RG1075.AM: Wesley Foundation, Nebraska University
Records: 1924-1971
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska
Size: 4.25 cu.ft.; 5 boxes
In an effort to care for the religious life of the University of Nebraska students, a cooperative plan was developed whereby different denominational groups could appoint a representative to work on campus. The ministry to the Methodist students began on the University campus in 1913 when the first student pastor, Reverend Evans A. Worthley, was appointed.
In May 1922, the area Methodist Bishop, Homer C. Stentz and the University pastor committee formally organized and incorporated the Wesley Foundation of Nebraska under the laws of Nebraska with a board of trustees. The objective of the Foundation was the promotion of a vital religious life and programs among the Methodist students and professors at the University.
In 1923, a plan contemplating a proposed series of buildings composing the Wesley Foundation was initiated; however, only the first unit, a parsonage, was completed in June 1924. This unit served not only as a residence for the director but also as a Methodist student focal point since funds were not available for a student center. In 1940 the parsonage became the social and religious center of the Methodist student body when an off-campus residence was acquired for the director.
With the program growing, with several new church groups created and an increasing student body, the Wesley Foundation needed more building facilities. Thus in 1958, the Nebraska Annual Conference authorized capital expansion funds for a new Student Center was dedicated at its new location of 640 N. 16th Street.
This collection consists of five boxes of manuscript material arranged in seven series: (1) Minister-Director Correspondence, 1961-1971; (2) Board of Trustee Files, 1958-1971; (3) Topical Files, 1959-1970; (4) Financial Records, 1924-1967; (5) Sermons and Speeches, 1963 and 1967; (6) Printed Matter, 1962-1969; and (7) Miscellany.
The collection relates to the activities of the Wesley Foundation at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln and the bulk of the material consists of the Minister-Director correspondence, 1961-1971. Included in the Board of Trustee files are reports, budget proposals, minutes, and correspondence. These records indicate the policy-making responsibilities of the Board. The topical files contain data relating to various organizations, conferences, seminars, meetings, etc. Included among these files are preparatory data, programs, correspondence, reports, etc. There is a small amount of financial data which primarily reflects the early building activities of the Foundation.
Series 1 – Minister-Director correspondence, 1961-1971
Box 1
- 1961, June-Aug.
- 1961, Sept.-Dec.
- 1962, Jan.-Feb.
- 1962, Mar- May
- 1962, Jul-Dec
- 1963, January
- 1963, February
- 1963, March
- 1963, April
- 1963, May
- 1963, June
- 1963, July
- 1963, August
- 1963, September
- 1963, October
- 1963, November
- 1963, December
- 1964, January
- 1964, February
- 1964, March
- 1964, April
- 1964, May
- 1964, June
- 1964, July
- 1964, August
- 1964, October
- 1964, November
- 1964, December
- 1965, January
- 1965, February
- 1965, March
- 1965, April
Box 2
- 1965, May
- 1965, June
- 1965, July
- 1965, September
- 1965, October
- 1965, November
- 1965, December
- 1966, January
- 1966, February
- 1966, March
- 1966, April
- 1966, May-Aug
- 1966, September
- 1966, October
- 1966, November
- 1966, December
- 1967, January
- 1967, February
- 1967, March
- 1967, April
- 1967, May
- 1967, June
- 1967, July
- 1967, August
- 1967, September
- 1967, October
- 1967, November
- 1967, December
- 1968, January
Box 3
- 1968, February
- 1968, March
- 1968, April
- 1968, May
- 1968, Jun-Aug
- 1968, September
- 1968, October
- 1968, November
- 1968, December
- 1969, January
- 1969, February
- 1969, March
- 1969, April
- 1969, May
- 1969, June
- 1969, July-August
