Nebraska Library Association [RG3528.AM]


RG3528.AM:  Nebraska Library Association

Records:  1895-2011


Size:  33.75 cu.ft.; 54 boxes


The first meeting of the Nebraska Library Association was held at University Hall at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln, on April 22, 1895. There were 15 charter members present at this meeting, and Mrs. Mary L. Jones was elected first president of the organization. The following six meetings were held in Lincoln, but in 1902 the convention was held at the Omaha Public Library, and in 1903, at Fremont. The initial meetings had been held in conjunction with the State Teachers Association, but differing interests prompted the decision in 1902 to hold separate meetings.

Librarians from many of the libraries in the State have served the Association in the capacity of president. Among them were Edith Tobitt, J.I. Wyer, Malcolm Wyer, and Anna Jennings, each of whom held the office for two terms. The early meetings of the association were primarily concerned with library legislation, and in 1901 the group was instrumental in securing the enactment of the law providing for the Nebraska Public Library Commission.

The stated purpose of the Nebraska Library Association, “to promote library interests in the State of Nebraska,” is achieved through an annual meeting, district meetings, and section and committee meetings. In a number of instances, the Nebraska Library Association has met with groups from other states including the Iowa Library Association, the Kansas and Missouri Associations, and similar groups from the Dakotas. In 1930, Nebraska, Iowa, Minnesota, the Dakotas, and Wisconsin met at St. Paul, Wisconsin.


This collection consists of boxes of manuscript material arranged in five series: 1) Correspondence and Special Subject Files, 1920-1963; 2) Organizational Records, 1895-1967; 3) Financial Records, 1895-1960; 4) Scrapbooks; and 5) Unprocessed Material (see inventory).

The collection relates to the activities of the Nebraska Library Association, 1895 to present and to its work in the promotion of library interests and library work in Nebraska.  The bulk of the material consists of correspondence, special subject files, and minutes and membership records. Also included are the financial records of the Association, various scrapbooks, and some unprocessed material.


Series 1 – Correspondence and subject files, 1920-1963

Box 1 (1920-1931)


    1. NLA 1921-22

    1. NLA 1923

    1. NLA 1924

    1. ALA Regional Meeting 1925

    1. NLA Correspondence – 1926

    1. NLA – District Meetings – 1926

    1. NLA 1927

    1. NLA 1928

    1. NLA 1929

    1. NLA Correspondence 1930

    1. NLA Correspondence 1931

    1. Public Library Commission Bulletin 1931-32

    1. NLA Correspondence

Box 2 (Committee Reports & Questionnaire, 1925)


    1. Committee of Five

    1. Committee of Five A

    1. Committee of Five B-C

    1. Committee of Five D-F

    1. Committee of Five G-H

    1. Committee of Five K-M

    1. Committee of Five N-P

    1. Committee of Five R-S

    1. Committee of Five T-Y

Box 3 (1931-1938)


    1. NLA Correspondence 1932-33

    1. NLA Correspondence 1933-35

    1. NLA Constitution

    1. Library Planning

    1. Mailing Lists 1935 NLA

    1. Correspondence 1935-37

    1. Certification of Librarians 1937

    1. Correspondence – NLA – 1937-38

    1. NLA Correspondence 1938

    1. 1938 Correspondence C NLA

    1. Certification & Legislative Committee NLA 1938

    1. Nellie Carey Correspondence 1938 NLA

    1. 1938 Correspondence C-E NLA

    1. Correspondence 1938 Federal Aid NLA

    1. Correspondence 1938 F-G NLA

    1. Correspondence 1938 H-J NLA

    1. Correspondence 1938 K-M NLA

    1. Correspondence 1938 N-P NLA

    1. Correspondence 1938 S-W NLA

    1. Publicity – Kansas City Meeting – ALA – 1938

Box 4 (1937-1939)


    1. Survey – Nebraska Libraries – 1937-39

    1. NLA Treasures Correspondence 1937-39

    1. Agricultural Food Stamp Plan 1939-1940

    1. 1939-NLA Scholarship – Loan Fund Questionnaire

    1. Newsletters of NE Public Library Commissions 1938-39 NLA

    1. Biennial Reports of NE Library Commission NLA

    1. Thomas-Harrison Bill 1938-39

Box 5 (Special Subjects, 1939-1940, A-N (Includes “Friends of NE Libraries,”))


