John V. Beck, 1890-1969 [RG3546.AM]


RG3546.AM:  John V. Beck, 1890-1969

Papers:  1949-1967

Lincoln, Lancaster County, and Grand Island, Hall County, Neb.:  Conservationist

Size:  3.5 cu.ft.; 7 boxes


John V. Beck was born March 5, 1890, at St. Francis, Kansas, to Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Beck. As a youngster his family moved to Bedford, Iowa, where he received his education. At the age of 18 he moved to Grand Island, Nebraska, and was employed by the Union Pacific Railroad. In 1912 Mr. Beck married Miss Lena Voss and moved to Nebraska City where he was employed as a sales manager for a power company. After moving to Lincoln, John Beck pursued a career with the Burlington Railroad.

John Beck was affiliated with the Izaak Walton League of America for many years and served as President of the Nebraska State Izaak Walton League, was an area director, past president of the local chapter, and a member of the National Wildlife Management Board. In 1967 he was given the Conservation Award of the Izaak Walton League of America. He was a member of the Platte Valley Pointer and Setter Club and was active in the training and working of dogs for trails and hunting. Mr. Beck was also a member of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church.

John V. Beck died, May 23, 1969, in Grand Island, Nebraska. Survivors included his widow, Mrs. Beck, and three daughters, Mrs. Evelyn Schafer, Mrs. Helen Kluge, and Mrs. Hazel Price.


This collection consists of seven boxes of manuscript material arranged in six series: (1) Letters and Speeches; (2) Izaak Walton League of America Materials (Nebraska); (3) Izaak Walton League of America Materials (National); (4) Conservation of Wildlife and Fowl; (5) Water Conservation Materials; (6) Miscellaneous Printed Matter.


Series 1 – Letters and Speeches

Box 1


    1. The Nebraska Bird Review, Jan 1956-Jul 1967

    1. Iowa Conservationist, Oct 1956-Dec 1964

    1. Letters, Speeches

    1. Carmon’s Journal

Series 2 – Izaak Walton League of America Materials (Nebraska)

Box 2


    1. Nebraska Division – IWLA

    1. Nebraska Division – IWLA, 1966-

    1. Nebraska IWLA Bulletins, 1963-1965

    1. IWLA 1965 Bulletins

    1. Nebraska Waltonians, 1954-1957

    1. Lincoln Ikes

Series 3 – Izaak Walton League of America Materials (National)

Box 3


    1. 1963 IWLA Convention

    1. 1962 IWLA Convention

    1. IWLA National Convention 1967

    1. IWLA 1964

    1. 42nd Annual IWLA Convention 1964

    1. Annual Convention IWLA 1965 Cody, Wyo.

    1. IWLA 1966 Convention

    1. National IWLA Reports 1966

Box 4


    1. National Committeeman Directory

    1. Washington News Bulletins, 1965

    1. Outdoor America, 1962-1964

    1. Outdoor America, 1965-

    1. National Wildlife Magazines

Series 4 – Conservation of Wildlife and Fowl

Box 5


    1. Birds

    1. Prairie Grouse by J.V. Beck

    1. Prairie Chickens

    1. Predators

    1. Fish

    1. Wild Turkey

Series 5 – Water Conservation Materials

Box 6


    1. Pesticides

    1. Water in the News

    1. Annual Reports – Game Comm.

    1. Water

    1. Iowa Conservatists

    1. Kansas River Basin Water Pollution Investigation – June, 1949

    1. Annual Report of Nebraska Game, Forestation, and Parks Commission, 1957

Series 6 – Miscellaneous Printed Matter

Box 7


    1. Washington News Bulletins, 1966

    1. Nebraska Wildlife Guide for Youth

    1. America Beautiful

    1. Thomas County N-W Rifle-Anthropology Kochia

    1. “History of Nebraska Wildlife” by JV Beck, 1960

    1. Federal Programs Projects

    1. NOU News



Beck, John V., 1890-1969

Conservation — Nebraska

Izaak Walton League of America

Izaak Walton League of America. Nebraska division

Natural resources — Nebraska

Wildlife conservation — Nebraska


DDS/cr   08-14-1970

02-02-2010   Revised TMM

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