Lincoln Interfaith Council [RG3701.AM]


RG3701.AM:  Lincoln Interfaith Council (Lincoln, Nebraska)

Records: 1942-2003

Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska:  Interdenominational Church Organization

Size:  22.5 cu.ft.


The formation of the Lincoln, Nebraska Council of Churches was begun in December, 1949 when a committee was organized to study the possibility of a local level interdenominational church council.  With a report released in February, 1950 that such a formation seemed advisable, an organizational committee was chosen.  The founding of the Lincoln Council of Churches was actually spear-headed by three interdenominational groups:  the Lincoln Ministerial Association, the Council of Church Women, and the Council of Christian Education.  These groups all came to function within the Lincoln Council of Churches when it was officially organized.

After more than two years of planning, the Lincoln Council of Churches was officially formed on February 18, 1952.  With the intention of promoting “welfare, fellowship, and cooperation of churches in and around Lincoln” and “to foster the Kingdom of God through religious movements and community betterment”, the Lincoln Council of Churches set up programs promoting Christian fellowship, Christian education, and social betterment.  Maintaining the same goals and types of programs, the Lincoln Council of Churches became the Lincoln Fellowship of Churches in the early 1970’s.  The Fellowship continued to coordinate interdenominational church activities.

The Lincoln Fellowship of Churches broadened to represent all faiths in 1989.  At this time, the organization changed its name to the Lincoln Interfaith Council.  The Council worked to bring about greater understanding among people of different faiths, helped immigrants, administered the Food Pantry system and was involved in other cooperative projects.  The Lincoln Interfaith Council disbanded in 2006.


The first part of this collection consists of seven boxes of manuscript material arranged into five subgroups:  SG (1) Lincoln Fellowship of Churches Organizational History, 1948-1971; SG (2) Lincoln Fellowship of Churches Government, 1952-1971; SG (3) Lincoln Fellowship of Churches Divisions; SG (4) Lincoln Fellowship of Churches Departments; and SG (5) Miscellany.  These Subgroups, all dealing with various aspects of the history, organizations and programs of the Lincoln Fellowship of Churches, are broken down into series within each Subgroup.  The second part of the collection consists of nineteen boxes of records added in 2006.  This part of the collection is not processed but an inventory is available.

The papers contained in the first part of the collection actually are those of the Fellowship’s predecessors.  Most of the material deals with the organization when it was known as the Lincoln Council of Churches, from 1952 until the early 1970’s.  However, parts of the collection predate this, providing information on religious organizations in Lincoln in the 1940’s and early 1950’s.  The collection was entitled the Lincoln Interfaith Council in order to file all information under the current name of the organization.

Part 1 subgroup listing:

Subgroup 1 consists entirely of material documenting the Organizational History of the Lincoln Fellowship of Churches.  Newspaper Clippings, Constitutions, Articles of Incorporation, Activity Reports, and Membership Listings are included in this subgroup.

Subgroup 2 contains material on the Lincoln Fellowship of Churches Government, 1952-1971.  Five series comprise this subgroup:  (1) Annual Meetings, 1952-1972: (2) Delegate Assemblies, 1955-1971; (3) Executive Committee, 1956-1971; (4) Strategy Committee, and (5) Miscellany.  Minutes, programs, and correspondence are the primary materials in this subgroup.

The Division of the Lincoln Fellowship of Churches comprise Subgroup 3.  This subgroup contains 4 series, one for each division:  (1) Christian Fellowship, 1957-1970; (2) Christian Education, 1942-1970; (3) Social Betterment, 1954-1969; and (4) Finance, 1952-1970.  Correspondence, Programs, Plans, Minutes, Reports, Budgets, and Topical Files are included.

Subgroup 4 contains material dealing with the Departments of the Lincoln Fellowship of Churches, 1951-1971.  Series comprising this subgroup are:  (1) Youth Council, 1959-1971; (2) United Church Women, 1951-1971; and (3) Ministerial Fellowship, 1955-1971.  Correspondence, Programs, Minutes, and Financial Records are included.  The Miscellany of Subgroup 5 is arranged topically.  Correspondence and Programs about each of the topics can be found in this series of Miscellany.

See the following inventory for information contained in the second part of the collection.

Note:  See the audio, moving image and photograph components for related materials.


