Business Records

The Nebraska State Historical Society Archives holds the records of some Nebraska businesses and corporations.  The collections range from a single hotel register to large sets of records of banks, mills and ranches.  For more information about any of the collections listed below, please contact our Reference Services department.




A.H. Dyer Co. (Fremont, Neb.) [RG4050]

A. J. Thompson and Company (Bancroft, Neb.) [RG3482]

A.T. Yost Grocery (North Platte, Neb.) [RG4148] (PDF)

Abie Milling Company (Abie, Neb.) [RG4200]

Advertising Ephemera [RG1600]

Albion Live Stock Shipping Association (Albion, Neb.) [RG2012] (PDF)

American Bank (Beatrice, Neb.) [RG3417] (PDF)

American Fur Company [RG4235].pdf

American Potash Company (Antioch, Nebraska) [RG1371]

American Savings and Loan Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5686]

 Arcade Hotel (Valparaiso, Neb.) [RG3798].pdf

Arcade Hotel (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3870]

Archer Central Grain Company (Archer, Neb.) [RG2679]

Arrow Aircraft and Motor Corporation (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3009]

Ashland General Store (Ashland, Neb.) [RG3806].pdf

Associated Mutual Insurance Company [RG3481]


Bailor Cultivator Company (Atchison, Kansas) [RG3028]

Bank of Bellwood (Bellwood, Neb.) [RG4541]

Bank of Commerce (Grand Island, Neb.) [RG4220]

Barker Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3295]

Bates, Al – KFAB Radio (Omaha, Neb.) [RG4006].pdf

Beatrice Creamery Company (Chicago, Ill.; Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3496]

Beatrice Electric Company (Beatrice, Neb.) [RG4565]

Beatrice Light, Gas and Coke Company (Beatrice, Neb.) [RG4566]

Beatrice Starch Manufacturing Company (Beatrice. Neb.) [RG4568].pdf

Bedrock Oil and Gas Company (Omaha and Kimball, Neb.) [RG0875]

Bellevue Land Claim Association (Bellevue, Neb.) [RG1542]

Bench “E” Cattle Company (Chadron, Neb.) [RG0709]

Benson Studio (Sterling, Neb.) [RG5385]

Bischof Hardware Company (Nebraska City, Neb.) [RG3149]

Black’s Ranch (Blaine and Brown Counties, Neb.) [RG5648].pdf

Blakley, Reynolds and Townsend (Beatrice, Neb.) [RG3192]

Brenner and Nelson Garage (Randolph, Neb.) [RG0783]

Brownville Creamery Company (Brownville, Neb.) [RG0816]

Brownville, Ft. Kearney and Pacific Railroad Company (Brownville, Neb.) [RG0817]

Burlington and Missouri River Railroad. Land Department (Nebraska) [RG3508].pdf

Burlington and Missouri River Railroad. Railroad Structures (Nebraska) [RG4064]


C. F. Eckhart (Dakota City, Neb.) [RG3853]

Cain and House Company (Falls City, Neb.) [RG4214]

Capitol Beach Amusement Park (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG0843]

Carter Telephone Company (Harlan County, Neb.) [RG2773]

Carter White Lead Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG4098]

Catlin and Jewell Farm (Nemaha County, Neb.) [RG0879]

Central Overland California and Pike’s Peak Express Company (Atchison, Kansas) [RG0880]

Chase Publishing Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5952].pdf

Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad [RG0889]

Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad – Lines West [RG3913]

Chicago, Kansas and Nebraska Railroad [RG5590]

Citizens Bank of South Sioux City (South Sioux City, Neb.) [RG5633]

Cliff’s Notes (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5887].pdf

Coad Brothers (Neb.) [RG0891]

Columbus Motor Railway Company (Columbus, Neb.) [RG0893]

Commercial Hotel (Kenesaw, Neb.) [RG3214]

Cone Grain Company (Wahoo, Neb.) [RG0895]

Connecticut Fire Insurance Company (Red Cloud, Neb.) [RG3993]

Continental National Bank (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5777]