- 1969, September
- 1969, October
- 1969, November
- 1969, December
- 1970, January
- 1970, February
- 1970, March
- 1970, April
- 1970, May
- 1970, June
- 1970, July
- 1970, August- September
- 1970, October
- 1970, November
- 1970, December
- 1971, January
- 1971, February
- 1971, March
Series 2 – Board of Trustee files, 1958-1971
- 1958-1961
- 1962
- 1963
- 1964
- 1965
- 1966
- 1967
- 1968
- 1969
- 1970
- 1971
Series 3 – Topical files, 1959-1970
Box 4
- Association of College & University Ministers of the Methodist Church Seminar November 29- December 2, 1965
- Association of College & University Ministers of the Methodist Church-minutes 1965-1967
- Association for the Coordination of University Religious Affairs, 1967-1970
- Association of Wesley Foundation, Nashville Tenn. November 24-30, 1962
- Bishop’s Conference on Campus Ministry, January 31, 1967
- Campus Ministry Colloquy, May 26-29, 1966
- Church & Community Workshop Emory N., Atlanta Ga., 1961
- Commission on College & University Religious Life, 1966-1968
- Conference for Wesley Foundation, Foundation Board of Directors May 17-18, 1963
- Consultation on Campus Ministry, Lincoln, NE, October 23, 1963
- Consultation on Campus Ministry, Lincoln, NE, October 23-24, 1967
- Consultation Committee of Local Campus Staff, Williams Bay, Wisconsin June 12-14, 1963
- Dedication of the United Methodist Chapel and Student Center at the University of Nebraska, May 12, 1968
- 19th Ecumenical Student Conference on the Christian World Mission, Athens, Ohio, December 27, 1963- January 2, 1964
- Geneva District Ministers Prayer Retreat, Fairbury, NE, March 7-8, 1960
- Great Plains Regional Leadership Training Conference, Arlington, S.D. August 1962
- Great Plains Regional Leadership Training Conference, Arlington, S.D. August 24-31, 1963
- Great Plains Regional Study & Mission Conference, Arlington, S.D. August 29- September 5, 1969
- Great Plains Regional Study & Mission Conference, Arlington, S.D. August 27- September 3, 1966
- Kappa Phi Club, 1962-1967
- Job Description: Minister-Director Lay Associate, Choir Director
- Methodist Pastor’s School, Lincoln, NE. October 12-15, 1959
- Mid-Day Lenten Services 1962-1964
- Minister’s Seminar, Spring 1968
- 25th Ministers’ Week, Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas, Feb 1-4, 1960
- 31st Ministers’ Week, Southern Methodist Univ. Dallas, Texas, Feb 7-10, 1966
- National Campus Ministry Assoc. Athens Ga., June 20-24, 1966
- 8th National Convention of Methodist Youth, Purdue Univ. West Lafeyette, Indiana, July 27-31, 1964
- National Council of the Methodist Students Movement, Loyola Univ., Chicago, Illinois, June 11-18 1967
- Nebraska Conference, Pastor’s School, Lincoln NE, September 24-27, 1962
- Nebraska Methodist Student Movement, 1962-1967
- Nebraska Methodist Youth Fellowship (Fall Conference), Oct. 25-27, 1967
- North American Faculty-Staff Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 24-July 4, 1963
- 8th Quadrennial Conference of the National Methodist Student Movements, Lincoln, NE, December 24, 1964- January 2, 1965
- Regional Conference of the Methodist Student Movement, Iowa City, Iowa August 26-31, 1967
- School of Christian Mission Nebraska Wesleyan Univ., Lincoln, NE, August 17-21, 1964
- Sigma Theta Epsilon, 1964
Series 4 – Financial records, 1924-1967
Box 5
- Wesley Foundation: Building Funds, 1924-1929
- Wesley Foundation: Mortgage and Interval Coupons, 1925-1929
- Wesley Foundation: Budgets, Etc., 1963-1969
Series 5 – Sermons and speeches, 1963, 1967
- Sermons and Speeches, 1963 and 1967 (some undated)
Series 6 – Printed matter, 1962-1969
- Miscellaneous bulletins, programs, manuals, directions, etc.
- Directions, 1962-1969
Series 7 – Miscellany
- Biographical data on Duane Hutchinson, 1929-
Subject headings:
Methodist Church in Nebraska
Nebraska. University, Wesley Foundation
Religion on campus
United Methodist Church. Nebraska
Revised TMM 12-22-2006