RG2003.AM: John Leland Champe, 1895-1978
Papers: 1931-1978; mostly 1959-1978
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Neb.: Professor of Anthropology
Size: 21.25 cu. ft.
John Leland Champe was born in Elwood, Nebraska on April 27, 1895 and graduated from high school in Friend, Nebraska in 1911. From 1917 to 1919 he was a member of the 36th Infantry of the U.S. Army. He rose to the rank of 1st Lieutenant but never actually served over seas in WWI. He received a B.A. in mathematics from the University of Nebraska in 1921.
On December 27, 1924, John Champe married Flavia Waters, a teacher of ballet. He became a successful businessman and worked for the National Assurance Corporation in Lincoln from 1924 to 1935, eventually becoming Vice President. Champe, while still in business, became interested in anthropology. He did graduate work in archaeology at the University of Nebraska from 1934 to 1936. Deciding to make the field his life’s work, he enrolled as a graduate student in anthropology at Columbia’s University in 1938. He received his Ph.D. from Columbia University in 1946.
Champe was instrumental in reactivating the Plains Conference in 1947. The Plains Conference is an annual event that brings together people interested in Plains Anthropology, and gives them a chance to present papers on research they have done. The first Plains Conference was actually held in 1931, but the conferences were discontinued during the war.
John Champe became an assistant professor of Anthropology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1947, an associate professor in 1950, and a full time professor in 1952. He was Chairman of the Department of Anthropology from 1953 to 1961. He worked on numerous archaeological sites throughout Nebraska and the Great Plains. He did excavations at Ash Hollow Cave near Lewellen, Nebraska. With the Smithsonian Institution River Basin Surveys program, he helped coordinate salvage operations of prehistoric sites located in the reservoir areas of the Middle Missouri. He did archaeological work in cooperation with the Nebraska State Historical Society and the Nebraska State Museum, and developed an archaeological field school as well. He retired as a Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Laboratory of Anthropology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 1963.
From 1954 to 1978, Champe acted as a consultant and expert witness on a number of court cases involving treaty disputes and land claims between various Native American tribes and the U.S. government. Among the tribes involved in these cases were the Yankton Sioux, the Omaha, the Pawnee, and the Nez Perce.
John Leland Champe died of a heart attack on January 28, 1978.
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 1: Materials Related to Yankton Sioux Docket Nos. 332A-C & 74 (c.1959-1978)
Subseries 1: Contracts, amendments and associated documents [F:1]
Subseries 2: Background research and source materials [F:1-145]
Series 2: Docket No. 332-A Yankton Sioux vs. U.S. (c.1959-1969)
Subseries 1: Court Documents (Briefs, opinions, appeals, exhibits, etc.) [F:1-23]
Subseries 2: Correspondence [F:1-2]
Series 3: Docket No. 332-B Yankton Sioux vs. U.S. (c.1965-1972)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1-20]
Subseries 2: Correspondence [F:1]
Subseries 3: Background research and source materials [F:1-126]
Series 4: Docket No. 332-C Yankton Sioux vs. U.S. (c.1968-1978)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1-53]
Subseries 2: Correspondence [F:1-2]
Subseries 3: Background research and source materials [F:1-9]
Series 5: Docket No. 74 Sioux Nation vs. U.S./Sioux Nation vs. Yankton Sioux (c.1965-1978)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1-11]
Subseries 2: Correspondence [F:1]
Subseries 3: Background research and source materials [F:1-4]
Series 6: Docket No. 102-63 Jesse Short, ET. AL. vs. U.S. (c.1969-1972)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1-21]
Subseries 2: Associated Documents [F:1]
Subseries 3: Correspondence [F:1]
Subseries 4: Expenses/Receipts [F:1]
Subseries 5: Background research and source materials [F:1-8]
Subseries 6: Miscellaneous [F:1]
Series 7: Materials Related to three Affiliated Tribes Docket Nos. 350A-H (c.1966-1967)
Subseries 1: Background research and source materials F:1-13
Series 8: Docket No. 350-A Three Affiliated Tribes vs. U.S. (c.1966-1967)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1]
Series 9: Docket No. 350-B & C Three Affiliated Tribes vs. U.S. (c.1966-1967)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1]
Series 10: Docket No. 350-F Three Affiliated Tribes vs. U.S. (c.1966-1967)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1-2]
Series 11: Docket No. 350-H Three Affiliated Tribes vs. U.S. (c.1966-1967)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1]
Subseries 2: Correspondence [F:1]
Series 12: Docket No. 175 Nez Perce Tribe vs. U.S. (c.1970-1971)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1-7]
Subseries 2: Correspondence [F:1]
Series 13: Docket No. 225-A Omaha Tribe of NE vs. U.S. (c.1954-1957)
Subseries 1: Court Documents F:1-9
Subseries 2: Background research and source materials [F:1]
Series 14: Docket No. 225-B Omaha Tribe of NE vs. U.S. (c.1954-1957)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1]
Series 15: Docket No. 225-C Omaha Tribe of NE vs. U.S. (c.1954-1957)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1]
Series 16: Docket No. 10 Pawnee Tribe of OK vs. U.S. (c.1949-1957)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1-8]
Series 17: Docket No. 279-C Blackfeet & Gros Ventre Tribes vs. U.S. and Docket No. 250-A Fort Belknap Community vs. U.S. (c.1971)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1]
Series 18: Docket No. 11 Otoe & Missouria Tribe vs. U.S. (c.1953-1955)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1-2]
Series 19: Docket Nos. 33-35 Felix McCauley (Kaw Indian) vs. U.S. (c.1953-1955)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1]
Series 20: Docket No. 14 Quawpaw Indian Tribe vs. U.S. (c.1951)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1]
Series 21: Docket No. 90 Hualapai Tribe of Arizona vs. U.S. (date unknown)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1]
Series 22: Docket No. 134-67 Menominee Tribe, et al. vs. U.S. (c.1973)
Subseries 1: Court Documents [F:1]
Series 23: Background research and source materials
Subseries 1: Indian Claims Commission Annual Reports [F:1-2]
Subseries 2: Miscellaneous [F:1-3]
Subgroup 2: Archaeological Materials
Series 1: Archaeological Site Information (transferred to Archeology Division)
Series 2: Plains Conference 1931-1972 [F:1-31]
Subgroup 3: Miscellaneous
Series 1: Biographical Information [F:1-2]
Series 2: Personal Correspondence [F:1-2]
Series 3: Other [F:1-3]
Subgroup 4: Maps [F:1-9]
This manuscript collection consists of materials relating to the career of Dr. John L. Champe. It is composed of four distinct groups of materials that are listed as subgroups. These subgroups are 1) Indian Claims Litigation; 2) Archaeological Materials; 3) Miscellaneous; and 4) Maps. Each of these subgroups is arranged in series and each series into subseries (SS) based on material content (refer to RG2003.AM Champe Collection Outline).
The first subgroup, Indian Claims Litigation, is the largest and is arranged into 23 separate series. Each series is based on an individual court case or groups of court cases in which Dr. Champe was involved as a researcher and/or expert witness. Because some of the court cases are so inter-related, it was sometimes difficult to separate documents into individual court cases. This is why some materials were left under groupings of court cases. Examples are Series 1 and Series 7 (see Champe Collection Outline). This will be explained in more detail in the paragraphs to follow.
NOTE: The dates in parentheses next to each series refer to the dates of materials contained in the collection, not to the actual length of the court cases. The court cases may or may not have started earlier and ended later than the dates shown on the Collection Outline.
The second subgroup, Archaeological Materials, is arranged in two series: 1) Archaeological Site Information; and 2) Plains Conference. These series are further arranged into subseries based on content of materials. Note: Series 1 contained archaeological site information and was transferred to the Archeology Division.
The third subgroup, Miscellaneous, consists of three series: 1) Biographical Information; 2) Personal Correspondence; and 3) Other.
The fourth subgroup, Maps, consists of approximately 180 maps stored in nine over-sized folders. Some of the maps were used by Dr. Champe as exhibits and reference materials in the various Indian Claims court cases. A list of maps, including their descriptions, is available with the collection.
Subgroup 1: Indian Claim Litigation
The first five series involve the Yankton Sioux tribe (refer to Collection Outline). Series 1 (Docket #s 332A-C, 74) contains materials related to all four docket numbers. Series 2 (Docket #332-A) deals with disputes over land claims. Series 3 (Docket #332-B) contains monetary compensation/accounting materials. Series 4 (Docket #332-C) deals with more disputes over land claims. Series 5 (Docket #74) concerns land disputes between the entire Sioux Nation and the Yankton Sioux tribe. These dockets started as one court case but later diverged into several separate cases. The cases started as Docket #332 which dealt with both land claims and monetary compensation/accounting. After a while the land claims part of the case was split from the monetary compensation/accounting part: land claims became #332-A; and monetary compensation/accounting became #332-B.