    1. A

    1. B

    1. C

    1. D

    1. E

    1. F

    1. G

    1. I-J

    1. K

    1. L

    1. M

    1. N

Box 6 (Special Subjects, 1939-1941, O-Z)


    1. O

    1. P-Q

    1. R

    1. S

    1. T

    1. W

    1. Correspondence, Mrs. McCarthy, Pres; 1939-40

    1. 1939-40 Exhibition File NLA

    1. Secretary NLA 1940

    1. Correspondence 1940 NLA

    1. Friends of the Libraries 1939-1941

    1. Friends of the Libraries

Box 7 (1940-1941)


    1. Correspondence 1940-1941

    1. Publicity and Miscellaneous 1940 NLA

    1. Correspondence 1941 NLA

    1. ALA 1940-41 NLA

    1. Correspondence 1941 NLA

    1. Acknowledgement & Billings 1941 NLA

    1. Correspondence 1940-1941 NLA

    1. Committees 1941 NLA

    1. ALA 1941-42 NLA

    1. ALA Midwinter 1941 NLA

    1. Trustees – Friends of Nebraska Libraries NLA

Box 8 (1942-1943)


    1. Correspondence – Miscellaneous 1942-43 NLA

    1. Miscellaneous Correspondence 1942 NLA

    1. Alger, Alice Chm. Of Junior Members 1942 NLA

    1. ALA – 1942-43 NLA

    1. Baumer, Bertha Chm. 1942 Local NLA

    1. Bernice Anderson – Secretary 1942-43

    1. Anderson, Laurine Chm. Voluntary Certification 1942

    1. Buck, Kathryn Chm. Friends of the Library 1942

    1. Carey, Nellie NLA 1942

    1. Committees 1942-43 NLA

    1. Crouch – CP 1942 Exhibitors NLA

    1. Gantt, Mrs. Bernice Chm. Children & Young People 1942

    1. Gorder, Helen M., Secretary, 1942 NLA

    1. Hahn, Lillian K., Treasurer, 1942-43

    1. Iowa-Nebraska 1942 Correspondence NLA

    1. Kauffman, Bernice Chm. Publicity 1942

    1. Kramer, Ruth Chm. College Station 1942

    1. Kristoffersen, M.K. – Vice Pres. NLA 1942-43

    1. Lessenhop, Dorothy Chm., Nominating Comm. 1942

    1. Merwin, Eula Chm. Membership 1942 NLA

    1. Nebr. Council of Adult Education 1942 NLA

    1. NLA 1942 Speakers

    1. NLA Legislative Committee 1942

    1. NLA 1942 Membership & Committees

    1. Nebr. Library Assoc. – Vice President 1942 NLA

    1. Nebraska – Scholarship Committee 1942 NLA

    1. Oaster, Mrs. Mildred Chm Adult Education 1942 NLA

    1. Victory Book Campaign

    1. Wickman, Alma Chm. Scholarships 1942 NLA

Box 9 (1942-1943 – Includes “Junior Members Round Table”)


    1. Rutledge 1943-45

    1. Ruth Kraemer, Treasurer 1944

    1. State Convention 1945 MLA

    1. Committees 1943-1944

    1. District Meetings 1944

    1. American Library Association 1944

    1. Junior Members Roundtable 1944-45

Box 10 (1946-1947)


    1. Jan-Mar 1946

    1. Apr-Jun 1946

    1. Jul-Sept 1946

    1. Oct-Dec 1946

    1. Jan-Feb 1947 Correspondence

    1. Mar-Apr 1947 Correspondence

    1. Mat-Jun 1947 Correspondence

    1. Jul-Aug 1947 Correspondence

    1. Sep-Oct 1947 Correspondence

    1. Nov-Dec 1947 Correspondence

    1. Newsletter of Nebr. Public Library Commission 1946-47

    1. Federal Relations 1947

Box 11 (1948)


    1. Jan-Feb 1948 Correspondence

    1. Mar-Apr 1948 Correspondence

    1. May-Jun 1948 Correspondence

    1. Jul-Aug 1948 Correspondence

    1. Sep-Oct 1948 Correspondence

    1. Nov-Dec 1948 Correspondence

    1. Omaha Conference 1948

Box 12 (1949)


