About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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Amen Family [RG3986.AM]


RG3986.AM:  Amen Family

Papers:  1893-1996

Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska

Size:  0.25 cu.ft.; 1 box & oversize


Born in the Volga region of Russia in 1877, Henry J. Amen was the son of Henry and Anna (Bauer) Amen.   The Amen family immigrated to Lincoln, Nebraska, where Henry entered the grocery business that primarily served the Volga-German community.  Amen became a prominent businessman in Lincoln.  He married Maria Barbara Wacker at Hastings, Nebraska, on January 29, 1898.  They would have six children.  Their daughter Ruth was born October 5, 1909.  She graduated from the University of Nebraska in 1932 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree.  He received her Masters degree in Music Education from the Colorado State College of Education.  She taught at various elementary and high schools in Nebraska, Colorado and Michigan.  Later in life Ruth became heavily involved with the American Historical Society of Germans from Russia.  She served the organization in various capacities as a founding member, president, executive director and trustee.  Henry Amen died in 1975.  Ruth Amen died in 2002.


This collection consists of papers relating to the Henry J. Amen family of Lincoln, Nebraska.  The collection includes materials relating to Henry J. Amen, daughter Ruth Marie Amen, and Henry’s sister, Anna Mary (Amen) Lebsack.  Materials in the collection date from 1893 to 1996.

Note:  See the photo component [RG3986.PH] for portraits of Amen Family members (a majority taken by the Townsend studio of Lincoln, Nebraska).   Includes portraits of several Amen Family generations.  See the audio component [RG3986.AU] for an interview dated August 14, 1978, with Reinhold “Rudy” Amen, who discusses the growth and development of the South Salt Creek neighborhood in Lincoln, Nebraska.  See RG3425 for records of H.J. Amen & Co. (Lincoln, Nebraska).


Box 1


    1. Henry J. Amen papers, clippings, certificates, etc. (see also oversize)

    1. Ruth M. Amen papers, teaching materials, certificates, photos, etc. (see also oversize)

    1. Autobiography of Anna Mary Amen Lebsack

    1. Miscellaneous


Subject headings:

Amen family

Amen, Henry J., 1877-1975

Amen, Ruth M., 1909-2002

American Historical Society of Germans from Russia (Lincoln, Nebraska)

Germans from Russia — Nebraska — Lincoln

Immigrants — Nebraska — Lincoln

Lebsack, Anna Mary (Amen), 1878-1967

Mother’s Club (Lincoln, Nebraska)

Park School (Lincoln, Nebraska)



KFK        07-22-1996, 06-20-2000

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