
Team Bios

Staff Bios

Dave Williams

As Nebraska State Archeologist, Dave directs the State Archeology Office; oversees Nebraska’s archeological resources under the Nebraska Archeological Resources Preservation Act and National Historic Preservation Act; assists with the identification, recovery, and repatriation of human skeletal remains and consultation with Native American tribes; supervises cultural resource management projects; and disseminates archeological information to the public. Dave’s cultural resource management experience includes work across the Great Plains, Midwest U.S., Great Basin, Colorado Rockies, and in Oaxaca, Mexico. Prior to joining the Nebraska State Historical Society, he was the Assistant State Archeologist and Contracts Manager for the South Dakota State Historical Society. Dave’s research interests include public archeology, geochemical sourcing analysis, long-distance exchange of materials, and precontact ceramic production. Dave received a BA in Anthropology from the University of South Dakota and an MA in Anthropology from the University of Colorado Boulder.

Dr. Laura Crawford

As Assistant State Archeologist, Laura helps to oversee the State Archeology Office, including cultural resource management projects and staff. Prior to joining the Nebraska State Historical Society, Laura participated in and conducted fieldwork in Alaska, Hawaii, Iowa, New Mexico, and Ohio. Her research interests include public archeology, fuel management strategies, paleoethnobotany, and North American hunter-gatherer societies. Laura received a PhD in Archeology from The Ohio State University, an MA in Archeology from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and a BA in Anthropology from Creighton University.

Jennifer Banks

Jen helps prepare Section 106 compliance reviews for the Nebraska Department of Transportation as a member of the Highway Archeology Program at NSHS. She received her BS from the University of Iowa in 2019 and her MA from Wichita State University in 2022. Jen has worked on a variety of cultural resource management projects throughout Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Texas. Her research interests include bison hunting toolkits, lithic technologies, and microfossil analysis.

Trent Carney

Trent received his BA in Anthropology with minors in History and German in 2016 from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. After a few summers working on excavations overseas in Sweden and Scotland he returned to UNL and received his MA in Anthropology with a specialization in Professional Archaeology in 2022. He began working at NSHS as a temporary Archaeological Technician in 2021 and when the opportunity arose to make his position at NSHS permanent he leapt at the chance. As a member of the State Archaeology Office/Highway Archaeology program, Trent helps prepare Section 106 compliance reviews for various contracting firms as well as for the Nebraska Department of Transportation. His research interests include landscape archaeology, geographic information systems, ecological anthropology, and Vikings, which were the topic of his thesis work.

MaKenzie Coufal

MaKenzie graduated from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln in 2015 with a BA in Anthropology and a minor in Archeology. He began working for NSHS as a temporary archeological technician helping to process the NAGPRA collection for repatriation and quickly discovered there was nowhere he would rather work. From his lair in the basement of the Fort Robinson Museum, Coufal dedicates his time to Nebraska Department of Transportation projects in the Panhandle and Sand Hills regions. He is interested in prehistoric archeology as well as ground stone tool and ornament production. Work-related hobbies include pipe carving and Sand Hills floral identification.

Brian Goodrich

Brian’s duties include reviewing projects for the Highway Archeology Program, identifying and evaluating archeologically significant areas in Nebraska and working to preserve and protect those places. He also has the privilege to assist with outreach events like the September Archeology Month Volunteer Dig. Brian received his MA in Anthropology from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln and BA in History from Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa. His research interests includes lithic technologies, the Fur Trade Era, and Nebraska archeology.

Nolan Johnson

Nolan graduated from the University of South Dakota in 2004 with a BS in History and Anthropology. He received an MA in Anthropology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2006. His thesis was on the Beaver Creek Trail Crossing Site, which was a road ranch on the Nebraska City Cut-Off Trail. Johnson has worked at NSHS in a variety of positions since 2007 and as an archeologist since 2012. The largest part of his duties is working on Nebraska Department of Transportation projects in the northeast quarter of the state. Other interests include historic archeology, cultural change in Nebraska, and public archeology. Johnson is the President of the Nebraska Association of Professional Archeologists and the Vice-President of the Department of Anthropology Alumni and Friends Advisory Board.

Austin Magura

Austin graduated from Colorado State University in 2021 with a BA in History and Political Science. He later completed an MA in History from CSU in 2024. His work focused on cultural resource management, the built environment, and water history in the American West. Austin previously worked for the Public and Environmental History Center and joined the Nebraska State Historical Society as a Preservation Associate in 2024. In this role, Austin completes Section 106 compliance reports for Nebraska Department of Transportation projects as an architectural historian with the Secretary of the Interior’s professional qualifications for history.

Elsie McCabe

As an Archeological Technician, Elsie helps prepare Section 106 compliance reviews. She received her BA in History and Anthropology in 2024 from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Before joining the team at the Nebraska State Historical Society, Elsie completed two collections internships: one in Nebraska for the Bureau of Reclamation and the National Council of Preservation Education, and another in Rome at the Colosseum. Her research interests include lithic technologies and long-distance exchange of materials.

Katie Paitz

Katie serves as the Office Manager for the State Archeology Office/Highway Archeology Program. She manages the program’s project database, organizes and tracks all written/electronic documentation, and assists with field and lab work. She received a BA in Anthropology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

John Swigart

John Swigart is the IT Applications Developer – GIS at the Nebraska State Archeology Office, which he joined in October 2023. He has previously served the Nebraska State Historical Society as a Highway Archeologist, GIS Coordinator, and Section 106 Coordinator for Archeology. As part of his duties at the NSHS, he developed the Nebraska Cultural Resources GIS. Outside of the NSHS, John has worked as a GIS professional with the Federal Government, the University of Nebraska-Licoln, and with a Type 3 Incident Management Team, and he has also ventured into teaching secondary math and science. John received his BA and MA in Anthropology from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. In his spare time he enjoys working in the garden, mountain biking, and reading about natural history, mathematics, and history of the past 100 years.

Connect With Us


Nebraska State Archeology Office
5050 N. 32nd Street
Lincoln, NE 68504
[email protected]


State Archeology Office: Dave Williams (402-219-2759)
Highway Archeology Program: Dave Williams or Katie Paitz (402-471-3352)​


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The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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