Alvin M. Hendee, 1858- [RG3780.AM]


RG3780.AM:  Alvin M. Hendee, 1858-

Papers:  1890-1902

Nebraska:  Presbyterian preacher

Size:  1 box; 0.5 cu.ft.


Alvin M. Hendee was born in Ohio in 1858. Prior to 1893, Hendee’s records show that he preached in Iowa, Ohio, Kentucky, and Missouri. By 1893 he was preaching in various communities in Nebraska. As an itinerant Presbyterian preacher, Hendee eventually covered some 15 Nebraska counties, including Nance, Colfax, Douglas, Dodge, Gage, Cuming, Dawson, Lancaster, Pawnee, Saline, Johnson, Adams, Jefferson, Clay, Hamilton, Buffalo, Kearney and Sheridan. When Hendee married Elizabeth Russell in 1895, his place of residence was Cozad, Dawson County, Nebraska. The 1900 census shows Alvin and Elizabeth Hendee and their two children, living in Hamilton County, Nebraska. By the early 1900s, Hendee extended his preaching circuit into Colorado. The latest speech in this collection is dated 1902.


This collection consists of two boxes of manuscript material arranged in two series: 1) Sermons and Speeches, 1890-1902; and 2) Miscellany. This collection relates almost entirely to the religious work of a Presbyterian clergyman, Rev. Alvin M. Hendee, in Nebraska. Series 1 contains sermons and speeches delivered by Rev. Hendee, 1890-1902. A typed index is included providing information as to when the sermons were prepared, the biblical text upon which they are based, the date(s) delivered, and where they were delivered. This index is arranged according to a guide number Hendee placed on the sermons. The additional information given in the guide was lifted from envelopes in which the sermons were found. Because of the bad condition of these envelopes, they were disposed of after the pertinent information was recorded for the typed index.

Series 2 consists of an index copied from Hendee’s records. This may be a valuable tool in using the sermons, but the typed guide seems more accurate. Also, while Hendee’s index provides information on sermons not included in this collection, the typed index follows the arranged order of the collection, covering only those sermons which are included. Series 2 also contains fragments of speeches, clippings and a “Manual of the 1st Presbyterian Church of Hansen, Adams County, Nebraska.”

Note:  The NSHS holds numerous collections relating to churches in Nebraska including records of the First Presbyterian Church at Hansen, Nebraska [RG3062].


Series 1 – Sermons and Speeches, 1890-1902, n.d.

Box 1


    1. #1-#40, February 7, 1890-July 28, 1893

    1. #41-#82, August 11, 1895-February 28, 1897

    1. #87-#134, March 14, 1897-November 14, 1897

    1. #136-#158, November 21, 1897-March 23, 1898

    1. #161-Unnumbered/undated material, April 3, 1898-December 21, 1902 and undated

Series 2 – Miscellany

    1. Includes copy of Hendee’s index records and “Manual of 1st Presbyterian Church of Hansen, Nebraska”



Churches — Hansen (Neb.)

Clergy — Nebraska

First Presbyterian Church (Hansen, Neb.)

Hendee, Alvin M., 1858-

Presbyterian Church in Nebraska


AIF/pjm   02-09-1979

Encoded TMM   05-04-2010

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