Walter R. Raecke, 1895-1960 [RG3109.AM]


RG3109.AM: Walter R. Raecke, 1895-1960

Papers: 1941-1952
Central City, Merrick County, Neb.: Lawyer; State Legislator
Size: 5.5 cu.ft.; 11 boxes


Born at Grand Island, Nebraska in 1895, Walter R. Raecke grew up in the Central City, Nebraska area. In 1917 he received his law degree from the University of Nebraska, after which he was an infantry officer during World War I. From 1919 to 1933 he served as city attorney of Central City, Nebraska. From 1919 to 1935 Raecke also served as Merrill County Attorney. Raecke served on the Central City board of education for 12 years and was president of the board for 11 years. Raecke served four consecutive terms in the Nebraska Legislature, from 1941-1949, during which time he was the speaker (1947), twice chairman for the revenue and tax committee, chairman of the special committee on public power, and chairman of the Legislative Council. He was the Democratic candidate for governor in 1950 and 1952. Mr. Raecke was a member of the Nebraska and American Bar Associations.

Walter Raecke, a 33rd Degree Mason, was very active in the Masonic orders. He served as grand master of the Grand Lodge of Nebraska in 1938-1939 and of the Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of Nebraska in 1945-1946. Raecke was a grand patron of the Order of the Eastern Star in 1952 and held the Red Cross of Constantine. He also belonged to the Shrine and the Knights of Pythias. Raecke was a church elder in the First Presbyterian Church of Central City. He served as vice moderator of the Synod of Nebraska and as trustee of the synod and of the Platte Presbytery.

Raecke was a trustee of the University of Nebraska Foundation, a member of Phi Delta Phi and Phi Alpha Tau fraternities, and a recipient of the Order of the Coif. He was a member of the American Legion and served as 6th District commander and state judge advocate of the Legion. He also served as the board chairman of the district Federal Home Loan Bank.

Walter R. Raecke died of a heart problem on April 9, 1960. He was buried at the Central City cemetery. Survivors included his wife, Orral; sons, Richard and William; and daughter, Mrs. Donald Prince.

Note: Biographical information is from Raecke’s obituary which appeared in the Lincoln Evening Journal and Nebraska State Journal, April 11, 1960, p. 2.


This collection consists of eleven boxes of material arranged in six series: 1) Correspondence, 1941; 2) Correspondence, 1943; 3) Correspondence, 1945; 4) Correspondence, 1946-1947; 5) Correspondence (alphabetical), 1946-1949; and 6) Miscellany. The bulk of this material consists of letters from colleagues and constituents urging Senator Raecke’s support or opposition to particular legislation and his replies to these letters. The correspondence in Series 1-4 is arranged by Legislative Bill number. Series 5 is arranged alphabetically by name of correspondent. The miscellany of Series 6 consists of television and radio addresses as well as biographical information and Raecke’s personal record of bills introduced, readings, votes, etc.

Correspondents represented in the collection include: James S. Allen, 1941; C.S. Boucher, 1943; Dwight Burney, 1948; Robert B. Crosby, 1948; R.O. Canaday, 1943, 1945; Rt. Rev. Msgr. E.J. Flanagan, 1945; Virgil Falloon, 1945; Dwight P. Griswold, 1945; Guy N. Heninger, 1948; Ray C. Johnson, 1941, 1943, 1944 and 1948; Earl J. Lee, 1948; Wade R. Martin, 1941; Clifford N. Ogden, 1949; C. Petrus Peterson, 1948; James S. Pittenger, 1948; Hugo F. Srb, 1941, 1947-1949; Karl Stefan, 1941 and 1949; Fred Seaton, 1946 and 1948.


Series 1 – Correspondence, 1941

Box 1

  1. LB 1-20
  2. LB 21-40 except 37
  3. LB 37: County Library Amendment
  4. LB 41-60
  5. LB 61-70
  6. LB 71-80
  7. LB 81-100
  8. LB 101-110
  9. LB 121-130
  10. LB 131-140
  11. LB 141-160
  12. LB 161-180
  13. LB 181-200
  14. LB 201-220
  15. LB 221-240
  16. LB 241-253
  17. LB 254: City of Grand Island Claim
  18. LB 255-270

Box 2

  1. LB 271-300
  2. LB 308: Residence of Indigent Person
  3. LB 309-320
  4. LB 321-350
  5. LB 351-370
  6. LB 371-390
  7. LB 379: Teachers’ Retirement
  8. LB 391: Cosmetology
  9. LB 396: Motor Vehicles-Penalty
  10. LB 381-400
  11. LB 402: Oil Severance Tax
  12. LB 403-420
  13. LB 421-450
  14. LB 451-469 Except 460
  15. LB 460: Pump Irrigation

