Julius Sterling Morton [RG1013.AM]


RG1013.AM: Julius Sterling Morton, 1832-1902

Papers: 1814-1960, mostly 1850-1902
Nebraska City, Otoe County, Nebraska: Newspaper editor, politician, agriculturist
Size: 52 cu.ft., including oversized materials; 78 reels of microfilm


Julius Sterling Morton was born in Adams, Jefferson County, New York, on April 22, 1832, the eldest of the three children of Julius Dewey and Emeline Sterling Morton. In 1850 he entered the University of Michigan and subsequently received a degree from both Michigan and Union College in Schenectady, New York. Morton was married on October 30, 1854, to Caroline Joy French of Detroit, Michigan. This union produced four sons, Joy, Paul, Mark and Carl.

Morton migrated to the Nebraska Territory in 1854 and spent his first winter at Bellevue. He subsequently moved to Nebraska City where he became editor of the Nebraska City News. He embarked upon an active political career and was elected to, but not seated in, the first Territorial Legislature, then served in the second and fourth sessions of that body. He was Secretary of the Territory from April 1858 to May 1861, and served concurrently as Acting Governor from December 1858 to May 1859. In 1860 Morton made an unsuccessful bid for Congress, and was defeated in the gubernatorial election of 1866. For a time he withdrew from active participation in politics and concentrated his efforts on railroad promotion and the development of his farm near Nebraska City, but was again a candidate for governor in 1882, 1884, and 1892. Because of Morton’s knowledge of agriculture and his faithful political support, President Grover Cleveland appointed him Secretary of Agriculture in 1893. In 1897 Morton left a successful administration behind him and returned to Arbor Lodge in Nebraska City, where he spent his remaining days editing his newspaper, The Conservative, and compiling a history of Nebraska. He died in Lake Forest, Illinois, on April 27, 1902, at the home of his son, Mark.


This collection consists of original papers, microfilm, and oversized scrapbooks relating to the life and activities of Julius Sterling Morton, including materials relating to his early education; family history; political, agricultural and business activities; and to his writing, research, and publishing career. Also present are papers relating to Arbor Lodge and Arbor Day. The collection is arranged in two Subgroups comprising a total of twenty-one Series:

Subgroup 1: Microfilmed Records
Series 1 – Incoming correspondence, 1849-1902
Series 2 – Incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1850-1902
Series 3 – Outgoing correspondence, bound letterpress books, 1874-1902
Series 4 – Farm journals and diaries, 1850-1902
Series 5 – Scrapbooks, 1880-1902
Series 6 – Outgoing family correspondence, 1854-1900, undated

Subgroup 2: Unfilmed Records
Series 1 – Financial records, 1855-1902, undated
Series 2 – Legal and land documents, and commissions, 1814-1902, undated
Series 3 – Judicial court material, 1876-99, undated
Series 4 – Political and governmental material, c.1839-1934, undated
Series 5 – Speeches, addresses and writings, c. 1850-1956, undated
Series 6 – Morton’s Spout Magazine, 1942-47
Series 7 – Miscellaneous correspondence, 1827-1910, undated
Series 8 – Letter notes, 1850-1901, undated
Series 9 – Biographical information and family material, c. 1830-1960, undated
Series 10 – Arbor Lodge materials, 1888-1947, undated
Series 11 – Materials relating to Joy Morton’s work toward Arbor Lodge and Arbor Day, 1862-1939, and undated
Series 12 – Overland Opera Theater and other family businesses, 1896-1903
Series 13 – Invitations extended to Julius Sterling Morton, undated
Series 14 – Historical societies, 1917-60, undated
Series 15 – Miscellany, 1859-1932, undated

Subgroup 1 consists of the papers of Julius Sterling Morton as arranged and microfilmed by the Nebraska State Historical Society under a grant from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 1965 to 1967.  The Nebraska State Historical Society houses both the originals and the microfilm copies; researchers may consult both.  Some items filed in this subgroup were not filmed, and are so noted in this inventory.  Also, after the microfilming was completed, some documents in this subgroup were added or rearranged so that some filmed items may have been moved to locations other than those in which they were filmed, while some items filed among the original documents might not be found on the microfilm at all.  Therefore, when using materials in Subgroup 1, researchers should consult both the microfilm and the original documents.  A detailed description of Subgroup 1 as it exists on microfilm can be found in the published Guide to the Microfilm Edition of the J. Sterling Morton Papers 1849-1902, and researchers should refer to this when using the microfilm.  A brief synopsis follows here:

Subgroup 1, Series 1 consists of microfilmed incoming correspondence. Reel #1 of the microfilm contains an index of correspondents. Some subjects included in the correspondence are:

  • Morton’s years at the University of Michigan.
  • Morton’s early political career including his role as Secretary of State, Acting Governor, and Secretary of the Territory.
  • Morton’s business and agricultural interests.
  • Morton’s work with the Burlington and Missouri Railroads.
  • Family letters relating to the death of his wife, Caroline Joy, and his son, Carl.
  • Correspondence about family business interests.
  • Morton’s appointment as Secretary of Agriculture by President Grover Cleveland.
  • Publishing of The Conservative.