Docket #332-A dealt with several areas of land which were later divided into two separate groups (Royce Area 151 and 410). One area of land, Area 151, remained in Docket #332 while the other one, Area 410, was placed into a new case which became Docket #332-C. The earliest court document in the collection for #332-C dates to 1968. Any documents concerning Area 410 prior to 1968 were left with Docket #332-A (Series 2), while those dated 1968 or later were placed with Docket #332-C (Series 4).
A fourth court case developed out of Docket #332A-C. This became Docket #74 (Series 5) and dealt with the Sioux Nation as a whole. The other tribes in the Sioux Nation disagreed with some of the Yankton Sioux tribe’s arguments over land rights, so they went to court against both the U.S. government and the Yankton Sioux tribe.
At times, similar aspects of two different cases were tried at the same time. This resulted in two different docket numbers showing up on the same document, which made it difficult to keep these dockets separate in the collection. For the sake of consistency, documents with two docket numbers were placed with the lower series number docket. For example: A document with both Docket #332-A (Series 2) and #332-B (Series 3) would be placed with Docket #332-A. A document with both Docket #332-C (Series 4) and #74 (Series 5) would be placed with Docket #332-C.
Because these Yankton Sioux dockets are so inter-related, some materials, such as expert witness contracts, covered all docket numbers. Such materials were placed in Series 1. For similar reasons, the background research materials, which also relate to multiple aspects of all Yankton Sioux dockets, were placed in Series 1. A large number of research materials were left in original order under Docket #332-B (Series 3) because the surrounding materials were designated for #332-B. It is possible, however, that some of these materials belong under a different docket number.
Series 6 through Series 23 contain materials related to various court cases not involving the Yankton Sioux. The materials for these cases are not nearly as complete as those in the Yankton Sioux cases.
NOTE: There are a number of maps relating to some of these court cases that can be found in “Subgroup 4: Maps.”
Subgroup 2: Archaeological Materials
Subgroup 2 is arranged in two series: 1) Archaeological Site Information; and 2) Plains Conference. Series 1 includes materials such as site forms and field note books relating to various archaeological sites on which Dr. Champe worked. It is arranged into subseries based on the county in which the site was located. These materials have been transferred to the Archeology Division.
Series 2 contains Plains Conference materials, 1931 to 1972. NOTE: Audio recordings of some of these conferences are available, but are stored separately.
Subgroup 3: Miscellaneous
Subgroup 3 is arranged in three series: 1) Biographical Information; 2) Personal Correspondence; and 3) Other. Series 1 consists of biographical materials concerning Dr. John L. Champe. Series 2 contains personal correspondence received by Dr. Champe and Mrs. Flavia Waters Champe. Series 3 is comprised of a small amount of materials (three folders) covering diverse subject matter that could not be placed in any other series.
Subgroup 4: Maps
Subgroup 4 consists of nine over-sized folders of materials. There are approximately 180 individual articles in this subgroup, some of which are duplicates. A master list is available giving a brief description of each map. The maps have numbers assigned to them which correspond to the numbers on the master list. It is unknown whether or not these designations were used by Dr. Champe or if they were assigned after this collection was accessioned.
The majority of maps appear to have been used for reference purposes by Dr. Champe, possibly for his work on the Indian Claims court cases. Some of the maps were used as exhibits in the various cases. See “Subgroup 1: Indian Claim Litigation.”
The maps are arranged according to the numbers assigned to them on the master list. However there are gaps in the numbering sequence where the size of the map has dictated separate storage. Some maps on the list are no longer part of the collection, which created additional numbering gaps. Some maps containing archaeological site information were transferred to the NSHS Archeology Division. Some Nebraska maps were transferred to the NSHS Library. Other generic, non-Nebraska travel/highway maps were removed from the collection entirely. Map #31 was transferred to a folder of its own (F:8) for preservation purposes.
Acc. 0298; 1979.019
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 1 – Material related to Yankton Sioux Docket Numbers 332A-C & 74
Subseries 1: Contracts, amendments, and associated documents
Box 1
- Expert witness contracts, amendments, and other related documents, Dockets #332A-C
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 1 – Material related to Yankton Sioux Docket Numbers 332A-C & 74
Subseries 2: Background research and source materials
Box 1
- Trail of Broken Treaty Proposals – Nixon Administration (1973)
- Message from the President to Congress (1851-1866) (Includes copies of some Exhibits)
- Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1845-1865), photocopies
- Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1866-1888), photocopies
- Upper Missouri (1837), National Archives (NARA) photocopies
- Yankton Agency Letters Received (1859-1875), (NARA) photocopies
- Northern Superintendency Letters Received (1858), (NARA) photocopies
- St. Peters Letters Received (1827-1846), (NARA) photocopies
- St. Peters Letters Received (1855-1858), (NARA) photocopies
- Special Cases No. 11 (1889-1891), (NARA) photocopies
- Special Cases No. 147(1890-1894), (NARA) photocopies
- St. Louis Letters Received (1837-1848), (NARA) photocopies
- Dakota Superintendency Letter Received (1862), (NARA) photocopies
- Central Superintendency Letters Received (1858), (NARA) photocopies
- Papers (1884-1894) Part 1, (NARA) photocopies
Box 2
- Papers (1884-1894), (NARA) photocopies
- Dept. of the Interior Indian Division Letters Received (1893-1905), (NARA) photocopies
- Office of Indian Affairs Letters Received (Land) (1884-1900), (NARA) photocopies
- Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) Letters Sent (Land) (1883-1901), (NARA) photocopies
- War Department Letter Received (1855), (NARA) photocopies
- Miscellaneous Maps
- Miscellaneous Notes
- Miscellaneous Notes and References
- Miscellaneous Notes
- Old Yankton Sioux vs. U.S. Decision Docket No. D-776 (Decided 10-5-1942)
Box 3
- Andreas, A.T., Historical Atlas of Dakota, 1884
- Anderson, Harry, Sioux Amendment
- Anonymous, 1884 Descriptive America
- Anonymous, n.d. The Republican Vermillion, Dakota Territory
- Anonymous, 1864-1865 House Journal, Yankton Fourth Session
- Anonymous, 1865 House Journal, Yankton
- Anonymous, 1881 History of Southeastern South Dakota
- Armstrong, Moses K. 1901 The Early Empire Builders of the Great West
- Armstrong, Moses K. History and Resources Dakota, Montana, and Idaho
- Ash Hollow, Battle of
- Athearn, Robert G. 1967 Facts of the Upper Missouri
- Babcock, W. Dakota Portraits (S.R. Riggs)
- Bailey, Dana R. 1899 History of Minnehaha County
- Batchelder, G.A. Land Value
- Briggs, Harold E. 1929 The Settlement and Economic Development of the Territory of South Dakota (Ph.D. Dissertation)
- Briggs, Harold E. 1929 Pioneer River Transportation in South Dakota
- Briggs, Harold E. 1926 Early History of Clay County
- Briggs, Harold E. 1931 Black Hills Gold Rush
- Briggs, Harold E. 1933 The Settlement and Development of the Territory of Dakota, 1860-1870
- Briggs, Harold E. 1950 Frontiers of the Northwest
- Burleigh, Walter A. Speech 1869
- Burleigh, Walter A. 1864 Payroll
- Marks, R. Theophile Bruguier
- Hoskins, J.C.C. (Marks) T. Bruguier
- Carter, Clarence, Editor, Territorial Papers, vols. 13, 14, 15
- Carter, Clarence Territorial Papers XV (Duplicate)
- Case, Leland D. Where B.C. Means Before Custer
- Centennial Edition Yankton Press and Dakotan Articles in re. to B.S. Todd & Others
- Charles, John H. 1908, Reminiscences
- Chittenden and Richardson De Smet I
- Chittenden and Richardson De Smet IV
- Cook, Joseph W. Diary, Etc.
- Coursey, O.W. n.d. Who’s Who in South Dakota
- Cullen, W.J. Report to Commissioner of Indian Affairs (CIA) 1855
- Cwach, Elmer D. 1958 A History of the Yankton Indian Agency During the Nineteenth Century.