Subgroup 1: Lincoln Fellowship of Churches organizational history, 1948-1971

Series 1 – Organizational history

Box 1


    1. Newspaper Clippings – Documentation of Lincoln Fellowship of Churches formation and early history, 1948-1954

    1. Constitutions and Articles of Incorporation, 1955-1971

    1. Reports of Activities, 1959-1969

    1. Fellowship Members (Churches)

Subgroup 2: Lincoln Fellowship of Churches government, 1947-1971

Series 1 – Annual Meetings, 1947-1971

Box 1


    1. Annual Meeting Minutes, Programs, and Reports, 1947-1951

    1. Annual Meeting Minutes, Programs, and Reports, 1952-1956

    1. Annual Meeting Minutes, Programs, and Reports, 1957-1961

    1. Annual Meeting Minutes, Programs, and Reports, 1962-1964

    1. Annual Meeting Minutes, Programs, and Reports, 1965-1967

    1. Annual Meeting Minutes, Programs, and Reports, 1968-1971

Series 2 – Delegate Assemblies, 1955-1971

Box 1


    1. Minutes and Programs, 1955-1964

    1. Minutes and Programs, 1965-1971

Series 3 – Executive Committee, 1947-1971

Box 1


    1. Minutes, 1947-1948

    1. Minutes, 1949-1950

    1. Minutes, 1951-1960

    1. Minutes, 1961-1963

    1. Minutes, 1964-1967

    1. Minutes, 1968-1971

    1. Correspondence, 1950-1965

    1. Correspondence, 1966-1970

Series 4 – Strategy Committee, 1956

Box 2


    1. Minutes, 1956

Series 5 – Miscellany

Box 3


    1. Miscellany – Committee Membership Plans, Certificates

Subgroup 3: Lincoln Fellowship of Churches divisions, 1942-1970

Series 1 – Division of Christian Fellowship, 1957-1970

Box 3


    1. Correspondence, Minutes, Services, 1958-1969

    1. Festival of Faith Correspondence and Plans, 1964-1970

    1. Festival of Faith Programs, 1957-1970

    1. Festival of Faith Ushers, 1958-1967

Series 2 – Division of Christian Education, 1942-1970

Box 3


    1. Minutes, 1949-1964

    1. Minutes, 1965-1970

    1. Correspondence, 1950-1970

    1. Educational Workshops and Programs, 1947-1960

    1. Educational Workshops and Programs, 1961-1963

Box 4


    1. Educational Workshops and Programs, 1964-1970

    1. Children’s Work, 1949-1962

    1. School of Religion Programs, 1942-1961

    1. Religious Education for the Mentally Retarded, 1965-1967

    1. Missions, 1959

    1. Christman and the Public Schools, 1959-1961

    1. Educational Aids

Series 3 – Division of Social Betterment, 1954-1969

Box 4


    1. Minority Housing – Correspondence, 1961-1969

    1. Minority Housing – Reports, 1959-1966

    1. Minority Housing – Housing Coordination Program Materials, 1968 and undated

    1. Liquor Question – Correspondence, 1959-1966

    1. Liquor Question – Policy Statement, 1955-1966

    1. Liquor Question – Newspaper Clippings, Surveys, Reports

    1. Juvenile courts – Correspondence, Minutes, and Statements, 1958-1960

      Penal Institutions – Correspondence, 1954-1955; Statement, 1958

    1. Human Resources Research Project – Correspondence and Notes, 1963

    1. Gambling (Bingo) Questions, 1958

    1. Membership Lists, 1959-1962

    1. Miscellany

Series 4 – Division of Finance, 1952-1970

Box 5


    1. Correspondence, 1952-June 1964

    1. Correspondence, July 1964-1967

    1. Correspondence, 1968-1970

    1. Financial Reports and Budgets, 1951-1968

    1. Financial Reports and Budgets, 1969-1970

    1. Minutes, 1965-1969

    1. Non-Profit Corporation Forms, 1961-1970

    1. Receipt and Disbursement Sheets, 1951-1955

    1. Pledges, 1967-1970

    1. Miscellany (Includes some financial division membership lists)

Subgroup 4: Lincoln Fellowship of Churches departments, 1951-1971

Series 1 – Youth Council, 1959-1971

Box 5


    1. Correspondence, 1961-1970

    1. Organizational Structure and Minutes, 1960-1968

    1. Finance Records, 1967-1969

    1. Officers and Committees, 1959-1971

Box 6


    1. Programs, 1960-1969

    1. Miscellany – Includes a few publications and attendance reports

Series 2 – United Church Women, 1951-1971

Box 6


    1. Constitution and By-Laws, 1956 and 1964; Minutes, 1959-1971; Correspondence, 1970; Misc.

    1. Programs, 1951-1971

Series 3 – Ministerial Fellowship, 1955-1971

Box 6


    1. Correspondence, 1955-1956; 1966-1971

    1. Constitution, 1959; Minutes, 1955 and 1970

    1. Programs, 1955-1971

    1. Financial Records, 1966-1969; Membership Lists, 1967-1969; Misc.

Subgroup 5: Lincoln Fellowship of Churches miscellany

Series 1 – Miscellany

Box 6


    1. “Operation Abolition”

    1. Symposium of Religion and Arts

    1. Strategy Conference:  City-Church Extension

Box 7


    1. Campus Community Dialogue

    1. Visiting Evangelists

    1. Civil Defense and Fallout Shelters

    1. Religious Services

    1. Religious Services

    1. The Governor’s Lay Leadership Conference of Education

    1. Religious Census of Lincoln

    1. High Road Rapid Transit Proposal

    1. Miscellaneous Correspondence

Part 2 (added in 2006):

Box 1


    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches 1970-78

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches 1980-82, pt. 1

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches 1980-82, pt. 2

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches 1980-82, pt. 3

    1. Interfaith Clippings and Pictures, pt. 1

    1. Interfaith Clippings and Pictures, pt. 2

    1. Interfaith Clippings and Pictures, pt. 3

    1. Interfaith Clippings and Pictures, pt. 4

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches 1988

    1. Lincoln Interfaith Council 1991, pt. 1

    1. Lincoln Interfaith Council 1991, pt. 2

    1. Lincoln Interfaith Council 1991, pt. 3

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches 1987, pt. 1

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches 1987, pt. 2

Box 2


    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches Jan-Mar 1989–Lincoln Interfaith Council Apr-Dec 1989

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches 1983

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches 1984-85

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches 1986

    1. Newsletters 1974-2000, pt. 1

    1. Newsletters 1974-2000, pt. 2

    1. Newsletters 1974-2000, pt. 3

    1. Festival of Faith 1994, pt. 1

    1. Festival of Faith 1994, pt. 2

    1. Festival of Faith 1994, pt. 3

    1. Lincoln Interfaith Council 1990, pt. 1

    1. Lincoln Interfaith Council 1990, pt. 2

    1. Lincoln Interfaith Council 1990, pt. 3

    1. Lincoln Interfaith Council 1990, pt. 4

    1. Lincoln Multifaith Planning Calendars

    1. Newspaper Clippings

Box 3


    1. Board Minutes

    1. LIC Policies and Procedures and Personnel Manual

    1. 1992 Festival of Faith – LIC – Health Dept.