Subgroup 1, Series 2 is composed of both incoming and outgoing correspondence relating to Morton’s activities as Acting Governor of the Nebraska Territory, Secretary of Agriculture, and editor of The Conservative.

Subgroup 1, Series 3 is composed of outgoing correspondence bound in sixty-one letter pressbooks. All of the pressbooks were microfilmed with the exception of three (so noted in the inventory). Not all of the pressbooks are housed together; some are stored in Subgroup 2. Subjects in the correspondence are wide-ranging, but major topics include:

  • Morton’s business and agricultural interests.
  • Morton’s lobbying for the railroad.
  • Morton’s family interests.
  • Operation and inquires about Arbor Lodge.
  • Secretary of Agriculture business pertaining to patronage, currency, etc.

Subgroup 1, Series 4 contains diaries and farm journals. Early diaries include Morton’s experiences at the University and his business affairs. Later diaries reveal expenses incurred on business and personal trips, for personal and farming equipment and supplies, and real estate. The farm journals were maintained by Morton, his wife Caroline, his sons, and later, by his sister, Emma. They relate to farm and other business ventures, such as real estate, railroad lobbying, mining claims in New Mexico, political involvement at the Democratic state and national conventions, speaking engagements, and guests at Arbor Lodge.

Subgroup 1, Series 5 is composed of 35 scrapbooks. They contain newspaper clippings about Morton’s political activities from 1887 to 1902. The clippings start with his appointment as Secretary of Agriculture and include materials on his advocacy of civil service and the gold standard, his administration and the dividing line in the Democratic Party over the free silver issue, and the presidential campaigns of 1896 and 1900.

Subgroup 1, Series 6 contains correspondence written by Morton to his four sons, Joy, Mark, Paul and Carl; to his wife, Caroline; and to his sister, Emma. The correspondence concerns the welfare of the Morton family, and business and personal activities of the Morton men and women. While this series contains the bulk of such correspondence, researchers should also consult Subgroup 2, Series 7: Miscellaneous Correspondence.

Subgroup 2 consists of Morton family papers that have not been microfilmed. A brief synopsis follows:

Subgroup 2, Series 1 is composed mainly of tax receipts, canceled checks, receipts, and vouchers. The financial records are of a personal nature.

Subgroup 2, Series 2 consists of legal documents such as the many different types of insurance policies Morton acquired, and records relating to land and business acquisitions. Also included are commissions received by Morton from various organizations.

Subgroup 2, Series 3 contains records and court proceedings from various court cases in Illinois and Nebraska.

Subgroup 2, Series 4 is comprised of political documents, including memoranda for cabinet meetings, pamphlets, advertisements and agendas on the topic of agriculture, as well as loose newspaper clippings and scrapbooks of newspaper clippings.

Subgroup 2, Series 5 contains writings and speeches by J. Sterling Morton, William Jennings Bryan, Joy Morton, Sterling Morton, et al. Newspaper clippings of speeches, and other miscellany are also present.

Subgroup 2, Series 6 contains magazines produced by Morton’s sons.

Subgroup 2, Series 7 includes additional unfilmed J. Sterling Morton correspondence as well as correspondence of other family members.

Subgroup 2, Series 8 consists mostly of pieces of 4″ X 6″ paper containing notes that served as reminders to Morton of what he needed to accomplish, write, etc.

Subgroup 2, Series 9 contains Morton genealogical records dating back to 1668, including scrapbooks, obituaries and eulogies of Morton and Morton descendants.

Subgroup 2, Series 10 contains records of visitors to Arbor Lodge, and newspapers clippings, pamphlets and invitations relating to Arbor Lodge and its founder.

Subgroup 2, Series 11 deals primarily with the correspondence and financial records of Joy Morton, and of the Overland Real Estate Company through which he acquired land in both Chicago, Illinois and Nebraska City, Nebraska. He gave the land to the states as a gift in memory and honor of his father. The series includes correspondence, land contracts, real estate contracts, financial records and blueprints. They mostly relate to Arbor Lodge and Arbor Day.

Morton family business correspondence can be found in Subgroup 2, Series 12. J. Sterling Morton and sons, Joy and Mark, worked to build the Overland Opera Theater in Nebraska City, Nebraska. Other businesses in which the family was involved were the Morton Salt Company, real estate, railroad companies, stock yards, and a printing company. Materials in this series include correspondence and financial records from the various family businesses.

Subgroup 2, Series 13 is comprised of invitations and name cards from balls, weddings, inaugural ceremonies, opening ceremonies, commencement exercises, etc., attended by Morton or to which he was invited.

