Getting to the Source: The Nebraska State Capitol
“Getting to the Source” brochures supplement various exhibits and programs produced by History Nebraska. They are intended to lead researchers to original documents in the Library/Archives. These materials, and many more fascinating documents, are available for use in the public reading room of History Nebraska at 1500 “R” Street in Lincoln. The staff there will be happy to help you get to the source.
The Nebraska State Capitol manuscript collection [RG1234.AM]
This collection consists of two folders of material relating to the current and former Nebraska State Capitol buildings. The first folder contains miscellaneous items relating to the current (3rd) Nebraska State Capitol building. The second folder (oversized) contains various drawings and blueprints relating to the old (2nd) Nebraska State Capitol building.
The Nebraska State Capitol photograph collection [RG1234.PH]
This collection includes various images of the Nebraska State Capitol.
The Nebraska State Capitol moving image collection [RG1234.MI]
This collection contains two 16mm amateur-made silent films:
“Raising of the Sower” (1930). Shows the “Sower” statue being raised by crane to the top of the Nebraska State Capitol. “Our State Capitol” (1932). Shows various shots of the exterior of the Nebraska State Capitol.
The Clark Edwin Mickey manuscript collection [RG2770.AM]
The collection relates to C.E. Mickey’s career as an engineer, particularly to his services for the Nebraska State Capitol Commission. Included are contour maps of the state capitol site, c.1920-1922.
History Nebraska’s Online Collections Search
Use History Nebraska’s Online Collections Search to find various other items relating to the Nebraska State Capitol.
Nebraska History [978.2, H62m].
Use the Nebraska History table of contents and searchable index to locate various articles about the Nebraska State Capitol.
History Nebraska’s library includes numerous books about the Nebraska State Capitol.
They can be located by consulting the library catalog. Several of the more important ones are:
A harmony of the arts : the Nebraska state capitol / edited by Frederick C. Luebke. [978.265 H288o]
Architectural wonder of the world : Nebraska’s state capitol building / Elinor L. Brown. [978.2651 B81a]
Building a landmark : the Capitol of Nebraska / by Charles F. Fowler. [978.2651 F785b]
The Nebraska State Capitol : Restoring a Landmark. [978.2651 B151n]
Nebraska State Capitol Scrapbook no. 1 [978.2651 H62s]
Building Nebraska’s Capitol, 1906-1923 [978.2651 N27b 1906-1923]
Building Nebraska’s Capitol, 1924-1928 [978.2651 N27b 1924-1928]
Building Nebraska’s Capitol, 1929 [978.2651 N27b 1929]
Building Nebraska’s Capitol, 1930-1933 [978.2651 N27b 1930-1933]
Building Nebraska’s Capitol, 1934-1960 [978.2651 N27b 1934-1960]