Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions [RG2683.AM]


RG2683.AM: Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions

Correspondence; reports: 1846-1868; 1880-1887; 1901-1908
Sarpy and Thurston Counties, Nebraska
Size: 2 reels of microfilm containing approximately 900 items


This collection is arranged in five Series: 1) Correspondence and reports; 2) Homer W. Partch Correspondence, 1880-1883; 3) Omaha Mission School Correspondence, 1865-1868; 4) John T. Copley Correspondence, 1886-1887; and 5) Margaret Copley Wade Correspondence, 1883-1886. The materials relate to the Presbyterian educational program with Indians in Nebraska and the Omaha Indian Mission.

Series 1 forms the bulk of the collection. It contains correspondence and reports sent to the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions by missionaries to the Indians. Most of the items selected for filming were written to Walter Lowrie, Secretary of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions, by missionaries to the Omaha and Otoe tribes in Nebraska. They date from 1846-1868 and describe day-to-day activities at the missions. Included are financial reports, quarterly reports, letters concerning farming and teaching activities of mission personnel and many other topics. The letters in this series were selected for filming by Donald F. Danker of the Historical Society in 1957. They were arranged for filming by the Presbyterian Historical Society in Pennsylvania. Letters are listed on the following pages in the order in which they appear on the film. In some instances information as to subject matter is enclosed in brackets. When the addressee’s name is not included on the letter, but his identity is clear, his name is included in brackets.

Correspondents include: Walter Lowrie; George W. Manypenny; Edmund McKinney; S. M. Irvin, W.H. Harvey, E.D. Makay, William Hamilton, A.B. Greenwood, Charles Sturgis, R. J. Burt, Isaac Black, Christy Robb, John Lilley, Mrs. Serena A. Munson, Joseph LaFlesche, W. T. Wilson, W.P. Colton, S. Orlando Lee, William Rankin, Robert W. Furnas, David Leach, W. S. Robertson, Naomi Diament, H.M. Giltner, Henry Goulet, Samuel Vivians, Baptiste Deroin, John Deroin, J.R. Ramsey, D. A. Murdock, A.S. Throne, Homer W. Partch, John T. Copley, and Margaret Copley Wade of the Omaha Mission School.

Reproduced from originals in the collections of the Presbyterian Historical Society, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This material is for reference and study; and may not be published without written permission of the Presbyterian Historical Society, 425 Lombard Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 19147.

Note: See Nebraska History 48 (1967), pages 267-288 for Norma Kidd Green’s article, “The Presbyterian Mission to the Omaha Indian Tribe.”


Series 1 – Correspondence and reports

Reel 2

Indenture. George W. Manypenny and Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. Nov. 22, 1854

Walter Lowrie, Bellevue City, N.T. Oct. 1854.

Indenture. Manypenny and Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions. Nov. 2, 1854.

Walter Lowrie from S.M. Irvin, Ioway and Sac Mission. May 30, 1848. [fight between Ioway and Pawnee; return of Ioway war party.]

Walter Lowrie from S.M. Irvin, Ioway and Sac Mission. Febr. 8, 1847.

Lowrie from Edmund McKinney and S.M. Irvin, Ioway Mission. Aug. 26, 1846.

Lowrie form W.H. Harvey, St. Louis. Aug. 18, 1846. [Otoes]

Lowrie from W.H. Harvey, St. Louis. July 8, 1846. [Omaha and Oto]

Lowrie from Pine Creek. May 23, 1846. Incomplete. [Omaha and Ponca]

Lowrie from Edmund McKinney and S.M. Irvin, Ioway Mission. May 22, 1846. [Report of visit with Omahas and Otoes. Omaha house described.]

Dear Sir from E.D. Makay, Bellevue, N.T. June 4, 1856.

Dear Sir Report. St. Joseph, Nov. 13, 1856. incomplete.

Lowrie from W.H. Harvey, St. Louis. May1, 1846.