Subgroup 2, Series 14 consists of miscellaneous information gathered upon the collection’s acquisition by the Nebraska State Historical Society.

The miscellaneous series, Subgroup 2, Series 15, is composed of portions of scrapbooks, organizational materials, memorial leaflets, programs and other ephemera.


Subgroup 1: Microfilmed Records
Series 1 – Incoming correspondence, 1849-1902 [R1 – Index; R2-46]
Box 1

  1. 1849
  2. 1850
  3. 1851
  4. 1852
  5. 1853
  6. 1853
  7. 1854
  8. 1855
  9. 1856
  10. 1857
  11. 1858
  12. 1858
  13. 1858
  14. 1858
  15. 1858
  16. 1859
  17. 1859
  18. 1859
  19. 1859
  20. 1859
  21. 1860
  22. 1860
  23. 1860
  24. 1860
  25. 1860
  26. 1860
  27. 1861
  28. 1861
  29. 1861
  30. 1861
  31. 1861
  32. 1862
  33. 1862
  34. 1862
  35. 1863
  36. 1863
  37. 1864
  38. 1864
  39. 1864
  40. 1865
  41. 1865
  42. 1866
  43. 1866
  44. 1866
  45. 1866
  46. 1866
  47. 1866
  48. 1867
  49. 1867
  50. 1867
  51. 1868
  52. 1868
  53. 1868
  54. 1869
  55. 1869
  56. 1869
  57. 1870
  58. 1870
  59. 1870
  60. 1871
  61. 1871
  62. 1871
  63. 1871
  64. 1871

Box 2

  1. 1872
  2. 1872
  3. 1872
  4. 1872
  5. 1872
  6. 1873
  7. 1873
  8. 1873
  9. 1873
  10. 1873
  11. 1873
  12. 1873
  13. 1874
  14. 1874
  15. 1874
  16. 1874
  17. 1874
  18. 1874
  19. 1874
  20. 1875
  21. 1875
  22. 1875
  23. 1875
  24. 1875
  25. 1876
  26. 1876
  27. 1876
  28. 1876
  29. 1876
  30. 1876
  31. 1877
  32. 1877
  33. 1877
  34. 1877
  35. 1877
  36. 1878
  37. 1878
  38. 1878
  39. 1878
  40. 1878
  41. 1878

Box 3

  1. 1879
  2. 1879
  3. 1879
  4. 1879
  5. 1879
  6. 1880
  7. 1880
  8. 1880
  9. 1880
  10. 1880
  11. 1880
  12. 1880
  13. 1880
  14. 1880
  15. 1880
  16. 1880
  17. 1880
  18. 1881
  19. 1881
  20. 1881
  21. 1881
  22. 1882
  23. 1882
  24. 1882
  25. 1883
  26. 1883
  27. 1884
  28. 1884
  29. 1884
  30. 1884
  31. 1884

Box 4

  1. 1885
  2. 1885
  3. 1885
  4. 1885
  5. 1885
  6. 1885
  7. 1885
  8. 1885
  9. 1885
  10. 1885
  11. 1885
  12. 1886
  13. 1886
  14. 1886
  15. 1886
  16. 1886
  17. 1886
  18. 1886
  19. 1886
  20. 1886
  21. 1886
  22. 1886
  23. 1886
  24. 1886
  25. 1886
  26. 1887
  27. 1887
  28. 1887
  29. 1887
  30. 1887
  31. 1887
  32. 1887
  33. 1887

Box 5

  1. 1888
  2. 1888
  3. 1888
  4. 1888
  5. 1888
  6. 1888
  7. 1888
  8. 1888
  9. 1888
  10. 1889
  11. 1889
  12. 1889
  13. 1889
  14. 1889
  15. 1890
  16. 1890
  17. 1890
  18. 1890
  19. 1890
  20. 1890
  21. 1891
  22. 1891
  23. 1891
  24. 1891
  25. 1891
  26. 1891
  27. 1891
  28. 1891
  29. 1891
  30. 1892, A-H
  31. 1892, A-H
  32. 1892, A-H
  33. 1892, A-H
  34. 1892, A-H
  35. 1892, A-H

Box 6
F205-211: 1892, I – Z
F212-234: 1893, A – E

Box 7
F235-266: 1893, Fa – McD

Box 8
F267-300: 1893, McHugh – Ty

Box 9
F301-311: 1893, U – Ye and unidentified
F312-330: 1894, A – Har

Box 10
F331-366: 1894, Has – Zink and unidentified

Box 11
F367-407: 1895, Abb – Mil

Box 12
F408-435: 1895, Min – Zim and unidentified
F436-450: 1896, Abb – Dee

Box 13
F451-492a: 1896, Deg – Yat and unidentified

Box 14
F493-520: 1897, Agi – Wom and unidentified
F521-533: 1898, Ab – Hy

Box l5
F534-550: 1898, Ill – Zen and unidentified
F551-574: 1899, Ad – Zen and unidentified
F575-580: 1900, Ab – Fi

