RG1572.AM: Howard Stebbins Wilson, 1894-1958
Papers: 1888-1958
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska: Insurance Executive, Civic Leader
Size: 4.5 cu.ft.; 9 boxes
Howard S. Wilson was born in Lincoln, Nebraska, on November 16, 1894. He graduated from Lincoln High School in 1913 and the University of Nebraska in 1917 with a Bachelor of Arts Degree. In 1919 he succeeded his father, W.C. Wilson as president of Banker’s Life Insurance Co., where he remained until his death. During World War I, Mr. Wilson enlisted as a seaman in the naval Reserves and was released to inactive service in January of 1919.
Mr. Wilson was active in many civic organizations; he was a director of the Beatrice National Bank, Lincoln General Hospital, Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, Lincoln Country Club and the University Club. He was a former president (1946) and trustee of the University of Nebraska Foundation, member of the American Red Cross Board of Governors (1947-1951), member of the Lincoln Symphony Board and member of the American Life Convention. He was on the executive committee of the National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, the Easter Seal Agency and a trustee of the Nebraska State Historical Society.
A 33rd Degree Mason, Mr. Wilson was a Shriner, member of the Scottish and York Rites, and a member of the Temple Board and treasurer of the Educational Loan Association. He was a member of the National Association of Life Insurance Company Presidents and served several times as a trustee of the First Plymouth Congregational Church. Mr. Wilson was a member of the Federal Finance Committee of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a member of the Lincoln Chamber’s board of directors. In 1957 he married Louise Baker, author of Partyline (1945), and Out on a Limb (1946), and Snips and Snails (1953).
Mr. Wilson died on March 14, 1958 at Lincoln General Hospital following an extended illness.
This collection consists of nine boxes of manuscript material arranged in seven subgroups: (1) National Red Cross, 1936-1957; (2) Lancaster County Red Cross, 1942-1958; (3) University of Nebraska, 1939-1963; (4) Lincoln Civic Organizations, 1903-1958; (5) Other Organizations, 1932-1957; (6) Manuscripts, 1942-1957; (7) Miscellany, 1888-1958.
The bulk of this collection relates to various civic and educational organizations of which Howard S. Wilson was a member. A large portion of the collection is comprised of Red Cross material. The papers of the various organizations found within this collection include correspondence, reports, minutes and publications. A substantial file of newspaper clippings dating from 1888-1958 is included in Subgroup 7.
Subgroup 1: National Red Cross, 1936-1957
Series 1 – Correspondence, 1945-1957
Box 1
- General C.G. Marshall, 1949-1950
- Federal Cabinet Members, 1948-1949
- 1950-1957
- 1945-1949
Series 2 – Minutes, 1947-1957
- Board of Governors, 1947-1948
- Board of Governors, 1949-1955
- Committees of the Board, 1947-1957
Series 3 – Reports, 1945-1955
- Financial Reports, 1945-1955, including Fund Raising Campaigns, 1947-1951; American National Red Cross Financial Summary to 1950
- Reports on Committees including Central Comm., Staff Comm.
