Hazlett and Jack (Beatrice, Nebraska) [RG3734.AM]


RG3734.AM: Hazlett and Jack (Beatrice, Nebraska)

Papers: 1875-1920
Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska: Attorneys
Size: 24.0 cu.ft.; 14 boxes + oversize volumes


Alfred Hazlett was born near Kent, Pennsylvania on June 9, 1848. He grew up on his father’s farm where he attended district country school, prep school and Jefferson College at Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. Hazlett was admitted to the bar at Greensburg, Westmoreland County, Pennsylvania. For a short time he was associated in the practice of law with his brother, James J. Hazlett, and former U.S. Senator Edgar Cowan.

Alfred Hazlett moved to Beatrice, Gage County, Nebraska in 1871. At the beginning, he was associated with L.W. Colby. By 1884 he had formed a partnership with Charles O. Bates. From 1891 to 1894 Hazlett and W.C. LeHane were partners. In 1895, Hazlett and his cousin, Fulton Jack, went into practice together. Their firm of Hazlett and Jack, which later became Hazlett, Jack, and Laughlin as Senator Loren H. Laughlin became associated with them, lasted until Hazlett’s death in 1927. During his 56-year career as a lawyer in Nebraska, Hazlett had a reputation as a safe advisor and as one of the strongest and more resourceful trial lawyers in the state.

Fulton Jack was born in Indiana County, Pennsylvania on June 17, 1869. A graduate of Pennsylvania’s Washington and Jefferson College, he received his law degree from the Northwestern Indiana Law School in 1894.

Jack arrived in Beatrice, Nebraska in 1895 and was admitted to the bar on July 1st of that year. He then began practice with his cousin, Alfred Hazlett, in the firm of Hazlett and Jack. At first, he was closely connected with the activities of the Kilpatrick Brothers in the field of railroad construction. In his practice with Hazlett, Jack became prominent in general community practice and was known as an effective trial lawyer.


This collection consists of fourteen boxes and thirty-four volumes of manuscript material arranged in six series: 1) Incoming Correspondence, 1883-1914; 2) Outgoing Correspondence, 1877-1913; 3) Financial Records, 1884-1892; 4) Collection Register, 1875-1890; 5) Records of Clients and Research Reports, 1886-1888; and 6) Miscellany, 1882-1920.

This material relates to the law firm which began as Hazlett and Colby and ended as Hazlett and Jack. The collection reflects all of the many partnerships of Alfred Hazlett, with L.W. Colby, Charles O. Bates, W.C. LeHane, and Fulton Jack. The association with Jack, Hazlett’s cousin, lasted from 1895 till 1927, when Hazlett died. This collection, while providing information about all of Hazlett’s partnerships, contains the greatest amount of material on the longest lasting partnership of his partnerships, the one of Hazlett and Jack.

The Incoming Correspondence, 1883-1914, of Series 1 comprises the bulk of this collection. Letters are arranged chronologically and then alphabetically by last name of the correspondent. This isn’t a strict chronological or alphabetical filing system, as letters are grouped together by blocks of time and then by the first letter of the last name. Therefore, it will be necessary to look under all of the “k” files, for each designated time period, to find all of the letters written by the Kilpatrick Brothers Company, for example.

Topics discussed in the correspondence include questions about and the status of various law cases, collections and claims, complaints about fees, requests for information about clients and residents of Beatrice, politics, and personal news from relatives. Of particular interest are the reports on the “hard times” in Nebraska during the 1890’s as descriptions of the drought-ridden land and financial losses of clients are provided. Prominent correspondents include J. Sterling Morton (1885, Apr.-June), Governor Silas Holcomb (1897, July-Dec.), Roscoe Pound (1906, Aug.-Oct.), and Gilbert M. Hitchcock (1910).

File headings reflect the changing names of Hazlett’s law firms as the names Bates, LeHane, and Jack are shown as they become associated with Hazlett.

The Outgoing Correspondence, 1877-1913, of Series 2 consists of twenty-one letterbooks. Topics discussed include collections and claims, money received, progress of court cases, strategy and plans notes on individuals involved in cases, court appearance, the gathering of evidence and witnesses, and answers to questions asked by other lawyers. An index, sometimes partial, is included in each volume which lists alphabetically the recipient of these letters and the page number on which a copy of the letter appears. The volumes reflect Hazlett’s partnerships with Colby, Bates, LeHane, and Jack at different points in time.

Series 3 is comprised of Financial Records, 1884-1892. Record types include cash account books, ledgers, and journals. All reflect expenditures and income, but arrangement differentiates the types. Journals and cash books are in chronological order: cash book accounts show bills receivable while journals record debits and credits. The ledgers are arranged by account names, which are indexed.