    1. Jan-Mar 1949

    1. Apr-May 1949

    1. Jun-Aug 1949

    1. Sep-Dec 1949

    1. Minutes of Meetings 1949

    1. Legislative Resolutions 1948-49

    1. Elections 1949

    1. Women’s Clubs – Federal Relations Committee 1949

    1. ALA Regional Meeting 1949

    1. MLA Legislative Committee 1949

    1. Membership Lists 1949

    1. MLA Personal Committee 1949

    1. Scholarship Committee 1949

    1. Auditing Committee 1950

    1. Trans Mississippi Meeting 1949

    1. Library Services in Nebraska 1949

    1. Federal Relations 1946-49

    1. John Settlemayer File, Pres 1949

    1. Federal Relations File 1946-49

Box 13 (1950)


    1. Jan-Mar 1950

    1. Apr-Jun 1950

    1. Jul-Sept 1950

    1. Oct-Dec 1950

    1. Federal Relations 1950

    1. District Meetings – Lundy 1950

    1. Committees 1950

    1. Planning the Lincoln 1950 Conference

    1. NLA Constitutional Committee 1950

    1. NLA District Meetings 1949-50

    1. Executive Board

    1. Nebr. Library Assoc. of the American Library Association 1949-50

    1. Committee on Nominations 1949-50

    1. Committees on Recruitment, Scholarship, Membership, & Certification

    1. Nebr. Public Library Commission

Box 14 (1951)


    1. NLA Letter Book

    1. Nebraska Library Association., President Kessler

    1. ALA Federal Relations – Kessler

    1. Executive Board – Kessler

    1. Committees – Kessler

    1. District Meeting – Kessler

    1. Annual State Meeting – Kessler – Omaha – Oct 11-13, 1951

    1. Committee Reports 1951 Convention

    1. Addresses 1951

Box 15 (1951-1952)


    1. District Meetings – Old Forms 1952

    1. Executive Board – 1951-52

    1. State Associations not Nebraska 1951-52

    1. State Convention – Kearney Oct 16-18, 1952

    1. District Meetings (Spring) 1952

    1. ALA Midwinter 1952

    1. Committees 1951-52

    1. Correspondence (Reports – Misc) 1951-52

    1. Committee Reports 1952 Convention

    1. Fall Convention 1952

    1. Paradise Flag & Decorating Co. 1952

    1. Federal Relations 1951-52

    1. Committee on Advertising of a State Fair Booth 1951-52

    1. Miscellaneous Correspondence 1952

Box 16 (1952-1953)


    1. Nebraska Library Association Annual Reports 1953

    1. Federal Relations 1952-53

    1. District Meetings

    1. Legislative 1952-53 (LB 457)

    1. Committees (Special) 1952-53

    1. ALA

    1. Correspondence (General)

    1. Convention (1953)

    1. Executive Board

    1. Committee (Convention)

    1. Sections (NLA)

    1. Committees (Standings)

    1. Correspondence 1953

    1. Personal Committee 1953

    1. Ideas, Posters, etc. – Used & Unused 1953 State Fair Exhibits

    1. 1953 State Fair Letters

    1. 1953 State Fair Exhibit Records

Box 17 (1953-1954)


    1. 1954 St. Fair Exhibit

    1. Committees 1953-54

    1. 1953-54 Exhibits Committee

    1. Board Meetings 1953-54

    1. State Meetings 1954

    1. District Meetings 1954

    1. Sections 1954

    1. Loan Fund 1954

    1. Washington Newsletter 1954

    1. NLA Constitutions 1954

    1. Governor’s Lay Leadership Conference on Education

    1. NLA Miscellaneous Correspondence

    1. Miscellaneous Correspondence 1954

Box 18 (Library Directory Questionnaire, 1954)


    1. Library Directory Questionnaires A-B

    1. C-D

    1. E

    1. H-L

    1. M-P

    1. R-Y

Box 19 (1954-1955)


    1. State Convention 1955

    1. Committees & Section Chairmen 1955

    1. District Meetings 1955

    1. Library Services Bill and Washington Newsletter 1955

    1. Loan Fund 1955

    1. ALA – MPLA 1954-55

    1. Whitehorse Conference & Governor’s Conference 1955

    1. Committees 1955

    1. Board Meetings 1954-55

Box 20 (1955-1956)