Lowrie from S.M. Irvin, Ioway and Sac Mission. April 20, 1846.

Lowrie from William Hamilton, Jersey Shore. April 1846. [Omaha language]

Treasury, Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions in account with Rev. Edmund McKinney on acc’t. of the Oto and Omaha Mission for the quarter ending Dec.31, 1847

Acc’t for quarter beginning June 30, 1847.

Acc’t for quarter ending June 30, 1847.

Acc’t for quarter ending April 1, 1847.

Invoice of sundries purchased at St. Louis. July 29, 1857.

Acc’t for quarter ending Dec. 31, 1841.

Acc’t for quarter ending Sept. 30, 1849.

Acc’t for quarter ending June 30, 1849.

Acc’t for quarter ending March 31, 1849.

Acc’t for quarter ending Dec. 31, 1849.

Acc’t for quarter ending Jan. 1, 1847.

Acc’t for quarter ending March 1, 1850.

Lowrie from McKinney, Omaha and Oto Mission. July 20, 1850. [cholera and crops]

Acc’t for quarter ending Dec. 31, 1851.

Acc’t for quarter ending May 31, 1852.

Acc’t for quarter ending June 30, 1853.

Rev. Dr. Sturgis, Missionary in Nebr. from a grieved pastor, Great Bend, Susquehanna County, Pa. Dec. 25, 1857.

Traveling expenses for taking the children to school, 1852-1854. William Hamilton.

Lowrie from William Hamilton. Oct. 6, 1854.

Acc’t current for 3rd and 4th quarters, 1855.

Acc’t for quarter ending June 30, 1854.

Board of Foreign Missions of Presbyterian Church from Chas. Sturgis, Black Bird

Hills, N.T. July 1, 1858. [First yearly report form this mission–Fontanelles]

Copy of report to Indian Dept. Jan. 1, 1860. Incomplete.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills, N.T. Jan. 4, 1859.

A.B. Greenwood, Comm. Of Indian Affairs, from [Lowrie]. Jan. 9, 1860. Incomplete.

Lowrie from Greenwood, Dept. of Interior. Febr. 4, 1860. [Omaha school contract]

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills, N.T. Febr. 20, 1860. [affairs at mission]

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills, N.T. Febr. 24, 1860.

Lowrie from Emilie Smith, Black Bird Hills, N.T. March 7, 1860. [Fontanelle family]

Respt. Friend [Lowrie] from R.J. Burt, Pittsburgh. April 6, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Burt, St. Louis. April 14, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Black Bird Hills, N.T. May 7, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. June 6, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Black Bird Hills, N.T. June 21, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Isaac Black. June 22, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Aug. 9, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Isaac Black, Black Bird hills, N.T. Aug. 11, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Sept. 3, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Sept. 27, 1860.

Lowrie from Isaac Black, Black Bird Hills. Oct. 26, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Oct. 30, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Nov. 30, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Black, Black Bird Hills. Jan. 8, 1861.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Jan. 8, 1861.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 7, 1861.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. March 22, 1861.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. April 24, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Black, Black Bird Mission. April 29, 1860.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. June 20, 1861.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. July 18, 1861.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Oct. 24, 1861.

Annual report of Supt. Of Omaha Mission. Oct. 29, 1861.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Jan. 13, 1862.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 1862.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. May 14, 1862.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. June 3, 1862.

[Lowrie] from Black, Omaha Mission. July 15, 1862.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. July 24, 1862.

[Lowrie] from O.H. Irish, Omaha Indian Agency. July 29, 1862.

[Lowrie] from William Hamilton, Bellevue. Aug. 16, 1862.

Lowrie from William Hamilton, Bellevue. Aug. 19, 1862.

Lowrie from William Hamilton, Bellevue. Aug. 21, 1862.

Report of Matters at Omaha Mission. Sept. 30, 1862. Incomplete.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Aug. 30, 1862.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Sept. 24, 1862.

