Chris Beutler, 1944- [RG5564.AM]


RG5564.AM:  Chris Beutler, 1944-

Papers: 1980s-2006
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.: State senator
Size: 46.0 cu.ft.; 46 boxes


Born November 14, 1944, Chris Beutler graduated from Omaha Benson High School in 1962.  He received degrees from Yale University in 1962 and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln College of Law in 1973.  He served in the U.S. Peace Corps from 1966-1967 and as a 1st Lieutenant in the U.S. Army from 1969-1971.  Beutler served in the Nebraska State Legislature from 1978-1986, representing the 28th District.  He was re-elected in 1990 and served until 2006.  He left office due to term limits.  Beutler was elected as Mayor of the City of Lincoln in 2007.


The collection consists of 46 boxes of legislative subject files compiled by Sen. Beutler’s office dating from the 1980s through 2006.  The bulk of the collection dates from the 1990s through 2004.  The collection is unprocessed, but an inventory is available.  The collection is organized roughly alphabetically.


Box 1

  1. Abortion & Related Issues
  2. Abortion & Related Issues Cont’d
  3. Abortion & Related Issues: Fetal Tissue (LB304, 2001)

Box 2

  1. Agriculture: A-F
  2. Agriculture: F-W
  3. Agriculture: Livestock Waste Management – LB 870 (1999)
  4. Agriculture: Livestock Waste Management – LB 748/LR 295/LR 388

Box 3

  1. Agriculture – Livestock Waste Management
  2. Aquila
  3. Archway

Box 4

  1. Agriculture – Livestock Waste Management – LB 916 (2004)
  2. Children’s Issues Cont’d
  3. Child Support
  4. Child Support for College

Box 5

  1. Archway Cont’d
  2. Children’s Issues
  3. Child Support for College: LB 752 (1997)

Box 6

  1. Child Support for College: LB 752 (1997) Cont’d
  2. City of Lincoln
  3. Commonwealth

Box 7

  1. Crime: Concealed Handguns
  2. Crime: Death Penalty (General)
  3. Crime: Death Penalty (Special Session)

Box 8

  1. Crime: Death Penalty (Special Session cont’d)
  2. Crime: Drugs
  3. Crime: Drunk Driving

Box 9

  1. Crime: General Subject Cont’d
  2. Crime: General Subject
  3. Drunk Driving Cont’d

Box 10

  1. Crime: Juvenile Crime
  2. Economics & Tax Issues: Economic Development
  3. Economic Development: LB 775
  4. Economic Development: LB 775 2003/2004

Box 11

  1. Coordinating Commission – Tuition, Fees, & Financial Aid Reports
  2. Educational Issues – Coordinating Commission: Budget Recommendations
  3. Educational Issues – General Subject

Box 12

  1. Economics & Tax Issues: Lodging Tax
  2. Educational Issues – After School Programs
  3. Education – Child Care & Early Childhood Education

Box 13

  1. Education Issues: Community Colleges
  2. Economics and Tax Issues: A – L
  3. Economics and Tax Issues: T – W
  4. Economics and Tax Issues: 1980s

Box 14

  1. Education: General Education
  2. Educational Issues
  3. Economics and Tax Issues: L-P

Box 15

  1. Educational Issues – Goals for Nebraska Education
  2. Educational Issues – Goals for Nebraska Education Cont’d
  3. Education – Legislative Initiatives

Box 16

  1. Education – Legislative Initiatives: Class One Schools
  2. Education: Midwestern Higher Education (MHEC)
  3. Education: Midwestern Higher Education (MHEC)

Box 17

  1. Education: School Finance
  2. Education: School Finance – LR 174 (Review Public Higher Education Financing in Nebraska  – 2003)
  3. Education: Statistics & Facts about Nebraska Schools

Box 18

  1. Education – Special Education
  2. Education – Standards
  3. Education – Standards Cont’d

Box 19

  1. Education – Standards Cont’d: Other States
  2. Education: State Colleges
  3. Education – Student Aide
  4. Education – Student Aide
  5. Education – Teachers

