Don Wesely [RG0760.AM]


RG0760.AM: Don Wesely, 1954-

Papers: 1978-1998
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska: State senator; Mayor of Lincoln
Size: 59.0 cu.ft.; 59 boxes


Born in David City, Nebraska on March 30, 1954, Don Wesely attended Lincoln public schools in Lincoln, Nebraska, graduating from Lincoln Northeast High School. He attended the University of Nebraska-Lincoln where he received his B.A. degree in 1977. Wesely started graduate coursework at UNL, but he was elected to the Nebraska Legislature in 1978, becoming the third youngest person ever to serve in the Unicameral Legislature.

Wesely served the 26th Legislative District of Northeast Lincoln for twenty years. His committee work included fourteen years as Chairman of the Health and Human Services Committee. When he retired from the Legislature in 1998, Wesely was the eighth longest serving State Senator in Nebraska history.

In 1999, Don Wesely was elected the City of Lincoln’s 49th Mayor. He served one term, leaving office in 2003.


This collection consists of the legislative papers of Senator Wesely.


Box 1

  1. 1986 LB 407 Reviews
  2. Dept of Health – 407 Reviews
  3. LB 407 Reviews in Progress
  4. LB 1087 (Wesely)
  5. LB 1087 Continued
  6. Certificate of Need

Box 2

  1. 1-1-1 Abstractors Board of Examiners
  2. 1-1-2 Accountability and Disclosure Commission
  3. 1-1-3 Adjutant General
  4. 1-1-4 Administrative Services
  5. 1-1-4.1 DAS Accounting (State Credit Card)
  6. 1-1-4.2 DAS Materiel Division Forms Management
  7. 1-1-5 Aeronautics
  8. 1-1-6 Commission on Aging
  9. 1-1-7 Agriculture
  10. 1-1-8 Agricultural Products Industrial Utilization (Gasohol)
  11. 1-1-9 Nebraska Arts Council
  12. 1-1-10 – State Athletic Council
  13. 1-1-11.1 Attorney General Consumer Protection
  14. 1-1-11.1 Attorney General Bogus Drugs
  15. 1-1-11.1 Attorney General Bribery Statute
  16. 1-1-11.1 Attorney General Home Owner’s Warranties
  17. 1-1-11.1 Attorney General Auto Repair and Insurance
  18. 1-1-11.1 Attorney General Landlord Tenant Act
  19. 1-1-17 State Colleges System
  20. Alternative Sentencing
  21. Corrections
  22. Overcrowding
  23. Offender Aid and Restoration Alternatives Project
  24. 1-1-19A State Crime Victim’s Reparations Board
  25. 5-2-11 Corrections Reform/Prisoner Legal Assistance

Box 3

  1. Retirement Background Information
  2. Retirement Info
  3. Investing – Clippings, Reports, Misc.
  4. A.G. Opinions/Retirement
  5. Retirement

Box 4

  1. Nebraska Community Development Block Grant Program
  2. Agriculture
  3. Nebraska Association of Farmworkers
  4. Beaman, Martha – Nebraska Energy Office
  5. Industrial Recruitment Division
  6. Epply Principles – Economic Development, Dept.
  7. Baker, Phil – Department of Labor
  8. Directory of Small Business Issues
  9. Job Training
  10. Ded Budget
  11. Revenue Dept
  12. Revenue Forecasting Board
  13. Rural Electric Association, NE
  14. Twin Cities Development Foundation (Scottsbluff/Gering)
  15. Visions of the Heartland
  16. Economic Development, Department
  17. Bluebooks
  18. Biographies
  19. Computer
  20. Correspondence (Seacrest, Joe R.)
  21. Correspondence, Misc.
  22. Famous Nebraskans
  23. Golden Fleece, II
  24. Health Care Plan