    1. Fiscal Management Policies & Procedures Manual

    1. ACCC Bldg Leases – Licenses – Floor Plans

    1. Correspondence & clippings, pt. 1

    1. Correspondence & clippings, pt. 2

    1. Correspondence & clippings, pt. 3

    1. Festival of Faith & Culture

    1. LFC Board Finances 1971-73, pt. 1

    1. LFC Board Finances 1971-73, pt. 2

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches Minutes (1971-1977)

    1. Board/Exec Committee and Budget/Finance, pt. 1

    1. Board/Exec Committee and Budget/Finance, pt. 2

    1. Feasibility Study 1977 Member Churches

Box 4


    1. Lincoln Council United Church Women, pt. 1

    1. Lincoln Council United Church Women, pt. 2

    1. Lincoln Council Annual Meetings Executive Meetings 1951-1954

    1. Lincoln Council Comity Commission 6/1953-12/1963

    1. Christian Education

    1. Lincoln Council Executive Meetings 1954-1960

    1. Lincoln Council Social Betterment 5-1955

    1. Youth Council

    1. Lincoln Council Christian Education 1969-

    1. Lincoln Council Finance, pt. 1

    1. Lincoln Council Finance, pt. 2

    1. Lincoln Executive Meetings 1969-

    1. Lincoln Council Executive Meetings 1961-64

    1. Lincoln Council Executive Meetings 1964-68

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches, pt. 1

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches, pt. 2

    1. LFC 1982 Board of Directors Meetings, 1982 Finance Statement, Delegate Assembly Min/Annual Meet

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches – Steve Evans – Programs, Officers, Minutes, Annual Report

Box 5


    1. 1995 LIC Annual Report

    1. 1996 LIC Annual Report

    1. 1997 LIC Annual Report

    1. 1998 LIC Annual Report, President’s report (Gene Crump)

    1. 12/11 (yr?) Places of Worship from Lincoln Journal Star (green folder)

    1. 1994 Teleconference report materials

    1. 9/25/99 Jubilee 2000 materials

    1. 9/18/99 Adopt-a-Minefield

    1. Mar/Apr (yr?)  Labeled Newsletter copy, but contains correspondence

    1. May/June 1993 Newsletter copy

    1. May/June 1991 Newsletters and correspondence

    1. July/Aug 1991 Newsletters

    1. Sept/Oct (yr?) Labeled Newsletter copy, but contains correspondence

    1. Nov/Dec 1991 Newsletter paste-up and copy plus some correspondence

    1. Jan/Feb 1992 Newsletter – 1 copy plus correspondence

    1. Feb/Mar 1992 Newsletter – 1 copy plus correspondence

    1. May/June 1992 Newsletter – 1 copy plus correspondence

    1. July/Aug (yr?) Labeled Newsletter, but contains correspondence

    1. Sept/Oct 1992 Labeled Newsletter, but contains correspondence

    1. Nov/Dec 1992 Newsletter paste-up, 1 copy and correspondence

    1. Jan/Feb 1993 Newsletter paste-up and materials

    1. Annual report for 1993 — materials

    1. Annual report for 1992 – materials

    1. Annual report for 1991 – materials

    1. Jan/Feb 1991 Newsletters and other materials

    1. Insert-A-Graph

    1. Nov/Dec 1990 Newsletters and other materials

    1. Jan/Feb 1991 Newsletters and other materials

    1. Mar/Apr 1991? Newsletters and other materials

    1. 4/11, 4/17 (yr?) Faith reports, paper indicating cancellation of report

    1. 4/18, 4/24 (yr?) Faith report materials

    1. 4/25, 5/1 (yr?) Faith report materials

    1. 5/2, 5/8 (yr?) Faith reports and other materials dated 1999

    1. 5/9, 5/15 (yr?) Faith reports and other materials dated 1999

    1. 5/16, 5/22 (yr?) Faith reports and other materials

    1. 12/27, 1/2 (yr?) Faith reports and other materials

    1. 1/3, 1/9  (yr?) Faith reports and other materials

    1. 1/10, 1/16 1999 Faith reports and other materials

    1. 1/17, 1/23 1999 Faith reports and newspaper clippings

    1. 1/24, 1/30 1999 Faith reports and newspaper clippings

    1. 1/31, 2/6   1999 Faith reports and newspaper clippings

    1. 2/7, 2/13   1999 Faith reports and other materials

    1. 2/14, 2/20 1999 Faith reports and other materials (pink paper indicates finishing point)

    1. 2/21, 2/27 1999 Faith reports and clippings

    1. 2/28, 3/6 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 3/7, 3/13, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 3/14, 3/20, 1999, Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 3/21, 3/27, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 3/28, 4/3, 1999 Faith reports, LIC delegate assembly agenda and budget

    1. 4/4, 4/10, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 5/23, 5/29, 1999 Faith reports, clippings

    1. 5/30, 6/5, 1999 Faith reports, UNICEF materials

    1. 6/6, 6/12, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 6/13, 6/19, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 6/20, 6/26, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 6/27, 7/13, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 7/4, 7/10, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 7/11/7/17, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 7/18, 7/24, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 7/25, 7/31, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 8/1, 8/7, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 8/14, 8/14 (sic) 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 9/11, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 9/4, 1999 Faith reports, clippings, other materials

    1. 1994 LIC Annual report and Directory of Clergy and Religious Resources Structure Chart, Lincoln Fellowship of Churches

    1. ByLaws/Constitution LFC

    1. Feasibility Study 1977

    1. 1990 Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast, manila pocket folder

    1. Church World Service Film Library booklet

    1. LIC/CCCJC material

    1. 1994 Multifaith calendar

    1. 8/19/76 includes several files, inc denominational listings, 1990 pantry report

Box 6


    1. Healing and Hurt Through the stages of forgiveness, manila envelope

    1. December – Computer – Delegate forms for LIC gathering, other material

    1. Delegates to Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

    1. Delegates – Del. Assembly

    1. Book about AIDS, in plastic brown folder

    1. LIC – Thank You’s (to do)

    1.  LIC Urban Ministries Committee

    1. Thank You’s – to do

    1. Interchurch Ministries stationary

    1. Crime & Community LFC-3

    1. CAC-LFC minutes, other material

    1. Ecumenical Task Force on Crime and Community – Symposium

    1. Community Crisis Response Task Force and Intervention

    1. C & C Inc, CESC

    1. Comprehensive Emergency Services

    1. Correspondence

    1. 1987 CCC Church, Community, Criminal (?)

