Dd
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- Daughters of the American Revolution
- De-Dh
- Di-Dn
- Disbursing Office
- Do-Dq
- Dr-Dz
- Ea-El
- Em-Ez
- Fa-Fe
- Farrar, Larston D.
- Fi-Fn
- Fo-Fq
- Fr-Fz
- Ga-Gh
- Gi-Gn
- Go-Gq
- Goodwin, William J.
- Gr-Gz
- Graham, Billy
- Haa-Hal
- Ham-Har
- Has-Hek
- Hel-Hh
- Hi-Hn
- Hill, Arthur T.
- Hoa-Hol
- Hom-Ht
- Hu-Hz
- I
- Ja-Jn
- Jo-Jz
- Ka-Kd
- Ke-Kh
Box 6
- Ki-Km
- Kn-Kz
- La-Ld
- Le-Lev
- Lew-Ln
- Lo-Lt
- Lu-Lz
- Maa-Maq
- Mar-Mb
- Masonic
- McA-McF
- McG-Md
- Mea-Meq
- Memorial addresses
- Mer-Mh
- Mi-Mn
Box 7
- Moa-Moq
- Mor-Mt
- Mu-Mz
- Na-Nh
- Nebraska Secretaries Association
- Ni-Nz
- O
- Pa-Pd
- Pe-Ph
- Pi-Pos
- Pot-Pz
- Q-Rd
- Re-Rg
- Rh-Rn
- Roa-Ror
- Roberts, J. Gordon (Roberts Dairy)
- Ros-Rz
- Rotary file
- Sa-Scg
- Scha-Schn
- Scho-Sd
- Se-Shh
- Sesquicentennial celebration, 1950
- Shi-Sj
- Sk-Sm
- Sn-Ss
- Sta-Sth
- Sti-Stz
- Su-Sz
- Ta-Thn
- Telephone conversations
- Telephone service (towns)
- Tho-Tq
- Tr-Tz
- U
- V
- Waa-Waq
- War-Weh
- Wei-Wg
- Wh
- Wia-Wim
- Win-Wn
- Wo-Wz
Box 8 – Correspondence, 1952-1954
- Aa-Al
- Am-Aq
- Ar-Az
- Baa-Baq
- Bar-Bd
- Bea-Bem
- Ben-Bh
- Bi-Bk
- Bl-Bn
- Bo-Bq
- Bra-Brn
- Bro-Bt
- Bu-Bz
- Caa-Caq
- Car-Cg
- Ch
- Cherry Blossom Festival, 1950
- Ci-Cn
- Coa-Com
- Con-Cq
- Cr-Cz
- Curtis School (Foundation Fund)
- Da-Dd
- De-Dh
- Di-Dn
- Do-Dq
- Doane College scholarships
- Dr-Dz
- Ea-El
- Em-Ez
- Fa-Fh
- Fi-Fn
- Fo-Fq
- Fr-Fz
- Ga-Gh
- Gi-Gn
- Go-Gq
- Gr-Gz
- Haa-Hal
- Ham-Har
- Has-Hek
- Hel-Hh
- Hi-Hn
- Hoa-Hol
- Hom-Ht
- Hotels
- Hu-Hz
- I
- Ja-Jn
- Jo-Jz
- Ka-Kd
- Ke-Kh
- Ki-Km
- Kn-Kz
- La-Ld
- Lea-Lev
- Lew-Ln
- Lo-Lt
- Lu-Lz
Box 9
- Maa-Maq
- Mar-Mb
- McA-McF
- McG-Md
- Mea-Meq
- Mer-Mh
- Mi-Mn
- Moa-Moq
- Mor-Mt
- Mu-Mz
- Na-Nh
- Ni-Nz
- O
- Pa-Pd
- Pe-Pg
Box 10
- Pi-Pq
- Pot-Pz
- Q-Rd
- Re-Rg
- Rh-Rn
- Roa-Ror
- Ros-Rz
- Rotary, 1950
- Sa-Scg
- Scha-Schn
- Scho-Sd
- Se-Shh
- Shi-Sj
- Sk-Sm
- Sn-Ss
- Sta-Sth
- Sti-Stz
- Su-Sz
- Ta-Thn
- Tho-Tq
- Tr-Tz
- U
- V
- Waa-Waq
- War-Weh
- Wedemeyer, A.C. (Lt. General)
- Wei-Wg
- Wh
- Wia-Wim
- Win-Wn
- Wo-Wz
Series 2 – Personal correspondence, 1945-1954
- Xmas card list, 1953
- Stationary Room Statements
- Personal, 1943
- Personal, 1945
- Personal, 1946
- Christmas card file – previous years
Box 11
- Christmas cards, 1946-1949
- 1945 Philippine trip
- 1946 Philippine trip (China Situation)
- 1946 Philippine trip
- South American trip
- Personal, 1947
- 1947 Xmas gifts acknowledged
- Personal, 1948
- Personal, 1949
- Birthday cards
- Receipts
- Inter office
- Inter office with Lincoln
- Comstock, John
- Kirkley Coulter
- Burning Tree Club
- Hugh Brown
- Football tickets, 1948
- Football tickets, 1949
- Receipts, 1949
- Receipts, 1950
- Personal, 1944
- 1947 Army-Navy game
- Football tickets, 1946
- John Comstock
Box 12
- Personal, 1942
- Butler biographical material
- Butler biographical material
- South America
- Butler birthday, 1950-1953
- Butler and staff
Box 13
- Butler (Drew Pearson’s statements)
- Letter releases, 1947
- Form letters, 1948
- Newspaper photograph releases
- Form letters (legislation), 1949
- Form letters (legislation), 1948
- Form letters (legislation), 1947
- Newspapers
Series 3 – Political correspondence, 1941-1947
- A
- Allen, Earl (Allen and Reynolds)
- B
- Ball, Sen. Joseph H., S.O.B
- Beyon, Ira D.
- Boslaugh, Paul Speech
- Braun, Austin
- Bricker, John W.
- Brownell, Herbert
- Buffett, Howard, candidate for Congress
- Business Womenís Republican Club
- Butler–Campaign Contributions and expenditures
- Butler for Senator, 1946
- C
- Campaign Literature and forms
- Campaign (1946) tentative schedule of candidates caravan
- Chicago Convention Material
- Cochran, R.L.
- Comstock, John
- Convention, National — Tickets
- County Committeemen
- D
- Delegates–National Convention
- Delegates–State
- Dewey, Thomas E.
- E
- F
- Foreign Policies
- Founders Day
- Founders Day, 1945
- Foye, “Cap”
- G
- General Sen. Butler’s report on first session
- Griswold, Dwight, Governor
- H
- Holt County file
- Holmquist, Augie
- Howard, Bert
- I
- J
- Jefferey, L.W.
- Jirdan, John
- Johnson, Alvin E.
- Johnson, Richard O., Mayor of Lincoln
- Jones, Arthur H.
- National Convention file tickets
- K
- Kibbie, Nettie B.
- Kiewit – Condon – Woods Co. (Martin Bomber plant)
Box 14
- Kline, George
- L
- Lainson, Hal
- Lawrence, Jimmey
- Mc
- M
- Maenner, Ted
- Mapes, Don
- Marsh, Frank
- Martin, Joseph W., Jr.
- Miller, A.L., Rep. for Congress. 4th District
- Misegadis, A.L.
- N
- O
- Omaha Chamber of Commerce
- Omaha Office
- Out of State
- P
- Peterson, Val
- Pohlman, Floyd
- Price Administration, Office of
- Q
- R
- Radio Broadcasts by Nebraska Delegation
- Rector, Voyle
- Redistricting Clippings
- Republican Central Committee
- Republican National Committee
- Republican National Committee–Miscellaneous file
- Republican National Committee File Rooms
- Republican National Committee “On The Home Front,” publication.
- Republican Post War Policy Association
- Reuther, Walter P.
- S
- Senate Campaign Committee
- Shaw, Mark M.
- Sheeham, Tom
- Shotwell, Abel V.
- Smith, George H.E., Steering Committee
- Spangler, Harrison E., Chairman Republican National Committee
- Stassen for President
- State Committee File
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, A
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, B
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, C
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, D
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, E
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, F
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, G
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, H
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, I
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, J
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, K
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, L
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, Mc
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, M
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, N
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, O
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, P
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, R
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, S
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, T
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, U
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, V
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, W
- State Convention–Norfolk, 1944, form letters to delegates, X-Y-Z
- Steering Committee–Minority
- Sweet, Hyde
- T
- Truman, Harry S.
- V
- Van Pelt, Robert
- W
- Wagener, Ella
- Wightman, Don
- Willkie, Wendell
- Wishart
Series 3 – Political correspondence, 1948-1952
Box 15
- A
- Absent Voters Ballots
- B
- C
- Campaign trips and etc.
- Campaign Material, 1952
- Campaign, 1952 (Letters from folks that want to help out in the campaign)
- Campaign, 1952 (Letters the Senator sent out to different organizations)
- Campaign, 1952, pt. 1
- Campaign, 1952, pt. 2
- Campaign, 1952, pt. 3
- Campaign, 1952, pt. 4
- D
- Delegates to Republican National Convention, 1948
- Dewey, Thomas E.
- Douglas County Convention
Box 16
- E
- Eisenhower, D.D
- Election Returns
- Election Statistics
- F
- Founders Day, 1953
- G
- General Politics-Election, 1948
- General Politics-Election, (1952 Election Returns)
- H
- Hewitt, Merrill J.
- I
- J
- Jefferson-Jackson Day Dinner, Feb. 10, 1950
- Jirdon, John
- Johnson, Frank
- Klein, Julius
- Lincoln Day Meeting
- MacArthur, Douglas
- Martin, Joseph
- Mayor of Lincoln
- Mc
- M
- Miscellaneous Clippings
- N
- Nebraska
- Nebraska Republican Finance and Budget Committee
- Nebraska Theater Association
- O
- P
- Political General
- Primary Campaign Newspaper Clippings
- R
- Republican Delegates 1950
- Republican Lists: Republican Voters in Nebraska, 1952
- Republican and Democratic Registered Voters
- Nebraska Republican Budget and Finance Committee
- Republican Caravan
- Republican Chairman, Vice Chairman
- Republican County Convention, 1950
- Republican National Committee
- Republican National Committee, 1948, 1949, 1950
- Republican National Convention, 1948
- Republican National Convention, 1951
- Republican National Finance Committee
- Republican National Roundup Committee
- Republican Party Program
- Republican Party-General
- Republican Pre-Primary State Convention
- Republican Pre-Primary State Convention, 1952
- Republican National Committee Farm Program
- Republican State Central Committee
- Republican National Committee (Sioux City Meeting) 1949
- Republican State Convention, 1950
- Republican Strategy Committee
- Republican National Committee Meeting: Omaha, 1949
- Republican National Convention, 1940
- Republican Veterans League
- S
- Shotwell, Abel
- Sioux City Meeting (Clippings and Material)
Box 17
- Smith, George H.E., Minority Leader
- Stassen, Harold
- Larry, Sullivan
- T
- Taft Campaign Material
- Taft Headquarters Omaha
- Television programs, 1952
- Truman, Harry S
- V
- Vandenburg, Arthur
- W
- Warren, Earl
- Wherry, Kenneth
- Young Republicans
Series 4 – Political correspondence, County file, 1941-1946
- Adams County
- Antelope
- Banner
- Boone
- Box Butte
- Boyd
- Brown
- Buffalo
- Butler
- Burt
- Cass
- Cedar
- Chase
- Cherry
- Cheyenne
- Clay
- Colfax
- Cuming
- Custer
- Dakota
- Dawes
- Dawson
- Dewell
- Dixon
- Dodge
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, A
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, B
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, C
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, Carpenter, G.E.
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, D
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, E
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, F
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, G
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, H
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, J
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, K
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, Kelly, John W.