Box 3

  1. LB 470-497
  2. LB 498
  3. LB 507: Congressional Redistricting
  4. LB 513: Osteopath Bill
  5. Appropriations Committee

Series 2 – Correspondence, 1943

Box 4

  1. LB 1-13
  2. LB 14-20
  3. LB 21-37
  4. LB 38
  5. LB 39-50
  6. LB 51-60
  7. LB 61-80
  8. LB 81-100
  9. LB 101-109
  10. LB 110 and 111
  11. LB 124: Osteopathy
  12. LB 125-129
  13. LB 130-135
  14. LB 137: Aviation Gas Tax
  15. LB 138-142
  16. LB 143-152

Box 5

  1. LB 153: City Budget Law
  2. LB 154-199
  3. LB 200-205
  4. LB 206: Hall County Tax Foreclosure
  5. LB 207-220
  6. LB 221-229
  7. LB 230-245
  8. LB 246-252
  9. LB 254-273
  10. LB 274-280
  11. LB 281-300

Box 6

  1. LB 301-320
  2. LB 321-334
  3. LB 335
  4. LB 336-365
  5. LB 366
  6. LB 367-380
  7. LB 381-403
  8. LB 404
  9. LB 405-419
  10. LB 420
  11. LB 421-437
  12. LB 440: Claims Bill
  13. Resolutions

Series 3 – Correspondence, 1945

Box 7

  1. LB 1-13
  2. LB 20-28
  3. LB 29
  4. LB 30-32
  5. LB 33
  6. LB 34-42
  7. LB 43-45
  8. LB 46-60
  9. LB 61-70
  10. LB 71-89
  11. LB 90-96
  12. LB 98-100
  13. LB 101-119
  14. LB 97 and 102
  15. State Fund Relief: 9 & 115
  16. LB 120
  17. LB 121-130
  18. LB 131-140
  19. LB 141-160
  20. LB 161-180
  21. LB 181-200
  22. LB 201-210
  23. LB 211-220
  24. LB 221-240
  25. LB 241-250

Box 8

  1. LB 251-260
  2. LB 261-270
  3. LB 271-280
  4. LB 281-290
  5. LB 291-292
  6. LB 293-310
  7. LB 311-330
  8. LB 331-340
  9. LB 341-350
  10. LB 351-369
  11. LB 370-?
  12. Legislature 1945 – Proposed Legislation
  13. LB Special Session 1944
  14. Raecke 336-

Series 4 – Correspondence, 1946-1947

Box 9

  1. LB 1-10
  2. LB 11-50: Fuel
  3. LB 51-60: Inclusive
  4. LB 61-86
  5. LB 87-90
  6. LB 91-100
  7. LB 101-120
  8. LB 121-150
  9. LB 151-190
  10. LB 191-236
  11. LB 237
  12. LB 238-256
  13. LB 257
  14. LB 258-288

Box 10

  1. LB 289-292
  2. LB 293-322
  3. LB 323
  4. LB 324-330
  5. LB 331-350
  6. LB 351-399
  7. LB 400-430
  8. LB 431-450
  9. LB 451-490
  10. LB 491-510
  11. LB 511-550
  12. LB 551-568

Series 5 – Correspondence, 1946-1949

Box 11

  1. A-B
  2. C-D
  3. E-J
  4. K-M
  5. N-S
  6. T-Z

Series 6 – Miscellany

  1. Radio and TV, Addresses, 1952
  2. Biographical information
  3. Notebook, 1943: Raecke’s personal record of bills introduced, readings, votes, etc.

Subject headings:

Boucher, Chauncey Samuel, 1886-1955
Burney, Dwight Willard, 1892-1987
Crosby, Robert Berkey, 1911-2000
Canaday, Ralph O., 1891-1970
Falloon, Virgil
Flanagan, Edward Joseph, 1886-1948
Griswold, Dwight Palmer, 1893-1954
Johnson, Ray Carl, 1893-
Lee, Earl Jackson, 1888-
Legislation — Nebraska
Legislature — Nebraska
Martin, Wade R., 1891-1972
Nebraska — Politics and government
Nebraska. Legislature, 1941-1949
Ogden, Clifford N., 1901-1967
Peterson, Carl Petrus, 1880-1965
Pittenger, James S.
Raecke, Walter R., 1895-1960
Seaton, Frederick Andrew, 1909-1974
Srb, Hugo Frank, 1900-1975
Stefan, Karl, 1884-1951

Revised 11-07-2007 TMM

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