Box 16
F581-595: 1900, Fl – Zou and unidentified
F596-617: 1901, Al – Zim and unidentified
F618-622: 1902, Al – Wo

Series 2 – Incoming and outgoing correspondence, 1850-1902 [R47]
Box 17

  1. 1850-1875
  2. 1877-1885
  3. 1886
  4. 1887-1893
  5. 1894-1895
  6. 1896-1902

Series 3 – Outgoing correspondence (bound letter press books), 1874-1902 [R48-69]
Box l7

  1. April 12, 1874 – July 16, 1875
  2. July 15, 1875 – July 16, 1877
  3. February 26, 1876 – January 1, 1877
  4. January 1, 1877 – December 31, 1879
  5. July 16, 1877 – January 1, 1879
  6. January 3, 1880 – September 20, 1880
  7. October 7, 1880 – August 25, 1881
  8. August 27, 1881 – April 24, 1882

Box l8

  1. December 30, 1882 – December 23, 1884
  2. August 22, 1882 – April 17, 1885
  3. December 24, 1883 – January 28, 1885
  4. April 18, 1885 – August 31, 1885
  5. August 31, 1885 – April 19, 1887
  6. April 18, 1887 – May 10, 1888
  7. May 12, 1888 – May 17, 1889
  8. January 5, 1889 – November 19, 1892
  9. November 20, 1892 – February 13, 1893
  10. March 11, 1893 – September 20, 1895; Official Correspondence of J. Sterling Morton, Secretary of Agriculture, Volume 1
  11. September 22, 1893 – April 20, 1895; Official Correspondence of J. Sterling Morton, Secretary of Agriculture, Volume 2

Box 19

  1. May 1, 1895 – February 19, 1897; Official Correspondence of J. Sterling Morton, Secretary of Agriculture, Volume 3
  2. March 11, 1893 – May 22, 1895
  3. March 6, 1893 – March 24, 1893
  4. March 10, 1893 – April 26, 1893
  5. May 1, 1893 – June 14, 1893
  6. June 14, 1893 – June 30, 1893
  7. July 1, 1893 – August 18, 1893
  8. August 8, 1893 – September 22, 1893 (includes a letter to Attorney General Olney dated August 8, 1893, copied in this book August 19, 1893)
  9. September 23, 1893 – November 16, 1893 (also contains October 30, 1854, when Morton married and moved to Nebraska)

Box 20

  1. November 16, 1893 – December 23, 1893
  2. December 23, 1893 – February 13, 1894
  3. February 13, 1894 – August 4, 1894
  4. April 3, 1894 – May 26, 1894
  5. May 26, 1894 – July 28, 1894
  6. July 30, 1894 – November 3, 1894
  7. November 3, 1894 – January 5, 1895
  8. January 7, 1895 – March 15, 1895
  9. March 15, 1895 – May 9, 1895
  10. May 9, 1895 – July 21, 1895
  11. July 3, 1895 – August 28, 1895

Box 21

  1. August 28, 1895 – October 28, 1895
  2. October 28, 1895 – December 30, 1895
  3. December 30, 1895 – February 29, 1896
  4. March 2, 1896 – May 5, 1896
  5. May 13, 1896 – August 26, 1896
  6. August 26, 1896 – October 4, 1896
  7. September 8, 1896 – November 24, 1896 [not filmed] (contains library catalog for Arbor Lodge, p. 459)
  8. November 25, 1896 – January 25, 1897
  9. January 25, 1897 – May 15, 1897
  10. May 15, 1897 – January 17, 1898
  11. January 29, 1898 – April 11, 1898

Box 22

  1. April 11, 1898 – June 28, 1898
  2. May 30, 1898 – November 1, 1898, and September 1, 1891 -September 28, 1891 (includes “The Scientific Method of Disbursing Government Funds,” illustrated. by Professor Mark W. Harrington)
  3. November 2, 1898 – May 27, 1899
  4. May 29, 1899 – December 19, 1899
  5. December 19, 1899 – August 9, 1900
  6. August 11, 1900 – January 26, 1901
  7. January 26, 1901 – June 3, 1901
  8. August 4, 1901 – November 14, 1901
  9. November 15, 1901 – September 19, 1902
  10. July 25, 1895 – February 19, 1897 [not filmed] (includes Russian Wheat Minister correspondence)

