John James Exon, 1921-2005 [RG4932.AM]


RG4932.AM: John James Exon, 1921-2005

Papers: 1971-1996; mostly 1979-1996
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.: Governor; U.S. Senator
Size: 42 cu.ft.; 33 boxes & 55 oversized scrapbooks


Born in Geddes, South Dakota, on August 9, 1921, John James Exon attended the University of Omaha. During World War II he served in the U.S. Army Signal Corps. In 1953 he started the Exon Office Supplies company in Lincoln, serving as president until 1971. He served as Governor of Nebraska from 1971 to 1979. Exon then served as U.S. Senator from Nebraska from 1979 to January of 1997. John James Exon died in Lincoln, Nebraska, on June 10, 2005.


This collection consists of the senatorial papers of John James Exon. The collection includes legislative bill files, voting records, press releases, speeches, position papers, campaign materials, scrapbooks, etc. The collection also includes some personal correspondence. The collection is unprocessed, but an inventory is available.

Note: See the public records collection [RG1, SG40] for Exon’s official gubernatorial papers. See also the Exon Family collection [RG3127] for additional materials relating to the Exon family. See the Library catalog and the Nebraska History index for published materials by and about J. James Exon.


Box 1

  1. Index and synopsis of bills sponsored by Sen. Exon
  2. Legislative Bills, 96th-99th Congresses
  3. Legislative Bills, 100th-101st Congresses
  4. Exon-sponsored legislative bills, 102nd-104th Congresses
  5. Voting records, 96th Congress, 1-308
  6. Voting records, 96th Congress, 309-509
  7. Voting records, 96th Congress, 2nd Session, 1-274
  8. Voting records, 96th Congress, 2nd Session, 275-546

Box 2

  1. Voting records, 97th Congress, 1st Session, 1-251
  2. Voting records, 97th Congress, 1st Session, 252-497
  3. Voting records, 97th Congress, 2nd Session, 1-231
  4. Voting records, 97th Congress, 2nd Session, 232-468
  5. Voting records, 98th Congress, 1st Session, 1-243
  6. Voting records, 98th Congress, 1st Session, 244-381
  7. Voting records, 98th Congress, 2nd Session
  8. Senate votes, 99th Congress, 1st Session, 1-381

Box 3

  1. Senate votes, 99th Congress, 2nd Session, 1-359
  2. Senate votes, 100th Congress, 1st Session, 1-420
  3. Senate votes, 100th Congress, 2nd Session, 1-379
  4. Senate votes, 101st Congress, 1st Session, 1-312
  5. Senate votes, 101st Congress, 2nd Session, 1-326
  6. Senate votes, 102nd Congress, 1st Session, 1-280

Box 4

  1. Senate votes, 102nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1-270
  2. Senate votes, 103rd Congress, 1st Session, 1-395
  3. Senate votes, 103rd Congress, 2nd Session, 1-329
  4. Senate votes, 104th Congress, 1st Session, 1-613
  5. Senate votes, 104th Congress, 2nd Session, 1-278
  6. Press releases, 1979-1980

Box 5

  1. Press releases, 1981-1982
  2. Press releases, 1983-1984
  3. Press releases, 1985
  4. Press releases, 1986-1987
  5. Press releases, 1988-1989
  6. Press releases, 1990-1991

Box 6

  1. Press releases, 1992
  2. Press releases, 1993
  3. Press releases, 1994
  4. Press releases, 1995
  5. Press releases, 1996
  6. Issues and Position Papers, 1979-1980
  7. Issues and Position Papers, 1981-1982
  8. Issues and Position Papers, 1985-1986
  9. Issues and Position Papers, 1987-1988

Box 7

  1. Issues and Position Papers, 1989-1990
  2. Issues and Position Papers, 1991-1992
  3. Issues and Position Papers, 1993-1994
  4. Issues and Position Papers, 1995-1996
  5. Important Papers, 1979-1988
  6. Important Papers, 1989-1996

