Nebraska Church Women United [RG3719.AM]


RG3719.AM: Nebraska Church Women United

Records: 1934-1993
Nebraska: Interdenominational women’s church organization
Size: 2.0 cu.ft.; 2 boxes


Nebraska church women first organized into a federation in 1935. A Lincoln woman, Mrs. Ada Bash Hunt, believed that a state group of church women should be formed to exert pressure and influence whenever conscience and reason demanded. In response to her invitation, eighteen women from Omaha, Norfolk, and Lincoln churches met, and on April 30, 1935, they formed the Nebraska Federation of Church Women. The organization was affiliated with a national group of church women. In turn, local councils or units throughout the state of Nebraska became members of the state organization. Annual conventions, beginning 1936, brought the local councils together.

In 1941, the Federation joined with another group of church women and the two groups became a single unit under the name of the United Council of Church Women. The group became the Nebraska Council of United Church Women in 1955 and adopted its present name, Nebraska Church Women United, in 1967. Throughout its various name changes, the organized group of church women have maintained a single purpose, “to united church women in their allegiance to their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through a program looking to their integration, in the total life and work of the church and the building of a world Christian community.” Nebraska Church Women United’s programs of welfare and inspiration continue to be planned with this purpose in mind.


This collection consists of two boxes of records of the Nebraska Church Women United. The materials date from ca. 1934 to 1993. The bulk of the collection consists of materials compiled by the organization’s historian, including minutes, clippings, newsletters, programs, flyers and reports. Also included in the collection are histories and by-laws of the organization. Some photos of events are scattered throughout the historian’s records. There can be some duplication and overlap between the various years of historian records, so interested researchers should review the preceding and following years for potentially related materials.

Note: See the library for newsletters of the organization (267.4 Un4n).

Acc. 1977-05-31; 1983.0075; 2021.0087; 2024.0124


Box 1

  1. History of Nebraska Church Women United
  2. By-laws and Statement of Purpose
  3. Historian’s records, 1934-1946
  4. Historian’s records, 1948-1959
  5. Historian’s records, 1960-1961
  6. Historian’s records, 1962-1963
  7. Historian’s records, 1963-1964
  8. National Assembly of United Church Women, 1964
  9. Historian’s records, 1964-1965
  10. Historian’s records, 1965-1966
  11. Historian’s records, 1966
  12. Historian’s records, 1967
  13. Historian’s records, 1968-1969
  14. Historian’s records, 1969-1970
  15. Historian’s records, 1970
  16. Historian’s records, 1971
  17. Historian’s records, 1972
  18. Historian’s records, 1973-1974
  19. Historian’s records, 1975
  20. Historian’s records, 1976
  21. Historian’s records, 1977-1978

Box 2

  1. Historian’s records, 1978-1979
  2. Historian’s records, 1978-1979
  3. Historian’s records, 1980-1981
  4. Historian’s records, 1980-1981
  5. Historian’s records, 1980-1981
  6. Historian’s records, 1981-1982
  7. Historian’s records, 1983
  8. Historian’s records, 1984
  9. Historian’s records, 1984
  10. Historian’s records, 1985
  11. Historian’s records, 1985
  12. Historian’s records, 1986
  13. Historian’s records, 1987
  14. Historian’s records, 1988-1989
  15. Historian’s records, 1990-1993


Subject headings:

Charities — Nebraska
Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska
Lincoln Church Women United (Lincoln, Neb.)
Nebraska Church Women United
Nebraska Council of Churches
Nebraska Council of United Church Women
Nebraska Federation of Church Women
Social problems — Nebraska
Social reform — Nebraska


AIF/psw 05-06-1980
Revised TMM 05-10-2018; 09-22-2021; 06-24-2024

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