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, L
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, M
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, Mc
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, N
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, O
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, P
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, Q
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, R
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, S
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, T
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, U
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, V
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, W
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, X-Y-Z
- Dundy
- Frontier
- Filmore
- Franklin
- Furnas
- Garfield
- Gosper
- Gage
- Garden
- Greeley
- Hall
- Harlan
- Hayes
- Hitchcock
- Holt
- Howard
- Hamilton
- Jefferson
- Johnson
- Keya Paha
- Kimball
- Knox
- Kearney
- Keith
- Lancaster
Box 18
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, A
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, B
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, C
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, D
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, E
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, F
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, G
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, H
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, J
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, K
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, L
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, M
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, Mc
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, N
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, O
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, P
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, Q
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, R
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, S
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, T
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, U
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, V
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, W
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, X-Y-Z
- Lincoln
- Madison
- McPherson
- Merrick
- Morrill
- Nance
- Nemaha
- Nuckolls
- Otoe
- Pawnee
- Perkins
Box 19
- Phelps
- Pierce
- Platte
- Polk
- Red Willow
- Richardson
- Rock
- Saline
- Sarpy
- Saunders
- Scotts Bluff
- John R. Jirdon
- Out of State
- Seward
- Sheridan
- Sioux
- Sherman
- Stanton
- Thomas
- Thayer
- Washington
- Wayne
- Webster
- Wheeler
- Valley
- York
- Republican State Central Committee Lists
- Directories – Lists – Etc.
Series 4 – Political correspondence, County file, 1947-1952
- Adams
- Antelope
- Arthur
- Banner
- Blaine
- Boone
- Box Butte
- Boyd
- Brown
- Buffalo
- Burt
- Butler
- Cass
- Cedar
- Chase
- Cherry
- Cheyenne
- Clay
- Colfax
- Cuming
- Custer
- Dakota
- Dawes
- Dawson
- Deuel
- Dixon
- Dodge
- Douglas
Box 20
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, A
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, B
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, C
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, D
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, E
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, F
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, G
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, H
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, I
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, J
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, K
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, L
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, M
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, Mc
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, N
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, O
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, P
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, R
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, S
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, T
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, U
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, V
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, W
- Acknowledgements Douglas County, X-Y-Z
- Dundy
- Fillmore
- Franklin
- Frontier
- Furnas
- Gage
- Garden
- Garfield
- Gosper
- Grant
- Greeley
- Hamilton
- Harlan
- Hayes
- Hitchcock
- Holt
- Hooker
- Howard
- Hall
- Jefferson
- Johnson
- Kearney
- Keith
- Keya Paha
- Kimball
- Knox
- Lancaster
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, A
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, B
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, C
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, D
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, E
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, F
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, G
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, H
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, I
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, J
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, K
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, L
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, M
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, Mc
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, N
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, O
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, P
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, Q
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, R
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, S
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, T
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, U
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, V
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, W
- Acknowledgements Lancaster County, X-Y-Z
- Lincoln
- Logan
- Loup
- Madison
- McPherson
- Merrick
- Morrill
- Nance
- Nemaha
- Nuckolls
- Otoe
- Pawnee
- Perkins
- Phelps
- Pierce
Box 21
- Platte
- Polk
- Red Willow
- Richardson
- Rock
- Saline
- Sarpy
- Saunders
- Scottsbluff
- Seward
- Sheridan
- Sherman
- Sioux
- Stanton
- Thayer
- Thomas
- Thurston
- Valley
- Washington
- Wayne
- Webster
- Wheeler
- York
Series 5 – Political correspondence, States, Territories, and Miscellany
Box 22
- Alaska
- Alaska
- Alaska–Governor
- Alaska-Delegates
- Alaska
- Alaska
- Alabama
- Arizona
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Hawaii, Governor Sam King
- Hawaii, Governor, 1952
- Hawaii, Sam King, Partial list of endorsements for governor
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Maryland
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
Box 23
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Puerto Rico
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virgin Islands
- Virginia
- Washington
- Washington D.C.
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- Wyoming
Correspondence, 1953-1954
- 1948 Campaign General (State File)
- 1958 Campaign
- A
- B
- Bowing, Senator Eva
- Bricker Dinner Form letter
- C
- Carl Curtis for Senator
- Crosby, Robert
- D
- E
- F
- Founders Day, 1953
- G
- Griswold, Dwight
- H
- I
- Inauguration, 1953
- J
- K
- L
- Lincoln Day and Founders Day
- M
- Mc
- N
- O
- P
- Pre-Primary Law
- Q
- R
- Representative, First district
- Republican Pre-primary Convention, 1954
- Republican National Committee
- Republican State committee
- S
- Spear, William
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Weaver, Phil
- Young Republicans Club
- 1946 Vote Nebraska
- 1946 Vote Nebraska
- 1948 Campaign Speech Material
- Election Returns, Nebraska, 1940, 1946
Correspondence by County, 1940-1946
- Adams
- Antelope
- Arthur
- Banner
- Blaine
- Boone
- Boyd
Box 24
- Brown
- Box Butte
- Buffalo
- Corn Loan Plan, 1940
- “44” file
- Delegates and alternates elected to Republican State Convention, 1944
- Nebraska Newspapers
- Election Returns Nebraska, 1934, 1936, 1938, 1940
Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1946-1952
- Editorials
- 1941 Speech Material
- MacArthur
- Wherry
- Editorials, 1952
Box 25
- 1946 Campaign
- 1952
- Delegates to Republican National Convention, 1944
- 1946 List
Correspondence, miscellaneous, 1936-1946
- Farrar
- Griswold
- Releases and statements
- News clippings
- Wallace CIO-PAC
- 1946 Campaign
- Misc
- U.S. Army Reserves, information
- R.E.A Data
- Diary
Correspondence, Taft & miscellaneous, 1946-1954
- Capitol Hill Club
- Institute of Fiscal and Political Education
- Taft-Colliers Magazine Article
- Taft Contributions
- Taft (Expenses)
- Brown, Clarence
- Robert Taft
- Robert Taft, General
- Tafts Campaign, General
- Telephone Conversations, 1948-1949
Correspondence, congratulatory, 1952-1954
- Congratulatory general election, 1952
Box 26
- Butler, Congratulatory, Nov. 4, 1952
- Butler, Congratulatory Primary, Apr. 1, 1952
- Hugh Butler
- Hugh Butler
- Butler Travelogue, 1951-1952
- Pre-Primary Delegates, 1952
- Butler Congratulations, Apr. 10, 1952, Primary
Series 6 – Invitations, 1947-1949
- Pending Invitations
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- Mc
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 6 – Invitations, 1950-1952
Box 27
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- Mc
Box 28
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 6 – Invitations, 1953-1954
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- Mc
- N
- O
- P
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 7 – Acknowledgements, 1947-1950
- 1947-1949 Correspondence A thru Z
- 1949-1950 Correspondence K thru Z
Acknowledgements, 1951-1952
- A
- B
- C
- D
Box 29
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- Mc
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Acknowledgements, 1953-1954
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- Mc
- N
- O
- P
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 8 – Congratulations, 1949-1945
- Congratulatory
- Congratulatory
- Congratulatory
- Congratulatory letters for general election
- Congratulatory letters for general election (out of state)
- Congratulatory telegrams for general election
- Golden Wedding File
Series 9 – Requests, Agriculture Yearbook, 1946-1947
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
Box 30
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
Box 31
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 9 – Requests, Agriculture Yearbook, 1947-1948
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
Box 32
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 9 – Requests, Agriculture Yearbook, 1948-1949
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 9 – Requests, Agriculture Yearbook, 1951-1952
- A
- B
Box 33
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
Box 34
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Yearbooks, Pending
- General
Series 9 – Requests, General, 1948-1949
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 9 – Requests, Agriculture Yearbook, 1953-1954
Box 35
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Yearbooks Pending Requests
Series 9 – Requests, General, 1951-1952
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- Infant Care
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
Box 36
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 9 – Requests, General, 1953-1954
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
Box 37
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- Map of the United States
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 9 – Requests, Agriculture Bulletin, 1948-1949
- A-Z
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
Box 38
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
Box 39
- W
Subgroup 2: Departmental files, 1946-1954
Series 1 – State Department
- State Department General, 1946-1953
- O-Z to end
- State Department General
- State Department General
- Marshall Plan
- Italian Peace Treaty
- Mindzenty
Box 40
- A
- B
- C
- Church of Christ Workers in Italy
- C A R E
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Documents and State Papers
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- Isbrandtsten
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Trade Agreements, 1946-1949
- Trade Agreements
- Reciprocal Trade Agreement
- Trade Agreements, Ammon
Box 41
- Trade Agreements
- United Nations, 1951-1954
- United Nations Organizations
- W
United Nations
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
Displaced Persons, 1948-1952
- A
- B
- C
- D
- Fritz, Christian
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 2 – Treasury Department
- Treasury Department General 1946-1945
- General, 1945-1954
- Coast Guard, 1946-1954
- Coast Guard, 1946-1954
- General Internal Revenue, A-Z, 1946-1954
- Bureau of Internal Revenue
- General
- General, A-H
- General, I-S
- General, S-Z
- Shinn, R.F.
- Customs, 1946-1954
- Altieri, Jesus M.
- Omaha Public Schools
- Procurement Division, 1946-1949
- Bureau of Engraving and Printing, 1946-1953
- Bureau of Engraving and Printing
- Bureau of the Mint, 1949-1953
Series 3 – War Department
- General, 1946-1949
Box 42
- Alliance Army Air Base
- Mail Situation
- Bruning Army Airfield
- Communications to Germany
- Claims–War Dept.
- Army Exhibit Caravan
- Grand Island Ordinance Plant
- Martin Bomber plant
- Bureau of Customs
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
Box 43
- Harvard Airbase
- Lincoln Airbase
- M
- McCook Airbase
- Mc
- N
- O
- Omaha 7th and 8th Service Command
- P
- Plattsmouth Rifle Range
- Polish Armed Troops
- Fort Crook Ordinance Depot & Fort Robinson POW
- Q
- Scottsbluff Field
- R
- S
- Remount Service
- Scottsbluff POW
- Scribner Air Base
- Trophies
- Terminal Leave Pay
- U
- V
- W
- Defense Dept., 1951
- War Department General Releases
- General
Army, General, 1949-1954
- A
- B
- C
- Cornhusker Ordinance Plant
- Central Military Procurement Office
- D
- E
- F
- Fort Crook SAC headquarters
- Fort Robinson
- G
- Grand Island Air Base
- H
- I
- J
- K
- Kearney Air Base
- L
- Lincoln Air Base
- M
- Munitions Board
- Platte Valley Land and Investment Company Lawsuit against US
- Mc
- Military Training for Colleges
- N
- O
- Offutt Field
Box 44
- P
- Q
- Quartermaster Corps Lab Site
- S
- W
- Air Force Academy
Dependency Benefits, 1947-1948
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- Holmquist, A.C.
- General
- J
- K
Box 45
- L
- M
- Mc
- N
- O
- P
- Q General
Box 46
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Wallrath
- XYZ General
Discharges, 1947-1949
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- R
- Rambo, Frank E.
- S
- T
- V
- W
Discharges, 1950-1951
- A
Box 47
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Lauritsen, Byron D.
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
Box 48
- P
- S
- T
- V
- W
- General
Army Engineers, 1950-1952
Box 49
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- Nemaha & Little Nemaha Rivers
- P
- R
- S
- T
- V
- W
- Alma, Nebr.