Box 8

  1. Congressional Record, 1979
  2. Congressional Record, 1980
  3. Congressional Record, 1981
  4. Congressional Record, 1982
  5. Congressional Record, 1983
  6. Congressional Record, 1984
  7. Congressional Record, 1985
  8. Congressional Record, 1986

Box 9

  1. Congressional Record, 1987
  2. Congressional Record, 1988
  3. Congressional Record, 1989
  4. Congressional Record, 1990
  5. Congressional Record, 1991
  6. Congressional Record, 1992

Box 10

  1. Congressional Record, 1993
  2. Congressional Record, 1994
  3. Congressional Record, 1995
  4. Congressional Record, 1996
  5. Exon accomplishments; biography; retirement speech; USS Platte/USS Nebraska

Box 11

  1. Exon speeches, 1979-1985
  2. Exon speeches, 1986-1988
  3. Exon speeches, 1989
  4. Exon speeches, 1990-1992
  5. Exon speeches, 1993-1996

Box 12

  1. Personal Correspondence, A-J, 1979
  2. Personal Correspondence, K-Z, 1979
  3. Personal Correspondence, A-L, 1980
  4. Personal Correspondence, M-Z, 1980
  5. Personal Correspondence, A-H, 1981
  6. Personal Correspondence, I-Z, 1981

Box 13

  1. Personal Correspondence, A-O, 1982
  2. Personal Correspondence, P-Z, 1982
  3. Personal Correspondence, A-M, 1983
  4. Personal Correspondence, N-Z, 1983
  5. Personal Correspondence, 1984
  6. Personal Correspondence, 1985
  7. Personal Correspondence, 1986

Box 14

  1. Personal Correspondence, 1987
  2. Personal Correspondence, 1988
  3. Personal Correspondence, 1989
  4. Personal Correspondence, 1990

Box 15

  1. Personal Correspondence, 1991
  2. Personal Correspondence, 1992
  3. Personal Correspondence, 1993
  4. Personal Correspondence, 1994
  5. Personal Correspondence, 1995
  6. Personal Correspondence, 1996

Box 16

  1. Personal, 1995-1996
  2. Personal, 1995-1996
  3. Personal, 1996
  4. Personal, 1996
  5. Important Papers, 1979-1988
  6. Important Papers, 1989-1996

Box 17

  1. Issue papers, 96th Congress, 79-80
  2. Issue papers, 97th Congress, 80-81 [Note: Lacks Issue papers for the 98th Congress]
  3. Issue papers, 99th Congress, 85-86
  4. Issue papers, 100th Congress, 87-88
  5. Issue papers, 101st Congress, 89-90
  6. Issue papers, 102nd Congress, 91-92

Box 18

  1. Issue papers, 103rd Congress, 93-94
  2. Issue papers, 104th Congress, 95-96
  3. Legislative Accomplishments
  4. Agriculture, 1996
  5. Armed Services, 1996
  6. Budget, 1995-1996

Box 19

  1. Budget, 1996
  2. Commerce, 1996
  3. Internet, 1996
  4. Nebraska Schedule
  5. 1987 Joke File
  6. Clive Short
  7. Inaugural Ball, 1971
  8. 1984 – Exon Campaign
  9. Mexico Loan Guarantee
  10. Report on Pacific Trip