Box 5

  1. 3 cassette tapes – MRDDT7 6/1/90
  2. Video Tape – MRT7 6/1/90
  3. Case Management: Historical, Current, and Future Perspectives
  4. Collection of Envelopes from Senator Wesely
  5. MR Draft Report
  6. MR Study – Correspondence
  7. MR Study – Press Releases
  8. MR Study – Mailing List Info
  9. Responses to Final MR Report
  10. MR Study – News clippings
  11. MR Study – Monthly Budget Reports (Legislative Accounting)
  12. MR Study – Articles
  13. LR 368 – Mental Retardation
  14. MR Draft Reports – Comments

Box 6

  1. Second Draft of the Nebraska Legislature’s Task Force on Medical Indigency
  2. 10/11/85 – LRs 205, 209, 160, 136, 105/137
  3. 10/25/85 – LRs 164/5, 128, 140
  4. LR 140-86
  5. 11/15/85 – LB 3/8, LR 158/231 – Birth/death Ledgers
  6. Package: LR 399 – Poverty
  7. Package: Med. Indigent, Poverty
  8. Package: Long-term Care, Health Network, Clean Indoor Air Act

Box 7

  1. Lunch Period Law
  2. Dept. of Labor
  3. Legislative Benefits
  4. Dept. of Motor Vehicles
  5. NAFTA
  6. Advisory Committee on Human Services Reform
  7. Kemper, Faith
  8. Kidney Foundation
  9. Insurance, Dept. of
  10. TMD Project Development Group
  11. Intergovernmental Cooperation Committee
  12. Jaycees
  13. Job Support
  14. Judges
  15. Hitchcock Center
  16. Home Schools
  17. Homelessness
  18. Housing

Box 8

  1. South Africa
  2. Title Insurance
  3. Tort Reform
  4. Transportation
  5. Two Forks Project
  6. Unemployment Statistics
  7. Community Colleges
  8. Taft Institute
  9. State Colleges
  10. State Employee Health Insurance
  11. State Treasurer
  12. Steele, Katie
  13. Student Athletes
  14. 1991 Taft Institute
  15. Taft Institute, continued

Box 9

  1. Volunteer Liability
  2. Model Legislation
  3. Other States
  4. LB 67 (1987)
  5. LB 123 (1987)
  6. LB 88 (1991)
  7. LB 262 (1992)
  8. Volunteer Liability

Box 10

  1. Economic Summit – Dec. 9, 1991
  2. Natural Disaster Relief
  3. Natural Resources Commission
  4. Nebraska Appleseed Center
  5. Nebraska Architecture
  6. Nebraska Army National Guard
  7. NE Assoc. County Officials
  8. Nebraska Association of School Boards
  9. Nebraska Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
  10. Public Service Commission, Nebraska
  11. Quasicentennial
  12. Potential Legislation
  13. Natural Resource Districts
  14. Organizations
  15. Welfare History
  16. Pfizer

Box 11

  1. Advisory Committee for Vocational Education
  2. American Legislative Exchange Council (Alec)
  3. Civil Claims
  4. Community and Strategic Planning
  5. Constituent Complaints
  6. Correspondence from Senators
  7. Cosmetology
  8. Oakland-Craig School
  9. Education, Department of
  10. Epworth Village – York, NE
  11. Executive Appointments 1988

Box 12

  1. Venture Capital
  2. LB 823 Adopt the Foreign and Domestic Trade Assistance Act
  3. LB 960
  4. Current Amendment
  5. Statutes – Federal
  6. Testimony
  7. Letters
  8. 1055 Amendments
  9. LB 778
  10. Amendments 960
  11. Articles/Letters
  12. Friends
  13. Statutes – State
  14. Studies/States/Reg
  15. Men Handgun as AM to 1055
  16. Handouts
  17. Gun Zones

Box 13

  1. LR 368 – Mental Retardation – Misc. Task Force Info
  2. LR 368 – Mental Retardation – Misc.
  3. LR 368 – Mental Retardation – Staff Sub-Committee
  4. MR Study – Other State Reports
  5. MR Study – Co. $ Information
  6. LR 368 – Mental Retardation – Sub-Committee Info
  7. MR Study – Reform ‘90
  8. LR 368 – Mental Retardation – MR Study – Misc. Task Force Info

