Veterans of Foreign Wars. Nebraska [RG1494.AM]


RG1494.AM:  Veterans of Foreign Wars. Nebraska

Records:  1927-1963
Size:  0.5 cu.ft.; 1 box


The VFW traces its roots back to 1899 when veterans of the Spanish-American War (1898) and the Philippine Insurrection (1899-1902) founded local organizations to secure rights and benefits for their service: Many arrived home wounded or sick. There was no medical care or veterans’ pension for them, and they were left to care for themselves.  In their misery, some of these veterans banded together and formed organizations with what would become known as the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States. After chapters were formed in Ohio, Colorado and Pennsylvania, the movement quickly gained momentum. By 1915, membership grew to 5,000; by 1936, membership was almost 200,000.


This collection consists of records of the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Nebraska Department.  The items date from 1927 to 1963 and include minutes of meetings, annual encampment programs and proceedings, and issues of The G.I. Club Monthly, published by The Military Order of the Cootie, the honor degree of the Veterans of Foreign Wars.  Also included are a few items relating to two local VFW posts in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Note:  See RG2042.AM for records relating to VFW Post No. 854, Fremont, Nebraska.  See the library for various publications relating to the VFW in Nebraska.


Box 1

  1. Minutes of meetings, 1927-1928
  2. Annual Encampment publications, 1927-1956, including:
    2nd Annual Review, June, 1927
    9th Annual Proceedings, 1929
    10th Annual Proceedings, 1930
    12th Annual Encampment, 1932
    14th Annual Encampment, 1934
    15th Annual Encampment, 1935
    Joint Encampment, Nebraska and Wyoming, 1940
    22nd Annual Encampment, 1942
    23rd Annual Encampment, 1943
    24th Annual Encampment, 1944
    26th Annual Encampment, 1946
    27th Annual Encampment, 1947
    29th Annual Encampment, 1949
    31st Annual Encampment, 1951
    32nd Annual Encampment, 1952
    33rd Annual Encampment, 1953
    34th Annual Encampment, 1954
    35th Annual Encampment, 1955
    36th Annual Encampment, 1956
  3. Annual Encampment publications, 1957-1963, including:
    37th Annual Encampment, 1957
    38th Annual Encampment, 1958
    39th Annual Encampment, 1959
    40th Annual Encampment, 1960
    41st Annual Encampment, 1961
    42nd Annual Encampment, 1962
    43rd Annual Encampment, 1963
  4. The G.I. Club Monthly, 1945-1946
  5. Misc. local posts, including:
    Charles A. Fraley Post No. 1450, Lincoln, 8th Annual Souvenir Book, 1934
    Sgt. Richard L. Harris Post No. 131, Lincoln, Year book, 1939-1940
    Sgt. Richard L. Harris Post No. 131, Lincoln, Monthly News, August 1938

Subject headings:

Veterans — Nebraska
Veterans of Foreign Wars. Charles A. Fraley Post No. 1450, Lincoln, Nebraska
Veterans of Foreign Wars. Sgt. Richard L. Harris Post No. 131, Lincoln, Nebraska
Veterans of Foreign Wars. Nebraska Department

APD                     05-29-1987
Revised TMM      08-06-2018

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