The Collection Registers, 1875-1890, of Series 4 record money received as collections are made. Volume 1, 1875-1890 provides the most information as it shows the payer’s name and address, type of claim, date, amount due, interest, when due, amount paid, and to whom remitted. Entries are arranged alphabetically by first letter of payer’s last name.

Volumes 2 and 3, 1876-1889, record collections made by agents employed by Hazlett’s law firm. These are arranged chronologically and by the name of the employee. Entries show the type of collection and the amount received.

Series 5 consists of Records of Clients and Research Reports, 1886-1888. These were probably maintained for cases engaged in by the law firm. Entries show the individual’s name, the type of business engaged in and length of time in operation, age, marital status, evaluation of character, habits, and capacity, worth of business, and property owned.

The Miscellany of Series 6 includes various unfiled case-related documents, personal and business files, and a volume with copies of court proceedings, 1885-1887.


Series 1 – Incoming correspondence, 1883-1914
Box 1

  1. 1883-1885, April 14, A-C
  2. 1883-1885, April 14, D-F
  3. 1883-1885, April 14, G-I
  4. 1883-1885, April 14, J-L
  5. 1883-1885, April 14, M-O
  6. 1883-1885, April 14, P-S
  7. 1883-1885, April 14, T-Z
  8. 1885, April 15-June 22, A-C
  9. 1885, April 15-June 22, D-G
  10. 1885, April 15-June 22, H-K
  11. 1885, April 15-June 22, L-O
  12. 1885, April 15-June 22, P-S
  13. 1885, April 15-June 22, T-Z
  14. 1885, June 23-December, A-B
  15. 1885, June 23-December, C-F
  16. 1885, June 23-December, G-K
  17. 1885, June 23-December, L-Q
  18. 1885, June 23-December, R-Z
  19. 1886, January-May, A-C
  20. 1886, January-May, D-G
  21. 1886, January-May, H-L
  22. 1886, January-May, M-R
  23. 1886, January-May, S-Z
  24. 1886, June-August, A-C
  25. 1886, June-August, D-F
  26. 1886, June-August, G-K
  27. 1886, June-August, L-P
  28. 1886, June-August, Q-Z
  29. 1886, September-December, A-B
  30. 1886, September-December, C-E
  31. 1886, September-December, F-K
  32. 1886, September-December, L-P
  33. 1886, September-December, Q-Z
  34. 1887, January-February, A-B
  35. 1887, January-February, C-F
  36. 1887, January-February, G-K
  37. 1887, January-February, L-P
  38. 1887, January-February, Q-Z
  39. 1887, March-April, A-C
  40. 1887, March-April, D-F

Box 2

  1. 1887, March-April, G-K
  2. 1887, March-April, L-M
  3. 1887, March-April, N-S
  4. 1887, March-April, T-Z
  5. 1887, May-June, A-C
  6. 1887, May-June, D-G
  7. 1887, May-June, H-L
  8. 1887, May-June, M-R
  9. 1887, May-June, S-Z
  10. 1887, July-December, A-C
  11. 1887, July-December, D-G
  12. 1887, July-December, H-L
  13. 1887, July-December, M-O
  14. 1887, July-December, P-Z
  15. 1888, January-February, A-C
  16. 1888, January-February, D-G
  17. 1888, January-February, H-L
  18. 1888, January-February, M-O
  19. 1888, January-February, P-Z
  20. 1888, March-April, A-C
  21. 1888, March-April, D-G
  22. 1888, March-April, H-L
  23. 1888, March-April, M-R
  24. 1888, March-April, S-Z
  25. 1888, May-June, A-C
  26. 1888, May-June, D-G
  27. 1888, May-June, H-L
  28. 1888, May-June, M-R
  29. 1888, May-June, S-Z
  30. 1888, July-August, A-C
  31. 1888, July-August, D-G
  32. 1888, July-August, H-L

Box 3

  1. 1888, July-August, M-R
  2. 1888, July-August, S-Z
  3. 1888, September-October, A-C
  4. 1888, September-October, D-G
  5. 1888, September-October, H-L
  6. 1888, September-October, M-R
  7. 1888, September-October, S-Z
  8. 1888, November-1889, January, A-C
  9. 1888, November-1889, January, D-G
  10. 1888, November-1889, January, H-L
  11. 1888, November-1889, January, M-R
  12. 1888, November-1889, January, S-Z
  13. 1889, February-April, A-B
  14. 1889, February-April, C-D
  15. 1889, February-April, E-J
  16. 1889, February-April, K-M
  17. 1889, February-April, N-R
  18. 1889, February-April, S-T
  19. 1889, February-April, U-Z
  20. 1889, May-August, A-C
  21. 1889, May-August, D-G
  22. 1889, May-August, H-L
  23. 1889, May-August, M-R
  24. 1889, May-August, S-Z
  25. 1889, September-1890, February, A-C
  26. 1889, September-1890, February, D-F
  27. 1889, September-1890, February, G-J
  28. 1889, September-1890, February, K-M
  29. 1889, September-1890, February, N-R
  30. 1889, September-1890, February, S-T