Box 14

  1. HHS 1-20-88 LB 1012, 869, 930
  2. HHS 1-21-88 LB 1013, 1010, 1011
  3. HHS 1-22-88 LB 839, 1014
  4. HHS 1-27-88 LB 1060, 1087
  5. HHS 1-28-88 LB 880, 1100
  6. HHS 1-29-88 LB 966, 1026
  7. HHS 2-3-88 LB 861, 1056
  8. HHS 2-4-88 LB 948, 1015, 1055
  9. HHS 2-10-88 LB 1123, 967, 881, 1017
  10. HHS 2-11-88 LB 760
  11. HHS 2-18-88 LB 1185, 1188
  12. HHS 2-19-88 LB 1224, 1180, 1227
  13. HHS 3-5-88 LB 865, 1070
  14. HHS 3-30-88 Confirmation Hearing

Box 15

  1. 1-1-52.1 Ag Development Corporation N.I.F.A.
  2. 1-1-53 Parole Board
  3. 1-1-54 NE State Patrol
  4. 1-1-55 Personnel
  5. 1-1-56 Policy Research Office
  6. 1-1-57 NE Coordinating Comm. for Postsecondary Education
  7. 1-1-58 Power Review Board
  8. 1-1-58.1 Public Power Districts
  9. 1-1-59 Board of Public Accountancy
  10. 1-1-60 Public Service Commission
  11. 1-1-61 State Racing Commission
  12. 1-1-64 Revenue
  13. 1-1-65 Roads
  14. 1-1-65.1 State Highway Commission
  15. 1-1-65.5 Public Transportation Assistance Program, NE
  16. 1-1-66 Secretary of State
  17. 1-1-66.2 Records Management (Sec. Of State)
  18. Research Office
  19. 1-1-70 University of NE General
  20. 1-1-70.1 Board of Regents
  21. 1-1-70.2 Regents Plan (1980)
  22. 1-1-71 University of Nebraska Lincoln
  23. 1-1-71.1 UNL Bureau of Business Research and College of Business
  24. 1-1-71.2 UNL Cooperative Extension Service

Box 16

  1. 5-1-16-81
  2. 5-1-183-80 – Anti-Embargo
  3. 5-1-65-81
  4. 5-1-95-81; 5-1-95-81 Telecommunications
  5. LR 96-81 Executive Board – Nebraska’s Energy Situation (LB 257)
  6. LR 151-’81 Public Works (Wesely) – Motor vehicle registration and taxation laws
  7. LR 155-81
  8. LR 178-’81 Public Works – NE water resources management, conservation & benefits
  9. LR 180-81 AMTRAK
  10. LR 190-81
  11. 2-2-489-81
  12. LR 2 1981 Special Session
  13. 5-1 LR21-81
  14. Legislative Study Resolutions (1982) General Information
  15. LR 216-82 Panhandle Secession
  16. LR 218-82
  17. LR 230
  18. LR 235 Boundaries of Public Power Districts
  19. LR 237-82
  20. LR 251-82 NE b-ball
  21. LR 275 Water Study
  22. LR 289
  23. LR 296/Welfare Dept. Adoption Procedures
  24. LR 301 Freedom of Information Act
  25. LR 307 Nuclear Waste Shipments
  26. LR 347 (1982) Tax Expenditures and Exemptions Study
  27. Mandan
  28. LR 361 and 324 Putting Prisoners to work
  29. LR 358 (1982) Energy Study
  30. LR 362 (1982) Uniform Licensing of Freight Vehicles
  31. Triple Trailers
  32. LR 363 (1982) Truck Regulation Study
  33. LR 365 (1982) Waste Rubber Plant Study
  34. LR 278 (1982) Problems of small power producers and cogenerators study