Lowrie from [Burt], Omaha Mission. Oct. 1, 1862. Incomplete.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Decatur. Oct. 16, 1862.

Lowrie from Chas. Sturgis, Omaha Mission. Oct. 28, 1862.

Copy of letter written by mission girl to her mother. Dec. 1, 1862.

Lowrie from Chas. Sturgis, Omaha Mission. Dec. 5, 1862.

Report from Sturgis on Omaha Mission. Incomplete.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. Dec. 1, 1862.

Lowrie from Burt, Omaha Mission. Dec. 22, 1862. [Joseph LaFlesche and payment of Omaha Indians in paper money.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Jan. 30, 1863.

Lowrie from Black, Omaha Mission. Febr.3, 1863.

Friend Ranken from Burt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 3, 1863.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 17, 1863.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. March 26, 1863.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. April 18, 1863.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. April 29, 1863.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. May 6, 1863.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. May 7, 1863. [LaFlesche]

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. May 26, 1863. [Santee Sioux; Mission supplies]

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. July 1, 1863. [Omaha hunt for first time with guns; what to do if Sioux raiders come.]

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Aug. 3, 1863.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Aug. 18, 1863.

Lowrie from Black, Omaha Mission. Sept. 11, 1863.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Sept. 31, 1863.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Nov. 7, 1863.

Lowrie from Black, Omaha Mission. Jan. 1864.

Lowrie from Burt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 3, 1864.

Lowrie from Burt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 4,1864.

Lowrie from Burt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 18, 1864.

Lowrie from Black, Omaha Mission. March 2, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. March 5, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. March 7, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. April l 22, 1864. [Irish replaced by Furnas.]

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. May 16, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. June 8, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. June 21, 1864. [Sansoucie women attacked by white soldiers.]

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. July 6, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. July 28, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Aug. 30, 1864. [Fight between Sioux and Winnebago and Omahas; Furnas building a blockhouse; Omahas escorted in from hunt by missionaries to protect them from whites.]

[Lowrie] from Black, Omaha Mission. Sept. 23, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha City. Oct. 6, 1864. [Winnebago]

Presbyterian Board from Black, Omaha Mission. Oct. 24, 1864. [resigns]

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Oct. 27, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Christy Robb, Omaha Mission. Nov. 29, 1864. [drafted]

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Dec. 20, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Black, Omaha Mission. Dec. 20, 1864.

[Lowrie] from Burt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 16, 1865.

Lowrie from Burt, Omaha Mission. March 18, 1865.

Lowrie from John Lilley, Galena, N.T. March 29, 1865.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Jan. 14, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Febr. 6, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Febr. 26, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. March 1, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. March 2, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. March 25, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Council Bluffs. April 30, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, near Fort Calhoun. June 14, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. June 19, 1856.

Bill of lading for goods shipped to Black Bird Hill on the Admiral. July 6, 1865.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue, July 19, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue, July 21, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue, July 24, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Aug. 14, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Aug. 7, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Sept. 7, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Sept. 2, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission, Black Bird Hills. Sept. 8, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Sept. 16, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Black Bird Hills. Sept. 30,1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Black Bird Hills. Oct. 7, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Blackbird Hills. Oct. 14, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Blackbird Hills. Oct. 21, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Oct. 31, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Blackbird Hills. Nov. 8, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Blackbird Hills. Nov. 14, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Nov. 22, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Dec. 9, 1856. [Description of Omaha land.]

Lowrie from Hamilton, Someplace. Nov. 26, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Dec. 20, 1856.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Jan. 16, 1857.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Febr. 2, 1857.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. March 3, 1857.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. March 19, 1857.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. April 2, 1857.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. April 3, 1857.

Dear Sir from Charles Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. May 22, 1857.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. June 9, 1857.

Lowrie from J.R. Rolph, Blackbird Hills, N.T. June 29, 1857.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills, N.T. July 3, 1851.

