Frank Eugene Edgerton, 1875-1963 [RG2504.AM]


RG2504.AM:  Frank Eugene Edgerton, 1875-1963

Papers:  1886-1963

Aurora, Hamilton County, Nebraska:  Lawyer

Size:  5.5 cu.ft.; 8 boxes, etc.


The Frank E. Edgerton papers are arranged in three series: 1) Correspondence and printed matter arranged alphabetically by subject, 1926-1963; 2) Miscellaneous material, 1907-1940; and 3) Financial ledgers, 1886-1923. Correspondence forms the bulk of the first series of this collection. Correspondents include: Ralph F. Beerman, 1961; Carl T. Curtis, 1958-1960; Clarence A. Davis, 1956; Cecil C. Fraizer, 1926-1933; Robert D. Harrison, 1958; Roman L. Hruska, 1956; Samuel R. McKelvie, 1928; and Everett P. Wilson, 1932. The material in this collection relates to Edgerton’s career as newspaperman, 1903-1907; secretary to U.S. Senator Norris Brown, 1907-1910; Assistant Attorney General of Nebraska, 1911-1915; and Aurora attorney, 1915-1963. It relates also to Edgerton’s activities as president of the Aurora Rotary Club and the Hamilton County Historical Society.


Series 1 – Subject Files

Box 1

American Legion, National Americanism Commission, 1925-1930

American Legion, reports, minutes and correspondence, 1926-1930

American Legion, Auxiliary, 1928-1929

American Legion, Constitution Committee, 1932

American Legion, Young Citizens Contest, 1932-1934

Box 2

Aurora Airport, 1959-1963

Aurora Hospital, 1961

Burlington Railroad, 1951-1962

Consumers Public Power District, 1943-1960

Hamilton County Bar Association, 1959

Hamilton County Historical Society, 1942-1962

Library information, 1957-1963

Missouri River Power Line, 1956

Box 3

Nebraska State Bar Association, 1927-1929

Newspapers, 1930-1943

Oral Roberts Evangelistic Association, Inc., 1958-1962 (includes correspondence with Oral Roberts and S.L. Braxton)

Political, correspondence and clippings, 1925-1926

Box 4

Political, correspondence, 1926

Box 5

Political, correspondence, 1926

Political, campaign data, clippings and correspondence, 1927-1928

Box 6

Political, correspondence and printed matter, 1928-1931

Political, Griwsold gubernatorial campaign, 1934

Political, correspondence and printed matter, 1956-1963

Rotary Club, correspondence and printed matter, 1926-1927

University of Nebraska, Alumni Association and Foundation correspondence, 1942-1959

Box 7

University of Nebraska, correspondence and printed matter (relating largely to the class of 1900), 1951-1963

Includes 3 page typewritten “letter” from Dan Gutleben to Robert N. Manley concerning the history of the University

Series 2 – Miscellaneous

Box 8

Picture postcards, 1907-1910

Robert H. Thesing vs. C.W. Rice, in the district court of Hamilton County, Nebraska, September 23-25, 1940

Two memoranda books, n.d.

Stock certificates (unissued) in Aurora Normal and Business College and Morgan Independent Oil Co., n.d.

Memorabilia, n.d.

Series 3 – Ledgers


    1. 1886-1927, Mortgage index; arranged by section

    1. 1889-1890, Stockham Creamery Association cash book

    1. 1890-1923, Discount register

    1. 1891-1892, Accounts

    1. 1904-1909, Collection register

    1. 1907-1910, Day book

    1. 1917-1918, Account book

    1. n.d., J.R. Davidson, accounts


Subject headings:

American Legion (Neb.)

Aurora (Neb.) — History

Edgerton, Frank Eugene, 1875-1963

Hamilton County Historical Society (Aurora, Neb.)

Lawyers — Nebraska

University of Nebraska — History


LW/cs   03-22-1965

Encoded TMM   03-31-2010

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