- Denig, E.T. Five Tribes of the Upper Missouri
- Dickerson, Inga Hamsen n.d. Dakota Showed Zeal for Education
- Dodge, Richard I. 1876 The Black Hills
- Encyclopedia Britannica – Louisiana Purchase
- Flandray, Charles E. The Inkpaduta Massacre – 1857
- Federal Bar Journal 1960 Excerpts
- Fleetwood, Mary 1970 Dakota’s First Historian: Moses K. Armstrong
- Forrest, Robert J. Mythical Cities of S.W. Minnesota
- Gormley, Donald C. Role of the Expert Witness
- Griffiths, T.M. Historical and Economic Geography of the Pawnee Lands
- Harkcom, Donald K. 1957 Social and economic History of Yankton, 1859-1879
- Harney, General W.S. Ft. Pierre Council 1856
- Hinsdale, B.A. n.d. Government of the United States
- Hodge, F.W. Handbook of American Indians North of Mexico
- Holley, Frances C. 1892 Once Their Home
- Holman, Albert M. Pioneering in the Northwest
- Howard, James H. 1966 The Dakota or Sioux Tribe
- Letters & Info Sent to and received from James Howard
- Indian Claims Commission (ICC) Annual Reports (1970,1972)
- Jackson, W. Turrentine 1945 Dakota Politics During the Burbank Administration 1869-1873
- Kingsbury, G.W. History of Dakota Territory
- Lamar, H.R. Dakota Territory 1861-1889
- Larpenteur, C. Forty Years a Fur Trader on the Upper Missouri
- Levering, N. Recollection of the Early Settlement of Northwestern Iowa
- Lounsberry, Col. Clement A. 1917 North Dakota History and People
- Lusk, W.C. 1908 Yankton – Mother City
- McBride, Ben Sr. Struck by the Ree
- Marks, Constant Theophile Bruguier
- Marks, Constant R. War Eagle
- Marks, Constant French Pioneers of Sioux City and South Dakota
- Mattison, Ray Oahe Reservation Sites
- Nicollet Photomaps
- Osgood, E.S. The Field Notes of Captain William Clark
- O’Harra, Cleophus C. 1929 Custer’s Black Hills Expedition of 1874
- Olson, Anna Myron 1971 First Settlers in 1859
- Parker, Watson The Black Hills Gold Rush, 1871-1879 Ph.D. Dissertation 1965
- Peterson, E. Frank 1904 Historical Atlas of South Dakota
- Phillips, George H. The Indian Ring in Dakota Territory, 1870-1890
- Pilcher, Joshua Fur Trader and Indian Agent by John E. Sunder
- Pond, Peter Five Fur Traders of the Northwest edited by Charles M. Gates
- The Republican – Letter from the Editor Nov. 23, 1851
- Riggs, S.R. Dakota Portraits
- Riggs, S.R. 1890 A Dakota – Dictionary
- Riggs, S.R. 1851 Grammar and Dictionary of the Dakota Language
- Riggs, S.R. Journal of a tour from Lac-qui-parle to the Missouri River
- Riggs, S.R. 1893 Dakota Grammar, Texts, and Ethnography
- Riggs, S.R. Mary and I. Forty Years with the Sioux
- Ristaben, Peter J. 1957 History of the Early Norwegian Settlement in Southeastern South Dakota
- Robinson, Delornme W. Editorial Notes on Historical Sketch of North and South Dakota
- Robinson, Doane A History of the Dakota or Sioux Indians
- Robinson, Doane 1904 History of South Dakota
- Robinson, Doane 1925 Encyclopedia of South Dakota
- Robinson, Will CIA Reports
- Sandro, G.O. 1936 A History of Brookings County Prior to 1900
- Schell, Herbert S. The Evolution of a Commonwealth
- Schell, Herbert S. Dakota Territory during the Eighteen Sixties.
- Shambaugh, Benj. F. 1901 Frontier Land Clubs or Claim Associations
- Sievers, M.A. The Administration of Indian Affairs on the Upper Missouri, 1855-1865
- Smith, G.H. Fort Pierre II (395T217) A Historic Trading Post in the Oahe Dam Area, South Dakota
- Smith, Gustavus W. 1865 Report on the Affairs of the Dubuque and Pacific R.R.
- Depositions of Moses Standing Bull & Philip Deloria (July 28, 1927)
- Sutley, Zach T. The Last Frontier
- Sweeney, Marian Hopkins 1926 Indian Land Policy since 1887 with special Reference to South Dakota
- Sunder, John E. 1968 Joshua Pilcher Fur Trader and Indian Agent
- Tallent, Annie D. 1899 The Black Hills
- Tanner, H. Various Papers on Father Pierre-Jean De Smet
- Misc. info dealing with H. Tanner’s Paper
- Taylor, Lucy E. Official Relations between the United States and the Sioux Indians
- Tegeder, Vincent G. 1948 Lincoln and the Territorial Patronage
- Thomas, Norman 1949 John Blair Smith Todd First Dakota Delegate to Congress
- Utley, Robert M. The Celebrated Peace Policy of General Grant
- Van Orsdel, A.L. 1913 Indian War History
- Warren, Gov. K. Prelim. Report of Explorations in Nebraska and Dakota, in the Years 1855, 1856, 1857
- Webster, Charlotte Cook Letters From Mrs. Webster to Major Webster in regards to 1860’s payroll.
- Welch, Floyd D. 1926 M.A. Thesis The Work of Indian Agents in the Louisiana Purchase 1804-1820
- Wigfall, Sammuel The Settlement at Sioux Falls
- Wilkinson, Glenn Indian Tribal Claims Before the Court of Claims
- William, Tho. S. 1858 Siouxian Languages
- Williamson, Jesse P. Stephen Return Riggs
- Wilson, Wesley C. 1964 General John B.S. Todd, First Delegate, Dakota Territory
- Wilson, Peter Letters
- Word Carrier, The – Articles regarding the Yankton Agency
- Yankton Treaties, photocopies
- Yankton Treaties, photocopies
- Exhibits CX Nos. 82-91, 96-102, 104-108, 116, 136-141
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 2 – Docket no. 332-A, Yankton Sioux vs. U.S., ca. 1959-1969
Subseries 1: Court documents (briefs, opinions, appeals, exhibits, etc.)
Box 4
- Docket #332-A/74 (August 27, 1965) Findings of Fact
[332-A] Appeal No. 8-64 (Decided May 13, 1966) Opinion of the Court
[332-A/74] (Apr. 6, 1967 – Draft) Proposed Findings of Fact of Petitioner
[332-A/74] (10-30-1967) Docket 74 Sioux Petitioners’ Motion to Include additional Exhibits in the Record
[332-A/74] (11-09-1967) Objection of Petitioner in Docket 332-A to Docket 74 Sioux Petitioners’ Motion to Include Additional Exhibits [332-A] (n.d.) Motion of Sioux Tribe of Indians, ET AL., the Petitioners in Docket No. 74 for Leave to Intervene as Party Petitioners
[332-A/74] (n.d.) Reply to Docket No. 74 Sioux Petitioners’ Objections to Yankton Proposed Findings
- Docket #332-A (April 24, 1968) Order Granting Petitioner’s “Motion for Summary Judgment on Issue of Title as to Royce Area 151”
[332-A] (n.d.) FLH Draft of Proposed Findings
[332-A] (4-30-1968) Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Fact
[332-A] (10-08-1968) Order Granting Petitioner’s Motion to Sever and Amend Petitions in Docket No. 332-A
[332-A] (November 1968) Petition in Intervention
[332-A] (Decided: 1-28-1969) Opinion of the Commission
- Bound Document – 332-A: Wesley R. Hurt’s Anthropological Report v.1 (Microfilm Nos. 1-128)
- Bound Document – 332-A: Wesley R. Hurt’s Anthropological Report v. 2 (Microfilm frame Nos. 129-258)
- Bound Document – 332-A & 332-B General Services Administration Report v. 1 (August 25, 1965)
- Bound Document – 332-A & 332-B General Services Administration Report v.2 (August 25, 1965)
- Bound Document – 332-A & 332-B General Services Administration Report v. 3 (August 25, 1965)
- Bound Document – 332-A & 74 Transcript of Hearing (Feb. 20, 1967)
- Bound Document – 332-A & 74 Yankton Reply to Docket 74 Sioux Petitioners’ Objections to Yankton Proposed Finding of Fact, Yankton Objections to Docket 74 Sioux Petitioners’ Proposed Findings of Fact and Yankton Reply Brief (Jan. 5, 1968)
- Bound Document – 332-A Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Fact
- Plaintiff’s List of Documents to be offered in evidence at hearing on Oct. 2, 1959. Also copy of Pet. Ex. #54 and Yankton Chief Smutty Bear
- 332-A Exhibit information regarding Fort Laramie Treaty of 1851
- 332-A Exhibit information Regarding Yankton Chronology
- 332-A Exhibits Cross-Reference Tables (CYX to Yk. Ex.)
