Historic Preservation
Review & Compliance
Review & Compliance Section106
Below is a list of digital resources our SHPO staff have developed to assist you. Click here to access the files.
- Section 106 Review and Compliance Form
- Archeological Consultants Form
- DED Programs – Historic Structure Review Form
- NDEE Programs – Historic Structure Review Form
- Section 106 Guidelines for Archeology
- Architectural Historian/Historian Contractors List
- Archeological Consultants List
- Section 106 Webinar
What is Section 106?
What is a historic property?
What kinds of projects require a Section 106 review?
- Does the project involve a federally owned/controlled property (ex: military bases, parks, forests, post offices, and courthouses)?
- Is the project receiving federal funds, grants, or loans?
- Does the project require a federal permit, license, or other approval (ex: a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers permit for building on wetlands or the construction of cellular towers)?
What are the steps in the review process?
- Initiate review: The federal agency must identify if any historic properties/resources will be impacted by the project. They must also identify which state agency that they are going to work with (SHPO or THPO), contact other consulting agencies, and notify the public.
- Gathering information: All potentially impacted historic properties are identified.
- Assess Effects: Determine if there will be adverse effects.
- Explore measures to resolve adverse effects through avoidance, minimization, and mitigation measures: This stage typically results in the negotiation of a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) or Programmatic Agreement (PA) among the consulting parties.M
Throughout this four-step review process, the federal agency is responsible for conveying all information with “consulting parties” and the general public.
What is considered an "adverse effect" to a resource?
Will the discovery of an "adverse effect" completely shut down a project?
How does the public learn about Section 106 projects?
How can private citizens become involved in the Section 106 review process?
Want to know more? Get in touch with us!
Section 106 Review and Compliance Coordinator
Archeological Survey Coordinator
Archeological Site Search Coordinator
[email protected]
Betty Gillespie
Section 106 Standing Structure Review and Compliance Coordinator
State Owned Building Review Coordinator
[email protected]
Federal Review and Compliance (Section 106 Review)
Requires federal agencies to consult with the State Historic Preservation Office to:
- Identify historic properties in the project area and determine their eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places
- Consider the effect of their projects on historic properties
- Seek ways to avoid or reduce adverse effects to historic properties
Gives the Federal Advisory Council on Historic Preservation an opportunity to comment on the project and its effects on historic properties.
Seeks the public’s opinion if review finds adverse effects to historic properties.
Our office has specific guidelines for archeological sites. Please email [email protected] for questions about these guidelines.
How do I submit a project for review?
Download this form if you have a simple project that involves one or two properties.
Is your project more complex? Please mail the following information to our office.
- Detailed description of proposed project
- Name of all funding, permitting, and/or licensing agencies for the project (state and federal)
- Clear project location map, including project site plan, if applicable
- Clear, current photos of all standing structures within the project area. It helps if you key the photographs to a site plan
- Project address(es)
- Project plans and specifications, if applicable
State Owned Building
How do I submit a project for review?
Follow the same process for federal review.
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