Box 4

  1. 1889, September-1890, February, U-Z
  2. 1890, March-April, A-C
  3. 1890, March-April, D-G
  4. 1890, March-April, H-K
  5. 1890, March-April, L-O
  6. 1890, March-April, P-S
  7. 1890, March-April, T-Z
  8. 1890, May-July, A-C
  9. 1890, May-July, D-G
  10. 1890, May-July, H-L
  11. 1890, May-July, M-R
  12. 1890, May-July, S-V
  13. 1890, May-July, W-Z
  14. 1890, July 15-September, A-C
  15. 1890, July 15-September, D-G
  16. 1890, July 15-September, H-L
  17. 1890, July 15-September, M-S
  18. 1890, July 15-September, T-Z
  19. 1891, January-October 25, A-C
  20. 1891, January-October 25, D
  21. 1891, January-October 25, E-K
  22. 1891, January-October 25, L-P
  23. 1891, January-October 25, Q-Z
  24. 1891, October 26-December, A-C
  25. 1891, October 26-December, D-E
  26. 1891, October 26-December, F-K
  27. 1891, October 26-December, L-P
  28. 1891, October 26-December, Q-Z
  29. 1894-1895, A-C
  30. 1894-1895, D-F
  31. 1894-1895, G-J

Box 5

  1. 1894-1895, K-M
  2. 1894-1895, N-R
  3. 1894-1895, S-T
  4. 1894-1895, U-Z
  5. 1896-January, 1897, A-E
  6. 1896-January, 1897, F-N
  7. 1896-January, 1897, O-Z
  8. 1897, February-June, A-C
  9. 1897, February-June, D-F
  10. 1897, February-June, G-I
  11. 1897, February-June, J-M
  12. 1897, February-June, N-R
  13. 1897, February-June, S
  14. 1897, February-June, T-Z
  15. 1897, July-December, A-B
  16. 1897, July-December, C-D
  17. 1897, July-December, E-G
  18. 1897, July-December, H-J
  19. 1897, July-December, K-M
  20. 1897, July-December, N-R
  21. 1897, July-December, S
  22. 1897, July-December, T
  23. 1897, July-December, U-Z
  24. 1898, January-May 10, A-C
  25. 1898, January-May 10, D-F
  26. 1898, January-May 10, G-K
  27. 1898, January-May 10, L-O

Box 6

  1. 1898, January-May 10, P-S
  2. 1898, January-May 10, T-Z
  3. 1898, May 11-October 17, A-B
  4. 1898, May 11-October 17, C-D
  5. 1898, May 11-October 17, E-G
  6. 1898, May 11-October 17, H-J
  7. 1898, May 11-October 17, K-M
  8. 1898, May 11-October 17, N-S
  9. 1898, May 11-October 17, T-Z
  10. 1898, October 18-1899, May, A-B
  11. 1898, October 18-1899, May, C-E
  12. 1898, October 18-1899, May, F-H
  13. 1898, October 18-1899, May, I-M
  14. 1898, October 18-1899, May, N-R
  15. 1898, October 18-1899, May, S-Z
  16. 1899, June-November, A-C
  17. 1899, June-November, D-G
  18. 1899, June-November, H-J
  19. 1899, June-November, K-Q
  20. 1899, June-November, R-S
  21. 1899, June-November, T-Z
  22. 1899, December-1900, March 20, A-C

Box 7

  1. 1899, December-1900, March 20, D-F
  2. 1899, December-1900, March 20, G-K
  3. 1899, December-1900, March 20, L-M
  4. 1899, December-1900, March 20, N-R
  5. 1899, December-1900, March 20, S-T
  6. 1899, December-1900, March 20, U-Z
  7. 1900, March 21-June, A-C
  8. 1900, March 21-June, D-G
  9. 1900, March 21-June, H-K
  10. 1900, March 21-June, L-O
  11. 1900, March 21-June, P-S
  12. 1900, March 21-June, T-Z
  13. 1900, July-September, A-C
  14. 1900, July-September, D-H
  15. 1900, July-September, I-O
  16. 1900, July-September, P-S
  17. 1900, July-September, T-Z
  18. 1900, October-December, A-C
  19. 1900, October-December, D-H
  20. 1900, October-December, I-P
  21. 1900, October-December, Q-S
  22. 1900, October-December, T-Z
  23. 1901, January-March, A-C
  24. 1901, January-March, D-F
  25. 1901, January-March, G-J
  26. 1901, January-March, K-M
  27. 1901, January-March, N-S
  28. 1901, January-March, T-Z
  29. 1901, April-June, A-C
  30. 1901, April-June, D-F
  31. 1901, April-June, G-H
  32. 1901, April-June, I-L
  33. 1901, April-June, M-P
  34. 1901, April-June, Q-S
  35. 1901, April-June, T-Z
  36. 1901, July-December, A-B