Lowrie from Sarah Jane Sturgis, Mission House, Blackbird Hills. July 10, 1857.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. March 2, 1857.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Aug. 18, 1857.

Mrs. Serena A. Munson from Sturgis.

William Hamilton from Mrs. Serena A. Munson, Apple Creek, Mo. Aug. 28, 1857.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Sept. 1, 1857.

Lowrie from Rolph, Omaha Mission. Oct. 12, 1857.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Oct. 14, 1857.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Nov. 14, 1857.

[Lowrie] from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Nov. 17, 1857.

[Lowrie] from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Nov. 21, 1857.

[Lowrie] from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Dec. 11, 1857.

[Lowrie] from Rolph, Omaha Mission. Dec. 19, 1857.

[Lowrie] from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Dec. 29, 1857.

Gen’l. Denvers, Comm. Of Indian Affairs, from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. Jan. 1, 1858.

To the Executive Committee of the Board of Foreign Missions. Report. Jan. 6, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Jan. 9, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Jan. 25, 1858.

Lowrie from Rolph, Omaha Mission. Febr. 1, 1858.

Lowrie from Rev. S. McCauley, Parsonage, Huntington, L.I. Febr. 3, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Febr. 6, 1858.

Lowrie from Rev. S. McCauley, Huntington, L.I. Febr. 10, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Febr. 19, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. March 1, 1858.

Lowrie from Bety, St. Thomas, Pa. March 24, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. April 3, 1858.

[copy] Joseph LaFlesche from Comm. Of Indian Affairs. Febr. 26, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. May 20, 1858.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. July 21, 1858 [trouble at the Mission]

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. July 5, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. July 15, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. July 26, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Aug. 4, 1858.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Aug. 18, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills. Aug. 23, 1858.

Voucher for Omaha Mission. 1857.

Voucher for Omaha Mission. 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. Nov. 28, 1858.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. Jan. 3, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Febr. 23, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. May 6, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. May 1860.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. June 8, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. Jan. 26, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. July 1, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. July 1, 1857.

W.T. Wilson from Sturgis, Omaha Mission. July 11, 1859. [on proposed fight between Sioux vs: Pawnee and Omaha.]

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills. July 11, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills. July 25, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills. Aug. 23, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills. Aug. 27, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis. Aug. 29, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills. Sept. 2, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills. Oct. 3, 1859.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Oct. 21, 1859.

Lowrie from Princeton, N.J. Nov. 1, 1859. Incomplete.

Lowrie from Sturgis, Black Bird Hills. Dec. 21, 1859.

Note from William Hamilton concerning sale of land. 1858?

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Oct. 22, 1868.

[copy] Col. W.P. Colton, Indian Agent, from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Aug. 28, 1868

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Aug. 28, 1868.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. July 16, 1868.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. July 24, 1868.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. April 21, 1868.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. April 7, 1868.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. March 16, 1868.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Febr. 1, 1868. [Winnebago]

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Febr. 3, 1868. [Winnebago]

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Jan. 6, 1868. [Winnebago]

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Jan. 5, 1868.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Oct. 4, 1867.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. June 24, 1867.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. March 12, 1867.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. March 7, 1867.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. March 28, 1867.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Febr. 12, 1867.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Jan. 4, 1867.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Dec. 21, 1866.

Lowrie from Isaac Black, Omaha Agency, Dec. 17, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Dec. 4, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Dec. 1, 1866.

Lowrie from Mary L. Hamilton, Bellevue. Dec. 5, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Nov. 13, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Oct. 20, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Oct. 9, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Sept. 4, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. July 10, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. June 29, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. May 22, 1867.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. May 22, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. April 27, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. April 20, 1866.

[Lowrie] from R.J. Burtt, Omaha Mission. April 14, 1866.

[Lowrie] from Hamilton, Bellevue. April 3, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. [March] 29, 1866.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. March 17, 1866.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. March 5, 1866. [Omaha Indian Soldiers listed.]

