Historic Preservation
National Register of Historic Places
Who We Are
The National Register of Historic Places is a list of historic places that tell the stories of the people and events that form America’s collective identity. This prestigious list is also one of the most valuable tools individuals and communities have to encourage the preservation of important historic places.
Appropriately, this process begins with the people—it is not a top-down process. Individuals and communities can nominate properties that serve as historical touchstones to a shared history. The National Register is a federal program of the National Park Service and administered within Nebraska by the State Historic Preservation Office.
Nebraska currently has over 1,000 listed properties throughout the state. These properties range from private residences to county courthouses to archeological sites. Also, properties listed in the National Register are potentially eligible for State and Federal tax incentives.
Check out our map of National Register properties in Nebraska to learn more about our state’s many cultural treasures and to see if your property is already listed. If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected].
Upcoming Meeting
The Nebraska State Historic Preservation Board meeting is scheduled for Friday, January 10th, 2025, at 1:00 p.m. at the Nebraska State Historical Society Headquarters Building, 1500 R. Street, Lincoln, NE, 68508 in the Dr. Don R. Gerlach Capitol View Room. To join virtually, reference the view-only video call link in “Resources.” A copy of the agenda can be found by clicking here.
Below is a list of digital resources our SHPO staff have developed to assist you. Click here to access the files.
- Economic Impacts of Historic Preservation
- Historic Tax Incentive Programs
- National Register Criteria for Evaluation
- Preliminary Evaluation Form
- National Register of Historic Places Registration Form
- How to Complete the National Register Registration Form
- Researching a Historic Property
- Researching Your Nebraska Property
- Consultants List
Meeting Resources
Nebraska State Historic Preservation Board Schedule
Nebraska State Historic Preservation Board Meeting Link
Recently Added Resources
Elkhorn Commercial Historic District, Elkhorn, NE
Elkhorn Commercial Historic District, Elkhorn, NE
Hastings Masonic Temple, Hastings, NE
Hastings Masonic Temple, Hastings, NE
Shelton Public Library, Shelton, NE
Shelton Public Library, Shelton, NE
Antelope Park Soldier's Monument, Lincoln, NE
Antelope Park Soldier's Monument, Lincoln, NE
Neligh Carnegie Library
Neligh Carnegie Library
Omaha Fire Station #5
Omaha Fire Station #5
Get in Touch
If my property is listed will I still be able to make alterations, changes, additions, etc.?
The National Register does not place any restrictions on property owners. The state and the federal government have no control over listed properties. You are free to maintain or renovate your property as you see fit. However, we encourage you to check with the Nebraska State Historic Preservation Office before starting projects, especially if you are interested in qualifying for a historic tax credit program. Listed properties that are demolished or have significant alterations, compromising essential historical features, can be removed from the National Register.
Is my property eligible for listing?
Eligible properties are typically at least 50 years old and have either a historic or architectural significance. Generally, age is not the only thing we consider when determining significance. A property must have both cultural/historical significance and integrity to be eligible for listing. As part of the nomination process, you will need to establish why the property has a historical/architectural significance.
How do I determine if my property is significant?
Properties are eligible for the National Register must be associated with one or more of the four established Criteria:
- Events that have made a significant contribution to the broad patterns of our history
- The lives of significant persons in our past
- Embody the distinctive characteristics of an architectural type, period, or method of construction
- Have yielded or may be likely to yield, information important in history or prehistory
Historic documentation must be provided to support a claim of a property’s significance. It has to go beyond being loosely associated with or having existed at the time of the historic event or person.
If a property has been altered, can it still be listed in the National Register?
Some alterations are acceptable. As long as the property still appears much as it did during the time it is considered significant. There are seven aspects of integrity used to determine whether or not a property retains its historic integrity necessary to be eligible for listing:
- Location: has the property been moved from its historic location?
- Design: has to overall appearance/layout been significantly altered?
- Setting: is the area surrounding the property much as it was historically?
- Materials: have much of the historic fabric been replaced with non-historic material?
- Workmanship: is the care and craftsmanship of the historic period still evident?
- Feeling: does the property provide a sense of the historic time period?
- Association: does the property maintain a direct link with its recommended significance?
Fill out and submit a Preliminary Evaluation Form. Nebraska State Historical Society staff will review and contact you regarding the eligibility of your property. If eligible, the preparation of a National Register of Historic Places nomination form can begin to:
- Download and prepare the Nomination Form
- Instructions for completing the form can be found in National Register Bulletin 16a
- Extensive historical research and documentation are required to sufficiently demonstrate that a property is eligible for listing in the National Register. These resources can help:
NSHS is here to help you prepare your nomination by providing professional guidance on the historical and architectural aspects of the property, verifying the nomination is properly documented to demonstrate its significance, and ensuring that it is prepared properly and meets the National Park Service requirements.
Nominations are presented to the Nebraska State Historic Preservation Board. The Board meets three times per year: January, May, and September. Pay close attention to dates and deadlines for each Board meeting (available upon request). Properties within a Certified Local Government (CLG) will need to be presented to the CLG’s Historic Preservation Commission before going before the State Board.
Nominations approved by the Nebraska State Historic Preservation Board are then forwarded to the National Park Service for final review and listing in the National Register.
Who can nominate a property?
Anyone! Property owners, members the general public, local historical societies, public agencies, college professors and their students, special interest groups, or homeowner associations, just to name a few. You may also hire a professional consultant to complete the nomination form.
Please keep in mind that the nomination of private property requires the consent of a majority of its current property owners
How long does it take to get a property listed in the National Register?
This depends on a number of factors, primarily who is preparing the nomination, how much time they devote to its preparation and when the nomination preparation begins. It is possible to complete the process in six months, but most nominations take a year from beginning to official listing.
Will I have to open up my property to the public?
No, there is no requirement to allow for public viewing. Many private residences and buildings are listed in the National Register – your property rights are not infringed upon by the National Register listing.
Will listing my property have a negative impact on its value?
In most cases, no. A large number of studies have shown that properties with historic designation actually increase in value.
National Register of Historic Places Success Stories
Proudly standing 120-feet tall, the Oshkosh Water Tower has been an iconic landmark in Garden County since 1920. Like a lighthouse to the plains, its welcoming presence can be seen from miles away. In 2019, almost 100 years since its construction, the tower has been listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This designation recognizes the importance the tower has in the development of Oshkosh from a village to a prosperous community.
The tower is in excellent condition and is a classic example of a “tin-man” type elevated tower. These “tin-man” water towers were once standard across rural Nebraska communities, but are quickly disappearing as new technologies take hold. Even though the tower was retired as a water delivery system in 2018, the residents of Oshkosh banded together to save this landmark. According to the Tin Man from the Wizard of Oz, “A heart is not judged by how much you love; but how much you are loved by others”—this is certainly true of Oshkosh’s very-own “tin-man.”
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