Cook, Sargent and Parker (Florence, Neb.) [RG4398].pdf

Cornhusker Ordnance Plant (Grand Island, Neb.) [RG0825]

Cotner Terrace Restaurant (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5771]

County Files Collection [RG6261]

Crawford Co-operative Company (Crawford, Neb.) [RG4221]

Crete Mills (Crete, Neb.) [RG3596].pdf

Cropsey, Bain & Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG0922]

Crowell Lumber and Grain Company (Blair, Neb.) [RG0923]

Cudahy Packing Company (South Omaha, Neb.) [RG1605]

Cushman Motors Incorporated (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3795]


D.P. Rolfe & Co. (Nebraska City, Neb.) [RG5561]

Daily Herald (Omaha, Neb.) [RG0928]

Davis, Fenton, Stange and Darling (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3748]


Evening Star (Ship) [RG0980]

Exchange Hotel (Ashland, Neb.) [RG3874]


Fairmont Foods Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG4218]

Falls City Canning Company (Falls City, Neb.) [RG4213]

Farm Crops Processing Corporation (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG0984]

Farmers and Hallam Telephone Exchange (Hallam, Neb.) [RG0985]

Farmer’s and Merchant’s Bank (Humboldt, Neb.) [RG3636].pdf

Farmers and Merchants Bank (McCook, Neb.) [RG3020]

Farmers’ Co-operative Grain and Supply Company (Minden, Neb.) [RG3953]

Farmers Grain & Supply Co. (St. Paul, Neb.) [RG5462]

Farmers Insurance Company (Red Cloud, Neb.) [RG3992]

Farmers Lumber Company (Cook, Neb.) [RG4315]

Farmers State Bank (Boelus, Neb.) [RG1523]

Farmers State Bank (Emerson, Neb.) [RG2944].pdf

Farmers State Bank (Gandy and Stapleton, Neb.) [RG4372]

Farmers State Bank (Panama, Neb.) [RG0990]

Fidelity Trust Company (Fremont, Neb.) [RG5685]

First Bank of Nickerson (Nickerson, Neb.) [RG5630]

First National Bank (Blue Hill, Neb.) [RG4187].pdf

First National Bank of Chadron (Chadron, Neb.) [RG4159].pdf

First National Bank (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG0997]

Florence Ferry Company (Florence, N.T.) [RG5592]

Fort Robinson and Pine Ridge Stage Line (Neb.) [RG1990].pdf

Fox and Glover’s Store (Louisville, Neb.) [RG3057]

Frank, Bailey & Farmer, Architects (Kearney, Neb.) [RG5248]


General Tobacco and Candy Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6051].pdf

German Old People’s Home, Inc. (Omaha, Neb.) [RG0858]

Gilchrest, Hanna and Company (South Omaha, Neb.) [RG3000].pdf

Gillen & Boney (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG6250]

Glenn L. Martin Company (Fort Crook, Neb.) [RG3817]

Goehner Brothers General Store (Seward, Neb.) [RG3305]

Gold & Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2018]

Gooch Milling Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4611]

Graham Ice Cream Company (Norfolk, Neb.) [RG5800]

Grand Central Hotel (Plum Creek and Lexington, Neb.) [RG3971]

Great Western Telegraph Company (Chicago, Ill.) [RG1040]


H.E. Palmer, Son and Company; Foster-Barker Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3867]

H. Gund & Co. (Campbell, Neb.) [RG4442]

H.H. Parkhurst Lumber Company (Ashland, Neb.) [RG3538]

H.H. Weller Merchantile Company (Staplehurst, Neb.) [RG4530]

H.J. Amen & Co. (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3425]

H.P. Lau and Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3752]

H. Thiessen Pickle Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5508]

Hall Brothers – Norfolk Postcard Company (Norfolk, Neb.) [RG4903]

Hammond Brothers and Stephens Company (Fremont, Neb.) [RG3711]

Harrison Nursery Company (York, Neb.) [RG1175]

Hayhurst and Gallaway Hardware Company (Loup City, Neb.) [RG1011]

Hazlett and Jack (Beatrice, Neb.) [RG3734]