Box 23

  1. June 24, 1899 – September 29, 1899 [not filmed] (includes W.W. Palmer correspondence)

Series 4 – Farm journals and diaries, 1850-1902 [R70-73]
Box 23

  1. Farm journals, 1850 – 1852
  2. Farm journals, 1859
  3. Farm journals, 1874
  4. Farm journals, 1875
  5. Farm journals, 1876
  6. Farm journals, 1877
  7. Farm journals, 1878
  8. Farm journals, 1879
  9. Farm journals, 1880
  10. Farm journals, 1881
  11. Farm journals, 1882
  12. Farm journals, 1883
  13. Farm journals, 1884
  14. Farm journals, 1885
  15. Farm journals, 1886
  16. Farm journals, 1887
  17. Farm journals, 1888
  18. Farm journals, 1889

Box 24

  1. Farm journals, 1890
  2. Farm journals, 1891
  3. Farm journals, 1892
  4. Farm journals, 1893
  5. Farm journals, 1894
  6. Farm journals, 1895
  7. Farm journals, 1897
  8. Farm journals, 1898
  9. Farm journals, 1899
  10. Farm journals, 1900
  11. Farm journals, 1901
  12. Farm journals, 1901
  13. Farm journals, 1902
  14. Farm journals, 1902
  15. Diaries, 1851, 1852
  16. Diaries, 1864, 1865, 1866, 1867, 1869
  17. Diaries, 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873
  18. Diaries, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1878

Box 25

  1. Diaries, 1880, 1881, 1885, 1897
  2. Diaries, miscellaneous

Series 5 – Scrapbooks, 1880-1902 [R74-77]
Volume (oversize)

  1. 1880-1883
  2. 1883-1884
  3. 1884-1885
  4. 1885
  5. 1886-1887
  6. 1887-1888
  7. 1889-1890
  8. 1891-1893
  9. 1892
  10. 1893
  11. [Original is missing]
  12. 1893
  13. 1894
  14. 1894
  15. 1894
  16. 1894
  17. 1894-1895
  18. 1895
  19. 1895
  20. 1895
  21. 1895
  22. 1896
  23. 1896
  24. 1896
  25. 1896
  26. 1896
  27. 1896
  28. 1896
  29. 1896
  30. 1896
  31. 1896-1897
  32. 1896-1898
  33. 1897-1898
  34. 1899-1900
  35. 1901-1902

Series 6 – Outgoing family correspondence, 1854-1900, n.d. [R78]
Box 25

  1. J.S.M. to Carrie (Mrs. J.S.), 1854 – 1881
  2. J.S.M. to Emma, 1854 – 1899
  3. J.S.M. to his son, Carl, 1881 – 1894
  4. J.S.M. to his son, Joy, 1886 – April 5, 1893
  5. J.S.M. to his son, Joy, April 6, 1893 – January 26, 1894
  6. J.S.M. to his son, Joy, February 19, 1894 – April 26, 1895
  7. J.S.M. to his son, Joy, April 27, 1895 – November 11, 1895
  8. J.S.M. to his son, Joy, April 1, 1897 – August 6, 1900
  9. J.S.M. to his son, Mark, 1888 – 1899
  10. J.S.M. to his son, Paul, 1872 – 1893
  11. Unidentified and undated correspondence
  12. Unidentified and undated correspondence

Subgroup 2: Unfilmed Records
Series 1 – Financial records, 1855-1902, n.d.
Box 25

  1. Tax receipts for Nebraska, 1858-1900
  2. County bonds and tax statistics, 1870-1887
  3. Petitions, statistics, etc., 1873-1896
  4. Tax book (taxes paid to Otoe County, 1855-1900)
  5. Record book of taxation and confiscation, 1855-1900
  6. Miscellaneous lists, statements and expenses, 1856-1896, undated
  7. Account book, 1894

Box 26

  1. Receipts, records, etc.
  2. Receipts, vouchers, checks, 1854-62
  3. Receipts, vouchers, checks, 1863-70
  4. Receipts, vouchers, checks, 1871-72
  5. Receipts, vouchers, checks, 1873-74
  6. Receipts, vouchers, checks, 1875-80
  7. Receipts, vouchers, checks, 1881-90
  8. Receipts, vouchers, checks, 1891-97
  9. Receipts, vouchers, checks, bills, 1899-1901
  10. Canceled checks, 1898
  11. Canceled checks, 1899
  12. Canceled checks, 1891-1892
  13. Canceled checks, 1900-1902

Box 27

  1. Canceled personal checks, Julius Sterling and Emma Morton, miscellaneous dates
  2. Canceled personal checks, Julius Sterling and Emma Morton, miscellaneous dates
  3. Check stub register, c. 1902
  4. Miscellaneous information, c. 1880, undated