    1. Clergy Project, LFC

    1. Clergy Support Group

    1. Civil Rights

    1. CCC Ethics

    1. Jul-Aug Newsletter stuff

    1. 9/10 1997

    1. 11/12 1997

    1. 1/2 1998

    1. 3/4 1998

    1. 5/6 1998

    1. 7/8 1998

    1. 5/6 1996 (sic)

    1. 9/10 1998

    1. 11/12 1998

    1. 1/2 1999

    1. 3/4 1999

    1. 5/6 1999

    1. 7/8 1999

    1. 9/10 1999

    1. Spring 1997   

    1. Emergency Services Seminar

    1. PEP Page Master

    1. Copyright Trademark Information

    1. Religious PR Council

    1. LIC Media Committee Materials

    1. Divided by Seas of Suspicion (materials)

    1. Human Services Federation

    1. Food Bank

Box 7


    1. FEMA

    1. Lottery

    1. Booklets

    1. Kiwanis

    1. Indian Concerns Committee

    1. Indian Center ? Taskforce

    1. Hunger – Food stamps, etc.

    1. 10/83-11/90 Lincoln Urban Ministries

    1. The Steven Series (not sure if this is a heading for following items)

    1. Poverty

    1. Organizing

    1. Neighborhood Housing Service

    1. Neighborhood Assns

    1. NADP

    1. Children and Youth

    1. Beer in Parks issue

    1. Ethnic Minorities

    1. Shelter Study report, 1986

    1. Elderly

    1. Amanda Smith event

    1. Congress on Urban Ministries

    1. ICUIS training materials

    1. Urban ministries articles

    1. Other Urban Ministries

    1. By-laws (for whom?)

    1. Sexual abuse dramatization

    1. SCUPE

    1. Housing

    1. Family Life

    1. Fundraising

    1. Gay-Lesbian Coalition

    1. Great Plains Project

    1. Handicapped

    1. Clip Art

    1. For Al Winseman

Box 8


    1. Spire Event ?

    1. Training Event

    1. Survey of Members

    1. Housing Coalition

    1. Housing Partnership

    1. Human Services Federation

    1. Drug Prevention

    1. Booklets (not sure if this is a separate entry or a heading)

    1. LUM Brochure

    1. Worship

    1. Official Correspondence

    1. 1989 LIC AIDS Network

    1. 1989 Annual meeting, 1 photo

    1. 1988/89 Annual meeting et al

    1. 1988/89 Baccalaureate Service

    1. An Ecumenical Event (blue folder)

    1. 11/89 LIC board & exe com minutes 

    1. Bylaws Lincoln Interfaith Council

    1. 1989 Cornerstone Chorale & Brass, et al

    1. 3/89 LIC Delegates list

    1. Cornerstone Chorale group material, red folder

    1. 1989 Directory et al

    1. 1989 LIC Financial Statements

    1. 1989 LIC Fundraising letter

    1. 1989 LIC general correspondence

    1. 1989 Holocaust memorial materials

    1. 1985-89 Insert-A-Graph materials, et al

    1. Lincoln Telephone Company

    1. 1987-89 LFC – LUM materials & news articles

    1. 1989 Mayor’s Anti-Drug Plan Project

    1. 1989 Media Committee

    1. 1989 LIC misc

    1. 1986/87/89 New Minister’s Orientation

    1. 1989 New Clergy Orientation

    1. 1987-89 Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

    1. 1989 Pantry Information

    1. 1989? Prayer Breakfast – Governor

    1. 1989? Prison Ministry

    1. 1989 LIC Survey results

    1. 1989 Salvation Army Church & State Issue

    1. UNICEF materials

    1. Week of Prayer, unity

    1. Dean Whitter/UC

Box 9


    1. 1989 LIC Search committee in accordian file folder LUM

    1. Before 1990 Pantry – misc

    1. CROP

    1. UNICEF

    1. New Clergy Orientation

    1. General Service

    1. Lincoln Clergy Fellowship

    1. LFC/LUM

    1. Justice Concerns Committee

    1. LIC Auditor’s File in accordian file folder

    1. MLK

    1. LIC Board minutes

    1. Church Mutual Ins

    1. CROP

    1. 3/2/93

    1. Newsletter (empty)

    1. LAP

    1. LIC general

    1. Women’s Institute for Theology

    1. Association of Regional Religious Communicators (ARRC)

    1. LIC personnel manual

    1. Computer info/appliances

    1. Partnership Empowerment (PEP)

    1. Photos, misc graphics

    1. CROP

    1. Insert-A-Graph

    1. Jewish information/graphics

    1. Public Relations Handbook

    1. Endowment Brochure extra stuff

    1. LUM Brochure

    1. LIC persona l(sic) expenses

    1. Generic PEP brochure

    1. PEP (Partnership Empowerment)

    1. Disabilities concerns – access