- Reports on Board of Governors, 1947-1951
- Reports of Personnel Policy and Procedure, 1945-1953
Box 2
- Miscellaneous reports including Hawaiian Chapter, 1947; Industrial Solicitation Policy, 1949
Series 4 – Service Programs, 1945-1951
- National Blood Program, 1947-1950
- Community Chest 1949; Services to Veterans, 1951; Public Works Program, 1945; Red Cross in Texas City Explosions, 1947
- Volunteer Services, 1950-1951
Series 5 – Printed Matter, 1936-1957
- Organizational, 1936-1957 including Group Insurance Plan, 1946; Retirement System, 1936; Code of Procedure, 1949
- Annual Convention Programs, 1947, 1955, 1955 Annual Report
- Miscellaneous, including “The Greatest Freewill Offering,” 1947; “the Courier,” 1947; “My New Job,” Gen. G.C. Marshall
- News Service, Newsletters, 1947-1955
- Newspaper, Magazine clippings, 1945-1950
Series 6 – Miscellany, 1950-1955
- Items, including Membership ribbon, 1955; 1st National Bank Check, 1950; desk memos
Subgroup 2: Lancaster County Red Cross, 1942-1958
Series 1 – Correspondence, 1942-1957
Box 3
- 1942-1949
- 1950-1957
Series 2 – Minutes, 1942-1949
- Lancaster County Red Cross, 1942-1943
- Service Directors, Executive Committee, 1949
Series 3 – Reports, 1942-1958
- Fund Campaigns, 1944-1952
- Camp and Hospital Service, 1942-1943
- Service Programs, 1949-1951
- Financial, 1944-1958
- Other, including American Red Cross History, 1947
Series 4 – Manuscripts, 1948-1951
- Prepared for appearances in Lincoln, 1948-1949
- Thayer County Fund Campaign, 1951
- Other, including Red Cross Structure and Purposes, 1950
Series 5 – Speeches and Addresses, 1948-1950
- Gen. G.C. Marshall, 1950
- H.S. Wilson, 1949; O’Connor, 1948
Series 6 – Printed Matter, 1942-1952
Box 4
- Pamphlets, including Volunteer Services, 1948; Volunteer, 1950
- Newspaper and Magazine clippings, 1942-1952
- 1952 Cosmopolitan, article pg. 52, “Where Does Your Charity Money Go?”
- Desk memos
Subgroup 3: University of Nebraska, 1939-1963
Series 1 – University of Nebraska Foundation, 1939-1957
- Correspondence, 1939-1949
- Executive Committee minutes, 1943-1957
- Investment Committee Minutes, 1944-1949
- Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, 1936-1944
- Trustees and Members, 1944-1948
- Foundation Campaigns, 1944-1950
- Investment plans and Policy, 1943-1947
Box 5
- Form letters, 1946-1948
- 1948 Report (Four copies)
- Book, Common Sense about fund raising, R.K. Leavitt, (Two copies)
- Newspaper clippings, 1948-1949 Your University; 1949-1951 budget report; Presentation of Honor Awards, University of Nebraska Foundation, 1949
Series 2 – University of Nebraska: History, 1944-1963
- Correspondence, 1946-1958
- Chartering of 1869
- History, Alumni Association Staff, 1944
- Building Committee Report, 1949
- Bulletin Board, weekly, 1946-1950
- The Nebraska Alumnus, 1944
- Newspaper clippings and photographs, 1942-1949; University Centennial Project Budget, 1958-1963
Subgroup 4: Lincoln Civic Organizations, 1903-1958
Series 1 – Community Chest, 1947-1956
- Correspondence, 1949-1954
- Campaign form letters, 1947-1955
- Pamphlets, including Welfare Fund Raising, 1949; Community, 1954
- The National Information Bureau, Newspaper clippings, 1947-1956; Who Gets Your Charity Dollars, 1954
Series 2 – Lincoln Symphony, 1903-1958
- Correspondence, 1955-1956
- Budgets, 1954-1958
- Articles of incorporation, 1957
- Contribution and letter lists, 1954-1955
- Form letters, 1955-1956
- Miscellany, including Philharmonic $10.00 Share, 1903; Report on the Lincoln Symphony Orchestra, 1956
Series 3 – Lincoln Country Club, 1938-1941
- Correspondence, 1940-1941
- Budget, 1939-1940