- Long Island
- Engineers, 1949
- Engineers, 1947-1948
- Engineers, 1946
- Engineers, 1950
- Nebraska Floods, 1950
- Nebraska Floods, 1952
- Army Engineers, 1951
- National Guard, 1946-1949
- Nominations for 1945
- West Point, 1943
- West Point, 1941-1942
- West Point, 1944-1946
West Point, 1944-1948
- A
- B
- C
Box 50
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- West Point, 1948-1954
- West Point, 1948
- Exam of 1947
- West Point A-E
- West Point F-M
- Munson, Hugh
- West Point N-W
- American Red Cross, 1945-1947
Series 4 – Navy Department
- Navy Department General, 1946
- General Samoa
- Samoa
Box 51
- Navy A-E, 1946-1949
- Navy F-K
- Navy L-N
Box 52
- Navy Dept. O-R 1946-1954
- Navy S-Z
- Nebraska Great Navy
- Hastings Ammunition Depot
- Naval Air Station
Navy Commissions and Discharges, 1950-1952
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Navigation
- Annapolis, General, 1941-1942
- Annapolis, General, 1943
- Academies, 1944
- Annapolis, General, 1944-1945
- Annapolis, General, 1947
Annapolis, 1942-1948
Box 53
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Annapolis, Exam for 1951 vacancy
- Annapolis, 1949
- Annapolis, 1948
- Annapolis, 1947
- Annapolis, A-C
- Annapolis, D-L
- Annapolis, M-Y
Marines, A-Z, 1946-1949
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
Box 54
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 5 – Justice Department
- Justice Department, General, 1945-1949
- Justice Department, General
- Hoover, J. Edgar
- Prisons, 1945-1949
- Immigration and Naturalization Service, 1946-1949
- Immigration and Naturalization Service
Immigration and Naturalization, 1949-1953
Box 55
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- X
- Alien Property Custodian
- Alien Property Custodian
Series 6 – Post Office Department
- Post Office General, 1946-1948
- Post Office General Information
Post Office General, 1952-1954
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Lyons Rural Service Form Letter
- Lincoln
- M
- Mc
- Meyers (Frederick-of Lincoln)
- N
- O
- Omaha (Gordon Arthur Smith)
- Omaha (1953 and 1954)
- P
- Q
- R
- S
Box 56
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Postal form on Star Routes, 56260 & 57261
- Commemorative stamps
- Commemorative stamps (Mary Mother of Christ)
Series 7 – Interior Department
- Interior Department General, 1946-1948
- Interior Department General
- Guam
- General Land Office, 1946-1948
- Bureau of Land Management
- Halogeton, 1951
- Office of Indian Affairs, 1946-1948
- Indian Affairs, 1952-1953
- Office of Indian Affairs
- Indian Disaster, Gordon, Nebraska, 1949
- St. Christopher’s Mission to the Navajo Bluff, Utah 1946-1954
- Geological Survey
- Geological Survey
- Bureau of Reclamation, 1946
- Bureau of Reclamation, 1947
- Bureau of Reclamation, 1952
- Bureau of Reclamation, 1950, 1951
Box 57
- Village of Wauneta
- Bureau of Reclamation, 1949
- Contracts at Trenton Dam, Burlington Railroad
- Glendo Reservoir
- Moving Reclamation Headquarters from Indianola
- Bureau of Reclamation
- Reclamation, General, A-B, 1946-1954
Reclamation, 1946-1954
Box 58
- General: E.K. Nelson Etc., Reclamation and Nebraska Public Power Districts, 1948
- Correspondence from Engineers File/various projects
- Reclamation Projects summary of: E.K. Nelson
- Amherst Dam
- Ainsworth Canal
- Beaver Dam and Beaver Creek
- Blue River Projects
- Bostwick Projects
- Cedar Valley Public Power and Irrigation District
- Central Nebraska PP&ID
- Consumers PPD
- Coon Creek Project
- Crete Dam
- Cumberland River Project
- Culbertson Dam
- Davis Creek Dam and Irrigation Project
- Elkhorn River Basin
- Enders Dam
- Farwell Irrigation Units
- Ft. Randall Dam
- Frenchman Cambridge Irrigation District
- Frenchman Cambridge Irrigation District continued
- Garrison Dam
- Gavins Point Dam
- Gering and Fort Laramie Irrigation District
- Glendo Unit
- Grand River Dam Bill
- Harlan Dam
- Kingsley Dam
- Libby Dam
- Loup River PPD (subdivision sargent)
- Medicine Creek
- Medicine Creek Dam
- Mid State Irrigation (Nebr.)
Box 59
- Milburn Dam
- Mirage flats Irrigation District
- Missouri River Valley
- Muddy Creek, Custer County
- Mississippi Valley Association
- National Reclamation Association
- National River and Harbor Congress
- Nebraska PP&ID General
- Nebraska Reclamation Association
- Niobrara River Basin
- North Loup River Public Power and Irrigation Dist.
- Pathfinder Irrigation District
- Pick Sloan Plan
- Platte Valley Irrigation Districts
- Reclamation Association
- Red Willow Dam
- Republican City Dam
- Republican River Valley
- Republican River Valley Association
- Salt Creek
- Sargent Public Irrigation District
- Shell Creek Drainage
- Southwestern Power Administration Appropriation
- Trenton Dam
- Tri-County PPD
- Tuttle Creek Dam (Kansas)
- Twin Loup Reclamation District
- National Park Service, 1946-1948
Box 60
- National Park Service
- National Park Concessions
- Omaha Office
- Bureau of Mines, 1947-1954
- Bureau of Mines
- Bituminous Coal Division, 1946
- Fish and Wildlife clippings, 1946-1954
- Fish and Wildlife service
- Fish hatcheries
- Mrs. T.C. Shockley
Box 61
- Southwestern Power Administration, 1949-1953
- Petroleum Administration for Defense, 1951-1954
- Platte Pipeline
- Defense minerals exploration administration, 1953
Series 8 – Agriculture Department
- Agriculture General
- Agriculture Department 1946-1948
- General
- General
- Fertilizer, 1946-1954
- Butter
- Egg Prices
- Flour
- Grain Cooperative
- Legislative Program of National Grange
- Hoof and Mouth Disease
- Mexican Nationals
- New Mexico Cattle Growers Association
- Nitrogen
- Potatoes
- Sugar
- Tractors
- VET farming–equipment–farm implements
- Wheat
General, 1946-1954
- A
- B
- Box Cars
- Butter
- C
- Corn
- D
- F
- Fertilizer (Nitrogen Plant)
- Fort Robinson (Remount Service) 1950
Box 62
- G
- Hogs
- H
- Honey, 1950-1954
- J
- K
- Egg Prices
- L
- Lambs
- Livestock
- M
- N
- P
- Potatoes
- R
- Sugar
- School Lunch Program
- S
- T, 1950-1954
- U
- V
- W
- Agricultural
- Agricultural Experiment Stations, 1946-1952
- Agricultural Experiment Stations
- Extension Service, 1946-1954
- Extension Service
- Publications, 1951
- Agricultural Adjustment Administration, 1945-1951
- Chemistry and Engineering Bureau of Agriculture Economics 1951-1952
- Bureau of Animal Industry, 1949-1953
- Hoof and Mouth Disease
- Commodity Credit, 1945
- Grain problems
- Commodity Credit Corporation, 1946-1954
- Commodity Exchange Administration, 1941-1954
- Entomology Plant Quarantine, 1947-1949
- Farm Securities Administration, 1946-1954
- Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 1946-1954
- Federal Crop Insurance Corporation
- Hevner Serum Co. — Hog Cholera
- Agricultural Marketing Administration, 1946-1954
- Surplus Marketing Administration
Box 63
- National Farm Loan Association, 1946-1954
- Farm Credit Administration
- Forest Service, 1946-1953
- Forest Service
- Bureau of Plant Industry, 1946-1952
- Bureau of Plant Industry
- REA general, 1946
- REA General, 1947
- REA General, 1948
- REA General, 1949
Box 64
- REA General, 1950
- REA General, 1951
- REA General, 1952
- REA General, 1953
- REA General, 1954
- Transmission Lines from Alliance to Chadron
- Transmission Lines from Gering to Alliance
- Nebraska Association of RPPD’s and membership associations
- Garrison and Fort Randall Hydro-electric plants, 1946-1954
- Transmission lines
- Aluminum
- Defense Electric Power Administration
- Telegrams to get funds to construct transmission Lines Bridgeport to Alliance
- Telephone loans
- Telephone conversations REA
- Boyd, Holt County REA project
- Buffalo County REA
- Burt County, RPPD
- Butler County, RPPD
- Cedar, Knox County
- Central Nebraska PP&ID Hastings
- Cherry, Tod electric Cooperative
- Chimney Rock PPD
- Consumers PPD
- Cornhusker PPD
- Cuming County PPD
- Custer PPD
- Dakota
- Dawson
- Dixon
- Dundy
- Eastern Nebraska
- Elkhorn
- Franklin
- Gering Valley
- Howard
- Imperial
- Loup River
- Loup River
- Madison
- McCook
- McPherson
- Midwest Electric Membership Cooperative
- Niobrara Valley EMC
- Norris
- North Central
- Northeast
- Northwest
- Nuckolls
- Panhandle
- Pine Bluffs and wheat belt
- Polk
- Roosevelt
- Seward
- South Antelope
- South Central
- Southern Nebr.
- Southwest EMC
- Stanton County
- Twin Valley
- Twin Valley
Box 65
- Wayne
- Wheat Belt
- York
- Soil Conservation Service
- Soil Conservation Service
- Soil Conservation Service
- Soil Conservation Service
- Soil Conservation Service
- Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation, 1953
- Production and Marketing Administration, 1946-1948
- Production and Marketing Administration, 1949-1954
- Production and Marketing Administration
- Exporting and Importing of Grain, 1947-1948
- Exporting and Importing of Grain, 1947-1948
- Dept. of Ag, 1948-1951
- Long Range Agriculture Policy (S2318 Senate Reports and Hearings)
- Agriculture, 1951
- Agriculture Program, 1949
- Beans
- Columbia Valley Authority
- Glendo Reservoir
- Reclamation-General-Dead
- Reclamation
Box 66
- Reclamation, 1948-1951
- Reclamation
- Reclamation
Box 67
- Agriculture, 1950
- Brannan Plan
- A.A.A. Contracts, etc.
- A.A.A. Nebraska list, 1942
- A.A.A. Stuff
- Exhibits
- Farm Credit Administration
- A.A.A. Wheat Quota, 1941-1942
- Farm Credit Act, 1940
- Farm Credit Act, 1941
- 8th annual report – farm credit
- Agriculture, general
- Agriculture, general
- Agriculture, general
- Agriculture, general
- Agriculture, general
Box 68
- Wheat Quota
- Basing Point System
- R.E.A. talks
- Watches
- Government Corporation Control Act
- 1947 Controls
- Full Accounting Bill
- International Wheat Agreement
- Proposed legislation, Agriculture Import Fee Bill, 1948
- Agriculture, 1949
- Farm Program
- Canadian Wheat Deal
- Indians
- R.E.A.
- Foreign Aid, 1951
- Geneva Trade Agreement, letters
Box 69
- North Platte Project
- Pacific Islands/Puerto Rico Correspondence
Series 9 – Commerce Department, 1946-1954
- Commerce Department, General
- Commerce, War Shipping Administration
- Commerce, General
- Bureau of the Census, 1946-1953
- Bureau of the Census
- Bureau of the Census
- Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, 1946-1948
- Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce
- Steel
- Steel Investigation
- Cowhides
- Bureau of Standards, 1946-1949
- Bureau of Standards
Box 70
- Public Roads Administration, 1946-1954
- Bureau of Public Roads, 1946-1954
- Highway 35, 1952-1953
- Highway 183, 1952-1953
- Highway 87, 1952-1953
- Patent Office, 1946-1952
- Patent Office
- Weather Bureau, 1946-1953
- Weather Bureau
- Civil Aeronautics, 1946-1949
- Civil Aeronautics
- Civil Aeronautics
- Civil Aeronautics Administration, General Correspondence, 1949-1954
- Civil Aeronautics, Nebraska Airports
- Midwest Airlines Incorporated
- Additional Service to Kansas City
- Civil Aeronautics, general literature
- Civil Aeronautics, press releases
- Civil Aeronautics, press releases
- Civil Aeronautics, press releases
Box 71
- General Correspondence, A
- General Correspondence, B
- General Correspondence, C
- General Correspondence, D
- General Correspondence, E
- General Correspondence, F
- General Correspondence, G
- General Correspondence, H
- General Correspondence, I
- General Correspondence, J
- General Correspondence, K
- General Correspondence, L
- General Correspondence, M
- General Correspondence, N
- General Correspondence, O
- General Correspondence, P
- General Correspondence, Q
- General Correspondence, R
- General Correspondence, S
- General Correspondence, T
- General Correspondence, U
- General Correspondence, V
- General Correspondence, W
- General Correspondence, XYZ
- Anhydrous Ammonia
- Anhydrous Ammonia
- North Omaha Bridge Construction
- National Production Authority
- Steel Shortage
- Beer Cans
- Kelly Ryan Equipment Company
- School Construction, steel
- Maritime administration, merchant marine
Series 10 – Department of Labor
- Department of Labor general, 1946-1949
- Department of Labor general
- Labor standards
- Wage and Hour Division
- Wage and Hour Division
- Labor Statistics
- Labor Statistics
- Nebraska State Employment Service
- Nebraska State Employment Service
- Employees Compensation Appeals Board
- Bureau of Employee Compensation
- American Red Cross
Subgroup 3: Agencies and Special Subjects, 1946-1954
Series 1: Selective Service, 1950-1953
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- Mc
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Selective Service New File, 1950-1953
- A
- B
- C
Box 72
- Chiropody Students
- College Deferments
- D
- E
- F
- Fathers
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- Mc
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 2 – Civil Service
Box 73
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 3 – Government Programs
Programs in regard to priorities general, 1945-1947
- 1946, Jan.-Mar.