Box 20

  1. Issuegram – 100th Congress, Dec. 1988, Accomplishments
  2. Procurement Conference Brochure, 1987, July
  3. Clippings file
  4. Bio List, 2nd term
  5. FRA Press Conference, 07-13-1994, PHOTOS taken by DOT
  6. Service Academies, 1992
  7. Exon Awards/Dignitaries
  8. Awards & Accomplishments
  9. Media Christmas Card list
  10. Deficit
  11. Room reservations
  12. 1990 Exon fact sheet
  13. Trade Warrior booklet, 1989, Jan.
  14. Money returned on office account
  15. Revenue foregone
  16. Exon accomplishments, 1979-1983
  17. Exon’s favorites
  18. Fact sheets
  19. Paid ads
  20. Armed Services Testimony, 1991
  21. Nebraska visits, 1991-1995
  22. Issue ratings/Voting records, 1996
  23. Debt Ceiling
  24. Direct mail
  25. Endorsements
  26. EXON – Environment
  27. EXON – Honoraria
  28. EXON – Mailings
  29. EXON – Mass mailings
  30. EXON – Presidential Vetoes
  31. EXON – Puff Pieces
  32. EXON – Voting Record
  33. Favorable Cases
  34. Press Releases – re. FEC reports
  35. Federal Funds to Nebraska
  36. Finance Committee
  37. Foreign travel
  38. Hearing Overlaps
  39. Honoraria
  40. Jewish Community
  41. Kerry-Karnes PAC Givers
  42. National Committee to Preserve Social Security
  43. National Council of Senior Citizens
  44. National Rifle Association
  45. Nebraska County Comparisons
  46. Office leases
  47. Paul Hastings, PAC
  48. Presidential visits
  49. Quayle, Dan

Box 21

  1. Republicans for Exon, 1990
  2. Republicans for Exon, 1984
  3. Soft Money
  4. Telemarketing
  5. Unions
  6. VFW
  7. Voter Targeting
  8. Water Project Funding
  9. Barrett, Bill
  10. Barrett, Bill, 1996
  11. Bereuter, Doug, 1993-1994
  12. Bereuter, Doug, 1995-1996
  13. Bereuter, Doug, 1996
  14. Bereuter, Doug
  15. First District, “Bereuter”
  16. First District, “Bereuter” (2 of 2)

Box 22

  1. Christensen, John, 1995-1996
  2. Christensen, John, 1996
  3. DeCamp, John W.
  4. Hagel, Chuck
  5. Hoagland, Peter
  6. Hoch, Nancy
  7. Hoch, Nancy
  8. Hoch, Nancy
  9. Karnes, David
  10. Polls, 1982

Box 23

  1. Polls, 1983
  2. Polls, 1984
  3. Polls, 1986
  4. Polls, 1989
  5. Polls, 1990
  6. Daub – FEC Reports, 1987-1988
  7. Tributes From Other Senators [3 ring binder]

Box 24

  1. Exon Financial Disclosure Statements (1978-1996)
  2. Loose contribution ledger sheets, 1978
  3. Info on Candidates in 1978 Elections
  4. 1978 Campaign, 1977-1978, Mar.
  5. Exon for Senate, 1978, Apr.-July
  6. 1978 Senate Campaign, Aug.-Sept
  7. 1978 Senate Campaign, Sept.-Oct.,
  8. 1978 Campaign, Nov.

Box 25

  1. Sept. Recp. Thank yous done
  2. Sept. 30, 1983, Appreciation Salute
  3. Poll
  4. Poll Questions, 1978
  5. Potential Volunteers
  6. Press Releases
  7. Right to Work Committee Mailing, 1978
  8. Scheduling
  9. Lancaster Co. Info, Beattie Brasch (Mrs. John)
  10. Lancaster Co., Get out the Vote, 1978
  11. Letterhead ideas, Shirley Arthur, 1978
  12. Letters from Loren, 1978
  13. Letters sent out by Loren, 1978
  14. Henry Ley, 1st District Finance North Office, 1980
  15. Lincoln Telephone Co.
  16. Otto Kotouc, 1st District Finance South Office, 1980
  17. Contributions Received, Headquarters, 1978
  18. Contribution Thank yous, A-B
  19. Contributions, C
  20. Contributions, D-G
  21. Contribution Thank yous, H-K
  22. Contributions, L-N
  23. Contributions, O-R
  24. Contribution Thank yous, S-Z
  25. Returned Checks
  26. Misc.