Box 20

  1. Education – Tax Equity & Educational Opportunities Support Act
  2. Education – Teacher Salaries
  3. Education – University of Nebraska (UNL)

Box 21

  1. Education – University of Nebraska
  2. Federal Government: Trade Agreements
  3. Ethanol
  4. Education – University of Nebraska

Box 22

  1. Federal Government: 2004 Trade Issue Re Scope of Governor’s Authority
  2. Federal Government
  3. 2003/2004 Gambling Initiative

Box 23

  1. 2003/2004 Gambling Initiative
  2. Gambling: 2004 Ballot Language
  3. Gambling: Indian Gambling

Box 24

  1. Gambling: Omaha World Herald
  2. Gambling: Nebraska State Lottery
  3. Gambling: Miscellaneous
  4. Gambling: LB 851, 1995

Box 25

  1. General Subject: A-C
  2. General Subject: C-F
  3. General Subject: E-G

Box 26

  1. General Subject: Housing
  2. General Subject: I-L
  3. General Subject: L

Box 27

  1. General Subject: L-M
  2. General Subject: Omaha, City of
  3. General Subject: P

Box 28

  1. General Subject: P
  2. General Subject: P-R
  3. General Subject: Retirement
  4. General Subject: Retirement

Box 29

  1. General Subject: R-S
  2. General Subject: S
  3. General Subject: State Fair
  4. General Subject: Takings

Box 30

  1. General Subject: Telecom
  2. General Subject: Telecommunication/Universal Service Fund
  3. General Subject: Title Insurance
  4. General Subject: T-U
  5. General Subject: W

Box 31

  1. General Subject: Westridge Capital Management
  2. General Subject: Whiteclay
  3. Health: A-B
  4. Health: Children

Box 32

  1. Health: B-F
  2. Health: H-I
  3. Health: L-M

Box 33

  1. Health: Medicaid (LB 8, 2003)
  2. Health: Medicaid
  3. Health: Mental Health

Box 34

  1. Health: N
  2. Health: O-R
  3. Health: R
  4. Health: T-W

Box 35

  1. Initiative & Referenda: General and Nebraska
  2. Initiative & Referenda: Other States
  3. Initiative & Referenda: Term Limits
  4. Insurance: National Warranty

Box 36

  1. Low Level Waste Case
  2. Low Level Waste Case
  3. Low Level Waste Case

Box 37

  1. Low Level Waste Case
  2. Minimum Wage – LB 256
  3. Minimum Wage – LB 554
  4. Minimum Wage

Box 38

  1. Minimum Wage
  2. Natural Resources: A-G
  3. Natural Resources: Interim – Hearing LR 245-246

Box 39

  1. Natural Resources: L-N
  2. Legislative Bill 384
  3. Natural Resources: Niobrara Council
  4. Natural Resources: Republican Valley: Nebraska-Kansas Water Case

Box 40

  1. Natural Resources: Nebraska Environmental Trust
  2. Natural Resources: LB 108, 1995, LB 1152
  3. Natural Resources: Conservation Easements

Box 41

  1. Natural Resources: Trails: E-L
  2. Trails: A-C
  3. Natural Resources: Wind Energy

Box 42

  1. Natural Resources: Trails: L-N
  2. Natural Resources: Trails: O-P
  3. Natural Resources: Railroads

Box 43

  1. Natural Resources: Trails: S
  2. Natural Resources: Trails: S-U
  3. Nebraska

Box 44

  1. Natural Resources: Water Policy
  2. Natural Resources: Water Policy   LB 962 (2004)
  3. Natural Resources: Water Policy

Box 45

  1. Natural Resources: Water Quality
  2. Natural Resources: Water Quality
  3. Natural Resources: Wetlands

Box 46

  1. Property Tax
  2. Economics and Tax Issues: R-T

TMM/bl   01-12-2007

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