Series 2 – Legal and land documents and commissions, 1814-1902, n.d.
Box 27

  1. Legal documents (mortgages, deeds, contracts, etc.), 1839-1882, undated
  2. Receipts, land records, correspondence, c. 1860, undated
  3. Land contracts, agreements, c. 1860-1880s, undated
  4. Morton relatives: titles, abstracts, etc., undated
  5. Insurance policies, land titles, c. 1870-1902
  6. Insurance record against Arbor Lodge and other properties of Julius Sterling Morton, 1849
  7. Subscription book to the Capital Stock of the Nebraska Bridge Company, 1872
  8. Mining company agreements, 1843-1870
  9. Certificates, commissions, land and stock shares, etc., c.1814-1890s, undated
  10. Commissions, appointments, certificates, awards, 1876-96 (see also OB082)
  11. Miscellaneous information about insurance, stock bonds, Mortgage loans, undated

Series 3 – Judicial court materials, 1876-1899, n.d.
Box 27

  1. Supreme Court of Illinois:
    J. Sterling Morton vs. Smith, September 1876
    J. Sterling Morton vs. Freer and Smith, September 1876
    J. Sterling Morton vs. Smith, September 1876
  2. Superior Court of Nebraska:
    J. Sterling Morton vs. Stevenson, July 1885
    J. Sterling Morton vs. Watson, undated
    Waldron vs. Ramsey, September 1899
  3. Letter press book: In the matter of the disbarment of John C. Watson; testimony before the investigation committee appointed by Judge B.S. Ramsey of the 2nd judicial district, Sept. 1899.

Series 4 – Political and Governmental Materials, c.1839-1934, n.d.
Box 27

  1. Territorial documents, c. 1839-1860
  2. Territorial government receipts, bills (as Secretary of State), 1858-1862
  3. Vouchers (territorial period), 1858-1862
  4. Miscellaneous documents, Nebraska State Board of Agriculture, c1870

Box 28

  1. Legislative bills, 1878-1894, undated
  2. Democratic Party materials (miscellaneous letters, pamphlets, etc.), c.1870s-1890s, undated
  3. Legislative resolution, 1893
  4. Inaugural ceremonies of President Grover Cleveland, March 4, 1893
  5. Inaugural speech of President Grover Cleveland, 1893; Obituaries and Eulogies scrapbook (newspaper clippings), 1902 (see oversize)
  6. Currency question printed material, c.1880
  7. Department of Agriculture miscellany, 1894-1896
  8. Agriculture Congress miscellany, 1875-1901, undated
  9. Agriculture: conferences, by-laws, letters, undated
  10. Agriculture: advertisements on stock, nurseries, c.1870s-1890s, undated
  11. Agriculture: advertisements, miscellaneous pamphlets given to Morton as Secretary of Agriculture, 1888, undated
  12. Tributes to Senator Hitchcock, February 1934 (see oversize)
  13. Memoranda for Cabinet meetings, 1893
  14. Memoranda for Cabinet meetings, 1894
  15. Memoranda for Cabinet meetings, 1895
  16. Memoranda for Cabinet meetings, 1896
  17. Memoranda for Cabinet meetings, 1897
  18. Congressional Globe, 36th Congress, 1st Session
  19. Congressional Globe, 37th Congress, 1st Session
  20. Congressional Globe, 37th Congress, 2nd Session

Box 29

  1. “Receipts, Expenditures, and Debt of the United States, 1789-1896”
  2. Political scrapbook (newspaper clippings), 1874-78
  3. Political scrapbook (newspaper clippings), 1880-83
  4. Political scrapbook (newspaper clippings), Otoe County, c.1880 (see oversize)
  5. Political scrapbook (newspaper clippings), c.1880 (see oversize)
  6. Miscellaneous newspaper clippings
  7. Miscellaneous newspaper clippings
  8. Miscellaneous newspaper clippings
  9. Miscellaneous newspaper clippings
  10. Miscellaneous advertisements, pamphlets, statements
  11. Miscellaneous advertisements, pamphlets, statements
  12. Miscellaneous advertisements, pamphlets, statements

Series 5 – Speeches, addresses and writings, c.1850-1956, n.d.
Box 29

  1. Political speeches given before the cabinet, Congress, committees, 1881-95, undated
  2. Political miscellany, 1886-1901, undated
  3. Department of Agriculture and statistics on speech, September 5, 1894
  4. “A Few Facts on Finance”, undated
  5. Manuscript and signature of President Grover Cleveland, December 21, 1891
  6. Miscellaneous newspaper clippings regarding political speeches, 1876-1942, undated

Box 30

  1. Speech by William J. Bryan and J.S. Morton at the Carlisle Indian School, September 26, 1900
  2. Speeches given at the Nebraska State Fair, schools and universities, c. 1858-1904
  3. Commemorative speeches and pamphlets, c. 1850-1896
  4. Thanksgiving speeches given by Morton at Bellevue, Nebraska, undated
  5. Address by Mr. Joy Morton at the presentation of Arbor Lodge to the state of Nebraska, September 27, 1923
  6. Speeches given by Sterling Morton (grandson of Julius Sterling Morton), 1937 and 1956
  7. Miscellaneous speeches and addresses
  8. Morton Family book of poetry, undated
  9. Discourse by H.P. Tappan, December 21, 1852
  10. Copy of “New English Canaan” or “New Canaan” (undated reprint of 1637 original); “Monticello,” essay, undated.
  11. Miscellaneous writings