Box 26

  1. Charles Palleson
  2. Solicitation P P
  3. Campaign Contributions, Governor Race, 1978
  4. Newspaper Radio & TV advertising, 1978
  5. Omaha Office
  6. Omaha Parking Lots bumpersticker, Crew 1978, J.J. Dinner
  7. Newsletter
  8. Campaign Materials, Checked out, 1978
  9. Campaign Materials, Costs, 1978
  10. Campaign Materials, mailed, 1978
  11. Campaign Materials, received, 1978
  12. Jack Cole
  13. Contribution laws
  14. Employee Applications, 1978
  15. Environmental statement
  16. 1974 General Election & Primary Expenditures
  17. In Kind Contribution
  18. Advertising Co. Sampler, 1978
  19. Budget
  20. Biographical Information, J. J. Exon
  21. Campaign Activities, 1978
  22. Frank Barrett, Finance
  23. State Democratic Headquarters
  24. State Fair Booth
  25. Supporters
  26. Tee shirts
  27. Volunteers, 1978
  28. Yard sign help
  29. Burnham Yates
  30. Triad Limited, Washington D.C.
  31. Ag Dinner
  32. Finance – Counties
  33. Adams County
  34. Antelope County
  35. Arthur County
  36. Banner County
  37. Blaine County
  38. Boone County
  39. Box Butte County
  40. Boyd County
  41. Brown County
  42. Buffalo County
  43. Burt County
  44. Butler County
  45. Cass County
  46. Cedar County
  47. Chase County
  48. Cherry County
  49. Cheyenne County
  50. Clay County
  51. Colfax County
  52. Cuming County
  53. Custer County
  54. Dakota County
  55. Dawes County
  56. Dawson County
  57. Deuel County
  58. Dixon County
  59. Dodge County
  60. Douglas County
  61. Dundy County
  62. Fillmore County
  63. Franklin County
  64. Frontier County
  65. Furnas County
  66. Gage County
  67. Garden County
  68. Garfield County
  69. Gosper County
  70. Grant County
  71. Greeley County
  72. Hall County
  73. Hamilton County
  74. Harlan County
  75. Hayes County
  76. Hitchcock County
  77. Holt County
  78. Hooker County
  79. Howard County
  80. Jefferson County
  81. Johnson County
  82. Kearney County
  83. Keith County
  84. Keya Paha County
  85. Kimball County
  86. Knox County
  87. Lancaster County
  88. Lincoln County
  89. Logan County
  90. Loup County
  91. Madison County
  92. Merrick County
  93. McPherson County
  94. Morrill County
  95. Nance County
  96. Nemaha County
  97. Nuckolls County
  98. Otoe County
  99. Pawnee County
  100. Perkins County
  101. Phelps County
  102. Pierce County
  103. Platte County
  104. Polk County
  105. Red Willow County
  106. Richardson County
  107. Rock County
  108. Saline County
  109. Sarpy County
  110. Saunders County
  111. Scottsbluff County
  112. Seward County
  113. Sheridan County
  114. Sherman County
  115. Sioux County
  116. Stanton County
  117. Thayer County
  118. Thomas County
  119. Thurston County
  120. Valley County
  121. Washington County
  122. Wayne County
  123. Webster County
  124. Wheeler County
  125. York County
  126. Misc. loose materials
  127. Calendars, 1984-1990

Box 27

  1. Events, 1978
  2. Omaha – Finance Committee
  3. Miscellaneous loose papers and documents, various dates
  4. Gov list
  5. Fund Raising list
  6. Victory Party
  7. Democrats – Co Chairman, 1974, Exon – Whelan Chairman
  8. Guest book

Box 28 – Loose newspaper clippings, various dates

Box 29 (2005.0381)

Christening of the U.S.S. Nebraska
Certificate (see OB019)

Box 30 (2007.0105)

  1. Codel Nunn Moscow, May 28-31, 1994, Briefing Book pt. 1
  2. Codel Nunn Moscow, May 28-31, 1994, Briefing Book pt. 2
  3. Information on trip to Russia
  4. Briefing Book for Codel, Exon Jan. 5-18, 1988, Jeff Subko – Philippines pt. 1
  5. Briefing Book for Codel, Exon Jan. 5-18, 1988, Jeff Subko – Philippines pt. 2