- Petitioner’s Ex. Nos. 201-226
- Petitioner’s Ex. Nos. 227-253
- 332-A Petitioner’s Ex. Nos. 249, 250, 251, 254, 259, 260, and 267
- Petitioner’s Ex. Nos. 254-272, 287
- 332-A Petitioner’s Ex. Nos. 273-286
Box 5
- Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 289
- Digest of Defendant’s Title Exhibits (1-229)
Petitioner’s Digest of Exhibits (201-287) - 332-A Defense Exhibits Nos. 56, 254
- Bound Document 332-A Defense Exhibit No. 242 Ethnohistorical Report on the Indian Occupancy of Royce Area No. 410 by Alan R. Woolworth (May, 1967)
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 2 – Docket no. 332-A, Yankton Sioux vs. U.S., ca. 1959-1969
Subseries 2: Correspondence
Box 5 (cont.)
- 332-A Correspondence (1964-1966)
- 332-A Correspondence (1967-1968)
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 3 – Docket No. 332-B Yankton Sioux vs. U.S. (ca. 1965-1972)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 5 (cont.)
- 332-B Petitioner’s Exceptions to Defendant’s Accounting (Feb. 18, 1972)
- 332-B Findings of Fact on Compromised Settlement & Final Award (Sept. 8, 1972)
- 332-B List of Exhibits
- 332-B List of Exhibits
- 332-B Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 2 Report by Dr. Mike Foley & Dr. John Champe (copy #1) “An Analysis of the course of actions and dealing between the United States and the Yankton Sioux Tribe Following the Treaty of April 19, 1859 to 1888.”
- 332-B Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 2 Report by Dr. Mike Foley & Dr. John Champe (copy #2)
- 332-B Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 2 Report by Dr. Mike Foley & Dr. John Champe (copy #3)
- 332-B Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 2 Report by Dr. Mike Foley & Dr. John Champe (copy #4)
- Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 343
- 332-B Petitioner’s Exhibit No. 354 Report by E.J, Danziger, Jr. (1970) “The Peculiar Service; Problems in the Administration of Federal Indian Policy”
- Petitioner’s Exhibit 1-60, vol. I
- Petitioner’s Exhibit 61-112, vol. II
- Petitioner’s Exhibit 113-140, vol. III
- Petitioner’s Exhibit 141-190, vol. IV
Box 6
- Petitioner’s Exhibit 191-230, vol. V
- Petitioner’s Exhibit 231-290, vol. VI
- Petitioner’s Exhibit 291-330, vol. VII
- Petitioner’s Exhibit 331-372, vol. VIII
- Petitioner’s Exhibit 373-440, vol. IX
- Petitioner’s Exhibit 441-481, vol. X
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 3 – Docket No. 332-B Yankton Sioux vs. U.S. (ca. 1965-1972)
Subseries 2: Correspondence
Box 6 (cont.)
- Correspondence (1971-1974)
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 3 – Docket No. 332-B Yankton Sioux vs. U.S. (ca. 1965-1972)
Subseries 3: Background research and source materials
Box 6 (cont.)
- Background Research – Photocopies of Exhibits South Dakota & Nebraska Historical Societies; Catalogue of National Archives Microfilm (Letters S/R OIA 1824-1881) Miscellaneous Notes.
- Background Research/ Source Materials – Canceled exhibits, misc. notes, etc.
- Background Research/ Source Materials – Canceled exhibits continued.
- Background Research – Photocopies of various Indian Agent’s Payrolls (1862-1872)
- Background Research – Treaty of 1858/Article VI. Some canceled exhibits
- Background Research – Canceled Exhibits; Information concerning James Booge; NAR photocopy of letter to Indian Agent from Abraham Lincoln
Box 7
- Background Research – NAR Photocopies concerning Article VI
- Background Research – NAR Photocopies – Misc. Correspondence & Payroll info. from various Indian Agents
- Background Research – NAR Photocopies Accounts – BIA & Indian Agents
- NAR Photocopies – Correspondence with Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1862-1890)
- NAR Photocopies – Letters to Indian Agents (1864-1876)
- NAR Photocopies – Letters from Indian Agents including Tribal Census & Account Statements
- NAR Photocopies – Ft. Randall Correspondence 1858
- NAR Photocopies – Tribal Roll of Yankton Sioux 1859 Redfield Correspondence 1862-1863 (Part 1)
- NAR Photocopies – Tribal Roll of Yankton Sioux 1859 Redfield Correspondence 1862-1863 (Part 2)
- NAR Photocopies – Misc. Correspondence from various Agencies & Agents (1862-1866)
- NAR Photocopies – Correspondence of various Agencies & Agents (1868-1873)
- NAR Photocopies – Correspondence of various Agencies & Agents (1873-1876) Part 1
- NAR Photocopies – Correspondence of various Agencies & Agents (1873-1876) Part 2
- NAR Photocopies – Correspondence between Commissioner of Indian Affairs & Agent Burleigh; List of NAR microfilm re. Letters between Office of Indian Affairs & Yankton Agency
- NAR Photocopies – Correspondence re. Article VI (1862)
- NAR Photocopies – Correspondence between CIA Dole & Office of Indian Affairs (3-27-1862 to 5-26-1862)
- NAR Photocopies – Correspondence between OIA & CIA (8-28-1862 & 6-27-1862)
- NAR Photocopies – Office of Indian Affairs (Letters sent) 2-11-1864
- NAR Photocopies – Letter from Commissioner Dole to Agent Burleigh 5-10-1864
- NAR Photocopies – More letters from Dole to Burleigh (7-28-1864 to 12-7-1864)
- NAR Photocopies – Letters from Dole to Burleigh (12-8-1864 to 4-3-1865)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (4-4-1865 to 8-5-1865)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (8-3-1865 to 12-8-1865)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (12-9-1865 to 4-6-1866)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (4-6-1866 to 7-17-1866)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (7-17-1866 to 10-26-1866)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (10-27-1866 to 4-18-1867)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (4-19-1867 to 8-2-1867)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (8-3-1867 to 11-14-1867)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (4-30-1869 to 7-8-1869)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (7-8-1869 to 10-14-1869)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (8-2-1869 to 12-14-1869)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (10-14-1869 to 3-12-1870)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (12-15-1869 to 4-14-1870)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (3-14-1870 to 8-3-1870)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (4-15-1870 to 8-25-1870)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (8-4-1870 to 12-30-1870)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (8-28-1870 to 12-21-1870)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (1-3-1871 to 5-23-1871)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (12-22-1870 to 4-19-1871)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (7-6-1871 to 8-5-1871)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (4-20-1871 to 8-24-1871)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (8-25-1871 to 1-25-1872)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (8-28-1871 to 12-18-1871)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (8-25-1877 to 12-15-1877)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (3-14-1878 to 7-31-1878)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (4-10-1878 to 4-23-1878)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (7-31-1878 to 1-20-1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (12-17-1877 to 3-27-1878)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (9-23-1878 to 2-1-1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (1-2-1879 to 8-2-1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (2-3-1879 to 6-13-1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (6-13-1879 to 9-29-1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (1-21-1879 to 9-25-1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (9-30-1879 to 1-26-1880)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (3-27-1878 to 7-10-1878)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (9-25-1879 to 10-15-1880)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (1-26-1880 to 6-15-1880)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (7-24-1878 to 10-11-1878)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (6-15-1880 to 10-9-1880)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (4-6-1880 to 5-6-1881)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (10-16-1880 to 1-5-1882)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (10-16-1878 to 3-31-1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (8-7-1879 to 2-1-1881)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (12-15-1879 to 5-4-1880)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (4-4-1880 to 8-31-1880)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Letters Sent (9-1-1880 to 1-10-1881)
- NAR Photocopies – Correspondence between OIA & Yankton Agency (1865-1866)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Superintendency Letters Received (1868-1870)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1871-1873)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1875)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1875)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1876)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1876)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1876)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1877)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1877)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1877)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1877)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1878)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1878)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1878)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1878)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1879)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1880)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1880)
- NAR Photocopies – OIA Dakota Supt. Letters Received (1880)
Box 8
- Yankton Sioux Report by Dr. Champe – Various rough drafts
- Report on Article VI by Dr. Champe – rough draft
- Report on Article VI by Dr. Champe – First draft
- Report on Article VI by Dr. Champe – Final Draft
- Report on Article VI by Dr. Champe – Typed (D.F.?)
