William I. Aitken, 1896-1978 [RG3714.AM]


RG3714.AM: William I. Aitken, 1896-1978

Papers: 1932-1978, mostly 1932-1969
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska: Lawyer, civic leader
Size: 0.25 cu. ft., 1 box


Born in Lincoln, Nebraska in 1896, William I. Aitken attended the University of Nebraska and Harvard Law School, where he received his law degree in 1921. After returning to Lincoln, Aitken started the law firm of Woods and Aitken with co-founder Thomas C. Woods, Sr. In 1974, the Lincoln Bar Association honored him for his more than 50 years of practice. Aitken held many positions throughout his career including director, vice president, and general counsel of Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Co., director of Woodmen Accident and Life Co., University of Nebraska Foundation trustee, director and vice president of the Lincoln Foundation, and director of the National Bank of Commerce Trust and Savings. He was also the director and president of the University Club and the Country Club of Lincoln, served as a director of the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, and was a member and vice president of the Water Advisory Board. William I. Aitken died in Lincoln on July 4, 1978. He was survived by his wife and three children.


The collection consists mostly of testimonials written by William I. Aitken upon the retirement or death of various community leaders, business leaders, and political figures around Lincoln, Nebraska. Some of the people represented include University of Nebraska Chancellor, Samuel Avery, District Court Judge, James Donohoe, Supreme Court Judge, Leonard Flansburg, and Mayor of Lincoln, Clark Jeary. Also included in the collection are an address by Aitken on Social Security legislation, and a folder of photocopied obituaries for Aitken.


Box 1

  1. Allen, Thomas Stinson (1865-1945), memorial booklet
  2. Avery, Samuel (1865-1936), memorial resolution
  3. Bates, Harry Cole (1891-1948), memorial resolution
  4. Bourke, Leonard K. (1898-1946), memorial booklet
  5. Donohoe, James A. (1877-1956), memorial booklet
  6. Everett, Harry Harding (1875-1949), memorial booklet
  7. Ferguson, Myrtle Likes, tribute, 1968
  8. Flansburg, Leonard A. (1882-1957), memorial booklet, etc.
  9. Hale, Merle M. (1902- ), tribute
  10. Hansen, Elmer M. (1893- ), memorial resolution
  11. Holmes, George W. (1880-1965), memorial resolution
  12. Jeary, Clark (1892-1959), memorial resolution
  13. Munger, Thomas C. (1861-1941), memorial resolution
  14. Potter, Herbert W. (1889- ), tribute, 1967
  15. Putney, William W. (1893-1969), memorial resolution
  16. Rose, Halleck Fruit (1863-1932), memorial booklet
  17. Rose, William B. (1862-1946), memorial booklet
  18. Spangler, C.E. (1871-1943), memorial booklet
  19. Steinhart, Morton (1889- ), tribute, 1967
  20. Talbot, A.R. (1859-1944), memorial booklet
  21. Ward, C. Lauer (1910-1958), memorial resolution
  22. Wheeler, Hiland H. (1889-1952), memorial resolution
  23. Woods, Henry C. (1895- ), tribute, 1967
  24. Address, “Some Aspects of Social Security Legislation,” 1937
  25. Obituaries for William I. Aitken

Subject headings:

Lincoln, Neb. Social Life and Customs
Allen, Thomas Stinson, 1865-1945
Avery, Samuel, 1865-1936
Bates, Harry Cole, 1891-1948
Bourke, Leonard K., 1898-1946
Donohoe, James A., 1877-1956
Everett, Harry Harding, 1875-1949
Ferguson, Myrtle Likes
Flansburg, Leonard A., 1882-1957
Hale, Merle M., 1902-
Hansen, Elmer M., 1893-
Holmes, George W., 1880-1965
Jeary, Clark, 1892-1959
Munger, Thomas C., 1861-1941
Potter, Herbert W., 1889-
Putney, William W., 1893-1969
Rose, Halleck Fruit, 1863-1932
Rose, William B., 1862-1946
Spangler, C.E., 1871-1943
Steinhart, Morton, 1889-
Talbot, A.R., 1859-1944
Ward, C. Lauer, 1910-1958
Wheeler, Hiland H., 1889-1952
Woods, Henry C., 1895-

03-07-2006 TMM/tmm

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