RG5059.AM: North Nebraska Conference Seminary (Central City, Nebraska)
Records: 1884-1892
Central City, Merrick County, Nebraska
Size: 1 volume
The North Nebraska Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church held its third annual meeting at Blair, Nebraska, September 10-15, 1884. It was at this meeting that the organization stated its desire to establish a Methodist seminary to promote Christian education. In November of 1884, several towns, including Fullerton, Norfolk and Central City, put in bids with the Conference to establish the seminary in their communities. The Conference reviewed the bids and on December 9, 1884, they selected Central City as the location for their seminary. Construction of the seminary building at Central City was completed in 1886. The seminary remained open for about ten years before financial difficulties forced it to close.
The Nebraska Society of Friends purchased the seminary in 1896. By 1899 they reopened the school as Nebraska Central Academy. After several years they changed the name to Nebraska Central College. The Society of Friends operated the college until 1953 when declining enrollment forced them to close. Calvary Life College used the campus for several years until Nebraska Christian Schools purchased the campus in 1958. Nebraska Christian Schools continues to operate as a private Christian K-12 school.
This collection contains one volume, the “Record of the Board of Trustees” of the North Nebraska Conference Seminary of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1884-1892. The volume includes minutes of board meetings and a short history of the inception of the institution.
Note: For records relating to Nebraska Central College, see RG3639.AM.
Subject headings:
Christian education
Methodist Episcopal Church
North Nebraska Conference Seminary (Central City, Nebraska)
Religious education
KFK 06-28-2000
Revised TMM 05-12-2018