- Report on Article VI by Dr. Champe – Final typed Version
- Report on Indian Agent Alexander H. Redfield by Dr. Champe
- Photocopies of Exhibits removed From Docket 332-B
- NAR Photocopies – Upper Missouri
- NAR Photocopies – Treaties
- NAR Photocopies – Dakota Superintendency Field Papers
- NAR Photocopies – Yankton Agency Letters Received
- NAR Photocopies – Dakota
- Misc. Exhibit information – Pet. Ex & Redx Article VI – Half-breed payments; Newspaper photocopies & transcriptions – Sioux City Times – (1860)
- NAR Photocopies of Letter from Abraham Lincoln to W.P. Dole re. Indian Agent Walter Burleigh
- Background Research for Report on Commissioner of Indian Affairs A.W. Hubbard
- Background Research for Report on Gov. William Jayne
- Background Research on various Indian Agent – Burleigh, Todd & Currier
- Background Research for Report on Alexander Johnston Special U.S. Agent
- Photocopies of Johnston Report Exhibits -Testimony against Burleigh
- NAR Photocopies – Letters by John Pattee exposing Fraudulent behavior by Agents Todd, Picotte and Brughier
- Beineke Rare Book Library Photocopies – A.J. Faulk Papers
- Background Research on Paul Picotte
- Photocopies of papers re. Indian Agent John W. Harding
- Photocopies & Transcriptions of Yankton Newspapers
- Background Research on Indian Agent Joshua Pilcher
- Photocopies of Half Breed payment sheets From A.J. Faulk Papers
- Information re. Appointments of various Indian Agents
- Information re. Appointments of various Indian Agents
- Information re. Appointments of various Indian Agents
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 4 – Docket No. 332-C Yankton Sioux vs. U.S. (ca. 1968-1978)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 9
- 332-C Defendant’s Requested Finding of Fact, Objections to Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Fact, and Brief (12-09-1968)
- 332-C Petitioner’s Objections to Defendant’s Requested Findings of Fact, Response to Defendants Objections to Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Facts and Reply Brief (4-17-1969)
- Opinion of the Commission (Decided 12-17-1969), Inter locutory Order (12-17-1969), Brief of Intervenors (3-05-1970), Petitioner’s Response to Brief of Intervenors (4-30-1970)
- 332-C/74 Docket No. 74 Plaintiff’s Response to Yankton Opposition to Rehearing (11-17-1970), Opinion of the Commission (12-03-1970), Additional Findings of Fact (Commission) 332-C Opinion of the Commission (Decided 12-14-1970) Interlocutory Order, (No date); Petitioner’s Objections to Defendant’s Requested Findings of Fact, Response to Defendant’s Objections to Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Fact and Reply Brief (No date)
- 332-C Petitioner’s Response to Brief of Intervenors (May 6, 1970)
- 332-C Yankton Tribe Opposition to Docket No. 74 Plaintiff’s Motion for Rehearing (2-28-1971), 2 copies; Motion to Schedule Trial Date (10-08-1971); Response to Motion to Schedule Trial Date (10-15-1971); Reply to Government’s Response to Plaintiff’s Motion to Schedule Trial (10-20-1971); Order setting Case For Trial on Value and Consideration (10-20-1971); Opinion of the Commission (Decided 3-01-1972); Memorandum for the Yankton Sioux (3-07-1972)
- 332-C Preliminary Report vol. I, by Roland B. Mulchay July 1972 “An Appraisal of the Mineral Resources in the Lands of the Sioux Nation Acquired By the United States under the Treaty of Ft. Laramie, Sept. 17, 1851, and of Lands Ceded by the Yankton Sioux Tribe by Treaty of April 19, 1858”
- 332-C Preliminary Report vol. II by Roland B. Mulchay July, 1972.
- 332-C Preliminary Report vol. III by Roland B. Mulchay July, 1972.
- 332-C Preliminary Report vol. IV by Roland B. Mulchay July, 1972.
- 332-C Order Removing Case From Trial Calendar ( 11-1-1972)
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (Mar. 22, 1973) Brief for the United States, As Appellee, in Response to Brief of Sioux Tribe, ET. AL., Appellants
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 ( Mar. 26, 1973) Brief for the United States, as Cross Appellant
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (May 18, 1973) Brief of Yankton Sioux, as Appellee, in Opposition to Brief of Docket 74 Sioux, Appellants (copy #1)
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (May 18, 1973) Brief of Yankton Sioux, as Appellee, in Opposition to Brief of Docket 74 Sioux, Appellants (copy #2)
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (May 21, 1973) Brief of Yankton Sioux, Cross Appellant (copy #1)
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (May 21, 1973) Brief of Yankton Sioux, Cross Appellant (copy #2)
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (May 25, 1973) Brief of Yankton Sioux, as Appellee, in Opposition to Brief of Defendant, the United States, as Cross Appellant
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (June 15, 1973) Sioux Tribes’ Answer to Brief of United States, as Cross-Appellant; Sioux Tribes’ Answer to Brief of Yankton Sioux, as Cross-Appellant
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (June 23, 1973) Brief of the United States, as Cross-Appellant, in Reply to Brief of the Yankton Sioux Tribe, as Appellee
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (Aug. 13, 1973) Reply Brief of the US, as Cross-Appellant to Brief of the Sioux 74
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (Aug. 24, 1973) Reply Brief of the United States and Docket 74 Sioux, as Appellees
- 332-C/74 Appeal No. 13-72 (Decided July 19, 1974) Opinion of the Court
- 332-C/74 (11-19-1975) Response of Yankton Sioux Tribe to Opposition of Docket 74 Sioux to Postponement of Trial
- 332-C (April 1976) Defendant’s Brief and Requested Findings of Fact on Payments on the Claim and Gratuities
- 332-C (May 13, 1976) Plaintiff’s Requested Finding of Fact on Value and Brief Vol. I of II (Plaint. Req. Find. of Fact on Val.)
Box 10
- 332-C (May 13, 1976) Plaintiff’s Requested Findings of Fact on Value and Brief Vol. I of II (Plaintiff’s Brief)
- 332-C/74 (Sept. 30, 1976) Docket No. 74 Sioux Proposed Finding of Fact and Brief
- 332-C (Oct. 15, 1976) Vol. I of II, Plaintiff’s Requested Finding of Fact on Offsets
- 332-C (Oct. 15, 1976) Vol. II of II Plaintiff’s Objections to Defendant’s Proposed Findings of Fact and Plaintiff’s Brief
- 332-C (10-20-1976) Motion to Amend Plaintiff’s Brief on Offsets 332-C/74 (12-01-1976) Motion for a Further Extension of Time within which to File Proposed Findings of Fact, Objections and Reply Brief.
- 332-C/74 (Jan. 7, 1977) Objections to the Docket No. 74 Sioux’s Proposed Findings of Fact, Proposed Findings of Facts, and Brief of the Yankton Sioux Tribe. Also: Draft of Objections to Sioux’s Proposed Findings
- 332-C (Jan. 12, 1979) Plaintiff’s Response to Defendant’s Objections to Plaintiff’s Requested Finding of Fact, Plaintiff’s Objections to Defendant’s Requested Finding of Fact, and Plaintiff’s Reply Brief
- 332-C (Date Unknown) Draft of Proposed Findings of Fact No. 1 Yankton and Teton locations Prior to the Exploration of Lewis and Clark
- 332-C/74 (Date Unknown) Draft of Reply Brief of the Yankton Sioux Tribe
- 332-C (Date Unknown) Partial Draft Entitled, “The United States Acted Unfairly and Dishonorably in Causing the Cession of the Yankton Aboriginal Homelands.”