- Membership requirements and application, 1938
- Trust Agreement, 1939
Series 4 – Lincoln Foundation, 1955-1957
- Incorporation, 1955
- Purpose and functions
- Newspaper clipping, 1955; 1957 Annual Report
Series 5 – Lincoln Chamber of Commerce, 1948-1954
- Correspondence, 1952-1954
- Fund Federation, 1952
- United States Chamber of Commerce Federal Finance Committee, 1948-1950
Series 6 – Lincoln Hospitals, 1937-1956
Box 6
- Hospital discussion papers, 1941-1944
- Lincoln Community Hospital Fund, 1953-1956
- Lincoln General Hospital Foundation, 1954
- Rehabilitation Center Incorporation, 1956
- Correspondence concerning remodeling, 1937-1940
- Remodeling plans, 1938-1940
- Blueprints, Lincoln General Hospital
Subgroup 5: Other Organizations, 1932-1957
Series 1 – Scottish Rite, 1932-1945
- Correspondence, 1932-1941
- Bylaws and Resolutions, 1932-1945
- Financial Statements, 1935-1945
- Audit Reports, 1933-1940
Series 2 – Boy Scouts, 1937-1947
Box 7
- Correspondence, 1937-1947
- Financial Statements, 1937-1941
- Minutes and Agenda, 1940-1941
- Pamphlets, including Annual Reports, 1939-1942; Horizons
- Phillips Foundation Plan, Articles of Incorporation
Series 3 – First Plymouth Congregational Church, 1943
- Financial Statement, 1943; Service Bulletins
Series 4 – Monday Quarterback Club, 1937
- Correspondence, 1937
- Ritual
Series 5 – National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, 1950-1957
- Correspondence, 1950-1954
- Financial Statements, 1954
- Minutes, 1953-1954
- Bulletins and Reports, 1951-1957
- Pamphlets, including Annual Conventions, 1950-1955; The Crippled Child, 1950
- Easter Seal Campaign, 1952-1954
- News reprint: Case against United Fund Drive, 1954; Broadside: 1954 Convention
Subgroup 6: Manuscripts, 1942-1957
Series 1 – Discussion Papers, Misc. Subjects, 1942-1957
Box 8
- 1942-1949
- 1951-1957
- Correspondence concerning papers, 1949-1954
Subgroup 7: Miscellany
Series 1 – Correspondence, 1915-1950
- Correspondence, 1915-1950
Series 2 – Printed Matter, 1888-1958
- The Broadcaster, 1933-1935; Programs, 1920-1951
- Newspaper Clippings, 1888-1899
- Newspaper Clippings, 1900-1919
- Newspaper Clippings, 1920-1929
- Newspaper Clippings, 1930-1939
- Newspaper Clippings, 1940-1949
- Newspaper Clippings, 1950-1958
Series 3 – Family History, 1830-1939
Box 9
- Correspondence, 1939
- Family dates, 1830-1938
- Composition book, W.C. Wilson, 1875
Series 4 – Diaries, 1904-1938
Folder 1
- Diary of H.S. Wilson, 1914, trip to Europe, Paris, London, Liverpool, WWI
- Diary of Mrs. W.C. Wilson, 1914 trip to Europe, WWI
Folder 2
- Diary of Mrs. W.C. Wilson, 1926, trip to U.S. West Coast, Seattle, Portland, Los Angeles
- Diary of Mrs. W.C. Wilson, 1930-1938, daily
Subject headings:
American National Red Cross
Boy Scouts
Community Chest (Lincoln, Neb.)
Community Hospital Fund, Inc. (Lincoln, Neb.)
First-Plymouth Congregational Church (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lancaster County (Neb.) — History
Lincoln Country Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Foundation, Inc. (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln General Hospital Foundation (Lincoln, Neb.)
Lincoln Symphony Orchestra Association (Lincoln, Neb.)
Monday Morning Quarterback Club (Lincoln, Neb.)
National Society for Crippled Children and Adults, Inc.
Red Cross — Nebraska — Lancaster County
Scottish Rite Educational Welfare Association
Scottish Rite Temple (Lincoln, Neb.)
University of Nebraska — History
University of Nebraska Foundation (Lincoln, Neb.)
Wilson, Howard Stebbins, 1894-1958
World War, 1914-1918 — Personal narratives
Revised TMM 05-15-2007