    1. Exhibits 1955

    1. Library Reorganization 1956

    1. Loan Funds 1956

    1. Mountain Plains LA 1956

    1. Officers, Nominating

    1. Publicity Scrapbook 1956

    1. Resolutions 1955

    1. Rural Reading Conference

    1. Sectional Chairmen & Officers 1955-56

    1. Special Libraries Section

    1. State Meeting 1956

    1. State Meeting Chairmen 1956

    1. State Meeting 1956

    1. State Meeting Hotel 1956

    1. Speakers for State Meeting 1956

    1. State Meeting Programs

    1. Surrey Committee

    1. Library Services Bill

    1. General Correspondence 1956

    1. ALA 1955-56

    1. Committee Appointments 1955-56

    1. Executive Board Meetings

    1. District Meetings

Box 21 1956-1957)


    1. Correspondence

    1. Exhibits Comm 1956-57

    1. Constitution Committee 1957

    1. Convention 1957

    1. Convention 1958

    1. NLA Executive Board Meetings – Minutes

    1. Federal Relations Committee 1957

    1. Personnel Committee 1957

    1. Sections 1957

    1. State Legislative Committee 1957

    1. Survey Committee 1957

    1. Associations Conferences, Representatives, etc. 1957

    1. General Correspondence 1956-57

    1. Nominating Committee 1957

Box 22 (1957-1958)


    1. Nebraska Library Association

    1. Federal Relations Committee, 1957-58

    1. Bills Paid, Letters Received & Written Since NLA Convention Oct. 17, 18 – 1957

    1. Mountain Plains Library Assoc 57-58

    1. Executive Board Minutes 1956-58

    1. Directory

    1. Convention 1957-58

    1. Speakers 1957

    1. Letters Received in 1956

    1. Minutes & Agenda 1956-57 Meetings

    1. Letters Written in 1956

    1. 1956 Minutes of Board Meetings & Convention

    1. Treasurer 1957-58

    1. Survey 1957

    1. 1956 & 1957 Convention Programs

    1. Constitution Committee 1954-58

    1. Resolutions Com 1957

    1. Copies of Letters Written in 1957

    1. Other Letters Received in 1957

    1. Personnel Committee 1957

    1. College Section 1957-58

    1. Children’s Section 1957-58

    1. Certification 1957-58

    1. ALA 1957-58

    1. Public Library Section 1957-58

    1. School Section 1957-58

    1. Council for Better Education 1957-58

    1. Nominating Committee 1957-58

    1. State Legislative Committee 1957-58

    1. Convention 1958

    1. Adult Education 1958

    1. Agenda & Current 1958

Box 23 (1959-1961)


    1. Personnel Committee – Loans & Scholarships – 1950s

    1. Presidents of the NLA – 1895

    1. July-Dec 1960

    1. 1959

    1. Jan-Jun 1960

    1. Committees 1960

    1. Executive Board 1961

    1. MPLA 1960

    1. Jan-March 1961

    1. Apr-Jun 1961

    1. July-Sept 1961

    1. Oct-Dec 1961

    1. Executive Board 1961

    1. Convention 1961

    1. Certificate 1961

    1. Membership Dues 1961

    1. LB 118 1961

    1. Sections 1961

    1. MPLA 1961

    1. Committees 1961

    1. Newsletters to Nebr. Libraries 1961

Box 24 (1962-1963)


    1. Correspondence Jan-March 1962

    1. Correspondence Apr-Jun 1962

    1. Correspondence July-Sept 1962

    1. Correspondence Oct-Dec 1962

    1. State Convention 1962

    1. Executive Board 1962

    1. ALA 1962

    1. Mountain Plains Library Assoc. 1962

    1. Nebr. Council for Better Education 1962

    1. Sections 1962

    1. Committees 1962

    1. District Meetings

    1. NLA Loan Fund

    1. Jan-Jun 1963

    1. Jul-Dec 1963

    1. Newsletters to Nebr. Libraries 1962-63

    1. Board of Committees

    1. NLA/Committees: Nebr. Centennial Reading Club 1967

    1. State Historical Society for Storage

    1. NLA/Committees: Nebraska Council for Better Education

    1. Resolutions 1955-1969

    1. NL Week

    1. District Meeting 1961

Series 2 – Organizational records, 1895-1967

Box 25 (Nebraska Library Association Constitution and handbooks)


    1. Original NLA Meeting 1895

    1. Library Development 1972

    1. NLA 1950 Revised Constitution

    1. Handbooks

    1. Constitution; Bylaws

    1. NLA – Handbook

    1. NLA Directory of Librarians & Handbook of the Assn. 1942

    1. Ink Stamps

Box 26 (Annual Reports, 1960-1976; & NEB Library Assoc. Quarterly, 1970-79)