- 332-C (3-03-1977) Defendant’s Reply Brief and Objections to Plaintiff’s Requested Findings on consideration Credits, Payments on the Claim Offsets and Gratuity Offsets. (3-2-1977) Plaintiff’s Motion to Strike Pages 5-7 of the Defendant’s Reply Brief or, in the Alternative, for Leave to File the attached Surrebuttal Brief
- 332-C/74 (July 6, 1977) Docket No. 74 Sioux Response to Yankton Objections to Sioux Proposed Findings, Objections to Yankton Proposed Finding of Fact, and Reply Brief
- 332-C/74 (Decided Aug. 25, 1977) Findings of the Commission; (Sept. 26, 1977) Motion for Rehearing; (Decided Aug. 25, 1977) Opinion of the Commission
- 332-C (Decided Aug. 31, 1978) Opinion of the Commission
- 332-C (April 27, 1979) Motion for Determination and Allowance of Attorney Fees, and Statement in Support
- 332-C Appeal No. 6-78 (Sept. 7, 1979) Reply Brief of the Yankton Sioux Tribe, Appellant in Appeal No. 6-78
- 332-C/74 (Apr. 07, 1980) Petition for a Writ of Certiorari to the United States Court of Claims
- 332-C Exhibits – Various loose Exhibits: Pet. Ex Nos. WCB-4, H-16, H-109, H-132, 101, 184, and 415
- 332-C Exhibits Pet. Ex. H-1 “The Opening and Development of the Yankton Tribal Lands – An Historical Analysis 1848-1869 by Michael F. Foley (March 1975)
- 332-C Exhibits Pet. Ex. N-1 “The Relative Use and Occupancy of the 1851 Sioux – Fort Laramie Lands by the Yankton and Teton Sioux Tribes” by Dr. Fred Nicklason and Dr. John L. Champe (Oct. 1975) (copy #1)
Box 11
- 332-C Exhibits Pet. Ex. N-1 “The Relative Use and Occupancy of the 1851 Sioux – Fort Laramie Lands by the Yankton and Teton Sioux Tribes” by Dr. Fred Nicklason and Dr. John L. Champe (Oct. 1975) (copy #2)
- An Historical Analysis of the course of Dealing Between the United States and the Yankton Sioux Tribe, 1858-1900 by Michael F. Foley and John L. Champe
- 332-C/74 Exhibits – Digest of Exhibits of the Yankton Sioux Tribe
- 332-C Exhibits – Digest of Defendant’s Rebuttal Exhibits on Consideration and Offsets
- 332-C Exhibits – Digest of Historian’s Exhibits (Part I of III) Pet. Ex. H-371 to H-731
- 332-C Exhibits – Digest of Historian’s Exhibits (Part II of III) Pet. Ex. H-732 to H-1092
- 332-C Exhibits – Digest of Historian’s Exhibits (Part III of III) Pet. Ex. H-1093 to H-1444
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 4 – Docket No. 332-C Yankton Sioux vs. U.S. (ca. 1968-1978)
Subseries 2: Correspondence
Box 11 (cont.)
- 332-C Correspondence (1968-1973)
- 332-C Correspondence (1974-1980)
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 4 – Docket No. 332-C Yankton Sioux vs. U.S. (ca. 1968-1978)
Subseries 3: Background research and source materials
Box 11 (cont.)
- Misc. Notes & Notes on Paul Gillis’ Comments
- Draft Copy of Historian’s Report Chapters I & II by Michael F. Foley (3-28-1973)
- Outlines for Historian’s Report and Bibliographies by Michael F. Foley
- Draft and Report and Bibliographic Notes on “Analysis of Material Relating to the Fulfillment of the Provisions of the Yankton Sioux Treaty of 1858” by Michael F. Foley and John Champe
- Comments on various Court Briefs
- Notes and Rough Draft of “The Relative Use and Occupancy of the 1851 Sioux-Fort Laramie Lands by the Yankton and Teton Sioux Tribes” by Fred Nicklason and John Champe
- Chiefs List prepared by John L. Champe
- 332-C Background Research – Docket No. 363 Lower Sioux Indian Community in MN – Opinion of the Commission
- Aerial photos of Badlands (1976) including instructions, correspondence, and Motions to Extend time in which to present Evidence.
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 5 – Docket No. 74 Sioux Nation vs. U.S./Sioux Nation vs. Yankton Sioux (ca. 1965-1978)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 11
- 74 (Decided Aug. 26, 1970) Opinion of the Commission. (9-24-1970) Docket No. 74 Plaintiff’s Motion for Rehearing (10-07-1970) Motion to Receive Exhibits in Evidence and for Other Relief
- 74 Appeals No. 13-72 (12-21-1972) Brief for the Appellant Sioux Tribe
- 74 Appeals No. 13-72 (12-21-1972) Appendix to Brief for Sioux Docket 74 Appellants (copy #1)
- 74 Appeals No. 13-72 (12-21-1972 Appendix to Brief for Sioux Docket 74 Appellants (copy #2)
- 74 Appeal No. 13-74 (10-29-1973) Yankton Tribe’s Response to Docket 74 Sioux Tribe’s Motion for Additional Time to Argue
- 74 List and Digest of Sioux Exhibits
Box 12
- 74 Exhibits – Sioux Ex. No. T-1 (October 1975) by Helen H. Tanner “Ethnohistorical Report on Proportionate Use of the ‘Sioux Fort Laramie Land’ by the Teton and Yankton Sioux” Also: Appendices, notes, and Supplemental Report on the Writings of Father De Smet
- 74 Exhibits – Various loose Sioux Exhibits Nos. 25, 36, 41, 43, 46-48, 50, 52, 53.
- 74 Exhibits – Various loose Sioux ExhibitsNos. 63, 81 (X2), 82, 89, 102, 106, 125, 127, 129, 135, 137, 139a&b.
- 74 Exhibits – Various loose Sioux Exhibits Nos. 146-148, 152, 167, 174, 188
- 74 Exhibits – Various loose Sioux Exhibits Nos. 222, 223, 254, 266, 542, 554-556; YK120 (CYX88), T-15, Unknown 1&2
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 5 – Docket No. 74 Sioux Nation vs. U.S./Sioux Nation vs. Yankton Sioux (ca. 1965-1978)
Subseries 2: Correspondence
Box 12 (cont.)
- Sioux 74 Correspondence (Most is with 332-C Correspondence)
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 5 – Docket No. 74 Sioux Nation vs. U.S./Sioux Nation vs. Yankton Sioux (ca. 1965-1978)
Subseries 3: Background research and source materials
Box 12 (cont.)
- Comments on Helen Tanner Report by John Champe
- Comments on Helen Tanner Report by Fred Nicklason
- Comments on Helen Tanner Report by Mark Leutbecker
- Background Research re. Medicine Creek & Redfield
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 6 – Docket No. 102-63 Jesse Short, Et.Al. vs. U.S. (ca. 1969-1972)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 12 (cont.)
- [102-63] First Amendment to Petition (March 6, 1967)
- [102-63] Affidavit of Alta Mae Kane Rogers re. Identify and Relationship with Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation (Sept. 1968)
- [102-63] Narrative of Proposed Testimony to be given by Dale Keith Valory in Behalf of Plaintiffs
- [102-63] Proposed Stipulation of Facts re. Jesse Dorothy Bristol Alameda and various other individuals on the census roll of the Hoopa Valley Indian Res. (Oct.-Dec. 1968)
- [102-63] Motion For Leave to Intervene (Feb. 26, 1969) Statement of Interveners… (Mar. 6, 1969)
- [102-63] Defendant’s and Amicus’ Joint Response to Plaintiffs’ Proposed Stipulations of Non-controverted Fact
- [102-63] Defendant’s and Amicus’ Contentions of Facts and Law
- [102-63] Defendant’s and Amicus Curiae’s Findings of Fact (vol. I) (Apr. 7, 1970)
- [102-63] Defendant’s and Amicus Curiae’s Finding of Fact(vol. II) (Apr. 7, 1970)
- [102-63] Defendant’s and Amicus Curiae’s Brief (Apr. 7, 1970)
- [102-63] Defendant’s and Amicus Curiae’s Objections to Plaintiff’s Finding of Fact (Apr. 7, 1970)
- [102-63] Defendant’s and Amicus Curiae’s Appendices (Apr. 7, 1970)
- [102-63] Direct Testimony of Dr. Verne F. Ray … For the Defendant Amicus (copy #1)
- [102-63] Direct Testimony of Dr. Verne F. Ray … For the Defendant Amicus (copy #2)
- [102-63] Direct Testimony of Dr. John L. Champe … for the Defendant Amicus
- [102-63] Statement of Case and Facts for Defendant Amicus (Rough Draft)
- [102-63] Report of Commissioner to the Court (May 22, 1972)
- [102-63] Plaintiff’s Proposed List of Documents to be Received in Evidence
Box 13
- [102-63] Defendant’s and Amicus’ Exhibits No. 144 List of Item Nos.
- [102-63] Def. Ex. No. 144 Items Nos. 1-11
- [102-63] Def. Ex. No. 144 Item Nos. 12-23
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 6 – Docket No. 102-63 Jesse Short, Et.Al. vs. U.S. (ca. 1969-1972)
Subseries 2: Associated documents
Box 13 (cont.)