- 1946, Apr.-June
- 1946, July-Sept.
- 1946, Oct.-Dec.
Box 74
- Hospital Equipment
- Jeeps and Army Cars
- McCook Army Airport
- Mold Bran
- Office Supplies
- Ordinance Service Command Shop
- Surplus center for Republican River Job, Mr. Woolman
- Surplus War Property newsletter
- Toilet Paper, Omaha schools
- Officers Club, Ainsworth
- 1947, Jan.-Mar.
Programs in regard to priorities general, 1947-1953
- 1948, Apr.-Oct.
- Cleveland Steel Plant
- Cornhusker Ordinance Plant
- Surplus Property in Alaska
- Grain Exchange lease
- American Legion, Glenville, Nebr.
- Farm Machinery
- Graineries, Cambridge
- Crawford Surplus (POW officers club)
- Emergency Agencies General
- Selective Service General
- War Assets Corporation, General, 1949
- Economic Stabilization Agency
- Price stabilization, 1950-1953
- Meat Controls, July 11-12 letters
- Meat Controls petitions
- Extension of OPS filing charts, Amendment 2 (PR7)
- Regulation of OPS (wanting to do away with OPS)
- Potatoes
- Meat and livestock prices, 1950-1953
- Soybeans
- Wage stabilization
- Steel
Box 75
- Office of Defense Mobilization, 1951
- Civil Defense Administration
- Civil Defense headquarters
- Rent Control
- Strobel Packing Company
- A
- Broom Corn
- Brooms
- Buildings
- Butter
- Beer
- C
- Caskets
- Clothing
- Corn
- Cushman Motor Works
- D
- Dairy Products
- E
- F
- Farm Crops
- Farm Machinery
- Feeds Western Limestone Products Company
- Food Rationing and Prices
- G
- Gas and Fuel Rationing
- Grain Ceilings
- Grain (government 30+ Bonus on corn and wheat)
- H
- Honey, decontrolled
Box 76
- Hosiery, 1946
- Hogs (OPA)
- I
- Implements
- J
- K
- Kiluge Press (Mr. Larmon)
- L
- Lumber Prices
- Lockers
- M
- Mc
- N
- O
- Oil
- Overalls
- P
- Q
- R
- Real Estate
- S
- T
- U
- Miscellaneous Items, price ceilings and rationing
- OPA, general
- Appliances
- Automotive Equipment
- Sugar, Out of state letters
- Sugar shortages
- Screens, 1946-1953
- Salad Dressing
- Stoves
- Syrup
- Transportation
- V
- W
- Wheat Pricing (OPA)
- Meat Prices
- Meat
- B
- Miscellaneous
- Defense Production Administration
- War Production Board
- A
- Ammunition
- Apparel
- B
- Building
- Birchwood products
- Burlap Bags
- Bale Tier
- C
- Construction
- Cotton Goods
- Camera
- D
- E
- F
- Farm Machinery
- Food Containers Frozen Food lockers
- G
- H
- Nebraska Hollostone Co.
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Lumber
- M
- Mattresses
- Mc
- N
- O
- P
- Printing Press
- Q
- R
- S
- Steel, Nebraska Holostone Co.
- Surplus
- T
- T
- Transfers
- Transformers
- Ticking
- Tractors
- Textiles
- Trousers
- U
- V
- W
- Small Business
- War Production Board General
- Small Defense Plants, Administration
- Grain Cars for shipping wheat
- Boxcar shortage, form letter
- Boxcar shortage, latest correspondence
- Office of Defense, transportation, general
- Smaller defense plants, administration
- Truck strike
- Office of War Mobilization, General
Series 4 – Employee Compensation
Box 77
- Employee Compensation Commission, 1946-1949
- Nebraska Centennial
- Nebraska On the March
Series 5 – Federal Communications Commission
- FCC, 1946-1954
- Nebraska, 1953-1954
- FCC, Omaha World Herald
- Hay
Series 6 – Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
- Federal Loan Agency, 1946-1953
- Small Business Administration
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- War Damage Corporation
Series 7 – Federal Housing Administration
- FHA, 1947
- FHA, 1946
- Lumber
- VET housing
- Housing Alliance
- Housing, Beatrice
- Prefabricated Housing
- Chester, Nebraska
- Housing, Doane College
- Geneva
- Grand Island
- Hastings
Box 78
- Hebron
- Kearney
- McCook
- Nebraska City
- Wayne
- Scottsbluff
- Home owner loan corporation, 1945-1954
- Home Loan Bank Board
- Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
- Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation
- Export Import Bank
- Export Import Bank
Series 8 – Federal Power Commission
- Federal Power Commission, 1949-1954
- Federal Power Commission
- Federal Power Commission
- Northern Natural Gas
- Norris
Series 9 – Federal Reserve System
Box 79
- Federal Reserve System, General, 1947-1953
- Federal Reserve System, General
Series 10 – Federal Security Agency
- Federal Security Agency, General, 1945-1954
- Federal Security Agency, General
- General
- Old Age Assistance
- Social Security Board
- Social Security Board, General
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Public Health Service, 1946-1954
- Public Health Service
- Office of Education
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
- Office of Education, 1951-1954
- Cambridge Public Schools
- Vocational Education and Rehabilitation
- Federal Advisory Board for Vocational Education
- National Youth Administration
Series 11 – Federal Trade Commission
- Federal Trade Commission, 1947-1954
- Federal Trade Commission
Series 12 – Federal Works Agency
- Federal Works Agency, General
- Nebraska snowstorm disaster, 1949
- Wahoo Hospital
- Federal Works Agency, General
- General
Box 80
- W.P.A., 1946
- Federal Supply Service
- Federal Works Administration
- Public Building Administration
- Public Building Administration
- Family Dwelling Units
- Oxford
Series 13 – General Accounting Office
- General Accounting Office, 1948
- General Accounting Office, 1946-1947
- General Accounting Office
Series 14 – Housing and Home Finance Agency
- Housing and Home Finance Agency, General
- A-Z, 1950-1954
Series 15 – Interstate Commerce Commission
- Interstate Commerce Commission
- Ogden Gateway Case
- Lipsmen Fokerson Company
- C & NW Railroad
Series 16 – Maritime Commission
- NW. R.R. (Scribner-Oakdale Line)
- Maritime Commission, 1946-1954
- Water Resources Policy Commission
Series 17 – National Archives
- National Archives, 1949
Series 18 – Atomic Energy Commission
- Atomic Energy Commission, 1950-1954
Series 19 – Panama Canal Company
- Panama Canal Company, no date
Series 20 – National Labor Relations
- NLRB, 1949-1954
Series 21 – Economic Cooperative Administration
- Economic Cooperative Administration, 1946-1954
- Mutual security agency
- Meat purchases off shore
Series 22 – Railroad Retirement Board
- Railroad retirement board, 1945-1953
- Railroad retirement board
Series 23 – Securities and Exchange Commission
Box 81
- Tucker Corporation
- Securities and Exchange Commission, 1946-1954
- Securities and Exchange Commission
- Re-negotiation Board
Series 24 – Tariff Commission
- Tariff Commission, 1946-1952
- Tariff Commission
Series 25 – Tennessee Valley Authority, 1948-1951
- Tennessee Valley Authority, 1948-1951
Series 26 – Veteran’s Administration
- Veterans Policy Committee, 1946-1949
- Veterans, General
- A
- C
Box 82
- D
- E
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- Mc
- M
- N
- O
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Veterans Administration, 1950-1954
Box 83
- A
- B
- C
- D
- E
- Embassy Court Apartments
- F
- G
- H
- I
- J
- K
- L
- M
- N
- O
- Office
- P
- Q
- R
- S
- T
- U
- V
- W
Series 27 – Positions
- 1946-1948, A
- 1946-1948, B
- 1946-1948, C
- 1946-1948, D
- 1946-1948, E
- 1946-1948, F
- 1946-1948, G
- 1946-1948, H
- 1946-1948, I
- 1946-1948, J
- 1946-1948, K
- 1946-1948, L
- 1946-1948, Mc
- 1946-1948, M
Box 84
- 1946-1948, N
- 1946-1948, O
- 1946-1948, P
- 1946-1948, Q
- 1946-1948, R
- 1946-1948, S
- 1946-1948, T
- 1946-1948, U
- 1946-1948, V
- 1946-1948, W
- 1946-1948, XYZ
Box 85
- 1948-1951, A
- 1948-1951, B
- 1948-1951, C
- 1948-1951, D
- 1948-1951, E
- 1948-1951, F
- 1948-1951, G
- 1948-1951, H
- 1948-1951, I
- 1948-1951, J
- 1948-1951, K
- 1948-1951, L
- 1948-1951, Mc
- 1948-1951, M
- 1948-1951, N
- 1948-1951, O
- 1948-1951, P
- 1948-1951, Q
- 1948-1951, R
- 1948-1951, S
- 1948-1951, T
- 1948-1951, U
- 1948-1951, V
- 1948-1951, W
- 1948-1951, XYZ
Series 28 – Miscellany
- Library of Congress, 1945-1954
- War Claims Commission
- White House
- White House, Surplus Material
- Supreme Court
- District of Columbia
- National Security Resources Board
- Navy-Army Purchases Argentine Beef
Subgroup 4: Committees
Series 1 – Committees, General, 1941-1954
Box 86
- Agriculture
- Appropriations
- Armed Services
- Joint Committee on Atomic Energy
- Banking and Currency
- Small Business
- F. Byrd Committee on Reduction of Non-Essential Federal Expenditures, 1941-1954
- Senate campaign committee
- Committee applications
- Committee on Committees
- Committee confirmation
- Committee confirmations
Box 87
- Committee confirmations-Vatican appointment
- Committee confirmation re: assistant U.S. District Attorney
- Committee on Committee
- Committee room space
- Committee on crime investigation
- Joint Committee on Defense production
- Education and labor
- Conference of Western Senators
- Expenditures in Executive Departments
- Joint committee on non-defense
Box 88
- Joint committee on reduction of non-essential federal expenditures
- Finance Committee, 1950, 1951
- Finance Committee appointments to tax court
- Finance Committee Veterans file
- Finance Committee John Lee Coulter tax letter
- Foreign Relations Committee
- Indian Affairs, 1953
- Indians
- Indian Affairs, 1951
- Indian Affairs, Colville Indians
- Indian Affairs, 1949
Box 89
- Indian Claims Commission
- Indian Affairs, 1947-1949
- Indians, 1950
- Territories and Insular Affairs Committee
- Joint committee on Internal Revenue
- Truman investigating committee
- Committee on Interstate Commerce
- Committee on State Tax and Federal truck line operations
- Tolan investigating committee
- Irrigation and Reclamation, 1953
- Judiciary committee
- Judiciary committee
- Proposed library bill
- Fair labor standards
- Public lands trip
- Public lands committee
- Labor committee
- Strategic materials sub-committee
- Dedication of Platte pipeline, Casper, Wyoming, August 8, 1953
- Petroleum resources investigation committee
- Committee on military affairs
- Mines and Mining
- Investigation on Illinois mines explosion
- Mines and Fuel
- Newsprint
- Shortage of newsprint
Box 90
- Newsprint pulpwood
- Paper Pulp
- Beatrice Times
- Privileges and elections committee
- Public buildings and lands
- Post Offices and Post Roads
- Joint Committee on Printing
- Republican Majority Policy Committee
- Reciprocal Trade Randall Report
- Senate Investigating Committee
- Republican Policy Committee
- Committee for Reciprocity Information
- Rules and Administration Committee
- Rules Committee
- Senate Office Building Committee (new Senate Office Building)
- War Investigation Committee
Box 91
- SJR 77 Interest Rate
- Indians, Klamath Tribe
Series 2 – Interior and Insular Affairs Committees, General
- Subcommittee on Territories & Insular Possessions
- Guam
- Pacific Islands
- Interior and Insular Committee on Pacific Islands
- Interior and Insular Committee Staff
- Interior and Insular Committee, 1953-1954
- Notes on house hearing, Jan. 18-28, 1954 Upper
- Colorado River storage project
- Interior and Insular Affairs Committee
- Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, 1950-1951
- Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, 1951
- Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, territories and
- Insular affairs
Series 3 – Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, Alaskan Statehood
Box 92
- Statehood, General
- Alaska
- Alaska, representation within
- Alaska, communism in, 1946-1949
- Alaska, speech against statehood
- Alaska, Indians
- Alaska, speeches and insertions
- Alaska, industrial development in,
- Alaska, miscellaneous
- Alaska, trip to,
- Alaska, statehood
- Alaska, regarding appointment of Gov. Gruening
- Alaska, elective governorship bill
- Alaska, statehood, 1949-1952
- Alaska and Hawaii statehood
