Methodist Churches (Chase County, Neb.) [RG4537.AM]


RG4537.AM:  Methodist Churches (Chase County, Neb.)

Records:  1899-1977

Chase County, Neb.:  Methodist churches

Size:  18 volumes on 1 reel of microfilm


This collection of records of various Methodist churches in Chase County, Nebraska, consists of 18 volumes of microfilm arranged into six series: 1) Chase Evangelical United Brethren Church records, 1930 and 1956-1962; 2) Lamar-State Line Quarterly Conferences, 1939-1948; 3) Lamar Evangelical United Brethren Church records, 1949-1977; 4) Champion Evangelical United Brethren Church records, 1950-1965; 5) Imperial Evangelical United Brethren Church records, 1908-1968, and 6) Imperial Methodist Church records, 1902-1977.

Series 1 consists of one volume containing a historical sketch of the Chase Evangelical United Brethren Church, a list of past ministers, the original membership list and two revisions, and records of baptisms, weddings, and funerals. Series 2 contains two volumes of minutes of the quarterly conference meetings of the Lamar-State line Churches, 1939-1948. At these meetings, church officers were elected, committee reports were read, and other concerns involving one or both churches were dealt with.

Series 3 contains records of the Evangelical United Brethren Church in Lamar, 1949-1977. There are two volumes of material each containing historical sketches and records of members, baptisms, weddings, and funerals. The church underwent two major changes from 1949 to 1977. In 1963 the EUB Churches in Lamar and Chase merged to form the Trinity EUB Church. The name Trinity was chosen because a prior merger between the Lamar and State Line EUB Churches gave the new church origins in three different churches. In 1968 there was a national merger between the EUB and Methodist churches to form the United Methodist Church. The cover of the last volume of this series refers to the church in three different ways as a result of these changes. Series 4 consists of one volume of church records for the Champion EUB Church, 1950-1965. Included are lists of church members, baptisms, weddings, and funerals.

Series 5 consists of five volumes of material relating to the Imperial EUB Church, 1908-1968. Volume 1 is entitled, “Imperial EUB Record,” and is written in German. This material may be minutes of meetings of a class which was organized near Chase, Nebraska, in 1888. The volume is an 1899 diary. The class grew in prosperity and built a church in Imperial, Nebraska, in 1907. The group came to be known formally as the Imperial Mission Nebraska Conference of the Evangelical United Brethren Church. Volume 2 consists of minutes of the quarterly conference meetings of the Imperial Mission EUB beginning in 1908. The first part of it is written in German. The remaining three volumes record lists of membership, baptisms, weddings, deaths, etc., for 1908-1968. The first two of these volumes contain histories of the church with the second being the more complete.

Series 6 consists of seven volumes of records of the Imperial, Nebraska, Methodist Church from 1902-1977. These volumes contain historical and membership records. In keeping with the national merger, the church’s name had changed to United Methodist Church by 1969. The records were arranged and described as a unit because they were microfilmed together as a single reel.


Series 1 – Chase Evangelical United Brethren Church records, 1930, 1956-1962

Reel 1


    1. 1930, 1956-1962

Series 2 – Lamar-Stateline Quarterly Conferences, 1939-1948

    1. 1939-1946

    1. 1947-1948

Series 3 – Lamar Evangelical United Brethren Church records, 1949-1977

    1. 1949-1962

    1. 1962-1977

Series 4 – Champion Evangelical United Brethren Church records, 1950-1965

    1. 1950-1965

Series 5 – Imperial Evangelical United Brethren Church records, 1899?-1968

    1. Church Record, 1899? (In German)

    1. Quarterly Conferences, 1908-1931

    1. Church Record, 1908-1953

    1. Church Record, 1951-1965

    1. Church Record, 1965-1968

Series 6 – Imperial Methodist Church records, 1902-1977

    1. 1902-1915

    1. 1915-1928

    1. 1930-1947

    1. 1948-1953

    1. 1953-1964

    1. 1964-1972

    1. 1972-1977



Champion (Neb.) — Churches

Chase (Neb.) — Churches

Chase County (Neb.) — Churches

Evangelical United Brethren Church (Champion, Neb.)

Evangelical United Brethren Church (Chase, Neb.)

Evangelical United Brethren Church (Imperial, Neb.)

Evangelical United Brethren Church (Lamar, Neb.)

Imperial (Neb.) — Churches

Lamar (Neb.) — Churches

Methodist Church in Nebraska

Methodist Church (Imperial, Neb.)


Revised 08-14-2008   TMM

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