RG3707.AM: Lincoln United Church Women (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Records: 1930-1970
Lincoln, Lancaster County, Nebraska
Size: 2.0 cu.ft.; 4 boxes
During the 1920’s a small group of women known as the Missionary Federation of Lincoln met once a month in local churches for mission and bible study. Late in 1933 the group reorganized and drew up a new constitution. Adopted in 1934 the new constitution changed the name of the organization to the Lincoln Council of Federated Church Women. Operation under this name continued until March 20, 1939, when the name was changed to the Council of Church Women.
In May 1948 a new constitution was adopted and the organization became the Lincoln Council of Church Women, probably to differentiate it from the Nebraska Council, a state-wide organization (see RG3719). The November 20, 1956, constitution gave the group its present name, the Lincoln United Church Women.
The organization, throughout its years under various names, has always had a single purpose, “to unite church women in their allegiance to their Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, through a program looking to their integration in the total life and work of the church and the building of a world Christian community.” Through its programs of social and missionary work, the Lincoln United Church Women have attempted to realize that purpose.
This collection consists of four boxes of manuscript material arranged in six series: 1) Historical Materials; 2) Minutes, 1930-1970; 3) Organization Newsletters and Programs, 1950-1969; 4) Collected Bulletins; 5) Mission Institute Materials, 1960-1967; and 6) Miscellany. This material relates to the history, membership, publications, and programs of the Lincoln United Church Women. Material collected by the group is also included.
The historical materials of Series 1 contain copies of the Constitutions and By-Laws of the Lincoln United Church Women, 1948-1964. Two histories of the organization are also provided. The minutes of Series 2 cover forty years of the organization’s history, from 1930-1970. Minute entries report on executive board and general meetings. These show officers, membership, church affiliations, committees, money raised, programs sponsored, annual reports, foreign and missionary work descriptions, constitutional changes decided upon, treasurers’ reports, budgets, and visiting lecturers. In many cases, relevant correspondence, programs, and newspaper clippings are attached. As the years passed, more of this type of material was added, so that several of the later volumes are more like scrapbooks, containing few minute reports. However, these volumes document a great deal of the history of the Lincoln Untied Church Women and its direct predecessors.
Series 3 consists of Lincoln United Church Women Newsletters and Programs, 1950-1969. This includes several issues of the organizations monthly newsletter, The Key. Most of the issues included in this series, as well as others, can be found attached in the volumes of Series 2. Also included in Series 3 are the organization’s annual programs. These show officers, member churches, and the group’s theme for the year. Printed programs and fliers for other Lincoln United Church Women activities are also provided.
The Bulletins of Series 4 were collected by the Lincoln United Church Women. This series includes a folder of issues of Women in Community Services. Series 5 contains Mission Institute materials, 1960-1967. Correspondence, registrants, attendance lists, programs, reports, and evaluations of and about the institutes are included. The miscellany of Series 6 includes newspaper clippings and loose papers.
Series 1 – Historical Materials
Box 1
- Constitutions and By-Laws, 1948-1964
- History of the Lincoln Council of Federated Church Women
- A History of the Lincoln United Church Women
Series 2 – Minutes, 1930-1970
- 1930-February 8, 1934
- February 16, 1934-April 19, 1938
- May 1940-May 1941
- June 1941-November 1943
- November 1943-January 1946
- 1943-1946
- February 1946-February 1949
- 1946-May 1949
- March 1949-May 1956
- April 1949-May 1953
- September 1953-May 1956
- 1954-1966
- September 1955-May 1958
- August 1956-May 1958
- June 1956-May 1961
Box 2
- 1958-1960
- 1958-May 1960
- 1960-1962
- September 1960-1962
- June 1961-May 1962
- June 1961-May 1962
- May 1962-June 1, 1963
- 1962-1963
- 1963-1964
- 1963-1964
- 1963-1964
Box 3
- 1964-1965
- 1964-1966
- 1964-1968
- 1965-1966
- 1965-1966
- 1965-1967
- 1966-1969
Box 4
- 1967-1969
- 1965-1969
- 1970
Series 3 – Newsletters and programs, 1950-1969
- The Key, 1961-1962
- The Key, 1963-1964
- The Key, 1967-1968
- The Key, 1969
- Annual Programs, 1950-1969
- Programs and Fliers
Series 4 – Bulletins collected
- Women in Community Services (WICS) material
- Bulletins
- Bulletins
Series 5 – Mission Institute materials, 1960-1967
- 1960
- 1962-1963
- 1967
Series 6 – Miscellany
- Newspaper Clippings
- Newspaper Clippings
- Loose Papers
Subject headings:
Charities — Nebraska
Churches — Nebraska — Lincoln
Interchurch Ministries of Nebraska
Lincoln Council of Churches (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Lincoln Fellowship of Churches (Lincoln, Nebraska)
Nebraska Council of Churches
Social problems
Social reform — Nebraska
United Church Women of Nebraska
Women — Social and moral questions
Women in Nebraska
AIF/psw 04-17-1980
Revised TMM 08-13-2018