    1. Directory of College & University Librarians in NE 1967-68

    1. Annual Reports

    1. Convention Programs

    1. Alex Haley Information

    1. 1970 Diamond Anniversary Skit

    1. Convention 1959

Box 27 (State and district meeting programs, 1898-1945)


    1. NLA Programs 1898, 1903-1910

    1. NLA Programs 1911-1920

    1. NLA Programs 1921-1930

    1. NLA Programs 1931-1940

    1. NLA Programs 1941-1950

    1. NLA Programs 1951-1960

    1. NLA Bulletin Vol. 1 No. 1 1944

    1. NLA Programs Vol. 1 No. 2 1944

    1. NLA Programs Vol. 2 No. 1 1945

    1. NLA Bulletin

    1. Miscellaneous Programs

Box 28 (American Library Association, Miscellaneous pamphlets)


    1. Nebr. Miscellaneous Pamphlets & Leaflets

    1. Misc. Pamphlets & Leaflets 1920s

    1. Misc. Pamphlets & Leaflets 1930s

    1. Misc. Pamphlets & Leaflets 1940s

    1. Misc. Pamphlets & Leaflets 1950s

    1. Newsletter 1960s

    1. NFMA

Box 29 (Membership lists and card files, 1909-1961)


    1. Membership Lists 1940s

    1. Membership Lists 1950s

    1. Membership Lists 1960s

    1. Membership Lists – Miscellaneous

    1. Membership Cards

Box 30 (Membership lists and card files, 1961-1979)


    1. Membership Lists

    1. Membership List (Old)

    1. Life Memberships (Honorary)

Box 31 (Membership card files, 1951-1957)


    1. Membership Cards

Box 32


    1. Secretary’s minutes, 1895-1961 (Incl. district meetings & executive board),

    1. Registers, 1895-1948.

    1. College & University section minutes, 1967-1970

Box 33 (Minutes of Board of Directors, 1953-1976)


    1. Board of Directors’ Minutes, 1943-1957

    1. Board of Directors’ Minutes, 1957-1973

    1. Minutes 1960

    1. Executive Board Minutes & Agenda

    1. Annual Reports 1960-1970

Box 34 (Nebraska Library Association Quarterly, 1970-1979)


    1. Publications – NLA Quarterly 1970-1979

Series 3 – Financial records, 1895-1960

Box 35 (1895-1929)


    1. Ledger

    1. Loan Fund Records

    1. Account Book

    1. Receipts – Bills 1928-1929

    1. Receipts – Bills – 1920s

    1. Receipts – Bills – 1920-1927

    1. Receipts for ALA Dues 1915-1926

Box 36 (1930-1939)


    1. Checks, Receipts, Bills – 1930-1935

    1. Bank Statements Receipt Bills 1937-1939

    1. Receipt Books

Box 37 (1940-1946)


    1. NLA Records 1948-49

    1. Receipt Books

Box 38 (1950-1959)


    1. Paid Bills

    1. Other Bills Paid in 1956

    1. 1956 NLA Convention Bills Paid

    1. Letters Received in Regard to Payment of Dues in 1957

    1. 1957 Bills Paid

    1. Bills 1939-40 McCarthy, Pres

    1. NLA Treasurers Report 1958-59

    1. Receipt Books

Box 39 (1951-1959)


    1. Bank Material

    1. Receipt Books

Box 40 (1960-1976)


    1. NLA – Treasurer’s Reports

    1. NLA – Receipts & Statements

    1. Budget & Finance Committee

    1. Treasurer’s Reports

    1. Treasurer’s Reports 1970

    1. Receipt Books

Box 41 (Conventions/Conferences, 1967-1979)


    1. Convention 1967

    1. Convention 1969

    1. Convention 1970

    1. Convention 1971

    1. Convention 1972

    1. Convention 1973

    1. Convention 1974

    1. Nebraska Library Year 1971

    1. Governor’s Conference on Libraries 1976

    1. 1979 White House Conference & Pre-White House Conf.