Hebron Telephone Company (Thayer County, Neb.) [RG4540]

Herndon House (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3034]

Hibberd Brick Company (Kearney, Neb.) [RG1986]

Historical Windmill Trade Literature Collection [RG5033].pdf

Hobson Funeral Home (Weeping Water, Neb.) [RG6080]

Holdrege Memorial Home, Inc. (Holdrege, Neb.) [RG1029]

Hoover and Schmidt Dry Goods Store (Louisville, Neb.) [RG2706]

Hopkins and Stevens (Cortland, Neb.) [RG1095]


Independent Lumber and Coal Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1104]


Johnson Hardware Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG6279]


Kearney Opera House (Kearney, Neb.) [RG5637]

Kearney Power Plant (Kearney, Neb.) [RG5638]

Kepner Funeral Home (Osceola, Neb.) [RG4888]

KFMQ Radio (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4094]

Kilpatrick Brothers (Beatrice, Neb.) [RG3724]

Kit Carter Cattle Company (Hitchcock County, Neb.) [RG4067]

KMTV-TV (Omaha, Neb.) [RG4628].pdf

KN Energy (Lakewood, Colo.) [RG0982]

Kregel Windmill Company (Nebraska City, Neb.) [RG1626]

Kuska, Val (Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company) [RG1431]


L.J. Wolf Co. (Berlin, Neb.) [RG1597]

L.M. Downs Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4234].pdf

Lakota Cattle Company (Neb.) [RG1148]

Lexington Improvement Company (Lexington, Neb.) [RG3969]

Lincoln Aircraft Company, Inc. (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1163]

Lincoln Airplane and Flying School (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1475]

Lincoln Airplane School (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4172]

Lincoln Art Glass Works (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4033].pdf

Lincoln Electric Railway Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4123]

Lincoln Gas Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1164]

Lincoln Land Company (Neb., Colo., Kan., S.D., Wyo.) [RG3648]

Lincoln Live Stock & Land Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5698]

Lincoln Primary Flying School (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1610]

Lincoln Stock Yards (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1179]

Lincoln Telephone and Telegraph Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG0968]

Lincoln Traction Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG2157]

Linoma Realty Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5452]

Lockwood Hotel (Syracuse, Neb.) [RG3975]

Long Pine House (Long Pine, Neb.) [RG1191]

Luhrs and Reynolds (Imperial, Neb.) [RG3785]

Lyric Theatre (Tekamah, Neb.) [RG5625]

Lytle General Store (Ashland, Neb.) [RG3538]


M.H. Lumber Co. (Avoca, Neb.) [RG1612]

M.H. Tilton Furniture Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3652]

Matheson Implement Company (Pilger, Neb.) [RG3536]

Mauck Studio Collection [RG5705].pdf

Metropolitan Hotel (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4386]

Milldale Ranch Company (Council Bluffs, Iowa, and Neb.) [RG2760]

Miller and Paine (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1630]

Missouri Pacific Railway Company of Nebraska (Neb.) [RG5610]

Molzer Violin School (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5097]


National Crane Corporation (Waverly, Neb.) [RG5516]

Nebraska Central Building and Loan Association (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1771]

Nebraska Colonization Company (Dodge County, Nebraska Territory) [RG4369]

Nebraska Culvert and Manufacturing Company (Wahoo, Neb.) [RG1256]

Nebraska Farmer (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG0721]

Nebraska Implement & Forwarding Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5886].pdf

Nebraska Light and Power Company (McCook, Neb.) [RG1992]

Nebraska Orthopedic Hospital (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5848]

Nebraska Radio Collection [RG3006]

Nebraska Stock Yards Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3988]

Neligh Mills (Neligh, Neb.) [RG3551]

New York Underwriters Agency (Red Cloud, Neb.) [RG3994].pdf

Nichols Hardware Store (Albion, Neb.) [RG4184]

Niobrara River Power Project (Valentine, Neb.) [RG0824]

Niobrara Tribune, The (Niobrara, Neb.) [RG3978]

Norfolk Feed Mills Company (Norfolk, Neb.) [RG3745]