- [102-63] Expert Witness Contracts
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 6 – Docket No. 102-63 Jesse Short, Et.Al. vs. U.S. (ca. 1969-1972)
Subseries 3: Correspondence
Box 13 (cont.)
- [102-63] Correspondence (Mar. – Nov. 1969)
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 6 – Docket No. 102-63 Jesse Short, Et.Al. vs. U.S. (ca. 1969-1972)
Subseries 4: Expenses/receipts
Box 13 (cont.)
- [102-63] John Champe’s Expenses and Receipts
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 6 – Docket No. 102-63 Jesse Short, Et.Al. vs. U.S. (ca. 1969-1972)
Subseries 5: Background research and source materials
Box 13 (cont.)
- [102-63] Commissioner of Indian Affairs (CIA) Annual Reports (1845-1869) (Photocopies)
- [102-63] CIA Annual Reports (1870-1900)
- [102-63] Misc. Background Info. Mostly letters sent and received by CIA/OIA/BIA (1851-1934)
- [102-63] Misc. Background Info. Mostly letters sent and received by CIA/OIA/BIA (1935-1965)
- [102-63] Hoopa Valley Tribal Enrollment Forms (Part I)
Box 14
- [102-63] Hoopa Valley Tribal Enrollment Forms (Part II of II)
- [102-63] Photocopies of Miscellaneous Manuscripts by Roland B. Dixon and A.L. Kroeber, T.T. Waterman, Pliny Earl Goddard, A.L. Kroeber, and George Gibbs
- [102-63] Notes on the Hoopa Tribe by John Champe and Verne Ray
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 6 – Docket No. 102-63 Jesse Short, Et.Al. vs. U.S. (ca. 1969-1972)
Subseries 6: Miscellaneous
Box 14 (cont.)
- [102-63] Verne F. Ray, Professional Vitae
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 7 – Materials related to Three Affiliated Tribes, Docket No.’s 350A-H
Subseries 1: Background research and source materials
Box 14 (cont.)
- [350A-H] Buffalo Report
- [350A-H] Documents 3TX-3, (1930) Previous Court Ruling. 3TX-24 to 31 (1853-1860) Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
- [350A-H] Documents: 3TX-33 to 3TX-44 – Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs (1862-1873)
- [350A-H] Documents: 3TX-45 to 56 – (1874-1885) Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs
- [350A-H] Documents 3TX-61 to 67 (1873-1879) Letters Received by the OIA
- [350A-H] Documents 3TX-68 to 78 (1879-1880) Letters Received by the OIA and Article Transcriptions
- [350A-H] Documents 3TX 79a-ii, 3TX80a-bbb, 3TX91a-o; (1881-1883) Newspaper Article Transcriptions
- [350A-H] Documents 3TX 101, 102, 104, 108, 109, 111-119 Various Articles
Box 15
- [350A-H] Documents 3TX 120-130 Various Articles
- [350A-H] Documents 3TX 131-136, 139, 140, 144-147 Various Articles
- [350A-H] Documents 3TX 149, 150, 152-154, 156-162 Various Articles
- [350A-H] Documents 3TX 163-166, 168-170, Various Articles
- [350A-H] CIA Report (1865) and Misc. Photocopies of Newspaper Clippings
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 8 – Docket No. 350-A Three Affiliated Tribes vs. U.S. (ca. 1966-1967)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 15 (cont.)
- [350-A] (7-25-1966) Defendant’s Requested Findings of Fact, Objections to Petitioner’s Proposed Findings of Fact and Brief
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 9 – Docket No. 350-B&C Three Affiliated Tribes vs. U.S. (ca. 1966-1967)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 15 (cont.)
- [350-B&C] Digest of Petitioner’s Exhibits; Digest of Petitioner’s Exhibits – First Supplement
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 10 – Docket No. 350-F Three Affiliated Tribes vs. U.S. (ca. 1966-1967)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 15 (cont.)
- [350-F] Appeal No. 2-66 (5-12-1967) Reply Brief for Appellant
- [350-F] Appeal No. 2-66 (Decided 2-16-1968) Opinion of the Commission
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 11 – Docket No. 350-H Three Affiliated Tribes vs. U.S. (ca. 1966-1967)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 15 (cont.)
- [350-H] (Decided 2-18-1966) Facts, Per Curiam Opinion on Defendant’s Motion to Dismiss
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 11 – Docket No. 350-H Three Affiliated Tribes vs. U.S. (ca. 1966-1967)
Subseries 2: Correspondence
Box 15 (cont.)
- [350-H] Correspondence (8-12-1966 to 4-23-1969)
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 12 – Docket No. 175 Nez Perce Tribe vs. U.S. (ca. 1970-1971)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 15 (cont.)
- [175] (11-01-1970) “An Appraisal of the Lands of the Nez Perce Tribe Acquired by the United States under Treaty of June 11, 1855. Ratified March 8, 1859” by T.C. Hitchings, Jr., Srea Mai, Neil A. Thomas, Volume II (copy #1)
Box 16
- [175] (11-01-1970) “An Appraisal of the Lands of the Nez Perce Tribe Acquired by the United States under Treaty of June 11, 1855. Ratified March 8, 1859” by T.C. Hitchings, Jr., Srea Mai, Neil A. Thomas, Volume II (copy #2)
- [175] Accountants Report (Rough Draft) Exhibit C-1
- [175] (11-3-1970) Exhibit C-1 “Accountant’s Report on Review of General Services Administration Report and Supporting Documents used in its Preparation” (copy #1)
- [175] (11-3-1970) Exhibit C-1 “Accountants Report on Review of General Services Administration Report and Supporting Documents used in its Preparation” (copy #2)
- [175] (11-03-1970) Exhibit C-2 “Analysis of Documentary Materials Relating to Fulfillment of the Provisions of the Nez Perce Treaty of 1855” by Verne F. Ray
- [175] Exhibit No. Unknown “Aboriginal Territory of the Nez Perce Indians” by Stuart A. Chalfant
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 12 – Docket No. 175 Nez Perce Tribe vs. U.S. (ca. 1970-1971)
Subseries 2: Correspondence
Box 16 (cont.)
- [175] Correspondence (7-06-1971)
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 13 – Docket No. 225-A Omaha Tribe of Nebraska vs. U.S. (ca. 1954-1957)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 16 (cont.)
- [225-A] (8-21-1953) Amended Complaint Relating to Lands in Nebraska and Treaty of March 16, 1854 (10-19-1954); Interlocutory (Decided 10-19-1954) Findings of Fact Opinion of the Commission
- [225-A] Plaintiffs’ Proposed Findings
- [225-A] (Decided 1-18-1957) Findings of Fact; Opinion of the Commission
- [225-A] Plaintiffs’ Exhibits Index
- [225-A] Exhibit Nos. 22a, b, c, d, e, 24-33
Box 17
- [225-A] Exhibit Nos. 34-43, 58-89
- [225-A] Exhibit Nos. 90-139
- [225-A] Exhibit Nos. 140-189
- [225-A] Exhibit Nos. 190-227
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 13 – Docket No. 225-A Omaha Tribe of Nebraska vs. U.S. (ca. 1954-1957)
Subseries 2: Background research and source materials
Box 17 (cont.)
- [225-A] Photocopy of “A Standard History of Kansas and Kansans” by William E. Connelley (1918) pp.58-68 & cover sheet
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 14 – Docket No. 225-B Omaha Tribe of Nebraska vs. U.S. (ca. 1954-1957)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 17 (cont.)
- [225-B] (8-21-1953) Amended Complaint Relating to Treaty of March 6, 1865
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 15 – Docket No. 225-C Omaha Tribe of Nebraska vs. U.S. (ca. 1954-1957)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 17 (cont.)
- [225-C] (8-21-1953) Amended Complaint Relating to Accounting, Trespasses, Breaches, Etc.
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 16 – Docket No. 10 Pawnee Tribe of OK vs. U.S. (ca. 1949-1957)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 17
- [10] (Aug. 1949) Defendant’s Objections to Findings of Fact Requested by the Claimant, Request for Findings of Fact, and Brief
- [10] Findings of Fact, Opinion of the Commission (7-14-1950) (copy #1)
- [10] (7-10-1950) Findings of Fact, Opinion of the Commission (copy #2)
- [10] Appeals No. 11 (6-12-1951) Brief of Appellant
- [10] Appeals No. 11 Brief for the Appellee
- [10] Appeals No. 11 (Decided 2-03-1953) Opinion of the Court (2 copies)
- [10] (Aug. 1, 1954) Manuscript: “Notes on the Pawnee” by John L. Champe and Franklin Fenenga
Box 18
- [10] (Decided 6-17-1957) Findings of Fact, Opinion of the Commission
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 17 – Docket No. 279-C Blackfeet & Gros Ventre Tribes vs. U.S. (ca. 1971) and Docket No. 250-A Fort Belknap Community vs. U.S.