Box 31 (2011.0311)

  1. Daily schedules, 1979
  2. Daily schedules, 1980
  3. Daily schedules, 1981
  4. Daily schedules, 1982
  5. Daily schedules, 1983 (skips to 1985)
  6. Daily schedules, 1985
  7. Daily schedules, 1986
  8. Daily schedules, 1987
  9. Daily schedules, 1988
  10. Daily schedules, 1989
  11. Daily schedules, 1990
  12. Daily schedules, 1991
  13. Daily schedules, 1992
  14. Daily schedules, 1993
  15. Daily schedules, 1994
  16. Daily schedules, 1995
  17. Daily schedules, 1996

Box 32 (2011.0311)

  1. Appointment book, 1980
  2. Appointment book, 1981
  3. Appointment book, 1982
  4. Appointment book, 1983
  5. Appointment book, 1983
  6. Appointment book, 1984
  7. Appointment book, 1984
  8. Appointment book, 1985
  9. Appointment book, 1986
  10. Appointment book, 1987
  11. Appointment book, 1988
  12. Appointment book, 1989

Box 33 (2011.0311)

  1. Appointment book, 1990
  2. Appointment book, 1991
  3. Appointment book, 1992
  4. Appointment book, 1993
  5. Appointment book, 1994
  6. Appointment book, 1995
  7. Appointment book, 1996

Scrapbooks of newspaper clippings

  1. 1979
  2. 1980
  3. 1981
  4. 1982, Jan.-June
  5. 1982, July-Dec.
  6. 1983, Jan.-Apr.
  7. 1983, May-Aug.
  8. 1983, Sept.-Dec.
  9. 1984, Jan.-Apr.
  10. 1984, May-Aug.
  11. 1984, Sept.-Oct.
  12. 1984, Nov.-Dec.
  13. 1985, Jan.
  14. 1985, Feb.
  15. 1985, Mar.-June
  16. 1985, July-Sept.
  17. 1985, Oct.-Dec.
  18. 1986, Jan.-Apr.
  19. 1986, May-Aug.
  20. 1986, Sept.-Dec.
  21. 1987, Jan.-Mar.
  22. 1987, Apr.-June
  23. 1987, July-Sept.
  24. 1987, Oct.-Dec.
  25. 1988, Jan.-Mar.
  26. 1988, Apr.-June
  27. 1988, July-Sept.
  28. 1988, Oct.-Dec.
  29. 1989, Jan.-Feb.
  30. 1989, Mar.-May
  31. 1989, June-Aug.
  32. 1989, Sept.-Dec.
  33. 1990, Jan.-Mar.
  34. 1990, Apr.-June
  35. 1990, July-Sept.
  36. 1990, Oct.
  37. 1990, Nov.-Dec.
  38. 1991, Jan.-Mar.
  39. 1991, Apr.-June
  40. 1991, July-Dec.
  41. 1992, Jan.-June
  42. 1992, July-Dec.
  43. 1993, Jan.-June
  44. 1993, July-Dec.
  45. 1994, Jan.-Aug.
  46. 1994, Aug.-Dec.
  47. 1995, Jan.-Mar.
  48. 1995, Apr.-May
  49. 1995, June-July
  50. 1995, July-Sept.
  51. 1995, Sept.-Nov.
  52. 1995, Nov. – 1996, Feb.
  53. 1996, Feb.-Apr.
  54. 1996, Apr.-Aug.
  55. 1996, Aug.-Oct.

Subject headings:

Democratic Party — Nebraska
Elections — Nebraska
Exon, John James, 1921-2005
Legislators — United States
Nebraska — Politics and government
Political parties
Politics — Nebraska
United States. Congress. Senate, 1971-1979

TMM/bl    03-22-2010
Encoded TMM    03-23-2010

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