    1. 1993, Jul-Aug newsletter materials

    1. 1993, Sep-Oct newsletter

    1. 1993, Nov-Dec newsletter

    1. 1994, Jan-Feb Newsletter

    1. 1994, Mar-Apr Newsletter

    1. 1994, May-Jun Newsletter

    1. 1994, Jul-Aug Newsletter

    1. 1994, Sep-Oct Newsletter

    1. 1994, Nov-Dec Newsletter

    1. 1995, Jan-Feb Newsletter

    1. 1995, Mar-Apr Newsletter

    1. 1995, May-Jun Newsletter

    1. 1995, Jul-Aug Newsletter

    1. 1995, Sep-Oct Newsletter

    1. 1995, Nov-Dec Newsletter

    1. 1996, Jan-Feb Newsletter

    1. 1996, Mar-Apr Newsletter

    1. 1996, Jul-Aug Newsletter

    1. 1996, Sep-Oct Newsletter

    1. 1996, Nov-Dec Newsletter

    1. 1997, Jan-Feb Newsletter

    1. 1997, Mar-Apr Newsletter

    1. 1997, May-Jun Newsletter

Box 10


    1. 1990 LIC Annual meeting materials

    1. 1990 LIC Annual Report

    1. 1990 LIC BOD minutes (dates?)/agenda

    1. 1990 LIC correspondence

    1. 1990 LIC calendar planning

    1. 1990 LIC exe committee

    1. 1990 LIC delegates/staff

    1. 1990 IMC/LIC memos

    1. 1990 list LIC delegates/BOD/Staff

    1. 1990 mailing labels/LIC board

    1. 1990 LIC membership pledge

    1. 1990 LIC in the news

    1. 1990 membership renewal/financial support

    1. 1990 mailing labels/newsletters

    1. 1990 Nominating committee minutes

    1. 1990 Planning committee

    1. 1990 LIC staff memos

    1. 1990 Spring Delegate Assembly

    1. 1990 IMN

    1. 1990 LIC budget/finances

    1. 1990 LIC program budget

    1. 1990 LIC monthly financial statement

    1. 1990 LIC fundraising ideas

    1. 1990 LIC LUM finances

    1. AIDS

    1. Domestic Violence

    1. CARD

    1. Child Abuse

    1. Community Development Task Force

    1. Consultation on Church ? (may be part of #30)

    1. Contact, Inc.

    1. 1990 Cotner Lectures

    1. 1990? Family Services

    1. 1990? FEMA

    1. 1990? Homestead Presbytery

    1. 1990? Indian Concerns Comm. (ICC)

    1. 1990? Lincoln Grief Center

    1. 1990 Resumes for LUM position

    1. 1990? National Council of Churches

    1. 1990? Project Love, Inc

    1. 1990? Spotlight on Children

    1. 1990? Salvation Army

    1. 1990? Original the Key Newsletter

    1. 1990? Youth services material in white file

    1. 1990? 2% LID Human Services

    1. 1990? United Way

    1. 1990 World Food Day

    1. 1990 Spring Center Spiritual Growth

    1. 1990? AIDS Workship

    1. 1990 Baccalaureate

    1. 1990? CROP

    1. 1990? LIC Clergy Connection

    1. 1990? Community Planning for Human Services

    1. 1990? Data Base Project (part of # 56?)

    1. 1990 Fall Center for Spiritual Growth

    1. 1990 Lincoln Chaplaincy Corps

    1. 1990 MLK Observance, general service

    1. 1990 CROP Walk

    1. 1990 LIC Clergy Directory

    1. 1990 Earth Day

    1. 1990 Emergency Transportation Network

    1. 1990 LIC Fire/Police Chaplaincy Corps

    1. 1990 LIC General Services

    1. 1990 Habitat for Humanity

    1. 1990 Heartland Peace ?

    1. 1990 Holocaust Observance

    1. 1990 LIC Newsletters

    1. 1990 Jail Chaplaincy program

    1. 1990 Jail worship/LIC

    1. 1990 LIC Passover seder

    1. 1990 LUM

    1. 1990 Jail Worship/LIC

    1. 1990 Jail Chaplaincy Program

    1. 1990 DAY WATCH Center for Homeless

    1. Lincoln Clergy Association

    1. At Risk Youth LIC

Box 11


    1. 1990 Mayor’s Committee Anti-Drug/Gang

    1. 1990 Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

    1. 1990 LIC Media Committee

    1. 1990 LIC membership drive

    1. 1990 Nominating committee

    1. 1990 LIC Pantry System

    1. 1990 Partnership Endowment Program

    1. 1990 LIC Roundup for Hunger

    1. 1989-1990 Salvation Army

    1. 1990 UNICEF file

    1. 1990 LIC Week of Prayer

    1. 1990 LIC Auditor’s file

    1. 1988 + Urban Ministries

    1. 1983 + Litany of Dedication

    1. 1986 + Lincoln Fellowship of Churches material File name: Living-at-Home letter of intent

    1. 1985 Living at Home program – original newspaper clippings

    1. Lutheran Metro Parish file

    1. 1985 Lincoln Fellowship of Churches materials & Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast

