Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Grand Lodge of Nebraska [RG5409.AM]


RG5409.AM:  Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Grand Lodge of Nebraska

Biographical information:  Compiled ca. 1928-1962

Nebraska:  Fraternal organization

Size:  0.25 cu.ft.; 1 box


The collection consists of one box containing biographical information about past Grand Masters of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows (I.O.O.F), Grand Lodge of Nebraska.  The information was compiled by Anna Crawford.  The entries of past Grand Masters appear to be chronological by date of when they served.

Note:  The Archives contains collections relating to several specific IOOF lodges in Nebraska [RG1105, RG1278, RG1279].  The library contains various publications relating to the IOOF.


Box 1


    1. Past Grand Masters of Nebraska (Holly, C.F. thru Harper, John)

    1. Past Grand Masters of Nebraska (Johnson, Charles C. thru Peterson, Walter L.)

    1. Miscellaneous, including:

      Bylaws of Colfax Lodge no. 25, Daughters of Rebekah

      Bylaws of Merrick Lodge no. 73 (3 copies)


List of past Grand Masters:

Holly, C.F., 1819-1869

Furnas, Robert W., 1824-1905

Hochstetler, Jacob J., 1827-1905

Hunt, Asa, -1863

Templin, F., -1890

Jones, Alfred D., 1814-1902

Hacker, Jonas, 1806-1871

Burgert, George H., 1830-1920

Saunders, Alvin, 1817-1899

Cogswell, A.P., 1829-1894

Hamlin, John, 1812-1904

Cline, D.A., 1831-1914

Goodrich, St. John, 1809-1878

McElhinney, D.M., 1834-1917

Gallup, Ira A., 1833-1893

Zimmerer, Anton, 1832-1911

Staley, T.J.

Parker, Hiram W., 1827-1893

Wheeler, Daniel H., 1834-1912

Speice, Charles A., 1830-1909

Cannon, A.T., 1838-1888

Hedrick, John T., 1836-1896

Curtis, William H., 1822-1894

Hudson, Henry James, 1822-1903

Blakely, William, 1821-1898

Gibson, Arthur, 1844-1903

Ferguson, Adam, 1829-1890

Cutting, George H., 1851-1925

Beels, George N., 1850-1929

Barger, Winslow H., 1846-1908

Evans, John, 1822-1901

Loomis, George Linden, 1849-1932

O’Neill, E.J., 1843-

Weir, Austin H., 1842-1907

Johnston, Jacob S., 1850-1906

Hotchkiss, Harry S., 1847-1896

Norris, George W., 1861-1944

Patterson, Charles A., 1863-1927

Arnold, John E., 1855-1912

Snyder, Oscar O., 1861-1920

Johnson, Porter C., 1836-1914

Randall, Charles A., 1858-1938

Wolfe, William Jasper, 1852-1922

Ellis, C.H., -1925

Leese, Walter A., 1860-1921

Corrick, Frank P., 1866-1931

Morrison, James E., 1849-1914

O’Hanlon, Clark, 1869-1940

Miller, Randolph H., 1856-1926

Kelley, John W., 1845-1931

Storey, Paul M., 1870-1956

Vosburgh, William J., 1855-1916

Bass, Truman W., 1867-1939

John, Frank, 1872-1947

Harnish, James C., 1856-1941

Greenleaf, Samuel K., 1861-1937

Hoagland, Walter V., 1870-1942

Carr, E. Arthur, 1872-1924

McKissick, John W., 1875-1945

Ratcliffe, M.G., 1866-

Naylor, Charles

Etter, Louis F., 1868-1948

Harper, John, 1847-1931

Johnson, Charles C., 1869-1940

Van Cleve, William H., 1864-1926

Taylor, Homer A., 1877-1947

Ray, Charles Wayne, 1872-1928

Fletcher, John Thomas, 1874-1952

Rankin, Herman Primm, 1877-1962

Dunn, William M., 1867-1945

Bloom, William C., 1878-1963

Greuter, Ralph J., 1883-1976

Bader, Fred, 1870-1934

Jefferson, Walter W., 1869-1943

Shubert, James Frank, 1870-1944

O’Hanlon, Reed, 1893-1969

Butler, Roy, 1892-1951

Price, Elliot Wilson, 1882-1966

Nelsen, George B., 1904-1968

McKelvie, Homer L., 1874-1958

Hollenback, Carl F., 1891-1949

Bischof, William, 1866-1958

Dickson, John F., 1883-

Noll, William C., 1882-1975

Wakeman, Coney Paul, 1887-1949

Jewett, Claude B., 1891-1977

Harrington, Lewis A., 1897-1948

Bussey, Robert E., 1890-1968

Drown, Ernest E., 1891-1982

Vandel, Earl E., 1898-1978

Peterson, Walter L., 1890-

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