Lancaster County Community Emergency Shop (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4201.AM]


RG4201.AM:  Lancaster County Community Emergency Shop (Lincoln, Neb.)

Records:  1948-1984

Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.:  Provider of goods to the needy

Size:  1.5 cu.ft.; 3 boxes


In 1931 the Wilhelmy Community Emergency Shop, popularly known as the Lancaster County Community Emergency Shop, due to the efforts of Lena Wilhelmy, was established to meet critical needs during the depression. In 1949 the shop became an incorporated agency operated as a community chest agency with some funding from the county. It was directed by Mrs. Allen “Bunny” Wilson from 1949-1957. In 1955 the shop withdrew from the Community Chest and was fully supported by the County. Luella Hurley was director from 1957-1976, Delores Ferguson from 1976-1977, and JoAnne Wiese from 1977-1984 when the shop’s activities were taken over by other community agencies. The shop was located at 432 South 11th after it’s incorporation until it was moved to 2200 St. Mary’s in 1966. From 1978 to 1984 it occupied the lower level of the Lancaster County Division of Public Welfare at 1001 “O” Street. The shop distributed furniture, quilts, clothing, dolls and toys among other items at no charge to needy families and individuals referred by local social service agencies.


This collection of the records of the Lancaster County Community Emergency Shop is arranged according to the following series:

Series 1 – Administrative Records, ca. 1948-1981

Series 2 – Financial Records, ca. 1948-1984

Series 3 – Correspondence, 1949-1983

Series 4 – Publications, ca. 1950-1980

Series 5 – Miscellany, ca. 1948-1983

The materials in this collection relate to the operation of the Lancaster County Community Emergency Shop from its incorporation in 1948 (as the Wilhelmy Community Shop) to its disbursement in 1984. Series 1 consists of Administrative Records which show a fairly clear picture of the services the shop provided to the community. Series 2 contains financial records which are somewhat spotty. The treasurer reports, however, are complete from 1956-1984. Series 3 contains correspondence usually from or to board members of the shop. Series 4 contains information on the shop’s attempts to obtain materials from the public. Series 5 contains extensive newspaper clippings from 1961-1983 as well as a scrapbook and guest book.

The collection provides a valuable look at Lancaster County’s aid to the needy through the shop. The shop was especially concerned with providing toys and dolls to children around the holiday season.


Series 1 – Administrative Records, ca. 1948-1981

Box 1


    1. Articles of incorporation and bylaws, ca. 1948-1979

    1. Policy, ca. 1960s and 1970s

    1. Annual reports, 1950-1971

    1. Minutes of board meetings, 1972-1981

    1. Lists of board members and attendance of board meetings, 1955-1984

Box 2


    1. Study by Hanna & Keelan, 1981

    1. Ad Hoc Study, 1975

    1. Other studies and reports, ca. 1975-1981

Series 2 – Financial Records, ca. 1948-1984

    1. Financial reports (monthly), 1961-1973

    1. Financial reports (monthly), 1974-1984

    1. Treasurer reports, 1956-1984

Box 3


    1. Treasurer reports, 1956-1984

    1. Receipts, ca. 1948-1976

    1. Inventory of shop, ca. 1970s

    1. Nebraska Biennial Tax Reports, 1961-1983

    1. Checkbook, ca. 1984

Series 3 – Correspondence, 1949-1983

    1. Correspondence, 1949-1983

Series 4 – Publications, ca. 1950-1980

    1. Publications, ca. 1950-1980

Series 5 – Miscellany, ca. 1948-1983

    1. Newspaper clippings, 1961-1983, n.d.

    1. American Red Cross publications, ca. 1960

    1. Guest Book, ca. 1958

    1. Certificates, 1954, 1971

    1. Scrapbook, ca. 1948-1978 (see oversize)



Family Service Association

Hurley, Luella

Lancaster County Community Emergency Shop (Lincoln, Neb.)

Lincoln Community Chest (Lincoln, Neb.)

Nebraska Coalition for Community Human Services

Social services — Nebraska — Lincoln

Social work — Nebraska — Lincoln

Wilhelmy Community Emergency Shop (Lincoln, Neb.)

Wilhelmy, Lena


Revised 03-25-2008   TMM

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