- Alaska, 1949-1952
- Alaska, University of
- Alaska, statehood, 1950
Box 93
- Alaska statehood, 1950
- Alaska statehood, 1951
Box 94
- Alaska statehood, 1952
- Alaska statehood newspaper clippings
- Alaska trip, August 14-27, 1953
- Hawaiian Trip, November, 1952
- Hawaii statehood, 1953
- Alaska and Hawaii statehood, 1953
- Tape recording, Alaska tourism, 1950-1954
- Alaska-general political file, A
- Alaska-general political file, B
- Alaska-general political file, C
- Alaska-general political file, D
- Alaska-general political file, E
- Alaska-general political file, F
- Alaska-general political file, G
- Alaska-general political file, H
- Alaska-general political file, I
- Alaska-general political file, J
- Alaska-general political file, K
- Alaska-general political file, L
- Alaska-general political file, Mc
- Alaska-general political file, M
- Alaska-general political file, N
- Alaska-general political file, O
- Alaska-general political file, P
- Alaska-general political file, Q
- Alaska-general political file, R
- Alaska-general political file, S
- Alaska-general political file, T
- Alaska-general political file, U
- Alaska-general political file, V
- Alaska-general political file, W
- Alaska-general political file, XYZ
- Alaska statehood, 1953
Series 4 – Interior and Insular Affairs, Hawaiian Statehood
Box 95
- Oscar G. Iden notes on interviews in Hawaii, 1948-1950
- Hawaii conference, Rufus Poole
- Honolulu Telephone Directory, 1950
- Hawaii, Arthur Churchill
- Hawaii, newspaper clippings
- Hawaii, Bill Borthwick, 1950
- Hawaii, James L. Coke
- Hawaii, Exhibits file letters opposing statehood, 1948-1950
- Hawaii, newspaper clippings, 1950
- Hawaii, confidential letters from senators
- Hawaii, plot to sovietize
- Hawaii, Michaeil Czrrie articles, Japanization of Hawaii
- Hawaii, Communism, Hawaii confidential report
- Hawaii, 1950
- Hawaii, Communism, 1948-1950
- Hawaii trip, 1948
- Hawaii statehood
Box 96
- Correspondence on H.R. 49, 1948-1950
- Hawaii churches
Box 97
- The Economy of Hawaii today, 1948-1950
- Hawaii, Walter F. Dilingham
- Hawaii, Communism
- Hawaii report
- Hawaii, Kenneth Dawson, Alfred Yapp, 1950
- Hawaii, Communism
- Executive session confidential hearings before Committee 1948-1950, on Interior and Insular affairs, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Oct. 30 to Nov. 15, 1948. Vol. 1 Exhibits for Statehood
- Executive session confidential hearings before Committee, 1948-1950, on Interior and Insular affairs, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Nov. 1-5, 1948. Vol. 1 Statehood for Hawaii
- Executive session confidential hearings before Committee, 1948-1950, on Interior and Insular affairs, Honolulu, Territory of Hawaii, Nov. 7-12, 1948. Vol. 2 Statehood for Hawaii
- Hawaii, Iden report
- Hawaii, confidential letters
- Senator Butler’s speech, 1948-1950
- Miscellaneous extra clippings, 1950
Box 98
- Hawaii, miscellaneous, 1948-1950
- Hearings and miscellaneous, 1948-1950
- Hearings and testimony
- School directory of Hawaii, 1941-1942
- List of registered voters by precinct, Hawaii, 1950
Box 99
- Hearings and Miscellaneous
- Reports on changes in compensation requested by H.R. #40 Adopted Oct. 31, 1941
- Communism in Hawaii
- House Un-American activities I.L.W.U., 1950
- Statehood convention, Apr. 4, 1950, clippings
- Statehood hearings, 1950 fight for statehood opposition to clippings
- Newspaper clippings regarding Hawaii shipping strike by Communist led I.L.W.U.
- Republican clippings
- Democratic clippings
Box 100
- Letters regarding Hawaiian statehood, 1948-1950
- Letters regarding Hawaiian statehood
- Report on subversive activity in Hawaii, 1948-1950
- Exhibit 10
- Exhibit 1
- Exhibit 2
- Exhibit 3, 1948-1950
- Exhibit 7
- Exhibit 11
- Exhibit 6
- Exhibit 8
- Exhibit 9
- Hawaii
- Hawaii, miscellaneous
Box 101
- SB on Governor Stainback, 1948-1950
- Clippings, Honolulu Star Bulleting, Aug., 1941-Sept., 1943
- ILWU Communist Party politics
- Interlocking facets of Hawaiiís problem
- The Butler Report, 1949 current strike, state committee new head Sam King, Communist Party issue
- Hawaii statehood, 1951
- Current Hawaii clippings
- Hawaii statehood, 1947-1949
- Hawaii, 1951
- Hawaii, 1950
Box 102
- Loyalty bill clippings
- Hawaii, miscellaneous
- Hawaii statehood commission
- Hawaii, 1952
- Sept. 1951
Series 5 – Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, Puerto Rico, 1959-1953
- Independence for Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico, 1950
- Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico
- Puerto Rico Constitution Bill
- Peru
Box 103
- Puerto Rico, 1951-1952
- Puerto Rico, 1953
Series 6 – Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, Virgin Islands
- Virgin Islands trip, 1949
- Virgin Islands trip, 1950
- Virgin Islands trip, 1951
- Virgin Islands trip, public lands
- Virgin Islands
- Virgin Islands trip
- Virgin Islands, 1953
Series 7 – Interior and Insular Affairs Committee, South America, 1942-1946
- Central and South America by Stanley Johnston, South America By Roland Howell Shap, clippings
- Argentina
- Bolivia
- Brazil
- Chile
- Cuba
- Columbia
- Costa Rica
- Dominican Republic
- El Salvador
- Ecuador
- Guatemala
- Honduras
- Mexico
- Nicaragua
- Panama
- Paraguay
- Puerto Rico
- Uruguay
- Venezuela
Box 104
- Expenditures by U.S. in Central and South American countries, 1943
- South America correspondence, 1944
- Second South American Report
- Expenditures in South America
- Miscellany
- Correspondence regarding South America
- Translation and correspondence
- Correspondence, 1944
- Correspondence regarding Readers Digest article and others
- Radio talk
- Requests
- Material regarding South American trip and subsequent report
Box 105
- Material regarding South American trip and subsequent report
Subgroup 5: Legislature files
Series 1 – Proposed Legislation, 1941-1946
- Byrd Butler Bill on Government Corporations
Box 106
- Byrd Butler Bill
- Frank’s Bill
- Anderson Equipment Company
- Stowbill Claim Bill
- Newspaper shortage
- Social Security Act
- Seed Legumes
- S.462 to amend National Housing Act
- Chimney Rock National Monument
- Retirement for Vets (Butler, Walsh Bill)
- S.1576, 1577, 1578 Veteran legislation
- Non-service-connected disabilities from $50-$75 a month
- S.1623 providing for discharge of service men with 18 months of active service
- S.1321 Butler Herman Platte Claim
- S.656 Butler Amendment 2nd diff. Appropriation act, 1944
- S.578 Parish, John W. Tristee for open import of Claims
- Omaha Airport finance committee, Fitzgerald amendment to 1945 interim tax bill
- S.1513
- S.1957
- HR 5407
- HR 5508
- Fuhrer, Charles J.
- Bertha Laua Stocky
- Frank E. Hudley
- Leo Stuhr
- S.1210 Relief of Charles H. Craig
- SR77
- For relief of John W. Parrish S. 506
- HR39612, HR4485
- S2223, S363 Navy Mothers Club
- Amendment to price control extension act
- S.1450 Nebraska-Iowa Bridge Commission Blair Bridge
- Black Market investigation
- For the relief of Ethel M. Crosby
- S142J Decatur Bridge
- New resolution on Butler Byrd bill
- S2030 Return of Army vehicles overseas to U.S. for sale
- S1450 Nebraska-Iowa bridge
- S2506
- HR5508 Grand River Dam Bill
- Bills to be introduced in 79th Congress
- S1577
- S982 land leveling tax exemption bill
- S1285 Conference committee service men vote
- E & L Langer amendment to Child Labor Law
- S1623
- SR176 Government plants
Box 107
- S1166 authorize procedure to adjudication of claims to benefits administered through V.A.
- S1711 mustering out pay
- S2057 Selective Service
- S1164 to provide a statutory award of $10 per month to any war veteran who was wounded, gassed, injured or disabled by any instrumentation of war
- S1908 agricultural surplus
- For relief of Crawford
- S1908 Crop processing survey
- Amendment to HR4407 release of men with 18 months or more of service, etc.
- Anthony Vencil
- City National Bank Building Company
- SJ Res 100 Alcohol plants produce sugar and syrups similar with production of alcohol
- S1165 increase death compensation rates for World War widows and other purposes
- S1614
- S1735 authorize promotion of officers wounded while performing duties of higher grade
- S1164 increase $50-$75 received by war Veterans non-service disability
- Philippine Trip
- Veteran legislation, general
- S1173 for repeal section 1b3 of the mustering out payment act of 1944
- S1921 to increase 20% the monthly rates of compensation pay to Veterans and dependents
- To permit settlements of accounts of deceased officers And enlisted men in Army without administration of estates, S1211
- SJR 81 providing for National referendum for peacetime military training
- S2225 to amend act authorizing building of bridges across Missouri River between Washington County, Nebraska and Iowa
- Copies of bills introduced by Senator Butler, 79th Congress
- Poland
- Investigation of executive agencies
- HR2403 Peyote Tax Act
- HR5407 FWA Bill
- SR223 authorized to make investigations on black market operation or agriculture commodities
- S2123 Reynold Bill
- HR2618 Relief of Mrs. Vanna Hicks
- Relief of Alberry
- S1013 Fair Labor Standards
- S1013 Provide period of limitation for bringing actions for money damages
- S1267 relief of Gail Gordon
- S1513
- SJR 1 Presidential term limitation
- Bills introduced by Sen. Butler 77th & 78th Congress
- Notebook with copies of Legislative Bills, 1946-1947
Proposed Legislation, 1946-1948
- Bills introduced, Butler 81st Congress
- Bills introduced, Butler 80th Congress
- S60
- S67
- S69
- S212
- S302
- S303
- S424
- S498
- S539
Box 108
- S541
- HR553
- S540
- S665
- S719
- S731
- S732
- S749
- S959
- S960
- S961
- S992
- S1014
Box 109
- S1034
- S1041
- S1078
- S1180
- S1183
- S1184
- S1168
- S1149
- S1420
- S1432
- S1439
- S1441
- S1515
- S1580
- S1584
- S1586
- S1591
- S1608
- S1652
- S1680
- S1681
- S1682
- S1686
- S1685
- S1684
- S1688
- S1696
- S1760
- S1780
- S1808
- S1813
- S1844
- S1898
- General
- Proposed Legislation
- S1988 Tidelands
Box 110
- S1988
- S1941 See 191 81st Congress
- S1992
- S1993
- S2037
- S2081
- S2101
- S2130
- S2132
- S2148
- S2254 (See S314 81st Congress)
- S2272
- S2363
- S2376
- S2399
- S2436
- S2507
- S2508, increase salary of coordinator of federal agencies In Puerto Rico
- S2567
- S2664
- S2582
- S2675
- S2765
- S2831
- S2832
- S2867
- S2668
- S2912
- SCR6
- SCR51
- SCR59
- SJR5
- SJR51
- Amendment to SJR58
- SJR82
- SJR108
- SJR109
- SJR118
- SJR141
- SJR162
- SJR130
- SJR175
- SJR180, Social Security status quo resolution
- SJR182
- SJR203
- SJR224
- SJR70
- Amendment to SR70
- SR70
- SR76
- SR77
- SR78
- SR97
- SR103
- SR118
- SR143
- SR148
- SR179
- SR213
- SR232
- SR244
- SR254 amendment to HR1
- Amendment to HR49 regarding Hawaii
- HR555 Edna Rita Saffrom Phidone
- HR683 Curtis amendment
- Amendment to HR1113 Regarding emancipation of U.S. Indians in certain cases and providing for partition when lands held in common
- Amendment to S2202 Regarding U.S. Representatives abroad
- Amendment to HR2245 Regarding barber and beauty shops
- Amendment to HR2245 excise taxes regarding musical instruments, photographic apparatus, expenses of leveling farm lands, exemption of agricultural fairs
- HR4371 (general gredge act, 1946) July 24, 1947 Amendment to HR4725 regarding state jurisdiction of Indian offense excepting fish and game license
- HR4790 amendment to HR5275 regarding amendment of tariff act of 1930
- Amendment to HR6705 regarding funds for Indian education, Winnebago Appropriation for public school expenses for Indians at Winnebago
- Amendment to HR6935 Education Winnebago schools
- Social Security
- Bills introduce by other senators
- Joseph Muff Jr.