Box 17

  1. Foster Care (LR 403)
  2. Interim Hearings – 1988
  3. Interim Hearings – 1987
  4. Interim Hearings – 1986
  5. International Trade – 1989
  6. Interim Hearing 9-23-88 Teenage Pregnancy, School Nurses, Cancer Control
  7. 10-7-88 LR 404-Poverty and LR 364-Hunger
  8. 10-7-88 LR 395-Child Care
  9. 10-20-88 LR 404-Drugs and LR375-Teen Pregnancy

Box 18

  1. Testimonies and Amendments to Various Bills

Box 19

  1. G organizations
  2. H organizations
  3. Institute of Cultural Affairs (Mid-America Forum)
  4. LB 391
  5. L organizations
  6. LEAD
  7. League of Human Dignity
  8. League of Nebraska Municipalities
  9. Lincoln Action Program
  10. Lincoln Chamber of Commerce
  11. Lincoln Education Association
  12. Malone Area Citizens Council
  13. 1-8-60 Martin Luther Home
  14. Masons
  15. Minnegasco
  16. Missouri River Basin Commission
  17. N organizations
  18. M organizations
  19. National Organization of Women
  20. National Organization for Victim Assistance
  21. Near South Neighborhood Assoc.
  22. O organizations

Box 20

  1. 1-1-32.6 Health Manpower Referral Service
  2. Bureau of Examining Boards (Ellie Douglas)
  3. Standards and Licensing
  4. Developmental Disabilities Council
  5. Maternal and Child Health
  6. Nursing Board
  7. Commission for the Hearing Impaired
  8. Court of Industrial Relations
  9. State Historical Society
  10. Public Institutions
  11. BSDC – Horacek vs. Thone
  12. Beatrice State Developmental Center
  13. Mental Health General Info. Mental Health Task Force
  14. Lincoln Regional Center
  15. Hastings Regional Center
  16. Office of Mental Retardation
  17. Commission on Alcoholism
  18. Region V – CBMR
  19. ENCOR – CBMR
  20. Investment Council
  21. Insurance
  22. Pending Legislation – Wage Payment and Collection Act Enforcement
  23. Labor
  24. Merit System
  25. Mexican-American Commission
  26. Liquor Control Commission
  27. Motor Vehicles
  28. Motor Vehicle Industry Licensing Board
  29. Natural Resources Commission
  30. Lower Platte South-Public Works
  31. Nebraska Mortgage Finance Fund
  32. 1-1-49.2 Other NRDs

Box 21

  1. Legislative Breakfasts thru 1984
  2. Legislative Breakfasts
  3. Breakfasts – 1985-1986
  4. Lobbyists, II
  5. Lincoln Loves Legis. – 1983

Box 22

  1. Portfolio of State Issues
  2. Nebraska Mainstream Coalition
  3. Nebr. Power Review Board
  4. Nebraska Restaurant Assoc.
  5. Nebraska Tax Research Council
  6. Newcomen Society
  7. Ombudsmen
  8. Nebraska Courts
  9. Nebraska Development News
  10. Nebraska Farm Bureau
  11. NE Industrial Competitive Alliance
  12. Nebraska Commission of the Status of Women
  13. Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education
  14. Corrections Reform

Box 23

  1. NE Comparison with Other States on Taxes and State Economic Development Assistance – 12/86
  2. Nebraska Income Tax Study March 5, 1991
  3. Property Tax Briefing Book 1989
  4. Nebraska Comprehensive Tax Study – Final Report

Box 24

  1. Right Wing Extremists
  2. Rules
  3. Rural Caucus
  4. Revenue, Nebraska Department of
  5. Railroads
  6. Radon
  7. Racing Commission
  8. Recycling
  9. Legislative Fiscal Office
  10. Legislative Information
  11. Correspondence
  12. Academy for Youth Leadership
  13. Legislative Research Office
  14. Legislators’ Salary Increase
  15. Liability Insurance
  16. Lincoln Action Program
  17. Lincoln Board of Education
  18. Milbank Memorial Fund
  19. Juvenile Sex Offenders
  20. Dept of Labor Statistics