    1. President’s File 1962-1969

Box 42 (Annual Reports, 1960-1967; Newsletters, 1948-1969)


    1. Annual Reports

    1. NLA Development Comm.

    1. NPLC Newsletter

    1. Correspondence 1972-73

    1. Minutes

    1. Neb. Lib. Assn.

    1. Nebraska Library Assoc.

    1. College & University Section NLA

    1. Nebraska Library Commission

Series 4 – Scrapbooks


    1. 1937-1942

    1. 1947-1948

    1. 1969

Series 5 – Unprocessed

Box 43


    1. 1996 Spring Meeting Proceedings

    1. Treasurer’s Reports

    1. Correspondence

    1. Committees Legislative 1984-87

    1. Editorial/NLAQ

    1. Auditing

    1. Continuing Education

    1. Committee & Lists

    1. Nat’l Library Week

    1. NLA NMRT to be Archived

Box 44


    1. National Library Week in Nebraska, 1966 – Notebook, Sections I & II

    1. National Library Week in Nebraska, 1966 – Notebook, Section III

    1. National Library Week in Nebraska, 1966 – Notebook, Sections IV-VI

    1. National Library Week in Nebraska, 1966 – Notebook, Sections VII-VIII

    1. National Library Week in Nebraska, 1968 – Scrapbook, Part 1

    1. National Library Week in Nebraska, 1968 – Notebook, Part 2

    1. National Library Week in Nebraska, 1968 – Notebook, Part 3

Box 45


    1. 1983 Spring Meeting Proceedings

    1. NLA Bylaws (Revised 1982)

    1. Mission Statement & Bylaws (1986)

    1. Misc. Correspondence

    1. NLA Conventions

    1. Membership Co., 1991

    1. Membership Co., 1986

    1. Louise Nixon Scholarship Fund 1991-1992

    1. Loan Fund 1986-1990

    1. Humanities Grant 1986

    1. Nebraska Library Assn. Auditing Committee 1980-87

    1. Budget & Asset Reports 1985-1991

    1. Asset & Budget Reports 1991, 1992-3, 1993 Ledger

    1. Ledger 1970-1984

    1. Ledger 1984-1986

    1. Ledgers 1986-1991

Box 46


    1. Citation Committee Records 1963-1964

    1. Citation Committee Records 1967-1969

    1. Citation Committee Records 1970-71

    1. Citation Committee Records 1972-74

    1. Citation Committee Records 1975-76

    1. Citation Committee Records 1977-79

    1. Citation Committee Records 1980-81

    1. Citation Committee Records 1982-84

    1. Citation Committee Records 1985-86

    1. Citation Committee Records 1987-88

    1. Citation Committee Records 1989

Box 47


    1. Nebraska Library Assoc. – College & University Section

    1. NLA Fall Conventions

    1. College & University Federation Report 1972

    1. College & University Membership Directories 1971-1993

    1. C & U Minutes – Pat Hughes

    1. Spring Meeting Details

    1. 1988 Spring Meeting

    1. NLA College & University – 1988 Spring & Fall Conventions

    1. Meeting Proceedings

    1. Nebraska Library Assoc. Fall Conference Programs

Box 48


    1. ALA Council Reports – 1977-1997

    1. Biennial NE Corp. Fee

    1. Executive Sec. 1970-1989

    1. Ad Hoc Committee – Evaluation & Organizational Struction – Exec. Direc.

    1. Exec. Director – Turnbull, Resignation 1990-1992 Appointment

    1. Oyer, Ken – 1993-1995

    1. Exec. Director – Davis, Burns Reports 1994-1997

    1. Lobbyist – Ayres, Joe, Reports 1983-1986

    1. Lobbyist – Ayres, Joe, Contract 1983

    1. Lobbyist – Moody, Randall (Randy) Job Description, Contract 1987-1995

    1. Program Planning Handbook Spring Meeting, Fall Convention 1987-89

    1. Annual Convention Manual NLA/NEMA Revisited 1994

    1. Libraries for the 21st Century Contracts/Correspondence

    1. Libraries for the 21st Century 1996-97

    1. IDS Account 1991-94

    1. Finance Committee 1989-95

    1. Treasurer’s Report 1990

    1. Treasurer’s Report 1991

    1. Treasurer’s Report 1992

    1. Treasurer’s Report 1993

    1. Treasurer’s Report 1994

    1. Treasurer’s Report 1995

    1. Treasurer’s Report 1996

    1. Section Allocations 1992-96

    1. NLA College & University Section

    1. Paraprofessional Section (Round Table 1989-92)

    1. Paraprofessional Roundtable – Bylaws

    1. Public Library Section – Reports Annual –1989-Oct1998

    1. NLA – Trustees, Users, Friends Reports

    1. Technical Services Roundtable (TSRT (1994-1997