    1. 1987 + Media Communications File

    1. 1982 Media – Cablevision File

    1. 1987 + Media – Communications Workshop

    1. 1988 Media Lincoln Fellowship of Churches file & minutes & financial report

    1. 1987 Media Subsidies—various materials

    1. Media contacts and records

    1. 1986 Media Specialist position

    1. 1986-87 Baccalaureate financial materials

Box 12


    1. Baccalaureate LIC

    1. Ground-breaking for playground, architect drawing

    1. Baptism, Eucharist & Ministry file

    1. Press releases, media, stories – 1 regarding playground

    1. Unidentified file and playground materials

    1. Grant application to Woods Charitable Fund

    1. 1978+ Lincoln Fellowship of Churches installation service and other materials

    1. Interpretation LFC, Urban Ministries materials

    1. Delegate list

    1. Committee job description

    1. Loose materials

    1. Division of Radio & Television Exe Secretary

    1. Goals

    1. LFC Fact sheets

    1. Evaluation of retreat

    1. Materials (sic)

    1. Female offenders – 3 manila envelopes

    1. LFC Clergy Fellowship

    1. Lincoln Chaplaincy Corps

    1. LCC “Current”

    1. Police Chaplaincy

    1. Lincoln Civic Chorus

    1. Directions LFC

    1. Unidentified file of LFC materials

    1. Nebraska Benevolence program

    1. Housing Task Force LFC

    1. Handbell Festival

    1. Helping Hands Handcrafts

    1. Lincoln Fellowship of Churches Center for Christian Growth

    1. Cropwalk

    1. CCG Evaluation Forms

    1. Inmate/Church matches made

    1. Jail Worship

    1. Justice Council – Lincoln/Lancaster Co

    1. Blue Folder

    1. Center for Christian Growth

Box 13


    1. 1982 Sunday church reports

    1. 1985 Restructuring of LFC

    1. 1988 + Mission Statement & other materials

    1. 1986 Center for Christian Growth

    1. CCG Semester 18, 19, 20

    1. 1984 Church Women United

    1. Lincoln Chaplaincy Corps

    1. Annunciation Eastern Orthodox Church

    1. Aldersgate United Methodist

    1. Allon Chapel, SDA

    1. All Saints Lutheran Church

    1. American Lutheran Church

    1. Baha’is, Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is

    1. Bethany Christian Church

    1. Blessed Sacrament RC Parish

    1. Capitol City Christian

    1. Capitol View 7th Day Adventist

    1. Calvary United Methodist Church

    1. 1978-1979 Church of Risen Christ

    1. 1987 Christ Lutheran (LCMS)

    1. 1987 Christ Temple Mission

    1. 1978-83 Christ UMC

    1. 1983-1988 Christ Unity Church

    1. 1984-1990 Church of the Brethren

    1. 1985-1987 Community of Grace

    1. 1980-1982 Crestwood Christian Church

    1. 1980 Douglas St Church of Christ

    1. 1981, 1984 College View Seventh-Day Adventist

    1. 1979-1983 East Lincoln Christian Church

    1. 1978-1988 Eastridge Presbyterian Church

    1. 1982, 1987 Ebenezer UCC

    1. 1979-1983 Fairhill Presbyterian Church

    1. 1985 Faith UCC

    1. 1978-1981 Faith UMC

    1. 1984 First Church of Christ Scientist

    1. 1978-1988 First Baptist Church

    1. 1985-1987 First Christian Church

    1. 1979-1988 First Covenant Church

    1. 1980-1987 First German Congregational UCC

    1. 1978-1984 First Lutheran Church (LCA Evangelical)

    1. 1979-1985 First Mennonite

    1. 1979 First Plymouth Congregational Church

    1. 1980 Pilgrims and Strangers

    1. 1978-1988 First Presbyterian Church

    1. 1978-1979 First United Methodist Church

    1. 1982 Fourth Presbyterian Church

    1. 1990 Friends

    1. Garden View Assembly of God

    1. 1988- Grace UMC

    1. 1978, 1990 Grace Lutheran Church (LCA)

    1. 1978, 1981 Havelock UMC

    1. 1984- Havelock Christian Church

    1. 1981-1986 Heritage Heights Church of God (Anderson)

    1. 1984-1988 Holy Archangel Orthodox Church

    1. 1977-1984 Holy Trinity Episcopal

    1. 1978-1987 Hope Reformed Church

    1. 1978-1987 Immanuel Lutheran Church (LCMS)

    1. Newspaper articles – Indian Hills Community Church

    1. 1 letter—Korean Church of Lincoln

    1. 1987 Lakeview UMC

    1. 1978 Lincoln Friends Meeting

    1. Informational brochure – Living Word Fellowship

    1. 1978-1979 Lutheran Metro Parish

    1. 1981 Masjid Muhammad

    1. 1978 Newman UMC

    1. 1979-1985 Northeast Community UCC & newspaper article

    1. 1978, 1984 Our Savior Lutheran ALC

    1. 1978 Quinn Chapel AME

    1. 1978 Rosemont Alliance

    1. 1978 St Andrew’s Lutheran

    1. 1979 St David’s Episcopal

    1. 1979, 1988 St James UMC

    1. 1988, 1990 St John of Kronstadt Orthodox Church

    1. 1978, 79, 83 St Luke UMC

    1. 1978-1979 St Mark’s on the Campus Episcopal Church

    1. 1979, 1988 St Matthews Episcopal

    1. 1982-1987 St Mark’s UMC

    1. 1983, 1987 St Paul UMC

    1. 1978-1988 St Paul UCC

    1. 1988 St Tikon’s Russian Orthodox Church

    1. 1981-1988 Second Baptist Church

Box 14


    1. Second Presbyterian Church

    1. 1985-1988 Sheridan Lutheran Church (ALC)