- Taxes-Philippines
- Excise taxes on musical instruments
- Taxes, miscellaneous
- Soil conservation bill
- Proposed legislation amendment to National Housing Act
- Community property tax
- Theater admissions
- Furs
Proposed Legislation, 1948-1950
Box 111
- Sen. Butler’s bills, 81st Congress, 1st session
- Sen. Butler’s bills, 81st Congress, 2nd session
- S178
- S179
- S180
- S181 see 361
- S182
- S183
- S184
- S186
- S187
- S188
- S189
- S190
- S191
- S192
- S211
- S264
- S265
- S266
- S267
- S268
- S269
- S270
- S312
- S313
- S314
- S361
Box 112
- S362
- S363
- S364
- S365
- S512
- S513
- S514
- S515
- S516
- S517
- S518
- S529
- S526
- S527
- S528
- S729
- S730
- S740
- S1015
- S1263
- S1307
- S1308
- S1330
- S1516
- S1545
- S1738
- S1807
- S1953
- S1954
- S2074
- S2094
- S2129
- Tractor fuel oil
- S2149
- S2150
- Proposed legislation, remount service
- S2320
- S2350
- S2415
- S2508
- S2519
- S2520, patent in fee to Walter Tuto
- S2644
- S2650
- S2653
- S2788
- S2929
- S3011
- S3085
- S3086
- S3126
- S3127
- S3128
Box 113
- S3129
- S3130
- S3147
- S3187
- S3187
- S3301
- S3322
- S3229
- S3323
- S3336
- S3352
- S3361
- S3362
- S3363
- S3410
- S3441
- S3543
- S3544
- S3683
- S3696
- S3730
- S3731
- S3732
- S3790
- S3791
- S3820
- S3836
- S3837
- S3838
- S3848
- S3863
- S3864
- S3892
- S4262
- SR56, Indonesian situation
- SR59, Investigate Aluminum shortage
- SR171
- SR241
- SR295
- SR302
- SR371
- SJR7
- SJR25
- SCR16
- SCR18
- SCR38
- Amendment to S55
- Amendment to S211 Inland Waterways Bill
- Amendment to S249
- Amendment to HR331
- S653 and amendments
- S653, amendment to, telephone
- S723, amendment to, experiment stations
- S900, amendment to
- HR2313, amendment to
- HR3905, amendment to, admissions
- Amendment to SC53 Walsh Healy
- Amendment to HR1211
- Amendment to S2522
- HR1211 Milliken
- Amendment to HR5345
- Amendment to HR331
- Amendment to HR3838
- Amendment to HR5226
- Co-op amendment to S2522
- Amendment to HR1211
- Amendment to HR1689 (Johnson–Butler co-sponsor)
- Amendment to HR3838
- Amendment to HR5007, right to elect between retirement benefits under old and new Armed Services Bill
- HR5345 Butler amendment (Sect. 412)
- Amendment to HR2023
- Amendment to S2246
- Amendment to HR5226
- Amendment to HR49
- Amendment to HR331
- Amendment to HR8920
- Amendment to HR7786
- Amendment to S900
- Amendment to HR2023 Photographic equipment
- Amendment to HR2023 Agricultural fairs
- Amendment to HR2023 Beauty, Barbershops
- Amendment to S2246
- Amendment to HR5007
- Amendment to HR49
- Amendment to HR331
- Amendment to HR8920
- Amendment to HR6000
- Amendment to HR3905, Beauty parlors, cosmetics
- Amendment to HR3838
Proposed Legislation, 1951-1953
- Bills introduced 82nd Congress, 1st session, Butler
- Bills introduced 82nd Congress, 2nd session, Butler
- Proposed Legislation
- S102
- S103
- S104
- S105
- S357
Box 114
- S369
- S370
- S484
- S485
- S486
- S558
- S576
- S667
- S813
- S814
- S862
- S940
- S956
- S957
- S958
- S959
- Alma Coop Elevator
Box 115
- S1063
- S1236
- S1247
- S1304
- S1305
- S1486
- S1487
- S1633
- S1678
- S1694
- S1789
- S1808
- S1859
- S2098
- S2121
- S2144
- S2197
- S2203
- S2225
- S2477
- S2512
- S2720
- S2758
- S2760
- S2761
- S2827
- S2828
- S2986
- S3043
- S3044
- S3078
- S3106
- S3176
- S3185
- S3341
- SR89
- SR141
- SR147
- SR148
- SR246
- SR292
- SR311
- SJR80
- SJR84
- SJR106
- SJR130
- SJR210
- SCR27
- Amendment to HR2416
- Amendment to S50
- Amendment to HR3336
- Amendment to S1397
- Amendment to HR1612
- Amendment to S1717
- Amendment to HR4686
- Amendment to HR6291
- Amendment to S3086
- Amendment to HR7345
- Amendment to HR3795
Series 2 – Legislation
Legislation, 1941-1948
- Social Security Wagner Murray Bill, S1050, 79th Congress
- Bulwinkle Bill, HR2536, Old file, 79th Congress
- Railroad freight rates, old file, 79th Congress
- General legislation, 1st session, 80th Congress
Box 116
- General legislation, 1st session, 80th Congress
- General legislation, 1948
- General legislation, 1st session, 80th Congress
Legislation, 1946-1948
- General legislation, 1st session, 80th Congress
- Agriculture Releases
- Appropriations General
- Appropriations Agriculture
- Agriculture
- Agricultural Adjustment Act
- Administrative Practitioners Act
- Admissions Tax
- Alcohol Plants
- American War Dads
- Amendment to the Constitution
- Anglo-American Oil Agreement
- Amateur Radio Frequencies
- Atomic energy
- Armed Services Committee
- Legislative Daily
- Appropriations Veterans
- Appropriations–Veterinary Society
- Soil Conservation
- Social Security
- State Department
- Post Office
- Reclamation
- Legislative
- National Defense
- Labor Department FWA
- Justice Department and Treasury
- Interior
- Independent Offices
- Housing
- Health
- Government Corporation
- Federal Security
- Deficiency
- Control Towers CAA airports
- Commerce
- Civil Functions
- Bureau of Internal Revenue
- Armed Services Army and Navy
Box 117
- Atomic energy (Lilenthal) form #2
- Aviation
- Birds
- Broadcasting Companies
- Black Markets
- Blind legislation
- Budget
- Calendar (world)
- Citizenship for aliens
- Constitutional amendments
- Banking
- Bulwinkle Bill S110
- Communism
- Census Office S614
- Consumer Credit Regulation
Box 118
- Controls
- Civil Rights
- Crop Production
- Civil Service
- Civil Service, oldest file
- Colored Race (Bilbo)
- Claims Japanese evacuees, S172
- Coinage
- Coast Guard
- Commodity Credit
- Displaced persons
- Crows
- Cotton subsidy
- Cooperatives – Farmers hR6301 & S2543
- Copper
- Divorce legislation
- District of Columbia
- Decatur Bridge
- Daylight Saving Time
- Liability Act HR242
- Export-Import Control Act
- Employment Service
- Equal Rights
- Education S2499, S472 & others
- Education
- Floods
- Fisheries
- Firearms Bill
- Federal Works Agency, S971
- Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp.
- Federal Reserve Act
- Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act
- Federal Farm Mortgage Corp
- Federal Employee Pay Act
- Federal Employees Practices Act
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation S1070
- Federal Communications Commission
- Farm Credit
- Fair Labor Standards Act
Box 119
- Federal Conversion Legislation S1177
- Fur
- Fuel Oil
- Freight Car Shortage
- Food and Drug Act-Cosmetics
- Foreign Affairs
- Gwynne Bill HR2157 See 50 Labor-Postal-Postal Pay
- Foreign Relief
- Foreign Relief Marshall Plan out of state letters against
- Foreign Relief Marshall Plan out of state letters for
- Foreign Relief Marshall Plan against
- Foreign Relief Marshall Plan for
- Grain allocations (Liquor)
- Government Corporation Control Act HR3756
- Government Controls
- Government S164-HR775
- Gold Star
- Gas Lines
- Gas Bill HR4051
- Garbage Disposal Bill
- Home Rule Bill
- Hotel Fire Preventions
- Housing
- Housing, 1949
- Hospitals
- Hoover Dam
- Health Bills S545, S1320 and others
- Immigration
- Housing re-organization Plan 3, File in 50 re-organization plan
- Immigration
- Inland waterways file in 40f S2912
- Inflation
- Insurance
- International Wheat Agreement
- Interstate Commerce
- Interstate Traffic
- Internees S1823
- Irrigation
- Jackson Hole National Monument
- Jandrick, Milan for the relief of S409
- Japanese Islands
- Jews
- Judicial Code hR3214
- Lead
- Labor Postal to Postal pay Gwynne Bill HR2157
- Labor
- Labor to May, 1947
- Labor, May
- Labor, May, 1947
- Labor, June
Box 120
- Labor, June
- Library S48
- Limestone
- Liquor, form #4, S268
- Liquor, form #10, Petitions
- Liquor
- Livestock Packers and Stockyards Act
- Liquor Petitions, form #8
Box 121
- Loans to foreign countries
- Liquor
- Lottery
- Marshall Plan
- Metals
- Merchant Marine
- Merger of the armed forces
- Military Training
- Military Training Against
- Military S1174
- Military Nurse Corps HR1943, S504 & HR1673
- Military Training for
- Military Training Against
- Minimum wage
- Missouri Valley Authority
- Money Plates in Russia
- Motor Carriers
- Mine regulations
- Mining
- National Defense
- National Defense Air Forces
- National Defense Army
- National Defense Marine Corps
- National Defense Merchant Marine
- National Defense Navy
- Natural gas act hR2185
- National monument
- National Service Live Insurance Act
- Newspaper Vendors Bill HR3704
- Negroes
- Old Age assistance
- Optometry
- OPA, rent
- OPA, sugar
- OPA, Office of Price Administration
Box 122
- Postal, March, 1948-
- Postal, 1947-1948
- Pensions
- Photographers
- Postal S1514 Servicemen’s duty free postal rights
- Price Controls
- Private Bills
- President’s term
- Proposed legislation
- Palestine Question
- Parks Service
- Physically handicapped
- Pollution Bill, Anti
- Polish
- Radio
- Railroads
- Rationing meat forum of the Air Program
- Rationing meat
- Railroad Retirement Act Form 9
- Railroad-railroad employees national pension assín
- Railroad-employees liability act HR1639
- Rationing
- Railroad re-organization S249 HR3237
- Railroad retirement Act Repeal of Corsser amendments
- Rubber
- Roads
- Rent Control 80th Congress, see OPA rent
- Reparations
- Re-organization Plan No. 1, 1948
- Religion
- Relief Bill
- Recorder of Deeds Office
- Reconstruction Finance Corp.