Box 25

  1. LR371-Domestic Violence 10/18/90 – HHS Committee
  2. LR 376-LTC 10/18/90 HHS Committee
  3. LR368 10/19/90 HHS Committee
  4. LR368 HHS 12/3 Norfolk
  5. LR368 HHS O’Neill 12/3
  6. LR369 12/3/90 O’Neill, NE
  7. LR368 Scottsbluff 12/3
  8. LR368 North Platte 12/4
  9. LR365 HHS 12/4 Grand Island
  10. LR368 HHS 12/4 Beatrice
  11. LR368 HHS 12/4 GI

Box 26

  1. HHS 11-20-87 Interim Hearing, Workfare/Poverty, Indigent Care
  2. HHS 11-20-87 Interim Hearing, Motorcycle Helmets
  3. HHS 12-8-87 Interim Hearing, Children Having Children, Child Care
  4. HHS 12-8-87 Certificate of Need, Medicaid Cost Containment
  5. HHS 1-28-87 LB 112, 227, 264, 384, 392
  6. HHS 1-29-87 LB 134, 255, 239, 386, 387
  7. HHS 1-30-87 LB 91, 385
  8. HHS 2-4-87 LB 472, 229, 506, 643
  9. HHS 2-5-87 LB 389, 473, 485, 543
  10. HHS 12-6-87 LB 74, 459, 322

Box 27

  1. Health and Human Services Interim Hearing 10/18/91 – Health Care Reform/Issues (Lincoln)
  2. Health and Human Services 10/29/91 LR 158 & Health Care Reform (Omaha)
  3. Health and Human Services Dec 6, 1991 Interim Hearing-Health Care Reform (Norfolk)
  4. Health and Human Services Dec 6, 1991 Interim Hearing-Health Care Reform (Fremont
  5. Health and Human Services Dec 5, 1991 Interim Hearing-Health Care Reform (Tecumseh)
  6. Health and Human Services Dec 5, 1991 Interim Hearing-Health Care Reform & LRs 94, 143, 160 (Lincoln)
  7. Health Care Cost Containment Task Force Interim 1990
  8. LR369-HCCC 10/19/90 HHS Committee

Box 28

  1. NSCL National Conference of State Legislatures
  2. NSCL National Conference of State Legislatures
  3. Public Institutions, Dept. of
  4. Recycling/Harold Eggers 1988

Box 29

  1. Dept. of Social Services
  2. DSS – Old Materials
  3. DOH Correspondence 1988-1992

Box 30

  1. Insurance
  2. Franklin Community Federal Credit Union 12/88
  3. Helmet Law
  4. Immigration
  5. Historical Society, NE State
  6. Executive Board
  7. Computer
  8. Exxon Overcharge
  9. File Guidelines
  10. Food Processing Center

Box 31

  1. State Budget
  2. Budget Reserve
  3. Capitol Building
  4. Continuing Care Retirement Communities
  5. Landis Bond Plan
  6. Animals
  7. Bluebooks
  8. American Legislative Exchange Council
  9. College
  10. Computers
  11. Community Colleges
  12. 1990 Census
  13. Cederberg, John
  14. Centel
  15. Clerk of the Legislature
  16. Federal Budget
  17. Annual Reports

Box 32

  1. Correspondence
  2. Corrections, Dept. of
  3. Worker’s Compensation
  4. Wesleyan University
  5. Water

Box 33

  1. Rural Study
  2. Savings and Loans
  3. Schools (Unaccredited)
  4. Schools
  5. School Weatherization Program
  6. Secretary of State
  7. 1995 Session
  8. 1996 Session
  9. Silver-Haired Legislature on Elderly
  10. Taxes
  11. Share Health Plan of Nebraska
  12. State Governmental Affairs Council (SGAC)
  13. Teenage Suicide
  14. Term Limits
  15. Roads, Department of