Lowrie from S. Orlando Lee, Omaha Mission. March 3, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. March 1, 1866.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 26, 1866.

Lowrie from S. Orlando Lee, Omaha mission. Febr. 7, 1866.

William Rankin from S. Orlando Lee, Omaha Mission. Dec. 6, 1866.

William Rankin from S. Orlando Lee, Omaha Mission. Febr. 5, 1867.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 2, 1866.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Jan. 9, 1866.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Jan. 5, 1866.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Dec. 22, 1865.

Lowrie from Robert W. Furnas, Omaha Indian Agency. Dec. 20, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Dec. 20, 1865.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Dec. 13, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Dec. 4, 1865.

[[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Nov. 30, 1865.

Lowrie form Hamilton, Bellevue. Nov. 28, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Nov. 21, 1865.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Nov. 16, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Oct. 23, 1865.

Lowrie from S. Orlondo Lee, Omaha Mission. Oct. 21, 1865.

Lowrie from S. Orlondo Lee, Omaha Mission. Oct. 19, 1865.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Oct. 5, 1865.

Lowrie from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Oct. 4, 1865.

Lowrie from David Leach, Treasurer of Sarpy Co., N.T., Bellevue. Sept. 25, 1865.

Lowrie from N. Diament, Omaha Mission. Sept. 3, 1864.

[Lowrie] from W.S. Robertson, Omaha Mission. Dec. 1, 1865.

Lowrie from J.R. Ramsey, Falls City, N.T. Sept. 5, 1865.

Lowrie from W.S. Robertson, Falls City. Sept. 1, 1865.

Lowrie from W.S. Robertson, Indian Nebraska Institute. Aug. 26, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Aug. 17, 1865.

Lowrie from Lee, Omaha Mission. Aug. 1, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. July 27, 1865.

Lowrie from Lee, Omaha Mission. July 26, 1865.

Lowrie from Rev. H.M. Giltner, Pawnee City, N.T. July 20, 1865 [Otoe Mission]

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. July 5, 1865.

Lowrie from Lee, Omaha Mission. July 17, 1865.

Acc’t of Omaha Mission for 2nd and 4th Quarters ending Dec. 31, 1865.

Lowrie from Isaac Black, Omaha Mission. June 26, 1865.

Mr. S. Robertson from Henry Goulet, Arago. June 24, 1865.

Lowrie from Burtt, Omaha Mission. June 24, 1865.

Lowrie from Burtt, Omaha Mission. June 9, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. June 9, 1865.

Lowrie from Lee, Blackbird Hills, Nebr. June 1, 1865. [Description of Omaha reservation.]

Lowrie from Lee, Blackbird, Nebr. May 13, 1865.

Lowrie from Isaac Black, Omaha Mission. April 24,

Lowrie from Isaac Black, Omaha Mission. April 21, 1865.

Lowrie from Isaac Black, Omaha Mission. April 4, 1865.

Mr. Samuel Vivians from Baptist Deroin and John Deroin, Aspinwall, Nemaha County, N.T. March 28, 1865.

Lowrie from Naomi Diament, Omaha Mission. March 22, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt. March 22, 1865.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. March 13, 1866.

[Lowrie] from Burtt. Annual Report, Omaha Mission. March 9, 1865.

Lowrie from John Lilley, Galena, Richardson Co., N.T. Febr. 13, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 7, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Febr. 6, 1865.

Lowrie from J.R. Ramsey, Falls City. Jan. 21, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Jan. 18, 1865.

[Lowrie] from Burtt, Omaha Mission. Jan. 11, 1865.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue, Oct. 10, 1864. [Winnebagoes at Omaha reserve]

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Sept. 24, 1864.

Lowrie from Joseph LaFlesche, Omaha Agency. June 17, 1863.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Bellevue. Oct. 31, 1862.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. Oct. 22, 1862.