    1. 1984 Southeast Presbyterian Church

    1. 1979 Southern Hills Presbyterian Church

    1. 1978-1985 Southgate UMC

    1. undated material, South St Temple 1983 calendar, other materials

    1. 1979-80 Southminster UCC

    1. 1980-1988 Southview Christian Church

    1. 1987 Southwood Lutheran

    1. 1979, 1988 Trinity Chapel Federation

    1. 1978-1985 Trinity UMC

    1. 1984-1987 Unification Church

    1. 1983-1988 Unitarian Church

    1. 1981, 1988 United Evangelical Lutheran Church

    1. 1983, 1988 Vine UCC

    1. 1981-1988 Warren UMC

    1. 1978-1990 Westminster Presbyterian Church

    1. 1982-1988 Zion UCC

    1. 1965-1987 LFC nominating committee

    1. 1979-1987 Time sheets & time analysis

    1. 1979-1988 Budget worksheets

    1. 1988 LFC commitments for the year

    1. Commitment forms

    1. 1986 Commitment forms

    1. 1985 FLC finance statements

    1. 1984 FLC finance statements

    1. 1983 Commitment forms

    1. 1990-1991 LIC directories et al

    1. 1989-1990 LIC directory

    1. 1988-1989 LIC directory

    1. 1987-1988 LIC directory

    1. 1991 LIC delegates

    1. 1991 directory work copies and documents for Christian Church (DCC) in NE

    1. 1990-1991 LIC directory et al

    1. empty file labelled Additional Inserts and Graphics

    1. 1991 LIC materials

    1. 1984 Emergency Services Seminar

    1. Emergency Travel Network Fund

    1. May 1991 Profile of religious makeup of Lincoln/Lancaster County (12/31/90 data)

    1. 87/88, 89/90 LIC directory et al

    1. 5/30/91 KOLN/KGIN material sent to LIC,

    1. 1991 LIC directory materials and directory

    1. 1991 UNICEF materials

    1. 1990-1991 Directory et al in brown accordian file

    1. 1987 LIC budgets and emergency food pantry materials

Box 15


    1. Emergency Food Pantry Material, more directories, newspaper articles

    1. Various LIC material

    1. Membership

    1. Board Meeting

    1. Homeless

    1. Goals and Objectives

    1. Finances

    1. Correspondence

    1. Executive committee

    1. Ethnic concerns

    1. 1968 Housing

    1. 1989 ICUIS Institute of the Church in Urban Industrial Soc, newsletters and corres.

    1. Housing minutes, Human services

    1. United Methodist funding annual gift letter Great Plains Project NE

    1. news article –America’s Crisis of Spirit

    1. Transportation letter to Pam Baker et al

    1. Mental Illness Awareness Week (note says “Urban Ministries, cont.”

    1. Harvest of Peace – Letter to Sen. Jim Exon, other materials

    1. Presbytery information

    1. Letters written and other materials

    1. Racism YWCA memorandum

    1. Membership of LUM

    1. The Steven Series – Steven Ministries

    1. Pastoral interviews

    1. Philosophy/Worship

    1. Possibilities

    1. Publicity

    1. LUM brochures

    1. Training

    1. Christian Unity Committee

    1. United Way priorities

    1. Supervising pastor

    1. Mental Illness Week

    1. Correspondence RUB

    1. Bread for the World

    1. Homeless Coalition

    1. Board of Directors – Minutes and financial statements for April

    1. Urbanization

    1. Reflections by Sterling Pond, MLK-Jr. Day  (may be two entries)

    1. Executive Board of LUM

    1. Incorporation, LUM by-laws

Box 16


    1. 1990-1993 Partnership Empowerment Program

    1. letters by city officials & other materials

    1. Fund raising

    1. Goals & objectives of LUM

    1. My annual conference letters

    1. United Nations

    1. LIC

    1. Budget LUM

    1. AIDS

    1. 1989 – 1990 Directory

    1. 1989 (1980?)-1995 LIC Church Directories

    1. 1992 4 copies of LIC newsletters from Jan/Feb

    1. Anniversary edition of Coins

    1. 12/11/91 Journal Star newspaper

    1. tape for :”The Fellowship People”, slide presentation

    1. Nov 26, 1991 Congressional Record – many copies

    1. many yellow pages (ads) for the LIC directory

    1. 6/19/1955 8 copies of order of service for “A Festival of Faith” at SF Cow Palace

    1. 2 booklets for 11th Annual Concert – Interfaith Conference of Metro DC

    1. Jan 26, 1992 LJS news article, Jewish Council noting 500 years since expulsion.

    1. Christianity & Crisis newsletter

    1. 1992 KFOR calendar

    1. 2/3/91 LJS newspaper

    1. 10/13/91 LJS newspaper

    1. 4/90 Des Moines Area Religious Council newsletter

    1. Interfaith Conference of Metro Washington letter and newsletter

    1. Sept 23, 1979 LFC news release for event “Hymns of the Nation” & flyer/advert

    1. Proposal for 3rd Community Musical Worship (LJS news article)

    1. Order of service for College of the Arts Interfaith Service at First Plymouth

    1. News article [on] Andrew Young

    1. Flyer for College of the Arts

    1. News article sent to Norm from woman in Rochester, NY, “Goodbye Columbus”

    1. 4/90 Des Moines Religious Council newsletter

    1. Manila envelope with booklet about the Americas – personal note to Norm

    1. Nov 1991 Clipped to cover, postmarked Nov 1991

    1. Unopened envelope addressed to Festival of Faith Committee, 215 Centennial? from Bethlehem Covenant Church, Waverly, NE

    1. 3 copies of “How can you help?” info for “Refugees in a New Land”

    1. 2 copies each: CARP membership applications, CARP agenda, CARP operational

    1. guidelines for 10/91, Coalition Against Racism Prejudice (leaflet?)

    1. 8/13/91 xerox of World Herald article

    1. LJS editorial by Mayor Mike Johanns

    1. 1991 LIC Annual Report

    1. Nov 24, 1991 LJS article “Grand Dragon quits, takes Jew as friend.”

    1. Nov 26, 1991 2 xerox fr LJS “In Lincoln, a remarkable case of responding to hate with love.”

    1. Newspaper ads for helping the poor

LJS articles

    1. Nov 16, 1991 “Trapp sentenced to $500.00 fine, jail.”

    1. Nov 17, 1991 “Klan leader plants to train 1,000 Dukes.”

    1. Nov 15, 1991 “Klan power in Nebraska at peak in 1920.”

    1. Nov 4, 1991 Klan article

    1. Oct 30, 1991 Racist article

End of Klan series of articles

    1. Oct 31, 1991 several articles in folder with worship service to be held in county jail

    1. working script for “The Fellowship People” in black binder

    1. 2 LPS letterhead letters to different ministers & other material in the black binder

    1. 10/10/73 “The Fellowship People” document

    1. 1991 envelope fr Crestwood Christian Church addressed to Festival of Faith committee