Series 6 – Morton’s Spout Magazine, 1942-1947
Box 30

  1. January – June, 1943
  2. July – December, 1943
  3. January – June, 1944
  4. July – December, 1944
  5. January – June, 1945
  6. July – December, 1945
  7. Miscellaneous copies, 1942, 1946, 1947

Series 7 – Miscellaneous correspondence, 1827-1910, n.d.
Box 30

  1. Julius Sterling Morton, 1845-1866
  2. Julius Sterling Morton, 1867-1873
  3. Julius Sterling Morton, 1874-1878

Box 31

  1. Julius Sterling Morton, 1879-1884
  2. Julius Sterling Morton, 1885-1887
  3. Julius Sterling Morton, 1888
  4. Julius Sterling Morton, 1889-1892
  5. Julius Sterling Morton, 1893
  6. Julius Sterling Morton, 1894
  7. Julius Sterling Morton, 1895-1896
  8. Julius Sterling Morton, 1897-1901
  9. Julius Sterling Morton, 1902, Ad – Ev
  10. Julius Sterling Morton, 1902, Fa – Ku
  11. Julius Sterling Morton, 1902, La – Wr
  12. Julius Sterling Morton, 1903
  13. Julius Sterling Morton, undated
  14. Julius Sterling Morton and Walbridge (correspondence relating to the newspaper they set up at the Abline school), 1847-1848
  15. Mary French Morton, 1827
  16. Pressbook, Abner and Julius Dewey Morton, outgoing correspondence, 1854-1859

Box 32

  1. Pressbook, Julius Dewey Morton, outgoing correspondence, 1854
  2. William D. Morton, 1855-73
  3. Mrs. J.S. Morton to Emma Morton, 1860-81, undated
  4. Mrs. J.S. Morton, 1860-1881, undated
  5. Paul Morton, 1872-1902
  6. Carl Morton, 1881-1886, 1893-1900, undated
  7. Mark Morton, 1886-1910, undated
  8. Joy Morton, incoming correspondence, 1880-1892
  9. Joy Morton, incoming correspondence, 1893-1895
  10. Joy Morton, incoming correspondence, 1896-June 1898
  11. Joy Morton, incoming correspondence, September-April 1899
  12. Joy Morton, incoming correspondence, May-September 1899
  13. Joy Morton, incoming correspondence, October 1899-1902
  14. Joy Morton, incoming correspondence, 1905
  15. Miscellaneous correspondence, Morton men, undated
  16. Miscellaneous family correspondence, 1838-1902
  17. J. McMurphy to J.S.M., November 29, 1894
  18. J. Canfield to J.S.M., re: John J. Pershing, January 9, 1895
  19. William J. Bryan to J.S.M., re: 1888 election loss, 1888
  20. Henry Smith to J.S.M. re: the William J. Bryan controversy, October 3, 1899
  21. Miscellaneous letters
  22. Ledger and miscellaneous autographs and photograph requests, c.1870

Series 8 – Letter notes, 1850-1901, n.d.
Box 32

  1. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1850-1859
  2. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1860-1869
  3. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1870-1879
  4. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1880-1889
  5. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1892

Box 33

  1. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1893
  2. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1893
  3. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1894
  4. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1895
  5. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1896
  6. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1896
  7. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1897-1898
  8. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1899
  9. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1900
  10. Notes written by J.S. Morton, 1901
  11. Notes written by J.S. Morton, undated
  12. Note logbook, 1858 and 1882

Series 9 – Biographical information and family materials, c.1830-1960, n.d.
Box 33

  1. Morton Family records, including family pedigree
  2. Newspaper clippings (obituaries of Morton descendants), undated
  3. Julius Sterling Morton historical data, biographical information

Box 34

  1. Scrapbook (obituaries & eulogies of J.S. Morton), 1902
  2. Scrapbook (obituaries & eulogies of J.S. Morton), 1902
  3. Scrapbook (obituaries & eulogies of J.S. Morton), 1902 (see oversize)
  4. J.D. Morton Monroe newspaper clippings about the interest rate of banks, c. 1830s
  5. Honor diploma of Mark Morton, 1941; grades of Joy Morton, 1867, 1874
  6. Mark Morton, records of farm, invitation, contracts, etc., undated
  7. Mark Morton farm statistics notebook, c. 1935
  8. Illinois House Resolution No. 95, upon the death of Mark Morton, June 27, 1951
  9. Sterling Morton dedications, writings, correspondence, miscellany, c. 1940-1960
  10. Family Bible