Box 34

  1. Energy Statutes Index
  2. Environment
  3. Ethics
  4. Education, Dept. of
  5. Education
  6. Ethics Pay Commission

Box 35

  1. 1-1-71.3 UNL Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources and College of Agriculture
  2. UNL Division of Continuing Studies
  3. UNL Job Reclassification – Bob Kallemeyn
  4. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Ticket Office
  5. UN-L Energy Extension Office
  6. UNL-Sheldon Art Gallery
  7. University of Nebraska Medical Center
  8. Association of Students of the Univ. of NE (ASUN)
  9. Meyer’s Children’s Rehabilitation Institute
  10. University of Nebraska-Omaha
  11. Nebraska Business Development Center
  12. Water Resources
  13. 1-1-76 Dept. Social Services

Box 36

  1. A Organizations
  2. Advocacy Services, NE
  3. The Alliance for the Mentally Ill of Nebraska, Inc.
  4. Association for Retarded Citizens, NE
  5. NACL – Assoc. of Commerce and Industry
  6. B Organizations
  7. Bethany Lions
  8. Bethany Neighborhood Assoc.
  9. C Organizations
  10. Central Labor Union
  11. Civil Liberties Union, Nebr.
  12. Committee for the Humanities, Nebraska
  13. Common Cause
  14. Community Development Society – Nebraska Chapter
  15. Consumer Credit Counseling Service
  16. Cotner Center
  17. County Officials of Nebraska, Assoc. of
  18. D Organizations
  19. Doane College – Lincoln Advisory Council
  20. East Campus Neighborhood Assoc.
  21. F Organizations

Box 37

  1. LR 256 Mental Health Commitment Act-Public Hearing-Alliance
  2. LR 256 and LR 306 Public Hearing MHCA and Public Welfare-Omaha
  3. LR 273 Child Care Public Hearing – Ogallala
  4. LR 320
  5. Interim Hearing, Closing of Norfolk Regional Center May 28, ‘80
  6. Interim Hearing, Closure of Norfolk Regional Center June 10, ‘80
  7. Interim Hearing LR 336 and LR 296 Nov 19, 1982
  8. LR 131-Examining Boards-Aug 18 1983

Box 38

  1. HHS 2-11-87 LBs 126, 466, 500, 116
  2. HHS 2-12-87 LBs 301, 372, 599, 637
  3. HHS 2-18-87 LBs 257, 321, 320, 499
  4. HHS 2-19-87 LBs 418, 419, 42, 249, 250, 694
  5. HHS 2-20-87 LBs 95, 72
  6. HHS 2-25-87 LBs 282, 410, 173, 699
  7. HHS 2-26-87 LBs 556, 693, 259, 668, 195
  8. HHS 3-4-87 LBs 256, 697, 104, 364, 350
  9. HHS 3-5-87 LBs 517, 518, 542, 328
  10. HHS 3-6-87 LBs 695
  11. HHS 3-11-87 LBs 76, 442, 460, 620
  12. HHS 3-12-87 LBs 190, 552, 248, 691
  13. HHS 3-18-87 LBs 390, 653, 534, 557, 760
  14. HHS 5-26-87 LBs Confirmation-Dale Johnson

Box 39

  1. LR 124 Post-Secondary Education
  2. LR 128-State Boiler Inspection
  3. LR 136-83 Com. Action
  4. LR 137 Bureau of Examining Boards
  5. LR 138 Nurse Practitioners
  6. LR 145-83
  7. Unemployment Insurance LR 146 ‘83
  8. LR 152 Ag. Study
  9. LR 161 Public Power Study
  10. LR 165 Non-partisan legislature 1983 study
  11. School Retirement
  12. State Employees Roundtable
  13. Public Safety
  14. LR 174 Investment of retirement 1983 Study