Box 8

  1. 1901, July-December, C-D
  2. 1901, July-December, E-G
  3. 1901, July-December, H
  4. 1901, July-December, I-L
  5. 1901, July-December, M
  6. 1901, July-December, N-R
  7. 1901, July-December, S-T
  8. 1901, July-December, U-Z
  9. 1902, January-March, A-C
  10. 1902, January-March, D-G
  11. 1902, January-March, H-J
  12. 1902, January-March, K-M
  13. 1902, January-March, N-R
  14. 1902, January-March, S-Z
  15. 1902, April-August, A-B
  16. 1902, April-August, C-D
  17. 1902, April-August, E-G
  18. 1902, April-August, H-I
  19. 1902, April-August, J-L
  20. 1902, April-August, M-O
  21. 1902, April-August, P-R
  22. 1902, April-August, S
  23. 1902, April-August, T-Z
  24. 1902, September-December, A-B
  25. 1902, September-December, C-D
  26. 1902, September-December, E-G
  27. 1902, September-December, H-I
  28. 1902, September-December, J-L
  29. 1902, September-December, M-P
  30. 1902, September-December, R-S
  31. 1902, September-December, T-Z

Box 9

  1. 1903, January-March, A-C
  2. 1903, January-March, D-F
  3. 1903, January-March, G-J
  4. 1903, January-March, K-M
  5. 1903, January-March, N-R
  6. 1903, January-March, S-Z
  7. 1903, April-December, A-C
  8. 1903, April-December, D-G
  9. 1903, April-December, H-J
  10. 1903, April-December, K-O
  11. 1903, April-December, P-S
  12. 1903, April-December, T-Z
  13. 1904, January-April 14, A-C
  14. 1904, January-April 14, D-G
  15. 1904, January-April 14, H-J
  16. 1904, January-April 14, K-O
  17. 1904, January-April 14, P-S
  18. 1904, January-April 14, T-Z
  19. 1904, April 15-August 4, A-C
  20. 1904, April 15-August 4, D-F
  21. 1904, April 15-August 4, G-K
  22. 1904, April 15-August 4, L-O
  23. 1904, April 15-August 4, P-S
  24. 1904, April 15-August 4, T-Z
  25. 1904, August 5-November 18, A-C
  26. 1904, August 5-November 18, D-G
  27. 1904, August 5-November 18, H-L
  28. 1904, August 5-November 18, M-R
  29. 1904, August 5-November 18, S
  30. 1904, August 5-November 18, T-Z
  31. 1904, November 19-1905, February 28, A-C

Box 10

  1. 1904, November 19-1905, February 28, D-G
  2. 1904, November 19-1905, February 28, H-L
  3. 1904, November 19-1905, February 28, M-S
  4. 1904, November 19-1905, February 28, T-Z
  5. 1905, March 1-May 4, A-B
  6. 1905, March 1-May 4, C-D
  7. 1905, March 1-May 4, E-H
  8. 1905, March 1-May 4, I-L
  9. 1905, March 1-May 4, M-R
  10. 1905, March 1-May 4, S-Z
  11. 1905, May 5-August, A-B
  12. 1905, May 5-August, C-F
  13. 1905, May 5-August, G-K
  14. 1905, May 5-August, L-M
  15. 1905, May 5-August, N-R
  16. 1905, May 5-August, S-Z
  17. 1905, September-December, A-B
  18. 1905, September-December, C-G
  19. 1905, September-December, H-L
  20. 1905, September-December, M-N
  21. 1905, September-December, O-R
  22. 1905, September-December, S
  23. 1905, September-December, T-Z
  24. 1906, January-April 20, A-C
  25. 1906, January-April 20, D-G
  26. 1906, January-April 20, H-J
  27. 1906, January-April 20, K-M
  28. 1906, January-April 20, N-R
  29. 1906, January-April 20, S
  30. 1906, January-April 20, T-Z
  31. 1906, April 21-July, A-C
  32. 1906, April 21-July, D-H
  33. 1906, April 21-July, I-L
  34. 1906, April 21-July, M-Q
  35. 1906, April 21-July, R-S
  36. 1906, April 21-July, T-Z

