RG6098.AM: Cass County Council of Churches
Records: 1911-1969
Cass County, Nebraska
Size: 0.5 cu.ft.; 1 box
The Cass County Council of Churches of Cass County, Nebraska, organized in 1961 as the successor organization to the Cass County Christian Fellowship, the Cass County School of Christian Service, the Cass County Council of Christian Education and the Cass County Sunday School Association. The main goals of the organization were:
- To manifest the common spirit and purpose of the cooperating churches in carrying out their mission in their respective communities in Cass County.
- To do for the churches, such cooperative work as they may authorize the Council to carry on in their behalf.
- To encourage fellowship and mutual counsel concerning the spiritual life and religious activities of the cooperating churches.
- To study the religious needs of the various communities, and to devise plans to help meet these needs.
This collection consists of one box of records relating to the Cass County Council of Churches in Cass County, Nebraska. Records include constitution and bylaws, minutes of meetings, programs, membership lists, financial records, etc. dating from 1961 to 1969. Also included are records of preceding organizations including the Cass County Sunday School Association, Cass County Christian Fellowship and the Cass County Council of Christian Education. These records date from ca. 1911 to 1961.
Note: These records were originally part of RG3632.AM: Rev. Iain C.G. Campbell.
Box 1
- Cass County Council of Churches, 1961-1969
- Cass County Council of Churches certification of representatives
- Cass County Council of Churches treasurer’s records, 1961-1969
- Cass County Sunday School Association cash book, 1911-1931
- Cass County Sunday School Association minute book, 1924-1931
- Cass County Sunday School Association minute book, 1932-1948
- Cass County Christian Fellowship Association cash book, 1949-1961
Subject headings:
Cass County Christian Fellowship Association
Cass County Council of Christian Education
Cass County Council of Churches
Cass County Sunday School Association
Religious education — Nebraska — Cass County
Sunday schools — Nebraska — Cass County
Revised TMM 10-15-2018