Box 40

  1. Energy 11 Utilities Load Management and Long Range Planning
  2. Natural Gas – Federal Deregulation
  3. Retirement, Cola LB 567
  4. Lincoln Job Training Program Dec 84
  5. Energy
  6. Retirement – Lump Sum
  7. Retirement – State Employees, Mandatory
  8. NEO Budget
  9. Budget – Energy Agencies
  10. Supply Plans – Electric Energy
  11. Supply Plans – Natural Gas
  12. Wap Funding
  13. Community Energy Management Program
  14. Department of Energy
  15. Lifeline Rates/Low Income Energy
  16. Solar Tax Credits – Federal
  17. Leg. Energy Report
  18. Natural Gas – Federal
  19. Oil Overcharge Funds
  20. Solar/Renewable Nebraska Strategy
  21. Maps
  22. CPI Inflation Deflator
  23. Nuclear Energy

Box 41

  1. Housing Affordability Trust Fund
  2. Community Development
  3. Fed. CRA Statutes & Regulations
  4. NE Interstate Banking Statutes and Transcripts
  5. Star States Agreement
  6. CRA Guides and Resources
  7. CRA Coalition Material
  8. Press
  9. Needs and Proposals

Box 42

  1. Sex Ed and SBC
  2. LR 182 – Asbestos
  3. LR 144 – CHIP
  4. LR 150 – Regional Centers
  5. LR 156 – Health Care Cost Containment; LR 150 – Regional Centers
  6. Norfolk 10-23-89 – LR 156 (Health Care Costs), LR 150 (Regional Centers) , LR 65 (Family Day Care)
  7. LR 150 – Regional Centers

Box 43

  1. CRA
  2. Reports on housing in US as a whole
  3. Nebraska Investment Finance Authority
  4. Finance

Box 44

  1. LR 42
  2. LR 59-83
  3. LR 63-83
  4. LR 67 Nurse-Midwives
  5. LR 70
  6. LR 72
  7. LR 89
  8. Interim Studies – 1983
  9. LR 101
  10. LR 103
  11. LR 116
  12. LR 117
  13. LR 56
  14. LR 91
  15. LR 95
  16. Traffic Safety and Awareness Days
  17. Neb. Mortgage Finance Fund LR 38
  18. LR 37
  19. Safety Council of Nebraska
  20. S Organizations
  21. Rural Electric Associations
  22. Resource Districts, Nebraska Associations of
  23. Rotary Club
  24. R Organizations
  25. Public Employees Association, NE
  26. Press Association, NE
  27. P Organizations

Box 45

  1. LB 378 Modify the NE Health Care Certification of Need Act. Committee Bill
  2. Certificate of Need Specific CON Reviews
  3. Primary Information LB 410
  4. News Articles LB 410
  5. Correspondence
  6. LB 410 (Wesely) Change Provisions relating to certificate of need
  7. LB 410 – Certificate of Need – Additional Info
  8. Research Materials
  9. 314-85
  10. LB 746
  11. CON – Bergan Mercy

Box 46

  1. 1-1-20 Commission on Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
  2. Commissions and Boards of NE
  3. Economic Development
  4. Community Affairs, DED
  5. Education
  6. NE School for the Deaf
  7. State Technical Colleges
  8. Special Education
  9. Southeast Technical Community College
  10. Bd. Of Educational Lands & Funds
  11. Environmental Control
  12. Nebraska State Energy Office
  13. NE Educational Television Commission
  14. Board of Examiners for Professional Engineers & Architects
  15. State Electrical Board
  16. Fair Board
  17. NE Equal Opportunity Comm.
  18. Game and Parks Commission
  19. Governor’s Task Force for Government Improvement
  20. 1-1-32 Health
  21. LB 948-82

Box 47

  1. Macke Calendar
  2. Executive Board
  3. Health, Dept. of
  4. Indigent Care
  5. Indigent Care
  6. Legislative Breakfast – 1987
  7. 1987 – Lincoln Loves the Legislature
  8. New Horizons of Nebraska