Box 11

  1. 1906, August-October, 11, A-D
  2. 1906, August-October, 11, E-I
  3. 1906, August-October, 11, J-N
  4. 1906, August-October, 11, O-R
  5. 1906, August-October, 11, S-Z
  6. 1906, October 12-December 16, A-C
  7. 1906, October 12-December 16, D-F
  8. 1906, October 12-December 16, G-L
  9. 1906, October 12-December 16, M-S
  10. 1906, October 12-December 16, T-Z
  11. 1906, December 16-1907, February, A-C
  12. 1906, December 16-1907, February, D-G
  13. 1906, December 16-1907, February, H-K
  14. 1906, December 16-1907, February, L-O
  15. 1906, December 16-1907, February, P-S
  16. 1906, December 16-1907, February, T-Z
  17. 1907, March-June, A-C
  18. 1907, March-June, D-F
  19. 1907, March-June, G-J
  20. 1907, March-June, K-L
  21. 1907, March-June, M-R
  22. 1907, March-June, S
  23. 1907, March-June, T-Z
  24. 1907, July-September, A-B
  25. 1907, July-September, C-E
  26. 1907, July-September, F-H
  27. 1907, July-September, I-M
  28. 1907, July-September, N-R
  29. 1907, July-September, S
  30. 1907, July-September, T-Z
  31. 1907, October-December, A-B
  32. 1907, October-December, C-E
  33. 1907, October-December, F-I
  34. 1907, October-December, J-M
  35. 1907, October-December, N-R
  36. 1907, October-December, S
  37. 1907, October-December, T-Z
  38. 1908, A-L
  39. 1908, M-Z
  40. 1909, A-B

Box 12

  1. 1909, C-D
  2. 1909, E-H
  3. 1909, I-K
  4. 1909, L-M
  5. 1909, N-R
  6. 1909, S
  7. 1909, T-Z
  8. 1910, A-B
  9. 1910, C-E
  10. 1910, F-J
  11. 1910, K-M
  12. 1910, N-R
  13. 1910, S-Z
  14. 1911, January-April, A-D
  15. 1911, January-April, E-K
  16. 1911, January-April, L-Q
  17. 1911, January-April, R-S
  18. 1911, January-April, T-Z
  19. 1911, May-December, A-E
  20. 1911, May-December, F-L
  21. 1911, May-December, M-R
  22. 1911, May-December, S-Z
  23. 1912, A-B
  24. 1912, C-D
  25. 1912, E-I
  26. 1912, J-M
  27. 1912, N-R
  28. 1912, S
  29. 1912, T-Z
  30. 1913, January-June, A-B
  31. 1913, January-June, C-D
  32. 1913, January-June, E-H
  33. 1913, January-June, I-M
  34. 1913, January-June, N-R
  35. 1913, January-June, S
  36. 1913, January-June, T-Z
  37. 1913, July-August, A-B
  38. 1913, July-August, C-E
  39. 1913, July-August, F-K

Box 13

  1. 1913, July-August, L-R
  2. 1913, July-August, S-Z
  3. 1913, September-December, A-B
  4. 1913, September-December, C-D
  5. 1913, September-December, E-L
  6. 1913, September-December, M-R
  7. 1913, September-December, S
  8. 1913, September-December, T-Z
  9. 1914, January-April, A-B
  10. 1914, January-April, C
  11. 1914, January-April, D-H
  12. 1914, January-April, I-M
  13. 1914, January-April, N-R
  14. 1914, January-April, S
  15. 1914, January-April, T-Z
  16. 1914, May-December, A-C
  17. 1914, May-December, D-J
  18. 1914, May-December, K-Q
  19. 1914, May-December, R-S
  20. 1914, May-December, T-Z

Series 2 – Outgoing correspondence (letterbooks), 1877-1913


  1. September 15, 1877-August 15, 1878
  2. August 15, 1878-January 23, 1879
  3. July 26-December 4, 1880
  4. November 22, 1881-April 22, 1882
  5. December 30, 1882-April 23, 1883
  6. May 13-September 30, 1886
  7. July 8-November 24, 1886; February 5-April 8, 1887
  8. August 11-December 14, 1887
  9. December 14, 1887-April 12, 1888
  10. April 12-July 9, 1888
  11. July 7-October 2, 1888
  12. December 31, 1888-March 25, 1889
  13. ca. September 16-September 25, 1891; ca. February 20-April 28, 1892
  14. April 28-July 18, 1892
  15. October 6-December 24, 1892
  16. February 19-July 9, 1896
  17. January 7, June 8, 1904
  18. June 8-November 2, 1904
  19. November 2, 1904-March 1, 1905
  20. March 21-June 7, 1911
  21. April 17-July 21, 1913

Series 3 – Financial Records, 1884-1892

  1. Cash Accounts, May, 1884-December 1887
  2. Ledger, 1884-1889
  3. Ledger, 1885-1888
    3a. Ledger, 1888-1891
  4. Journal, September 15, 1890-December 22, 1891
    4a-b. Journals, July 1, 1889-April 5, 1891
  5. Ledger, 1890-1891
    Cash Accounts, January-July, 1891 (See Box 14, F 46)
  6. Ledger, 1892
  7. Journal, 1892

Series 4 – Collection Registers, 1875-1890

  1. 1875-1890
  2. 1876-1889
  3. 1878-1888
  4. 1877-1885

Series 5 – Records of Clients and Research Reports, 1886-1888

  1. 1886-1888
  2. 1888

Series 6 – Miscellany, 1882-1920

  1. Copies of court proceedings, 1885-1887

Box 13 (cont.)