- Re-organization Plan 2 & 3
- Reclamation
- Selective service
- St. Lawrence Project S1381
- Social Security Power employeeís form #1
- Social Security Newspapers
- Science legislation S526 and others
- School lunches HR1775
- Social Security
Box 123
- Surplus property
- Subsistence allowance federal officers
- Submerged Lands
- Sugar Legislation
- Strikes
- Steel
- State Department
- Standard time
- Stamps
- St. Lawrence Waterway
- Soil Conservation S512 Virgin Islands
- Socialized medicine S1606, S1050 also see health bills
- Taxes oleomargarine against
- Taxes oleomargarine for
- Taxes oleomargarine form letter
Box 124
- Taxes, oleomargarine
- Taxes, excise
- Taxes, general
- Taxes, HR63 Curtis amendment
- Taxes, angora rabbit wool
- Taxes, automotive
- Taxes, exemption of cooperatives
- Trade agreements form 7
- Townsend Plan
- Terminal leave pay
- Tariff
- Tax Survey
- Taxes, income
- Taxes, poll
- Tax court HR3214
- United Nations
- U.N.R.R.A
- Un-American activities
- Veterans
- Veteran’s finances immigration
- Veteran’s job training
- Veterans housing
- Veterans pensions HR3961
Box 125
- Veteran’s hospitals
- Veteran’s flight training
- Veteran’s subsistence payments
- Veterans Bonus Bill
- Veteran’s service men’s adjustment pay
- Veto power
- Wage and Hour
- Booker T. Washington Memorial S1843 & HR4664
- War Department, General
- War Department HR7129
- Water Pollution Control Act S418
- Wheat agreement filed in International Wheat Agreement
- Wildlife
- W.C.T.U.
- Welfare
- Wool S114
- Wool Trade
- Wood Plywood
- World government
Legislation, 1949-1950
- General legislation
- 81st Congress form letter
- 80th Congress form letters
- General, Omaha World Herald
- Agriculture
- Agriculture, forest service nursery program
- Agriculture, fats and oils
- Agriculture, disaster loans
- Agriculture, commodity credit corporation
- Agriculture, Brannon Farm Bill
- Agriculture, Commodity Credit Corp.
- Appropriation deficiency
- Appropriation farm credit administration
- Appropriation Civil Functions Bill
Box 126
- Appropriations
- Appropriations, Air Forces
- Appropriations, Agriculture
- Airports
- Agriculture, Wheat
- Agriculture, Rural Electrification Act
- Agriculture, honey
- Agriculture, grain storage
- Appropriations, meat inspection
- Appropriations, labor and federal security
- Appropriations, Interior Department
- Appropriations, Independent Office
- Appropriations, foreign aid
- Appropriations, FWA
- Appropriations, rural electrification
- Appropriations, state justice and commerce
- Appropriations, soil conservation service
- Appropriations, reclamation
- Appropriations, Missouri River basin
- Appropriations, military
- Atlantic Pact
Box 127
- Atomic energy
- Budget 1950, July
- Basing Point question
- Barge Lines
- Bankruptcy Act
- Banking S1775
- Banks, Bank merger bill
- Budget, May, 1950
- Budget, June, 1950
- Budget
- Civil Defense planning Hipley report
- C.A.P.
- Civil Rights
- China
- China, American Chinaware
- Cemeteries
- Calendars
- Civilian Defense
- Civil service
- Colorado River
- Communism
Box 128
- Commodity Credit Corporation
- Constitutional amendments
- Controls credit
- Copper
- Cotton
- District of Columbia
- Displaced persons
- Draft program
- Duck stamp
- Education form letter 8
- Education 1949, January to July, 15
- Education 1949 July to January, 1950
- Education S834
- Education 1950 January to
- Economic Cooperation Administration
- Electoral College Amendment
- Equal Rights
- Export Controls Import
- Expenditures
- Expenditures in the executive department
- Farm support levels
- Federal Building Program
- Federal Communication Commission
- Federal Reserve Board reg. “W”
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.
- F.E.P.C.
- Fish restoration
- Filibustering
- Floods
- Foreign relief China
- Foreign relief
- Food and drugs
- Fur
- Foreign Policy
Box 129
- Gambling information
- Handicapped people
- Health Bills, 1949
- Health, 1950, January-March
- Health, 1950, April-May
- Health, 1950, June-
Box 130
- Hoover Commission, Banking
- Hoover Commission, Veterans recommendations
- Hoover Commission Report, 1949 and January, 1950
- Hoover Commission Report, 1950, February
- Hoover Re-organization Plans, 1950, May-July
- Hoover Commission Report, 1950, March-June
- Hoover Commission Re-organization Plans, April
- Housing
- Hydrogen bomb
- Immigration laws
- Imports
- Indians
- Inflation
- Interstate Commerce
- Internal Revenue Code
- International Wheat Agreement
- Japanese
- Jews
- Judiciary S4104
- Judiciary Committee
- Korea
- Kerr Gas Bill
- Labor
- Labor, Fulton Lewis Jr., Question on Labor Policy
Box 131
- Labor
- Labor, Minimum Wage
- Labor, against Taft Hartley Act
- Labor, S3295, railroad
- Labor, Swift and Company questionnaire, form 5
- Labor, Fair Labor Standards
- Labor, 1950
- Legal holidays
- Library Demonstration Bill
- Loan to foreign countries
- Lobbying
- Liquor, S1947
- Liquor, 1950
- Merchant Marines
- Military training
- Mines
Box 132
- Missouri Valley Authority
- National Defense
- National Defense, Air Force
- National Defense, Armed Services Pay Bill
- National Defense, War Department
- National Monument
- National Science Foundation
- National Parks
- National Parks, Everglades National Park
- Negroes
- Oil depletion
- Old Age Assistance
- Old Age Pension
- O.P.A., Rent control
- Palestine Question
- Parity support program for farmers
- Per Diem allowance
- Postal, 1949, January-July
Box 133
- Postal, 1949, July to 1950, January
- Postal rates, 1949, S1103
- Postal, 1950, January-February
- Postal, March, 1950
- Postal, April, 1950
- Postal, May, 1950
- Postal, curtailment of postal service, one delivery a day, May 4 and 5 letters
- Postal, June, 1950
- Postal, July, 1950
- Postal, August-December, 1950
- Private Bills for relief of
- Proposed legislation
- Public Works
- Pulaski Memorial Day Resolution
- Radio
- Railroads, June, 1950
Box 134
- Railroads, 1949-1950, January-May
- R.E.A.
- Reclamation
- Recreation
- Rent Control, 1950
- Rent Control, 1949 also O.P.A.
- Re-organization Bill, Government Departments
- Retirement pay, Army
- Rivers and Harbors Bill
- Selective Service
- Social Security, 1949
- Social Security, June, 1950
- Social Security, July, 1950
- Social Security, Ballroom operators
- Social Security, Christian Scientists
- Social Security, Self-employed
- Socialized medicine
- Stamps, commemorative postage stamp
- St. Lawrence Waterway
- Steel
- Sugar
- Tariff
- Social Security, 1950, Jan-March
- Social Security, 1950, May
Box 135
- Taxes, 1949
- Taxes, 1950, January-June
- Taxes, excise, June, 1950
- Taxes, July, 1950
Box 136
- Taxes, cabaret tax, ballroom and dance hall, S730
- Taxes, Cigarette Tax
- Taxes, Co-ops, August, 1950
- Taxes, Co-op form 7
- Taxes, excise, theatre admissions excise tax
- Taxes, excess, profits tax
- Postcards to Senator Butler protesting additional taxes on refreshments and amusement tax
- Taxes, excise, January to May, 1949
- Taxes, excise Form 10
- Taxes, excise Form 9
- Taxes, excise, 1950
- Taxes, excise, theater admission tax petition form Jack Mare on taxes on alcoholic beverages
- Taxes, cooperatives, 1940
- Taxes, cooperatives, January-August, 1950
- Taxes, excise, January-May, 1950
- Taxes excise, 1949, May-January
- Taxes, Income
- Taxes, insurance companies
- Taxes, oleomargarine, 1950
Box 137
- Taxes, oleomargarine
- Taxes, oleomargarine, Yellow color
- Taxes, oleomargarine, For
- Taxes, oleomargarine, Against
- Telephone, rural
- T.V.A. Also in 59 T.V.A.
- Tidelands
- Trade agreements, oil petroleum
- Time, daylight and standard
- Trade agreements
- Copper
- Transportation
- Trade Agreements, Watches
- U.S. Exchange Stabilization Fund
- Veterans, 1950, January
- Post cards received against the 20% increase on refreshments or receiving service, received against 20% amusement tax
- Veterans, 1949
- Veterans, Pensions
- Veterans, HR9437, HR9440
- Veterans, Spanish War Veterans, HR5598
- Veterans, HR5598
- Veterans, Retirement
- Veterans, Women’s organizations
- Trade Agreements – Wool, Fur
- Unemployment Compensation
- United Nations
- War situations
- Watch making
- S730, February, 1949
- Wool
- Wildlife
Box 138
- Petition to the members of the Senate and the House of Representatives asking for a reduction in the Federal Excise Tax
- Newspaper surveys entitled, “For Your Congressman,” asking for or against 8 issues
- Campaign cards and leaflets
Box 139
- Newspaper surveys entitled, “For Your Congressman,” asking for or against 8 issues
Legislation, 1951-1952
- General legislation, 1951
- General legislation, January, 1952
- Accident prevention
- Alcohol
- Agriculture
- Alien property
- Antimonopoly Bill
- Appropriation, Agriculture
- Appropriation, 1951
- Appropriation, Education
- Appropriation, Flood Control
- Appropriation, Labor and Federal Security
- Appropriation, R.E.A
- Armed Services, pay
- Atomic bomb
- Armed Services
- Aviation
- Banking, 1951
- Black Market
- Appropriations, defense
- Atlantic Pact
Box 140
- Budget, 1951, January-February
- Budget, petition, form 17 letter, February 8, 1952
- Central Arizona Project
- China
- Civil service, 1951
- Civil service, Form 31, May 14, annual leave
- Civil service, retirement
- Claims
- Constitutional Amendment
- Copper
- Crime petition, form 19, February 8, 1952, letters
- Controls, 1951
- Controls, for
- Communism
- Controls, against
- Controls, June, 1952
- Conscientious objectors
- Conscientious objectors, form 18, Feb. 8, 1952
- Credit unions
- Controls, butter
- Controls
- Controls, for and against, June 21, 1951, letters
Box 141
- Displaced persons, 1951
- Duck stamp
- Draft, reservists
- Drugs and narcotics
- Epileptics, form letter 25, March 3, 1952
- Equal rights, 1951
- Education
- Fair trade
- Fair employment practices
Box 142
- Flood Control, 1951
- Fish and wildlife
- Federal reserve
- Federal relief
- Foreign Aid, February 7, 1952, speech
- Federal Power Commission
- Federal Highway Act
- Food and Drug Act
- Foreign Aid, sending wheat, etc., over to foreign countries
- Foreign Affairs, 1951, February
- Foreign Affairs, out of state
- Foreign Affairs, Korea
- Foreign Affairs, 1951, January 30-31, letters
- Foreign Affairs, 1951, January 27-29, letters
- Foreign loans
- Foreign policy, 1951, January 1-26
- Fur
- Genocide treaty
- Government contracts
- Gambling
- Human Rights, form 20
- Housing, 1951
- Hoover, out of state re-organization plans
- Hoover commission, 1951
- Health, 1951
- Insurance
- Inland waterways
- Imports, 1951
- Impeachment
- Immigration Laws, form 29, Apr. 15, 1952
- Immigration Laws
Box 143
- Insurance, Service Men
- Interstate Commerce
- Jews
- Japanese Peace Treaty
- Judiciary
- Kefauver Committee
- Korea
- Letters received regarding Fulton Lewis questionnaire
Box 144
- Postcards regarding Fulton Lewis questionnaire radio April 9, 1951
Box 145
- Library
- Legal holidays
- Labor, railroads
- Labor, 1951
- Liquor, 1951
- McCarran Act
- McCarthy, Joseph
- MacArthur, form letter 3
- MacArthur, April 23 letter, form 4
- Marshall Plan
- Military training
- Merchant Marines
- Marine Corps
- Mining
- Mutual security
- Narcotics
- North Atlantic Treaty
- North American Regional Broadcasting Agreement
- National affairs
- National parks
- National holidays
- National defense, 1951
- Obscene literature
- Optometrics
- Old Age Assistance
- Oil
- Oatis, William N. (H.Con. Res. 140)
- Private bills, 1951
- Prices, meat
- Prices, 1951
- Presidential primaries
- Re-organization Act
- Rent Controls, 1951
- Postal, form letters
- Postal, pay raise, form letter 5
- Postal, pay raise, form letter 7, S355
- Renegotiation of contracts, 81st Congress, 1950
Box 146
- Postal, pay raise
- Postal, two-day deliveries
- Postal, S355, form letter 2, February 3
- Postal, 1951
- Postal Rates
- Pensions, teachers, form letter 24, March 3, 1952
- Pick Sloan Plan
- Renegotiation of contracts
- Remount service
- Regulation W
- Reclamation, 1951
- Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- Railroad, strikes
- Railroad, retirement, form letter 10, Oct. 16, 1951
- Railroad, retirement
- Railroad, 1951
- Rehabilitation
- Proposed Legislation
- Robinson Patman Act, S719
- Re-organization, Internal Revenue
- Russia, 1952
- Selective Service, Colleges
- Selective Service, Conscientious Objectors
- Selective Service, 1951
- Selective Service, 18 year olds
- Socialized Medicine, 1952
- Security Order
Box 147
- Senators at large
- Social Security, 1951
- Social Security, Hammond
- Social Security, Hammond (not for Miss Hammond to see)
- St. Lawrence Seaway, form 21, February 27, 1952
- Steel
- St. Lawrence River Projects
- Steel, form 30, May 6 letter
- Strikes
- Strikes, Western Union form 32
- Sugar
- Postcards regarding ending the bill covering the St. Lawrence Waterway Project.