Box 48

  1. LR 374 – Respite Care in Nebraska
  2. LR 375 – Taxpayers Bill of Rights
  3. LR 372 – Biological Parents – Foster Care
  4. LR 373 – Foster Care Under Age 3
  5. LR 377 – Public Health Services
  6. Interim Study – Drug Addicted Babies
  7. Capital Study – 1990 Interim
  8. Interim Study on Smoking
  9. LR 350 – DSS’s Offices Closing
  10. LR 356 – Select Committee Area Agencies on Aging
  11. LR 359 – Pooled Labor
  12. LR360 – Federal liaison for State
  13. LR 361 – Eastern Europe Economic Development
  14. LR 365 – Drug & Alcohol Programs
  15. LR 367 – Child Abuse
  16. LR 369 – Omnibus Health and Human Services
  17. LR 370 – Disciplinary Action of Health Professionals
  18. LR 371 – Domestic Violence

Box 49

  1. Social Services, Dept. of – 1988
  2. Transportation Committee – 1988
  3. Paint Fumes
  4. Rice, Delores

Box 50

  1. NAIC Model Acts
  2. NCSL Task Force Meetings
  3. Nebraska Insurance Regs
  4. NCOIL
  5. NSCL Task Force
  6. Insurance Portfolios
  7. Earthquake Project
  8. Unemployment Insurance
  9. Consumer Insurance Services
  10. IDS Report

Box 51

  1. 5-1-20-79 Special Use Districts
  2. D.C. Representation Issues
  3. LR 41 – Nuclear Energy/Evacuation Plans
  4. Reservoir Management
  5. Budget Review – University
  6. Review of NE Records Management Act
  7. Public Power (MANDAN)
  8. EDUCATION – minimum competency testing
  9. Hazardous Waste
  10. X-ray Study
  11. License Plates (PUBLIC WORKS)
  12. Mechanic’s Lien Law (JUDICIARY)
  13. Mental Health Commitment Act (PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE)
  14. Water Study
  15. Public Employee Retirement Systems (RETIREMENT)
  16. Child Care in Nebraska (PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE)
  17. Review of Dept. of Welfare (PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE)
  18. Energy (ENERGY)
  19. Welfare Reform
  20. Public Power (PUBLIC WORKS)
  21. Roads (PUBLIC WORKS)
  22. Funding of Regional Centers (PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE)
  23. Nebraska Advocacy Services
  24. UNL Gymnastics Team
  25. UNL Swimming and Diving Team

Box 52

  1. Commonwealth
  2. Rules – 1982
  3. Commonwealth – Special Session Includes LB1027-1984
  4. National Energy Plan Comments March, 1983
  5. Commonwealth

Box 53

  1. Committee Reports
  2. Newspaper Clippings
  3. Douglas Clippings

Box 54

  1. Legislative Bills 1979-80

Box 55

  1. Legislative Bills 1979-80

Box 56

  1. Energy 13 Severance Tax
  2. Energy 8 Model Energy Code
  3. Public Utilities
  4. Waste — Energy
  5. Industrial Cogeneration
  6. Wind
  7. Other States Purpa
  8. PURPA + Nebraska Legislation
  9. LR96 Motor Vehicle Fuels Taxes
  10. Energy 7 Public Building and School Weatherization
  11. Energy 1 General Information
  12. Energy 3 The National Picture
  13. Energy 12 State Solar Office
  14. Energy 10 Cogeneration
  15. Energy 5 Nuclear Power
  16. Legislative Energy Ideas
  17. Golden Fleece Award Vol. I
  18. Lobbyists I

Box 57

  1. 2-1-15.1 CIP
  2. Correctional Survey
  3. Corrections: Prisoner Complaints
  4. Laboratory Regulation
  5. LR 144 – CHIP
  6. LB 64 – Child Health Insurance Reform Act
  7. LR 153 – Health Programs for Children
  8. LR 170 – Continuing Care Retirement Comm.

Box 58

  1. Legislative Bills 1979-80

Box 59

  1. Legislative Bills 1979-80


TMM/bl 02-13-2006


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About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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