Nebraska State Bar Association [RG1264.AM]


RG1264.AM: Nebraska State Bar Association

Programs, publications, etc.: 1876-1960; mostly 1930s-1950s
Nebraska: Professional organization
Size: One box


The first official constitution and by-laws for the Nebraska State Bar Association were adopted on January 6, 1876. The constitution stated that the object of the Association was “to maintain a high standard of professional integrity among the members of the Nebraska Bar, to cultivate social intercourse and courtesy among them; to encourage a thorough and liberal legal education, and to assist in the improvement of the Law and the due administration of justice to all classes of society without distinction.” S.H. Calhoun served as the first president of the Nebraska State Bar Association.


This collection consists of one box of documents relating to the Nebraska State Bar Association. The first folder contains various historical documents transferred from the Vertical Files collection. These items include the constitution and by-laws of the organization, as well as various programs, menus, etc. The remainder of the collection consists of biographical information and background research compiled by the Nebraska State Bar Association ca. 1999-2000 on the first one hundred women lawyers in Nebraska.

Note: The moving image component of the collection [RG1264.MI] consists of videocassettes of oral history interviews and discussions, 1996-1998, with John T. Grant, Leslie Boslaugh, Hale McCown, Roman L. Hruska, Frank B. Morrison, Carl T. Curtis, William C. Hastings, C. Thomas White, and Norman M. Krivosha. Each tape runs approximately sixty minutes. See also the Library Catalog for additional publications by the Nebraska State Bar Association.


Box 1

  1. Historical items, including:
    Constitution and by-laws of the Nebraska State Bar Association adopted January 6, 1876, including a list of officers and members
    “A Letter from the Special Committee on Bar Integration,” ca. 1935
    Program of the 39th Annual Meeting of the Nebraska State Bar Association held at the Hotel Cornhusker, Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 28-29, 1938
    Menu from the 40th Annual Dinner of the Nebraska State Bar Association held at the Hotel Fontenelle, Omaha, Neb., Dec. 27, 1939
    Program of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Nebraska State Bar Association held at the Hotel Paxton, Omaha, Neb., Nov. 13-14, 1952
    Program of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Nebraska State Bar Association held at the Hotel Paxton, Omaha, Neb., Nov. 13-14, 1952 (2nd copy)
    Program of the Nebraska State Bar Association’s 14th Annual Institute on Federal Tax Law held at the Elks Club, Alliance, Neb., Dec. 10-11, 1956; Hotel Yancey, Grand Island, Neb., Dec. 12-13, 1956; and Hotel Paxton, Omaha, Neb., Dec. 14-15, 1956
    Letter from NSBA secretary George H. Turner to the Nebraska State Historical Society, Sept. 12, 1960
  2. “A Celebration of Legal Pioneers: The First 100 Women Lawyers in Nebraska,” in conjunction with the NSBA Centennial Committee, July 28, 2000, Brownville, Nebraska
  3. First 100 Women Lawyers, introductory materials
  4. First 100 Women Lawyers, research, Allen-Buell
  5. First 100 Women Lawyers, research, Burbridge-Gray
  6. First 100 Women Lawyers, research, Gregory-Lovewell
  7. First 100 Women Lawyers, research, Madeen-Potter
  8. First 100 Women Lawyers, research, Price-Zeiser
  9. First 100 Women Lawyers, drafts, notes, correspondence and working papers
  10. First 100 Women Lawyers, drafts, notes, correspondence and working papers
  11. First 100 Women Lawyers, drafts, notes, correspondence and working papers

Subject headings:

Associations — Nebraska
Bar Associations
Judges — Nebraska
Law — History
Lawyers — Nebraska — Associations
Nebraska State Bar Association