  1. January, 1897-1899, Tifany, M.D.
  2. March 1898, Coburn, C. E. Copeland Coal Co.
  3. February, 1898, Kerr, Andy
  4. July, 1898, J.M Wild Haber
  5. April, 1898, Mrs. Stoll, Randall Bros
  6. March, 1899, Reid, Mary Vanderploeg, Gage Co.
  7. October, 1899, Longtin, Eve L. – Bankrupt
  8. September, 1899, Paddock Hotel, Opera House
  9. May-June, 1900, Odell Comm. Club R. P. Boyle
  10. October, 1900, Osborne and Co. (D. M.) vs. Johnson, Walter
  11. July, 1901, Doolittle vs. Fitchett
  12. June, 1901, Odell Village Board, Deiderich
  13. May, 1901, Eck, W. H.
  14. May, 1901, Parsons F. M., John V. Farewell Co.
  15. September, 1901, A. H. Tacky, Walter Bros., Teckey
  16. Segole & Van Arsdale, March 1902
  17. Brost, George H. in account with J.W. Mayer, April 1902
  18. Bruhn Bros. petition to sell liquor-Wymore, March 1902
  19. Grider, A.B. in account with F. Hirken, November 1902
  20. Johnson, J.A. & Nancy (research), August 1902
  21. Rumbaugh, George S. vs. John R. Welch et al; Westermorland Co., Penn. Transcript, January 1902
  22. Booth (A) & Co., Lincoln in account with C.F. Wilber, March 1903
  23. Cramer, Charles D. – Bankrupt, September 1903
  24. Doering, George W. – Bankrupt, November 1903
  25. Gartner, George vs. C. RI & P. Ry Co., December 1903
  26. Hickman, Isaac N. – Bankrupt, November 1903
  27. Merritt, Minnie vs. Lorenzo H. Merritt, October 1903
  28. Sprague, William Bingham – Bankrupt, November 1903
  29. Williams, C.W. in account with Atlantic Refining Co., Cleveland, December 1904
  30. Avery, Lewis S. – Bankrupt, 1904-1905
  31. Flanagan Mills & Elevator vs. Cummings, June 1904
  32. Beatrice Sanitarium, December 1904
  33. Hanaford, George in account with R.C. Giddings & Co., August 1904
  34. Sink & Bloom Cigar Co. vs. Miller Cigar Co., October 1904
  35. Betournay, Arthur in account with E. Schembeck, May 1905
  36. Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co. vs. Myers, Norman & Fannie, March 1905
  37. Fritch, Sylvester – Bankrupt, May 1905
  38. Hamilton National Bank vs. W.W. Bosworth, February 1905
  39. Salts, Franklin – Bankrupt, April 1905
  40. Underwood Bros. Cigar Co. vs. John Mendery, April 1905
  41. Freshman, Abraham C. in account with C.A. Janssen, November 1905
  42. Bowen, Richard vs. Filley Horse Co., May 1906
  43. Cass (Bayard T) Empire Moulding vs. Beatrice Book & Stationery, July 1906
  44. Dawson, Henry C. – Bankrupt, Oct.-Dec. 1906
  45. Fretzen, M. in account with Palace Market (W.A. Stoll), December 1906
  46. Harbaugh, John P. – Bankrupt, February 1906
  47. Hauser, F.W. in account with A.R. Ake, June 1906
  48. Kees, Fritz (Hardware), July 1906-Feb. 1907
  49. Pratt, E.M. in account with Paxton & Gallagher, January 1906
  50. Samson, Libbie (Stephen Disher lands), March 1906
  51. Tumbleson Deposition, Los Angeles (charges), January 1906
  52. Whitmore, Frank in account with Paine Clothing Co., May 1906
  53. Artistic Adv. Co. vs. H.L. Silver, April 1907
  54. Beck & Coritt Iron Co. vs. Lon When, April 1907
  55. Beach (Black), Frank in account with Sam Irwin, October 1907
  56. Bonacum, Rev. Thomas vs. James Lynch et al, December 1907
  57. Chase, receiver vs. Miller & Paine et al, Hall, Woods & Pound, Attorneys, (Roscoe Pound), April 1907
  58. Cook, Harrison F. vs. City of Beatrice, February 1907
  59. Davis, Byron E. – Bankrupt, January 1907
  60. Dodson, Chandler M. – Bankrupt, February 1907
  61. Dunn, Peter in account with Charles A. Holm, August 1907