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 18 (cont.)
- [279-C; 250-A] (4-02-1971) Accountants’ Report on Review of General Services Administration; General Accounting Office Reports & Supporting Documents used in their Preparation
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 18 – Docket No. 11 Otoe & Missouria Tribe vs. U.S. (ca. 1953-1955)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 18 (cont.)
- [11] (Decided 3-31-1953) Findings of Fact and Opinion of the Commission
- [11] Appeals No. 1-54 (Decided 5-03-1955) Opinion of the Court
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 19 – Docket No. 33-35 Felix McCauley (Kaw Indian) vs. U.S. (ca. 1953-1955)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 18 (cont.)
- [33, 34, 35] (Decided 9-17-1951) Opinion of Commission
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 20 – Docket No. 14 Quapaw Indian Tribe vs. U.S. (ca. 1951)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 18 (cont.)
- [14] (Decided 3-15-1951) Findings of Fact and Opinion of the Commission
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 21 – Docket No. 90 Hualapai Tribe of Arizona vs. U.S. (date unknown)
Subseries 1: Court documents
Box 18 (cont.)
- [90] “An Ethnological Report on the Hualapai (Walapai) Indians of Arizona” by Robert A. Manners
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 22 – Docket No. 134-67 Menominee Tribe, et.al., vs. U.S. (ca. 1973)
Subseries 1: Correspondence
Box 18 (cont.)
- [134-67] (1-26-1973) Correspondence
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 23 – Background research and source materials
Subseries 1: Indian Claims Commission annual reports
Box 18 (cont.)
- Indian Claims Commission Annual Reports (1968-1972)
- Indian Claims Commission Annual Reports (1973-1976) (1 extra copy of 1974 report)
Subgroup 1: Indian Claims Litigation
Series 23 – Background research and source materials
Subseries 2: Miscellaneous
Box 18 (cont.)
- Manuscript: “Land Occupancy and Use by the Yuma (Quechan) Indians about 1850” by Harold E. Driver
- Nebraska Surveying Contract, U.S. General Land Office (12-14-1872)
- BIA Memorandum – Water Use on reservations
Subgroup 2: Archaeological Materials
Series 1 – Archaeological Site information (transferred to NSHS Archeology Division)
Note: Boxes 19-20 containing archaeological site information were transferred to the Archeology Division
Series 2 – Plains Conference, 1931-1972
Box 21
- First Plains Conference (1931), Report for American Anthropologist
- Second Plains Conference (1932), Report for Nebraska History Magazine
- Third Plains Conference (1936), Report for American Antiquity
- Fourth Plains Conference (1940), Report for American Antiquity, Program of Events, Guest List
- Fifth Plains Conference (1947), Report for American Antiquity
- Proceedings of Fifth Plains Conference (Copy #1)
- Proceedings of Fifth Plains Conference (Copy #2)
- Proceedings of Fifth Plains Conference (Copy #3)
- Proceedings of Sixth Plains Conference (1948)
- Seventh Plains Conference (1949), Reports, Registrants List, Schedule of Events, Transcripts of Discussions
- Eighth Plains Conference (1950), Report for American Antiquity
- Ninth Plains Conference (1952), Schedule of Events
- Eleventh Plains Conference (1953), Report for Plain Anthropologist; Announcements; Report for American Antiquity; Reel recording logs
- Eleventh Plains Conference, Typed Transcript Friday Morning Nov. 27, 1953
- Eleventh Plains Conference, Typed Transcript – Friday Afternoon session
- Eleventh Plains Conference, Typed Transcript – Saturday Morning (Strong presiding)
- Eleventh Plains Conference, Typed Transcript – Saturday Afternoon session
- Twelfth Plains Conference (1954), Typed Transcript – Thursday Afternoon Nov. 25
- Fifteenth Plains Conference (1957), Schedule of Events For Thursday, Nov. 28th (Also notes on recordings)
- Fifteenth-and-a-half Plains Conference (July 26-7, 1958), Summary of Conference by Robert L. Stephenson
- Sixteenth-and-a-half Plains Conference (1959), Written Transcript – Session unknown
- Seventeenth Plains Conference (1959), Program, Registrants List, Misc. Notes, Papers, etc.
- Seventeenth Plains Conference, Transcript – Saturday Morning, Nov. 28, 1959
- Seventeenth Plains Conference, Written Transcript – Saturday Afternoon Business Meeting
- Seventeenth- and – a – half Plains Conference, Written Transcript – Afternoon Session July 30th; *Also – Report by Corbett for Archeology (Thermoluminescence)
- Eighteenth Plains Conference (1960), Notices, Event Schedules, Transcripts, etc.
- Twentieth Plains Conference (1962), Programs, Registrants List, Transcripts, Papers, etc.
- Twenty-First Plains Conference (1963), Written Transcripts – Saturday morning
- Twenty-Second Plains Conference (1964), Schedule of Events
- Thirtieth Plains Conference (1972), Schedule of Events, Abstract of Papers
- Misc. Plains Conference papers, transcripts, etc. (Various Years)
Subgroup 3: Miscellaneous
Series 1 – Biographical information
Box 21 (cont.)
- Biographical Information on John L. Champe
- Tribute to John L. Champe (2 copies)
Subgroup 3: Miscellaneous
Series 2 – Personal correspondence
Box 21 (cont.)
- Personal Correspondence (5-10-1969 to 8-19-1974)
- Personal Correspondence (3-20-1978 to 10-21-1978)
Subgroup 3: Miscellaneous
Series 3 – Other
Box 21 (cont.)
- Mike Foley – Tenure request, Grant Proposal, Curriculum Vitae, Fellowship application, etc.
- Law Firm Announcements
- Stonehenge – New York Times 6-21-1964
Subgroup 4: Maps
- Maps 1-5
- Map 6a (copy #1)
- Map 6a (copy #2)
- Maps 7-18
- Maps 19-27
- Maps 43-71
- Maps 72-145
- Map 31 (see WR/01/03/14)
- Maps 2, 9, 15, 28, 32-37, 39, 100, 101, 103 (see WR/01/03/14)
TMM/kfk 08-14-1997
ms/kfk 10-08-1998
rev. kfk 12-30-2003
Subject headings:
Burleigh, Walter Atwood, 1820-1896
Chalfant, Stuart A.
Champe, John Leland, 1895-1978
Driver, Harold Edson
Fenenga, Franklin
Foley, Michael F.
Manners, Robert Alan, 1913-1996
Mulchay, Roland B.
Picotte, Paul Steven, 1880-1979
Pilcher, Joshua, 1790-1843
Ray, Verne F.
Redfield, Alexander Hamilton, 1805-1869
Tanner, Helen H.
Todd, John Blair Smith, 1814-1872
Plains Conference (Lincoln, Neb.)
United States. Bureau of Indian Affairs
United States. Court of Claims
United States. Department of Justice
United States. Indian Claims Commission
Wilkinson, Cragun & Barker Law Office
Anthropology — North America — Great Plains
Anthropologists — North America — Great Plains
Archaeology — North America — Great Plains
Archaeology — North America — Great Plains — Nebraska
Blackfeet Indians
Gros Ventre Indians — Lands
Hoopa Valley Indians — Lands
Hualapai Indians — Ethnology
Indians of North America — Arizona
Indians of North America — Claims
Indians of North America — California
Indians of North America — Government relations
Indians of North America — Government relations — Indian agents
Indians of North America — Great Plains
Indians of North America — Lands
Indians of North America — Laws and legislation
Indians of North America — Nebraska
Indians of North America — North Dakota
Indians of North America — Oklahoma
Indians of North America — Reservations
Indians of North America — South Dakota
Indians of North America — Treaties
Kaw Indians — Lands
Mandan Indians — Lands
Missouri Indians — Lands
Nez Perce Indians — Lands
Omaha Indians — Lands
Otoe Indians — Lands
Pawnee Indians — Ethnology
Pawnee Indians — Lands
Quapaw Indians — Lands
Siouan Indians — Lands
Siouan Indians — Treaties
Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation — Lands
Walapai Indians — Ethnology
Yankton Sioux Indians — Lands
Yankton Sioux Indians — Treaties
Yuma Indians — Ethnology
Yurok Indians — Lands