RG5100.AM: World War II Reminiscence Collection
Reminiscences: ca. 1942-1945
Nebraska, etc.:
Size: 9 items
This collection consists of typed and handwritten reminiscences recorded by various Nebraskans. These reminiscences describe life over seas and back in Nebraska during World War II.
- Bachle, Chester P. – describes his experiences during WWII, his wounding in the Philippines, and his return to Nebraska (4 pp. typed).
- Johnson, Mary L. (Barbur) – describes happenings in Geneva, Nebraska during WWII (11 pp. photocopies only). Also included is a photograph of Mrs. Johnson holding a dress she wore as the air base church organist, and a four page newsletter entitled, “Remembering with Pride – 1996 Fairmont & Bruning Air Base Reunion, June 15-16, 1996.”
- Vestecka, Robert G. – describes some of his adventures in the U.S. Navy during WWII, including boot camp, ordnance training, sea travel, and his return to life in Nebraska (8 pp. typed).
- Mercer, Marian E. (Macdonald) – describes her education and service at a California hospital as a WAVE in the U.S. Navy Reserves during WWII (3 pp. handwritten).
- Kraft, Earl E. – mentions celebrating VE Day in downtown Lincoln. Served in the Army after WWII and was stationed in Germany (1 pg. typed).
- Clark, Alice L. – describes working as a registered nurse in California during WWII. She describes “blackout” plans at the hospital where she worked (2 pp. typed).
- Garey, Gary – describes life around Arapahoe, Nebraska during WWII. He talks about having a Victory garden, collecting scrap iron, his uncle working at the Ordnance Plant at Grand Island, etc. He also discusses rationing, and popular entertainment at the time (5 pp. handwritten).
- Garey, Rose Metz – describes life around McCook, Nebraska during WWII. She talks about airplanes leaving the McCook Air Base and the blackout curtains at the home of her aunt (1 pg. handwritten).
- 1996 Fairmont & Bruning Air Base Reunion newsletter – includes historical information about the bases, as well as reminiscences by several people who served there during WWII.
KFK 01-19-1999
Revised TMM 05-15-2009