  62. Filley, Nebraska – Village Board, October 1907
  63. Frolick vs. American Loan & Trust Co., November 1907
  64. Griggs, Nathan Kirk, April 1907
  65. Hartigan, John C., Attorney; Fairbury, Nebr., April 1907
  66. Jones, Owen – in re. estate of, March 1907
  67. Koch, Henry & Kecheley enclosing agreement (cover letter only by Hinds State Bank), January 1907
  68. Markle, Hale E. (accounts owing), Feb./April 1907
  69. Miller, T.J. – Bankrupt, February 1907
  70. Moses, E.N. (deceased), March 1907
  71. Ohlman, Jacob K. – Bankrupt, October 1907
  72. Peru Plow & Implement Co. vs. Hanna Mort et al, April 1907
  73. Piniper, William G. (accounts owing), 1907
  74. Saline County vs. Gage County, April 1907
  75. Schmidt vs. Doyle, October 1907
  76. Shamp, Bert J. – Bankrupt, March 1907
  77. Simons, J.W. & Sons in account with Underwood Brothers Cigar Co., Beatrice, Nebraska, April 1907
  78. U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Co. vs. Bender, February 1907
  79. Blue Valley Milling Co. in account with Bemis Omaha Bag Co., Omaha, April 1908
  80. Reeger (Ruger) – Bankruptcy, August 1908
  81. Dolley & Moody Construction Co. vs. Kilpatrick Bros. & Collins, January 1909
  82. Munnke, Faulger J. – Bankrupt, March 1909
  83. Woolhether, J.W. – Mortgage; Spellman, J.H. vs. J.W. Woolhether, July 1909
  84. Jackson, Gus in account with Beatrice Electric Co., August 1910
  85. Kentwer, W.E. in account with Riley Bros. Co., May 1910
  86. Meis, Lucien – Bankrupt, May 1911
  87. Schadd Construction Co. in account with Crane Co., December 1911
  88. Wickhams in account with L.L. Noble, M.D., April 1911
  89. Friesham, H.S. in account with Gage County Gas, Light & Power Co., September 1912
  90. Owl Drug Co., Beatrice (accounts owing), 1912-1914
  91. Wymore Drug Co., Beatrice (accounts owing), May 1912
  92. Warren, Penny in account with Deputy-Esterbrook Co., June 1913
  93. Dukesloaw, J.F. in account with McCord-Brady Co., March 1913
  94. First National Bank, Beatrice on H.E. Clark, July 1913
  95. Lancaster, D.C. in account with Deputy-Esterbrook Co., June 1913
  96. Reins, B.Y. in account with Charles A. Holm, March 1913
  97. Roby (G.A.) & Co. in account with Inter-State Rubber, May 1913
  98. Simon Brothers vs. M.E. Shalla, April 1913
  99. Killen & Whitney in account with Paxton and Gallagher, March 1914
  100. Bates, co. Peus, 1885-
  101. Bates, L. A., personal
  102. Beatrice Bldg. and Loan Association
  103. Beatrice National Bank
  104. Beatrice Rug and Tent Co.
  105. Clemons, A. F., Abstractor- Hebron, Thayer Co.
  106. First National Bank – Beatrice
  107. C. J. Schmidt Fuel Account
  108. Furniture/ Fixtures
  109. W. H. Thrift and Hardware-
  110. Hazlett A.-, 1884-1885
  111. Hazlett, Alfred- House Construct
  112. Hazlett, Alfred, personal receipts
  113. Hazlett, Alfred-rental prop
  114. Insurance
  115. Irvine, Thos., Contractor, payroll, Oct-Nov 1911
  116. Fulton, Jack
  117. Fulton, Jack
  118. Fulton, Jack
  119. Fulton, Jack
  120. Fulton, Jack-groceries
  121. Kellogg and Van Duyn – Abstractors – Wilber
  122. Laundry/Dry Goods
  123. Lindell Hotel – Lincoln
  124. Nebraska Society for prev. of cruelty to animals
  125. Neihardt, Charles – monuments, Beatrice
  126. F. W. Barclay, Plumbing-
  127. Postal Tele- Cable Co. Beatrice
  128. Rent and Mortgage
  129. J. E. Hill, Sundries
  130. Hazlett and Bates, Taxes
  131. Transportation-Living
  132. Utilities
  133. Yule (Thos) and Son – Abstracts

