RG2655.AM: United Presbyterian Church (Hickman, Neb.)
Records: 1878-1968
Hickman, Lancaster County, Neb.:
Size: 6 volumes on 1 reel of microfilm
The German Presbyterian Church of Hickman, Nebraska, was organized on August 27, 1878, with an initial membership of 35. Rev. John Berk was the first pastor. The following year, a frame church building was constructed in Hickman, to which an addition was made in 1889.
Physical improvements continued throughout the years, and the Hickman congregation observed their 40th anniversary on August 25, 1918. Successive anniversary observances were held throughout the years, culminating in the 75th anniversary celebration in 1953.
Beginning in 1948, a building fund was established for the construction of a new church building. This structure was subsequently constructed in 1960, and the first services were held in the new church in April of 1961. On August 27, 1961, on the occasion of the 83rd anniversary of the United Presbyterian Church of Hickman, the new building was formally dedicated.
This collection consists of one reel of microfilm containing six volumes of records of the United Presbyterian Church of Hickman, Nebraska. These records relate to church activities, 1898-1968, and include registers of members, pastors, baptisms, marriages, deaths, and minutes of session and congregational meetings.
Reel 1
Volume 1
- Minutes of Congregational meetings, 1898-1928
Volume 2
- Roll of Pastors, 1878-1935
- Roll of members, 1900-1940
- Suspended list
- Baptisms, 1900-1928
- Marriages, 1915-1934
- Deaths, 1930-1939
- Minutes of session meetings, 1900-1940
Volume 3
- Minutes of Congregational meetings, 1929-1941
Volume 4
- Roll of pastors
- Roll of officers, 1931-1959
- Roll of communicants, 1935-1958
- Roll of suspended members, 1936-1949
- Baptisms, 1934-1959
- Marriages, 1936-1957
- Deaths, 1935-1957
- Minutes of session meetings, 1941-1957
Volume 5
- Trustees records, 1921-1957
Volume 6
- Minutes of session and congregational meetings, 1957-1968
German Presbyterian Church (Hickman, Neb.)
Germans in Nebraska
Hickman (Neb.) — Churches
Lancaster County (Neb.) — Churches
United Presbyterian Church (Hickman, Neb.)
03-12-2007 Revised TMM/tmm