RG3184.AM: Weeping Water Academy (Weeping Water, Nebraska)
Records: 1885-1910
Weeping Water, Cass County, Nebraska
Size: 1 reel of microfilm & 1 volume
Weeping Water Academy was established in 1885 as a Congregational Church School in Weeping Water, Cass County, Nebraska. The Rev. George Hindley was instrumental in founding the institution, and was its first principal. The first graduating class of six students graduated from the Academy in 1888. Between 1885 and 1914, when the Academy closed its doors, 218 students graduated from the institution, and some 1,500 others had taken some course of work.
This collection consists of the records of Weeping Water Academy arranged in two series on one reel of microfilm: 1) Catalogues, 1885-1910 and 2) Class Record Book, 1885-1910. These materials relate to the operation and activities of the Weeping Water Academy during the period 1885-1910 and include information regarding students, faculty, and curriculum. These records were loaned for microfilming by Doane College, Crete, Nebraska, in March 1969.
Also included in the collection is one manuscript entitled, “The Nebraska and Kansas Bill,” by Frederick Lincoln Kendall, a teacher at Weeping Water Academy. The manuscript is dated 1893.
Reel 1
Series 1 – Weeping Water Academy Catalogues, 1885-1910
Series 2 – Weeping Water Academy Class Record Book, 1885-1910
Volume – “The Nebraska and Kansas Bill,” 1893, by Frederick Lincoln Kendall
Subject headings:
Academies — Nebraska
Cass County (Nebraska) — History
Congregationalism in Nebraska
Education — Nebraska — Cass County
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Kansas-Nebraska bill
Kendall, Frederick Lincoln, 1861-1922
Weeping Water Academy (Weeping Water, Nebraska)
Weeping Water (Nebraska) — History
JEP/cr 06-19-1969
Revised TMM 10-17-2019