Box 148
- Tariffs, 1951
- Taxes, Revenue Act of 1951
- Taxes, January, 1952
- Taxes, out of state
- Taxes
- Taxes, August, 1951–
- Taxes, 1951
- Taxes, (Co-op) form letter 8 for taxing co-ops, September 19, 1951
- Taxes, (Co-op) form letter 9 ag. Taxing of co-ops, Sept. 20, letter and telegrams
- Taxes, (Co-op) July 11 letter
- Taxes, (Co-op) Oct. 24, 1951, form 11 for taxing co-ops
- Taxes, (Co-op) January, 1952
- Taxes, (Co-op) October 25, 1951, form 12, support of Sen. George, amendment 314, 1951
- Taxes, (Co-op) 1951
Box 149
- Oil depletion allowance
- Taxes, oleomargarine
- Taxes, Excess Profits, 1951
- Taxes, Survey excess profits
- Taxes, Excise
- Taxes, Excise, Clinton M. Hester
- Taxes, Family partnerships
- Taxes, Co-ops renegotiation deal
- Taxes, Income, 1951
- Tidelands
- Trade agreements, 1951
- Treaties, Genocide and bill of rights
- Troops to Europe
- Unemployment compensation
- United Nations, 1951
- Universal military training, for
- Universal military training, 1952, against, form 22, 1952, Feb. 27
- Universal military training, against, form 16
- Universal military training, 1951
Box 150
- Universal military training, 1951-1952
- Veterans, Spanish War
- Universal military training, against, form 23, February 27, 1952
- Veterans, S1140, form 27, April 9, 1952
Box 151
- Veterans, 1951
- Wage Stabilization Board
- War Claims Act
- War damage corporation
- Whitten Amendment
- Wool
- World Calendar
Legislation, 1953-1954
- General
- Legislation
- Appropriations
- Appropriations, Agriculture
- Appropriations, Civil Functions
- Appropriations, Education
- Appropriations, Flood Control
- Appropriations, Interior
- Appropriations, Labor and Federal Security
- Appropriations, United Nations
- Armed Service
- Atlantic Union Resolution
- Atomic Bomb
- Banking
- Budget
- China
- Civil Service
- Colorado River
- Communism
Box 152
- Controls
- Construction, contract bill S848
- Defense Contracts
- District of Columbia
- Education
- Equal Rights
- Export
- Federal Food and Drug Act
- Filibustering
- Flood Control
- Foreign Affairs
- Foreign aid and loans
- Fort Logan, Colorado Veterans Hospital
- Health
- Highway legislation
- Housing
- Imports
- Interstate, time lag form letter
- Interstate, form letter S3294, advertising of alcoholic beverages
- Interstate commerce, form 6, transportation
- Immigration laws
- Indo-China form letter
- Jews
- Judiciary and Congressional pay raise form letter
- Judiciary
- Judiciary form letter, 126
- Korea
- Loans
- Liquor form letter, Bryson and Saylor
- Labor, Anti amendments
- Labor, pro, Taft Hartley
Box 153
- Liquor
- Medicine
- Merchant Marines
- Military
- Mining
- Mutual Security
- Narcotics
- National affairs
- National defense
- National holiday
- National parks
- National Science Foundation
- Negroes
- North Atlantic Treaty
- McCarthy, form letters
- McCarthy, General
- Oil
- Old Age Assistance
- Optometry
- Postal Information on hearings
Box 154
- Postal, Pay Raise form letter
- Postal, pay raise form letter, Article 52 1 f
- Postal, star route contracts, form 7
- Postal, pay raise form 9 (mail delivery)
- Postal, form letter, bill 2344
- Postal, form letter, Summerfield
- Prices
- Private bills
- Pensions
- Pick Sloan Plan
- Postal
- Postal, form letter S3263
- Postal, form letter, 2nd
- Postal, rate increase
- Postal, parcel post
- Railroad
- Railroad, retirement
- Railroad, retirement and Social Security form letter
- Reclamation
- Regulation W
- Religion
- Renegotiation of Contracts
- Re-Organization Act
- Rent control
- Retirement
- R.F.C.
- Robinson-Patman Act
- State Department
- Strikes
- Science
- Selective Service
- Security Order
- Senators Pay
- Social Security
- Social Security, Christian Science F.L., Emily C. Hammond
- Sugar
Box 155
- St. Lawrence River Project
- Taxes, co-ops, renegotiation on deal
- Taxes, Iím going to holler about taxes
- Taxes, admissions form letter
- Taxes, form 4
- Taxes, family partnerships
- Taxes, income, form letter
- Brandeis case amendment to HR6712, 1948-1949
- Taxes, Excess Profits
- Taxes, Lauren Williams and John R. Jirdon file
- Taxes, form letters on excise tax
- Tidelands
- Trade agreements
- Transportation
- Treaties
- Troops to Europe
- U.M.T.
- United Nations
- Veterans
- Veterans, Spanish War
- Voting Age
- War Claims Act
- Wheat
Series 3 – Directories and Congressional Record
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, A
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, B
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, C
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, D
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, E
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, F
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, G
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, H
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, I
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, J
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, K
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, L
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, Mc
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, M
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, N
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, O
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, P
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, Q
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, R
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, S
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, T
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, U
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, V
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, W
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, X
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, Y
- 41st Congressional Record, 1947, Z
- 41st Congressional Record insert
- Personal – Hugh Brown
- Senator’s Record – Butler
- Congressional Directory
Box 156
- Congressional Record 83-2nd session
- Congressional Record 82-2
Series 4 – Voting Record
Box 157
- Voting 80th-1st session
- Voting 80th-2nd session
- Voting 81st-1st session
- Senator Butlerís Voting Record of the Sessions in Congress
- Voting 82nd-2nd session
- Voting 81st-2nd session
- Voting 82nd-2nd session
- Voting 83rd-1st session
- Voting 82nd-1st session
- Voting 83rd-1st session
Box 158
- Hugh Butler – Nebraska
- Voting Record – 77th Congress 1941-1942
Subgroup 6: Miscellany, 1946-1954
- Photographs, requests
- Pictures, senators requests
- Butler picture requests
- Statements in Committees, 1947-1948
- Releases
- Releases, 81st Congress, 1949
- Statements in Committee, 82nd Congress
- Releases, 81st Congress, 2nd session, 1950
- Radio broadcast, 82nd Congress, 1st session, 1951
- Radio broadcasts, 1952
- Statements for mailing, etc., 83rd Congress, 1953
- Releases
- Releases, 1947
- Releases to the newspapers, 83rd Congress, 1953
- Statements in the Senate, 82nd Congress, 1st session
- Broadcasts
- Statements for mailing, 82nd Congress
- Releases to Nebraska newspapers, 83rd, 1953
- Releases to Nebraska newspapers, 82nd Congress
Box 159
- Releases to other newspapers, 82nd Congress
- Statements in the Senate, 82nd, 2nd session
- Releases, newspaper and publication
- Radio stations, broadcasts
- Releases, 1950
Box 160
- Foreign trade
- Speeches other than the Senator’s, 1948-1949
- “How Profits Benefit the People,” address by John Kennedy
- 1948 speeches by Senator Butler
- Radio broadcasts, 83rd Congress, 1953
- Statements in committee, 83rd, 1953
- Statements in Senate, 83rd, 1953
- Television shows, 1952
- U
- Lynne
- Statements in Congress, 1947-1948 (80th)
- Speeches, 1951
- Statements in committee, 81st, 1949-1950
- Congressional record inserts, 1949
- Speeches, 1950
- Speeches, 1949
- Speeches
- Speeches and printed material
Box 161
- Farm credit act of 1947, S925
- Trade agreement letters
- Finance Committee HR4790, tax bill
- Rubber
- Lard
- Concessions in National Parks
- Foreign trade, minerals
- Export controls
- Marshall Plan, 1949
- Taxes
- Butler-Coulter personal
- Price control
- Lumber export
- Veteran’s survey, 1946
- B & C
- Reclamation appropriations, 1946-1947
Box 162
- Reclamation
- Arbor Day
- Silver
- Central Valley Project
- St. Lawrence Seaway
- British loan file
Box 163
- Agriculture
- Foreign loans, miscellaneous material
- Clippings, Nebraska primary, April 13, 1948
- Campaign material, 1948
- Excess profits bill
- Primary Politics, 1946
- Republican platform
- Elections
- Election statistics
- 80th Congress, 1st session, digest of public general bills #2 Supl. 2,3,4,5,6
- 80th Congress, extra session, legislative daily
- 80th Congress, 2nd session, legislative daily governmental affairs
- Funeral Sermon
- The Congressional, 1949
- The Congressional, 1950
- Guests, 1941-1943
- Guests, 1944-1946
- Guests, 1946-1947
Box 164
- Guests, 1947-1948
- Guests, 1948-1950
- Guests, 1950-1951
- Funeral Sermon
- Reduction of non-essential Federal expenditures, hearing reports, 1941-1945
- Senate Manual
- Congressional directory, 1954
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 132
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 217
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 218
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 219
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 220
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 222
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 225
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 285
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 329
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 330
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 331
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 332
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 333
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 335
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 440
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 473
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 593
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 725
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 752
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 882
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 983
- Proposed Legislation, 1953-1954, bill S. 1275
- Eulogies
- Congressional Records (speeches)
Misc. oversize (see OB033)
Scrapbooks, vol. 1-17 (see oversize)
Subject headings:
Airbases — Nebraska
Alaska — Politics and government
Butler, Hugh Alfred, 1878-1954
Cochran, Robert LeRoy, 1886-1963
Crosby, Robert Berkey, 1911-2000
Curtis, Carl Thomas, 1905-2000
Dewey, Thomas Edmund, 1902-1971
Elections — Nebraska
European Recovery Program
Griswold, Dwight Palmer, 1893-1954
Hawaii — Politics and government
Indians of North America — Government relations
King, Samuel Wilder, 1886-1959
Legislators — United States
Nebraska — Politics and government
Ordnance plants — Nebraska
Political parties
Politics — Nebraska
Public Power Districts — Nebraska
Reclamation of land
Republican Party
Statehood (American politics)
Taft, Robert Alphonso, 1889-1953
Truman, Harry Simpson, 1884-1972
United States — Foreign relations
United States. Congress. Senate, 1940-1954
United States. Congress. Senate — Members’ papers — Nebraska
Willkie, Wendell Lewis, 1892-1944
AIF 12-12-1979