    1. By-Laws Committee 1990-1997

    1. Citation Committee 1990-2000

    1. Continuing Education 1990-99]

    1. STAR Reference Manual (Continuing Education Cmte)

    1. Editorial Committee 1992-1999

    1. Intellectual Freedom Committee, 1990-1998

    1. Legislative Committee 1990. 1992-97

    1. Membership Committee 1990-95, 98-99

    1. Nominating Committee 1990-99

    1. Personnel Committee 1983-1990

    1. Publicity Committee 1993-1999

    1. Scholarship Committee 1991-99

    1. Ad Hoc Committee – Future Convention Sites 1993-1995

    1. Ad Hoc Committee – Handbook 1998

    1. Ad Hoc Committee – Ill Code Revision 1970, 71, 90

    1. Ad Hoc Committee – Publications Review 1995-96

Box 49


    1. Texas – whclis 91

    1. Nebraska Library Association Special & Institutional Section 1938-1994 Conference & Spring Meetings

    1. SP Award Grants, Elections, Misc. 1986-1990

    1. Special and Institutional Section – NLA – 1985-1998 Workshops & Activities

    1. 1970-78 Special Institutional Libraries Section

    1. S & I Section Correspondence

    1. Goals/Objectives/Purpose Statements

    1. New Members Round Table – Newsletter “The Starting Line”

    1. New Members Round Table – Mentor of the Year Awards

    1. New Members Round Table – Grassroots Award 1981-1994

    1. New Members Round Table – Beginning Professional Award

    1. NE/NMRT Secretary’s Notebook Executive Meeting’s Minutes Official Documents

    1. New Members Round Table – Activities and Correspondence

    1. New Members Roundtable (NMRT)

    1. Junior Members Round Table – Treasurer RPTS

    1. Junior Members Round Table – Officers

    1. 1983-1989 JMRT

    1. Directory Update – 1987 – 1988 NSHS

    1. JMRT 1979-1989 Minutes – Organization of Round Table

    1. JMRT Reports 1981-88 Incomplete

    1. Junior Members Round Table (pre New Members Round Table) Constitution & Bylaws.

Box 50


    1. NLA-Meetings, 1984 Spring Mtgs

    1. NLA – Spring ’85 Meeting (Milford) Boys Town

    1. NLA – Meetings 1986

    1. NLA – Spring Meeting ‘87

    1. NLA – Meetings (Spring 1989)

    1. Institutes – 1916, 1927, 1930 (Fall)

    1. NLA Meetings 1912-1940 Convention

    1. NLA Meetings 1941 – 1959 Fall Convention

    1. Convention 1959 Omaha

    1. Convention 60

    1. Convention 68

    1. Convention 70

    1. Convention 71

    1. Convention 72

    1. Convention 73

    1. Convention 74

    1. Convention 68-76

    1. Conventions 1977

    1. Convention 78

    1. Convention 79

    1. Convention 80

    1. Convention 81

    1. Convention 82

    1. Convention 83

    1. Convention 84

    1. Convention 85

Box 51


    1. NLAQ – Historical Value

    1. NLAQ Printing Bids

    1. Nebraska Library Year 1971

    1. Nominating Committee

    1. Personnel Committee

    1. Publicity Committee & National Library Week

    1. CSU Directories & Prog

    1. College & University Section – General Info 1963 – 1989

    1. College & University Section

    1. Para-Professional (Formation)

    1. Public Libraries Section

    1. School, Children, & Young People’s Section

    1. Special & Institutional

    1. Trustees Section

    1. Will Workshop

    1. JMRT

    1. JMRT Survey of Jobs 1986

    1. Loans

    1. National Library Week

    1. Nebraska Librarians – Directories

    1. Nebraskans for Libraries = PAC

    1. Networking

    1. Postal Information

    1. Student Librarian’s Assn.

    1. Union College – Computer Ctr.

    1. White House Conference WHCLIST

    1. NLA – Executive Board Treasurer 1969 & Previous Yrs

    1. Treasurer Report 1980-1989

    1. Agenda 1980

    1. Agenda 1981-82

    1. Agenda 1983-84

    1. Agenda 1985-86

    1. Reports 1922, 23, 25, 26, 43, 50, 60, 63, & 64

    1. Annual Reports ’66-67, 67-68, 87, 89

Box 52


    1. Convention 1986

    1. Convention 1987

    1. Columbus NLA Convention ‘87

    1. NLA Convention 1987

    1. Convention 88

    1. Convention 89

    1. NLA Meetings Fall ‘89

    1. MAP – Locations of Spring Meetings 1932-1945

    1. District Meetings – 1926, 32, 34, 35 (Spring)