Norris Lyddon Produce Company (Fremont, Neb.) [RG5629]

Northwestern Fur Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5239]

Northwestern School of Taxidermy (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5451]

Noxall Manufacturing Company (Seward, Neb.) [RG5438]


O.A. Cooper Company (Humboldt, Neb.) [RG4106]

Occidental Building and Loan Association (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1277]

Occidental Hotel (Sutton, Neb.) [RG3664]

Old Reliable Abstract Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG4363]

Omaha and Council Bluffs Street Railway Company [RG2337].pdf

Omaha Bridge and Terminal Railway Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG5538]

Omaha Horse Railway Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1288]

Omaha Livestock Exchange (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1681]

Omaha Livestock Market (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1085]

Omaha National Bank (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3523]

Omaha Real Estate Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG0738]

Omaha, Lincoln and Beatrice Railway Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3292]

Overing Brothers and Company (Red Cloud, Neb.) [RG1292]


Patriot Manufacturing Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5413]

Pawnee Springs Ranch Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3778]

Pearl Schoolhouse Telephone Company (Cass and Otoe Counties, Neb.) [RG1304]

Penniston and Miller General Store (North Platte, Neb.) [RG3208].pdf

Petersen Manufacturing Company (DeWitt, Neb.) [RG5623]

Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Examiners [RG4348].pdf

Pilger Creamery Company (Pilger, Neb.) [RG3581]

Platte Valley House (Plattsmouth, Neb.) [RG4320]

Plattsmouth Canning Company (Plattsmouth, Neb.) [RG4224]

Pratt & Ferris Cattle Company [RG4328]


Railroad Timetables Collection (Neb.) [RG1633]

Railroads. Nebraska [RG2430].pdf

Raymond Brothers Clarke Company (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3624].pdf

Rex Hotel (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1359]

Roberts Dairy Employee’s Credit Union (Grand Island, Neb.) [RG3568].pdf

Roos Grocery Store (Waco, Neb.) [RG1336]

Royal Highlanders (Aurora, Neb.) [RG3962]

Rudge and Guenzel Department Store (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3442]


Scribner State Bank (Scribner, Neb.) [RG4447]

Sheldon Manufacturing Company (Nehawka, Neb.) [RG4074]

Shestak and Walklin (Crete, Neb.) [RG1380]

Spargur and Fisher (Chadron, Neb.) [RG1423]

Springfield Fire and Marine Insurance Company (Red Cloud, Neb.) [RG3991]

St. Joseph and Denver City Railroad Company [RG1365]

St. Joseph Glass Works (St. Joseph, Missouri) [RG6117]

St. Paul State Bank (St. Paul, Nebraska) [RG1366]

Standard Securities Corporation (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG3733]

States Oil Royalty Co. (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG1644]

Stockmen’s National Bank (Rushville, Neb.) [RG3987]

Stuart House (Stuart, Neb.) [RG3760]


TierOne Bank (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5702]

Trampe and Associates (Lincoln and Omaha, Neb.) [RG2009]

Travis & Andersen (Grand Island, Neb.) [RG5597]


Union Pacific Railroad Company (Omaha, Neb.) [RG3761]


Vertical Files [RG5000]

Victoria Hotel (Omaha, Neb.) [RG1495]


Walter Savidge Amusement Co. (Wayne, Neb.) [RG1667]

Wauneta Roller Mills (Wauneta, Neb.) [RG1508]

Weaver’s Potato Chip Company, Inc. (Lincoln, Neb.) [RG5640]

Webster County Bank (Red Cloud, Neb.) [RG4017]

Western Land Agency (Wheaton, Ill.) [RG1514]

Western State Bank (Western, Neb.) [RG4446]

White Clay Ranch (Dawes County, Neb.) [RG6144]

White Horse Ranch (Naper, Neb.) [RG1714]

Wilber, Nebraska – Newspapers (Wilber, Neb.) [RG1518]

William C. Gallaway and Company (West Point and Neligh, Neb.) [RG4207]

Wm. H. Reckmeyer and Sons (Arlington, Neb.) [RG3655]

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About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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