Box 14

  1. Fitzgerald, John, John Oleson vs., December 1897
  2. Von Gillern, Emil, July 1897
  3. Ellis, John – Bankrupt, November 1899
  4. Honke, Rika (Gdn) vs. Charles H. Klipper et al, April 1900
  5. Neese, John H. vs. George Drahoble, May 1900
  6. Steinmeyer, William vs. C.R.I. & P. Ry Co., June 1900
  7. Hubka, Mary, lease to J.S. Davis, July 1901
  8. Mutual Mercantile Agency contract, June 1901
  9. Pisar, John et al, Jessie Byres vs., December 1901
  10. Minnesota Thresher Manufacturing Co. in account with Elmer Conine, November 1901
  11. Nies (William) vs. Nies (Jane), October 1901
  12. Chase Co. Land & Livestock Co., McKiney Lanning Loan & Trust vs., December 1902
  13. McCormick Harvesting Machine Co. vs. C.J. Hiatt, Gage County, August 1902
  14. Slors, Herbert J. (Gdn for Everett H. Myers), September 1902
  15. Whiffen, J.W. vs. Arabian Horse Co., December 1902
  16. American Bank of Nebraska by A. Hazlett, Receiver vs. William L. Walker, 1903
  17. Blakely, Charles – Bankrupt, 1903, 1909
  18. Wallick, Schuyler U. vs. Robert H. Skeet, July-Sept. 1903
  19. Arthur, Dora vs. Richard S. Arthur, August 1904
  20. Spencer, Alvid D., vs. School District #116, Barneston, August 1904
  21. Newport Savings Bank in account with A.F. Swart, January 1905
  22. Schumer, Josef vs. C. RI & P RY Co., January 1905
  23. Hall, Francis E. – Last Will & Testament, May 1907
  24. Lynch, Michael (in re estate of), July 1907
  25. Miller, T.J. – Bankrupt, February 1907
  26. Suiter vs. C. RI & Pacific RY Co., March 1907
  27. Cook, D.W. vs. C. RI & Pacific RY Co., 1909
  28. Wardlaw, Vivian (deceased), January 1909
  29. Salter, Sam to L.H. Whan Music Co., February 1911
  30. Schumbeck, E. (accounts owing), 1912-1913
  31. D & H Tailoring Co. – Bankrupt, July 1913
  32. Jack, Fulton Jr. vs. CB&Q RR Co., April 1914
  33. Jack Fulton, 1907-1909
  34. Jack Fulton, 1900-1906
  35. Jack Fulton, 1913
  36. Phelan, Walter E. vs. Dempster Mill Mfg. Co., April 1914
  37. In regards to Helen Wustoff alien minor, April 1919
  38. Brown, Emily A. to Louis Kahle (lease), 1920-1921
  39. Miscellaneous n.d. and unfilled letters, including:
    Morton vs. CB&Q RR, 9/6/1881
    Lincoln Land Co. to Glenn E. Murdock (land description, n.d.)
    Graf, C.D. to Penner & Penner, n.d.
    Bradford, E.R. (page 2 of letter) (in re Fox vs. RR Co. & Kilpatrick Bros), n.d.
    Foulks vs. Foulks (Fees), n.d. 188_
    Thomas, J.D., Attorney, enc. affidavit of Peter Disher (cover letter only), n.d.
    Crose, Walter P. of Jennings & Crose, in re Hunt vs. Sullivan (Iowa), 1903?
  40. Library/Subscriptions, 1883-1886
  41. Library/Subscriptions, 1887-1889
  42. Library/Subscriptions, 1902-1912
  43. Office Supplies, 1883-1913
  44. Painting, 1884-1913
  45. Printing, 1883-1913
  46. Hazlett and Jack, Financial records, cash accounts, Jan-July 1891
  47. Heating, 1883-1912
  48. Hill (E.M.) & Sons, 1887
  49. Hazlett Family, 1884-1887
  50. Hazlett, Alfred – Personal, 1901-1904
  51. Hazlett, Alfred, 1886-1900
  52. Construction, 1884-1913
  53. Alcohol/Liquor, 1900-1912
  54. Advertisements/Solicitations, 1883-1905 & n.d.

Subject headings:

Ansley (Nebraska) — History
Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railroad
Barneston (Nebraska) — History
Bates, Charles O.
Beatrice (Nebraska) — History
Broken Bow (Nebraska) — History
Broken Bow and Northern Railroad (proposed)
Burlington & Missouri River Railroad in Nebraska
Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company
Chicago, Kansas & Nebraska Railroad Company
Chicago, Rock Island, and Pacific Railroad
Colby, Leonard Wright, 1846-1924
Gage County (Nebraska) — History
Hazlett and Jack (Beatrice, Nebraska)
Hazlett, Alfred, 1848-1927
Hitchcock, Gilbert Mannell, 1859-1934
Holcomb, Silas Alexander, 1858-1920
Hubbell (Nebraska) — History
Jack, Fulton, 1869-1949
Kansas City and Omaha Railroad Company
Kilpatrick Brothers Company (Beatrice, Nebraska)
Lawyers — Nebraska
LeHane, William Collins, 1864-1948
Lincoln Land Company
Mason (Nebraska) — History
Morton, Julius Sterling, 1832-1902
Munger, Thomas Charles, 1861-1941
Odell (Nebraska) — History
Pound, Nathan Roscoe, 1870-1964

AIF/psw 07-22-1980
PMC 03-09-1989
TMM/vk 01-15-2016


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