    1. 6/91 envelope fr Grace Lutheran Church

    1. 7/27/91 LJS fr religion page

    1. 4/26 (24?)/90 LIC Spring Delegate Assembly material

    1. 10/31/90 LIC finance report

    1. 11/13/90 Lincoln Urban Ministries Historical Overview

    1. 11/13/90 Nominating Committee and LIC proposed slate for 1991

    1. 1/13/90 LIC Installation

    1. Advert for Cotner lectures

    1. 3/23/90 letter from Norm to Father Sam Boman

    1. 5/27/87 Script, probably for KZUM show

    1. 6/28/88 report fr Exec Secretary

    1. 6/28/88 letter & resolution from Lincoln Lutheran Metro Parish

    1. 6/24/88 letter fr Southwood Lutheran

    1. 4/14/89 letter from Spiritual Assembly of Baha’is of Lincoln NE

    1. 5/18/89 letter from Salvation Army

    1. 1988-1992 loose pages Karen put in grey folder – newsletter, address lists, news clippings

    1. Vision from the Past and For the Future, a Short Study of Ecumenism in Nebraska

    1. Climaxing in Interchurch Ministries of NE 20 years, 1971-1991, 20/21 brochures

    1. Apr 24, 1991 Interchurch Ministries of NE 20th Anniversary Celebration, order of service

Festival of Faith Materials, 1991 in blue folder

    1. People’s City Mission brochure

    1. Nebraska Jewish Historical Society brochure

    1. 1991 envelope with history of Ebenezer Lutheran Church

    1. envelope w history of Christ UMC

    1. env w history of Lincoln Friends Meeting

    1. env w history of Aldersgate Methodist

    1. env w history of Sprague Community Ch

    1. env w First Baptist Ch history

    1. env w Southwood Lutheran Ch history

    1. env w Zion UCC history

Bright neon red folder

    1. America’s Most Challenging Issue, A Statement by the National Spiritual

    1. Assembly of the Baha’is of the USA

    1. Bah ‘u’ llah text (sp)

    1. History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints

    1. “Only One Earth”, materials from UN regarding Earth Day

Blue folder (Festival of Faith)  dup?

    1. env w history of Warren UMC

    1. env w history of St Tikhon Russian Orthodox Church & Skete

    1. env w history of Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church

    1. env w history of St Mark’s on the Campus

    1. env w history of First Evangelical Covenant Church

    1. env w history of Heritage Presbyterian Church

    1. env w history of Friends Evangelical Lutheran

Gray folder (Festival of Faith, 1991) dup?

    1. St Mark’s UMC

    1. Trinity UMC

    1. Northeast Community Church, UCC

    1. Lakeview UMC

    1. LERBA  Latvian Ev Lutheran Church of Lincoln

    1. First Plymouth Congregational Church

    1. St Paul UMC

    1. (book) The Story of Church Women United in the USA, 1941-1975 by Margaret Shannon

    1. Second Baptist Church

    1. Southern Heights Presbyterian Church

Box 17


    1. CARP materials and newspaper articles in red folder

    1. Manila folder w variety of pamphlets from various religions

Neon red folder with booklets and newsletters from other organizations

    1. envelope fr Pease Bindery w stamp of Lincoln Fellowship of Ch’s logo

    1. tape recording master fr LFC

    1. 2 brochures for LFC

    1. LFC Directory

    1. Insertagraphics material

    1. Indian Community mission statement & other material

End of neon folder

    1. LIC Programs & Evaluation & Planning, report of findings, Nov 5, 1970

    1. 1971 ditto

    1. 1975 Annual meeting of Lincoln Fellowship of Ch

    1. 63, 65, 66 Lincoln Council of Churches annual reports

    1. 1967-71 Lincoln Council of Churches annual reports

    1. Old Video Info (“Bringing Light Into Darkness”)

    1. LIC Media, pt. 1

    1. LIC Media, pt. 2

    1. Faith Report Visuals, pt. 1

    1. Faith Report Visuals, pt. 2

    1. LIC Newsletters, pt. 1

    1. LIC Newsletters, pt. 2

    1. LIC Newsletters, pt. 3

    1. LFC Financial Info

    1. Lincoln Urban Ministries Info

    1. LIC Speakers Bureau Kit (2 Copies)

Box 18


    1. 1995 LIC Board, pt. 1

    1. 1995 LIC Board, pt. 2

    1. 1995 LIC Board, pt. 3

    1. 1994 LIC Board, pt. 1

    1. 1994 LIC Board, pt. 2

    1. LIC 92-93 Board, pt. 1

    1. LIC 92-93 Board, pt. 2

    1. LIC 92-93 Board, pt. 3

    1. LIC 92-93 Board, pt. 4

    1. Board Minutes/Packets LIC Oct 89-Nov 90, pt. 1

    1. Board Minutes/Packets LIC Oct 89-Nov 90, pt. 2

    1. CHIRP Information

    1. Blueprint Project, pt.1

    1. Blueprint Project, pt. 2

    1. LIC Bylaws, Fiscal Management Manual, Policies and Procedures

    1. 1999 LIC Board, pt. 1

    1. 1999 LIC Board, pt. 2

    1. 1999 LIC Board, pt. 3

Box 19


    1. LIC 1998, pt. 1

    1. LIC 1998, pt. 2

    1. LIC 1998, pt. 3

    1. 1997 LIC Board, pt. 1

    1. 1997 LIC Board, pt. 2

    1. 1997 LIC Board, pt. 3

    1. 1997 LIC Board, pt. 4

    1. CHIRP 1999/2000

    1. 1996 LIC Board, pt. 1

    1. 1996 LIC Board, pt. 2

    1. 1996 LIC Board, pt. 3

    1. CHIRP 1998

    1. Directory 1999-2000 thru 2002-2003


Subject headings:

Churches — Nebraska — Lincoln

Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska

Lincoln Council of Churches (Lincoln, Nebraska)

Lincoln Interfaith Council (Lincoln, Nebraska)

Lincoln United Church Women (Lincoln, Nebraska)

Liquor laws — Nebraska

Nebraska Council of Churches

Social problems — Nebraska


AIF/psw                12-12-1979; 05-05-1980

Revised TMM      05-22-2018

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