RG4168.AM: Lincoln Public Schools Association of Office Professionals (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Records: 1949-1995, mostly 1957-1995
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska: Professional organization
Size: 3.25 cu.ft.; 6 boxes
The Lincoln, Nebraska, Public Schools Clerical Association was organized September 7, 1949. Its purpose is “to promote among the clerks of the Lincoln Public Schools democratic standards and a spirit of mutual helpfulness and harmony to build friendship among co-workers and to unite them in a thinking group for service; to create a true sense of the merit and dignity of our work and the importance of the responsibility which is ours, and which would reflect in the improvement and effectiveness of the educational program of the schools as a whole.”
The earliest records are minutes from September 1957, which describe mainly social events. In 1973 the group filed papers of incorporation and changed the name to Lincoln Public Schools Association of Office Personnel. Although the meetings remained an important means of socializing with other secretaries in the district, more and more emphasis was put on educating the membership including staff development programs and Professional Standards Program. The Association went through some difficult years in 1993-1995 in negotiating a raise and in working for equitable treatment of all members. In 1995 the name of the association was changed to Lincoln Public School Association of Office Professionals.
The first LPSAOP negotiated salary contract was signed in 1980. Since then negotiations have been conducted each year by elected representatives.
LPSAOP has helped host two national meetings. In April 1974 our organization assisted the state association with the National Spring Regional Meeting held in Lincoln. In July 1980 the organization helped host the Annual Meeting and Institute held on the UNL campus. 500 people attended from several states including Alaska and from Australia.
One of the memorable events held every year was the Boss’s Breakfast held in January. Nominations were submitted for Boss of the Year and members would bring their bosses to a breakfast where the winner was announced. The last breakfast was held in 1994. Secret Friends is also another popular program with the members.
The group is very proud of the two scholarships granted every year to high school seniors entering the office workers profession.
Accomplishments of the association are notable. In 1980, John Prasch, former superintendent of Lincoln Public Schools, received the Administrator of the year Award from the National Association of Educational Office Personnel. Wilma Borgens was the 1980 Nebraska Educational Office Personnel Association’s Employee of the Year, as was Helen Underhill in 1981.
The current mission statement: “The purpose of the Lincoln Public Schools Association of Office Professionals is to recognize our members unique roles in the education system, promote educational opportunities, serve the youth of our community and provide fellowship with other educational office professionals.”
This collection relates to the history, administration, membership and activities of the Lincoln Public Schools Association of Office Professionals. It is arranged in six subgroups: 1) Original Constitution, 1949; 2) Chronological Files; 3) Record Books, 1957-1988; 4) Membership cards; 5) Committees and Officers Materials, 1976-1994; and 6) National and State Affiliation.
The bulk of the collection is formed by Subgroup 2, the Chronological Files. This Subgroup contains all available issues of “The Chronicle” newsletter, along with records for the year including minutes, budget, program flyers, program book, sign in sheets, and in 1983, the Nebraska Educational Office Personnel Association Cookbook.
The Record Books of Subgroup 3 contain a variety of information such as dues, membership, minutes, a few clippings, etc.
Subgroup 1: Original constitution, September 7, 1949
Box 1
- Original Constitution September 7, 1949
Subgroup 2: Chronological files
- Chronicle, 1964-1965
- Chronicle, 1965-1966
- Chronicle, 1966-1967
- 1966-1967
- Chronicle, 1967-1968
- Chronicle, 1968-1969
- Chronicle, 1969-1970
- 1969-1970
- Chronicle, 1970-1971
- Chronicle, 1971-1972
- Chronicle, 1972-1973
- 1972-1973
- Chronicle, 1973-1974
- 1973-1974
- Chronicle, 1974-1975
- 1974-1975
- Chronicle, 1975-1976
- 1975-1976
- Chronicle, 1976-1977
- 1976-1977
- Chronicle, 1977-1978
Box 2
- 1977-1978
- Chronicle, 1978-1979
- 1978-1979
- Chronicle, 1979-1980
- 1979-1980
- Chronicle, 1980-1981
- 1980-1981
Box 3
- Chronicle, 1981-1982
- 1981-1982
- Chronicle, 1982-1983
- 1982-1983 [part 1] Secretary’s Notebook, Office Handbook
- 1982-1983 [part 2] Secretary’s Notebook, Office Handbook
- Chronicle, 1983-1984
- 1983-1984
- 1983 Nebraska Educational Office Personnel Association Cookbook
- Chronicle, 1984-1985
Box 4
- 1984-1985
- Chronicle, 1985-1986
- 1985-1986
- 1986-1987
- 1986-1987
- Chronicle, 1987-1988
- 1987-1988
- Chronicle, 1988-1989
- 1988-1989
- Chronicle, 1989-1990
- 1989-1990
- Chronicle, 1990-1991
- 1990-1991 Secretary’s Notebook, Minutes
Box 5
- Chronicle, 1991-1992
- 1991-1992 Secretary’s Notebook, Minutes, Treasurer’s Reports
- Chronicle, 1992-1993
- 1992-1993 Secretary’s Notebook, Minutes, Treasurer’s Reports
- Chronicle, 1993-1994
- 1993-1994 Secretary’s Notebook, Minutes, Sign-in Sheets
- Chronicle, 1994-1995
- 1994-1995 Secretary’s Notebook, Minutes, Sign-in Sheets, Correspondence: re. Grievance
Subgroup 3: Record books, 1957-1988
- Record Book, 1957-1962
- Record Book, Sept. 1962-May 1970
- Record Book, 1970-1978
- Record Book, 1978-1982
- Record Book, 1982-1988
Subgroup 4: Membership cards
Box 6 Membership cards
Subgroup 5: Committees and Officers Materials
Box 5 (cont.)
- Advisory and Welfare, 1990-1994
- Bosses Breakfast, 1989-1994
- Nominating Committee, 1976-1987
- Presidents Material, 1989-1990
- Staff Development Notebooks from 1976-1982
- Staff Development, 1982-1985
- Staff Development, 1986-1989
- Staff Development, 1990-1992
- Vice-President Material, 1989-1991
- Ways and Means, 1977-1987
Subgroup 6: National and State Affiliation
- National and State Affiliation
Subject headings:
Education — Leadership
Educational administration
Lincoln Public Schools Association of Office Professionals (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Public schools — Nebraska — Lincoln
Phyllis Krotz 03-28-2003
kfk/dco 04-15-2003