    1. NLA Meetings, 1941-60 Clippings 1961 Spring District Mtgs

    1. NLA Meetings, 1960-69 Spring Mtgs

    1. NLA – Meetings, 1970-77 Spring Meetings

    1. Goals & Objectives (NLA)

    1. Committees

    1. Constitution Committee 50, 62-66, 79

    1. NLA/C.E. Committee 83-86

    1. Finance Committee

    1. Nebraska – Friends of the Library Pre-1940

    1. Nebraska – Friends of the Library 1940

    1. Nebraska – Friends of the Library 1941

    1. Nebraska – Friends of the Library 1942

    1. Nebraska – Friends of the Library 1943

    1. Nebraska – Friends of the Library 1945

    1. Golden Sower Committee

    1. Intellectual Freedom Cmte 1970-1983

    1. Intellectual Freedom – Memorandum

    1. Intellectual Freedom Handbook

    1. Intellectual Freedom Handbook ALA and Other States

    1. Legislative Committee

    1. Membership Records, Committee

    1. NLAQ Planning

    1. NLAQ Costs

    1. NLAQ Claims

    1. NLAQ Editorial Committee

Box 53


    1. Board Meetings 1966-73

    1. Board of Directors Minutes 10/31/79 – 10/30/80

    1. Board of Directors, Meetings

    1. Board of Director’s Meetings – Duplicates of Hist. Soc. Records

    1. Board of Directors – Minutes 11/80 – 11/81

    1. Board of Directors – Minutes 11/81-11/82

    1. Board of Directors – Minutes 1983

    1. Board of Directors 1984

    1. Board of Directors 1985

    1. Board of Directors 1986

    1. Board of Directors 1987

    1. Board of Directors 1988

    1. Board of Directors 1989

    1. Budgets 1964-89

    1. Bylaws 1968 & Before

    1. Bylaws 1976

    1. Bylaws 1976-80, 81, 82, 92

    1. NLC Contracts 1974

    1. NLA – Handbooks

    1. Handbook

    1. Handbook – Correspondence

    1. NLA – Handbooks on Intellectual Freedom

    1. Continuing Library Education

    1. Correspondence – General

    1. Governor’s Conference

    1. Lets Talk About It

    1. Library Development Survey, 1961

    1. Library Development Project 1971

Box 54 (added Feb. 2012)


    1. NLA Annual Meeting minutes, 1993-2005

    1. NLA Annual Meeting minutes, 2006-2010

    1. NLA Officers and Contracts, 2002-2004/5

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2002, Nov. 7 – 2003, Mar. 21

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2003, July 11-Nov. 21

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2004, Jan. 30-Sept. 10

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2004, Nov. 12 – 2005, Mar. 4

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2005, June 10-Nov. 4

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2006, Jan. 6-June 2

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2006, Sept. 8-Nov. 17

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2007, Jan. 12-June 8

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2007, Sept. 12 – 2008, Mar. 14

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2008, June 20-Nov. 21

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2009, Jan. 6-Dec. 4

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2010, Jan. 29-June 11

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2010, Sept. 17-Dec. 10

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2011, Feb. 4-June 17

    1. NLA Board Meeting minutes, 2011, Sept. 16-Nov. 18

    1. NLA misc.


JEP/cr                     08-12-1970

DTB/kfk                   03-01-2002

Updated TMM        02-28-2012

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About NSHS

The Nebraska State Historical Society was founded in 1878 by citizens who recognized Nebraska was going through great changes and they sought to record the stories of both indigenous and immigrant peoples. It was designated a state institution and began receiving funds from the legislature in 1883. Legislation in 1994 changed NSHS from a state institution to a state agency. The division is headed by Director Daryl Bohac. They are assisted by an administrative staff responsible for financial and personnel functions, museum store services, security, and facilities maintenance for NSHS.

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