Rev. S.M. Irvin from D.A. Murdock, Oto Mission. Aug. 6, 1861.

Lowrie from D.A. Murdock, Oto Mission. July 14, 1861. [Prospective trouble with Otoes stirred up by rebels; vigilantes organized.]

Lowrie from S. Orlando Lee, Omaha Mission. May 17, 1860.

Lowrie from A.S. Thorne, Oto Mission. Febr. 18, 1860.

Lowrie from D.A. Murdock, Balvue (sic). Febr. 8, 1860.

Lowrie from A.S. Thorne, Oto Mission. Febr. 2, 1860.

Lowrie from A.S. Thorne, Oto Mission. Jan. 18, 1860.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. July 26, 1866.

Lowrie from Isaac Black, Omaha Agency. Oct. 15, 1866.

From Burtt, Salem, New Jersey. Sept. 20, 1866.

Lowrie from S. Orlando Lee, Omaha Mission. Febr. 7, 1867.

Lowrie from Robert W. Furnas, Omaha Agency. July 29, 1866. [LaFlesche and chieftainship of Omahas.]

Lowrie from Burtt, Salem, New Jersey. July 12, 1866.

Lowrie from Burtt, Omaha Mission. May 1, 1866.

Lowrie from Burtt, Omaha Mission. April 16, 1866.

List of tribes with statistics on pupils, teachers, etc. n.d.

Draft of Otoe-Omaha Mission Boarding School. n.d.

Omaha Mission Act with Tottle and Jackson. 1858.

Lowrie from Charles Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. Sept. 13, 1858.

Lowrie from Charles Sturgis, Blackbird Hills. July, 1858.

Presbyterian Church of Bellevue, acc’t Charles Childs. 1857.

Lowrie from Hamilton, Omaha Mission. May 16, 1855.

Omaha Mission acc’t with Charles Sturgis. 1857.

Series 2 – Homer W. Partch correspondence, 1880-1883

Reel 1

1880-1883 Homer W. Partch

Series 3 – Omaha Mission School correspondence, 1865-1868

1865-1868 Omaha Mission School

Series 4 – John T. Copley correspondence, 1886-1887

1886-1887 John T. Copley

Series 5 – Margaret Copley Wade correspondence, 1883-1886

1883-1886 Margaret C. Wade

Subject headings:

Burtt, Robert Johnson, 1825-1906
Copley, John T., 1856-1938
DeRoin, Baptiste, 1845-1891
DeRoin, John, 1876-1961
Furnas, Robert W. (Robert Wilkinson), 1824-1905
Greenwood, Alfred Burton, 1811-1889
Hamilton, William, 1811-1891
Harvey, W.H.
Irish, Orsamus H., 1831-1883
Irvin, Samuel M., 1812-1887
LaFlesche, Joseph (Iron Eyes), 1822-1889
Lee, S. Orlando
Lowrie, Walter, 1784-1868
Makay, E.D.
Manypenny, George Washington, 1808-1893
McCauley, S., Rev.
McKinney, Edmund
Murdock, D.A.
Partch Homer W., 1834-1897
Rankin, William
Robertson, William Schenck, 1820-1881
Sturgis, Charles
Wade, Margaret Copley, 1855-1947

Bellevue, Nebraska
Indians of North America — Missions
Indians of North America — Languages
Iowa Indians
Missions — Nebraska
Omaha Indians
Omaha Mission Boarding School
Oto Indians
Presbyterian Church in Nebraska
Sac Indians
Sarpy County, Nebraska
Thurston County, Nebraska
U.S. Bureau of Indian Affairs

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Marker Monday: DeWitty – An African American Settlement in the Sandhills

How Eliza Grayson escaped Nebraska slavery

How Eliza Grayson escaped Nebraska slavery

Marker Monday: World War II Hero Charles Jackson French

Marker Monday: World War II Hero Charles Jackson French

About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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Latest Hall of Fame Inductee

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