RG5674.AM: Joseph Emanuel Alexander Alexis, 1885-1969
Papers, photographs, home movies: ca. 1928-1980
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.: University language professor
Size: 0.75 cu.ft. of papers; 76 photographic images; 32 reels of 16mm home movies
The manuscript portion of the collection [RG5674.AM] consists mostly of materials relating to Joseph Alexis’ language text book sales. Most of the materials consist of correspondence, order forms, vouchers, etc. between various bookstores around the country and the Midwest Book Company of Lincoln, Nebraska. The bulk of the materials date from the 1950s-1960s.
The photo component [RG5674.PH] consists of seventy-two (72) 35mm slides of the aftermath of the tornadoes that hit Grand Island, Nebraska, on June 3, 1980. Also included are four (4) photographs including a studio portrait of John Nelson Alexis with wife Ingrid and four children (Aug. 14, 1891); studio portrait of Joseph and Marjorie Alexis; school days portrait of a woman, 1956-1957; and an unknown elderly man lying on the ground aiming a rifle with another man helping.
The moving image component [RG5674.MI] consists of thirty-two (32) reels of 16mm home movies dating from ca. 1928-1930, 1940-1964, and 1975-1976. The reels range in size from 100-700′ and include family scenes, gatherings of family and friends, and trips. Most notable is footage from the late 1920s of trips to France, Spain, Canada, and Yellowstone National Park.
Note: Patrons must use gloves when handling photographs. Not all moving image collections are immediately available for research use. Ask a Reference Staff member for assistance with moving images.
See the NSHS Library Catalog and the Nebraska History Index for published materials by and about Joseph Alexis.
Alexis, Joseph Emanuel Alexander, 1885-1969
Alexis family
Authors — Nebraska
Education — Textbooks
French language — Study and teaching
German language — Study and teaching
Midwest Book Company (Lincoln, Neb.)
Spanish language — Study and teaching
TMM 11-24-2009
01-11-2010 Revised TMM