Allen, Grace G., 1890-1968
Anderson, Penelope (Hamilton), 1898-1967
Baldwin, Sara (Mullin), 1899-1970
Ballard, Grace, 1877-1939
Barrow, Zelma (Derry), 1910-2001
Beckman, Edith, 1896-1966
Berger, Verda (Vallier) Johnson, 1902-1977
Billings, Addie (Stephenson), 1858-1948
Bittenbender, Ada (Cole), 1848-1925
Brennan, Mary T., 1863-1948
Bryan, Mary Elizabeth (Baird), 1861-1930
Buell, Irene C. (Cox), 1874-1956
Burrows, Maude (Marsten), 1864-1938
Byron, Elizabeth (Goldner), 1883-1966
Carnes, Mary J. (Burke), 1859-1952
Cate, Mary Agnes (Kahler), 1913-1993
Davisson, Ettella Mae, 1871-1952
Dellinger, Grace F. (Grosvenor), 1905-1975
Dobry, Pearl (Demary), 1907-1985
Duffy, Margaret Jeanette (Regan), 1898-1958
Elliott, Dorothy (Exon), 1899-1987
Evans, Stella (Bedford) Wilson, 1877-1934
Failor, Olive Gillmor, 1873-1936
Finn, Mona (Cowell), 1893-1976
Fischer, Margaret Ruth, 1906-1989
Goos, Margaret E., 1896-1989
Graham, Eva, 1898-1976
Grandy, Jessi P., 1887-
Gray, Vesta, 1871-1954
Green, Bertha B. (Stull), 1873-1933
Grimison, Anna (Dworak), 1860-1940
Haack, Emmeline (Ferris), 1903-1997
Hafer, Charlotte Alida “Lyda,” 1886-1972
Hall, Kate M.
Hall, Margaret (Gettys), 1901-1980
Hannan, Eva, 1901-1982
Harrison, Mary K. (Quigley), 1914-1999
Harvey, Florence (Maple), 1893-1943
Herney, Marie M., 1908-1984
Hill, Zanzye H.A., 1909-1935
Holeman, Alice (Matson), 1888-1963
Janes, Bessie M., 1884-
Killian, Agnes C., 1904-1973
Kneisler, Helen M. (Goff), 1870-1930
Knudsen, Lorene (Lindburg), 1896-1983
Kucera, Lilyan (Pospichal), 1903-1986
Latham, Leona Irene, 1884-1971
Leamy, Mary Jessie, 1898-1974
Long, Mathilde J. (Kinneberg), 1878-1945
Lovewell, Edna Myrtle, 1900-1940
Ludvigsen, Helena (Gebuhr), 1909-1999
Lyman, Julia (Batterson), 1876-
Madeen, Emma, 1870-1947
McCammon, Bernice F. (Peterson), 1908-
McElroy, Vera (Chamberlin), 1911-1984
McGerr, Grace M., 1900-1990
McGerr, Helen, 1898-1973
McKie, Leola M. (Jensen), 1907-1980
McMillen, Audrey Mae (Gregory), 1907-1988
Miller, Dora (Nelson), 1893-1979
Minick, Alice (Lockwood), 1844-1939
Mirviss, Lillian (Margolin), 1902-1985
Morrison, Imogene M. (Steinmeier), 1912-2013
Mullen, Mary Agnes, 1891-1980
Neuhaus, Clara Ruth (Mozzer), 1892-
Nix, Beatrice (Montgomery) Sattler, 1899-1941
O’Brien, Ada, 1901-
O’Donnell, Phoebe J. (Mullen), 1881-1948
O’Donnell, Rose Marie, 1913-
O’Linn, Frances “Fannie” (Brainard), 1848-1926
Orcutt, May (Chaddock), 1861-1924
Osborn, Irene (Huffington), 1892-1989
Parsons, Elisabeth, 1885-1968
Potter, Virginia (Mancuso), 1912-2002
Radke, Magdeline (Craft), 1893-1964
Regan, Lucille C., 1908-1978
Richardson, Nellie (Moore), 1851-1919
Sawyer, Winona (Branch), 1847-1939
Shamp, Gladys Juanita, 1896-1986
Sherman, Helen (McFarland), 1912-1998
Simpson, Grace, 1885-1966
Skaggs, Myrtle Helen, 1911-1952
Smith, Evelyn M. (Hanna), 1911-
Spencer, Eva L. (Watts), 1897-1965
Sullivan, Effie (Cover), 1894-1982
Tyler, Joyce Elizabeth (Rodgers), 1905-2000
Urbach, Theodosia (Trehearne), 1886-1972
Vanauken, Ruth (Comstock), 1902-1981
Virak, Millie (Blihovde), 1888-1968
Wake, Martha (Miesner), 1902-1992
Wild, Josephine (Murphy), 1880-1963
Wilson, Zara A. (Mahurin), 1840-
Winterton, Bertha (Schick), 1873-1928
Wright, Elfleda E.
Zeiser, Florence, 1888-1945

Revised TMM 07-24-2009; 05-14-2012; 02-04-2019

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