Series 10 – Arbor Lodge materials, 1888-1947, n.d.
Box 35

  1. Bill of sale of original pine grove given to Arbor Lodge, Waukegan, Illinois, April 29, 1891
  2. Maps of Arbor Lodge, blueprints, undated
  3. Arbor Lodge log book, 1888
  4. Arbor Lodge log book, 1896
  5. Proclamations and statements about Arbor Lodge from other states, 1893-1894, 1947
  6. Arbor Day exercises at the Department of Agriculture, April 22, 1893
  7. Arbor Lodge library inventory, October 6, 1896 (pressbook)
  8. Arbor Lodge scrapbook (newspaper clippings), undated
  9. Correspondence to Allen and Erland Neilson about the upkeep of Arbor Lodge
  10. Newspaper clippings, undated
  11. Pamphlets, publications, invitations, programs, 1901-1940

Series 11 – Materials relating to Joy Morton’s work toward Arbor Lodge and Arbor Day, 1862-1939, n.d.
Box 35

  1. Land transfer, 1887; tax receipts, 1862-1872, 1880-1895, 1900-1915
  2. Correspondence, 1896-1917, undated
  3. Correspondence, 1918-1929
  4. Correspondence, 1929-1939; abstracts, 1857-1868
  5. Indenture, warranty deeds, quit-claim deeds, 1901-1918
  6. Farm leases, contracts, 1901-1922

Series 12 – Overland Opera Theater and Other Family Businesses, 1896-1903
Box 35

  1. Pressbook, A.T. Richardson correspondence, 1896-1901
  2. Morton Brothers receipts, regulations, etc. for construction and operation, c. 1897
  3. Carl Morton receipts, correspondence, c. 1898

Box 36

  1. Joy Morton correspondence, 1897
  2. Bill posting pressbook, 1901-1903

Series 13 – Invitations extended to J.S. Morton, n.d.
Box 36

  1. Miscellaneous invitations
  2. Miscellaneous invitations
  3. Miscellaneous invitations
  4. Miscellaneous invitations
  5. Miscellaneous invitations
  6. Miscellaneous invitations
  7. Miscellaneous invitations
  8. Miscellaneous invitations
  9. Miscellaneous invitations
  10. Name cards

Series 14 – Historical Societies, 1916-1960
Box 37

  1. Chicago Historical Society, 1917
  2. Nebraska State Historical Society and the University Libraries, Morton acquisitions, 1916-1960
  3. James Olsen correspondence, outgoing/incoming, 1947-1954
  4. Newspaper clipping, August 6, 1939
  5. “Nebraska. First Printing of Books and Newspapers.” Excerpt from New Jersey Archives, Volume 19, pp. XXIX-XXXII, History of American Newspapers.

Series 15 – Miscellany, 1859-1932, n.d.
Box 37

  1. Memorial leaflets, undated
  2. Minutes of the Choral Club of Nebraska City, 1901
  3. The Whopper Scrapbook, Hall County Diamond Jubilee, July 4-5, 1932 (see oversize)
  4. Scrapbook (newspaper articles by Butler), 1892
  5. Railroad material: printed matter, manuscripts, newspaper clippings, c.1872, 1892
  6. Organizational materials, meetings, miscellaneous, c. 1873-1896, undated
  7. American Forestry Association materials, c. 1880-1890
  8. Scrapbook: miscellaneous information about the year 1900 (see oversize)
  9. Scrapbook: miscellaneous information about the year, c.l905 (see oversize)
  10. Miscellaneous information about the years 1859, 1869, 1902

Box 38 (unprocessed) – Mostly Arbor Lodge related materials

Subject headings:

Business & finance
Government officials
Political activity
Political campaigns
Political elections
Politics & government

Bryan, William Jennings, 1860-1925
Furnas, Robert Wilkinson, 1824-1905
Miller, George L., 1830-1920
Morton, Carl, 1865-1901
Morton, Caroline Joy (French), 1833-1881
Morton, Emma, 1837-1912
Morton, Joy, 1855-1934
Morton, Julius Sterling, 1832-1902
Morton, Mark, 1858-1951
Perkins, Charles Elliott, 1840-1907
Sawyer, Andrew J., 1844-1924
Vifquain, Victor, 1836-1904
Watkins, Albert, 1848-1923

Agriculture — Nebraska
Arbor Day
Arbor Lodge (Nebraska City, Nebraska)
Burlington and Missouri River Railroad Company
Democratic party
Gold standard
Morton family
Nebraska — Politics and government
Nebraska City (Nebraska) — History
Nebraska Mexican Mining Company
Nebraska State Board of Agriculture
Patronage, Political — United States
Railroads — United States
Santa Fe Railroad
Silver question
Tariff — United States
Tree planting — Nebraska
United States — Politics and government


Revised CS/PJE 03-1993
Revised KFK 02-1996; 08-2002
Revised TMM 04-16-2020


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